Sixteen years ago today


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Did we forget already? The 9-11 terrorists were finalizing their five or six year plan. The CIA was having a typical bureaucratic day pushing paper around and the FBI was doing the same. Newly elected George W. Bush was planning a trip to Texas to visit school kids and a couple of frantic FBI agents were trying to get the bureaucratic monster to consider possibility of another attack on the World Trade Center. If George W. Bush made any mistakes, the most egregious ones were not firing every bureaucratic Clinton appointed drone. After 9-11 happened there was practically no criticism of the "intelligence network" and nobody went to jail for criminal negligence. The government doesn't always get it right but they are absolutely the best at covering their own asses. The acting Clinton A.G. who issued an order preventing the CIA from sharing intelligence with the FBI or face criminal charges about six month before 9-11, was appointed to the investigative board rather than being a target of the investigation.
The government SELDOM gets ANYTHING right. Incompetence is government's middle name. The consequences are deadly.
Government sponsored "investigations" are usually examples of CYA on steroids. The Warren Commission into the assassination of JFK did it's best to cover up the question of whether Oswald was a tool of the CIA. Why else would he have been welcomed back to the U.S. after renouncing his citizenship? The Waco hearings were nothing more than efforts to cover the Clinton Administration and the profound ineptness of the Federal Cops from charges of criminal negligence. The 9-11 investigation did it's best to shelter the Clinton administration from criticism and deflect criticism from the so-called "intelligence agencies" who had the responsibility of protecting the people of the United States. It should be noted that the former Clinton NSA, Sandy Berger, became a thief stealing documents from the National Archives and neither the federal government nor the liberal media was the least bit interested in what he took and why he took it. All they wanted to do was bury the story as fast as they could.

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