75,000 years ago today

Ancient Aliens has a lot of people who watch. Conspiracy theorists. I'm sure plenty of them vote for Trump

Leftists watch that dreck. Conservatives are too busy working.
Oh, we can. We simply use machines to do it where as in the past they used largely brute force.

No, there are structures on Elephant Island that we can't replicate.

We could design and build the machinery to do it, but there is zero chance that they were done by hand.

They are so precise, and with multiple angles, and curves, that are all perfectly ground, that it would take a CNC mill to replicate.
Leftists watch that dreck. Conservatives are too busy working.
I'm actually seeing a connection between people who believe Fox News and them being conspiracy theorists. A lot of people who believe in UAP's also believe Michele was a man, Obama was born in Kenya, the vaccine and global warming are hoaxes and the 2020 election was stolen from Trump

A bipartisan group of House lawmakers claim the intelligence community is concealing information about unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) and scuttling attempts to release the information to the public.

The group of congressional leaders, led by Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla., said the Pentagon and other agencies needed to grant Congress, as well as the American people, more answers to the unidentified objects, some of which have been observed flying in ways that appear impossible with current technology.
Oh, we can. We simply use machines to do it where as in the past they used largely brute force.
There are many examples of ancient buildings as well as artifacts we cannot replicate even with our latest technology. For example there sites with walls constructed with massive irregular boulders weighing as much as 200 tons that fit together air tight with no mortar. How would we do that with machines? Furthermore why would primitive people make the enormous investment in labor to build these massive structures only with primitive tools? There is no evidence of heavy machinery or technology at any of the ancient sites.
There are many examples of ancient buildings as well as artifacts we cannot replicate even with our latest technology. For example there sites with walls constructed with massive irregular boulders weighing as much as 200 tons that fit together air tight with no mortar. How would we do that with machines? Furthermore why would primitive people make the enormous investment in labor to build these massive structures only with primitive tools? There is no evidence of heavy machinery or technology at any of the ancient sites.
One theory is that we've had several great societies rise and fall. So maybe the people got really good at that but then some other country invaded, took them over, wiped them out and inslaved them, thus wiping out all that knowledge. I believe this has happened in China and during the time of Alexander

Between 270 and 275 AD, Alexandria saw a Palmyrene invasion and an imperial counterattack that probably destroyed whatever remained of the Library, if it still existed. It was established in 285 BC?

The earliest recorded archive of written materials comes from the ancient Sumerian city-state of Uruk in around 3400 BC, when writing had only just begun to develop.[14] Scholarly curation of literary texts began in around 2500 BC.

All this knowledge gone.
Leftists watch that dreck. Conservatives are too busy working.
I'll give you 2 great examples to prove my point. Who on these boards is pushing RFK Jr.? He's a conspiracy theorist but Republicans seem to like him.

And Trump not only said Obama was born in Kenya, he also said Bush lied us into Iraq. Now I believe that's true but you probably believe that's a conspiracy theorist. Well who the fuck do you think Trump was preying on when he ran for president? Conspiracy theorists..
One theory is that we've had several great societies rise and fall. So maybe the people got really good at that but then some other country invaded, took them over, wiped them out and inslaved them, thus wiping out all that knowledge. I believe this has happened in China and during the time of Alexander

Between 270 and 275 AD, Alexandria saw a Palmyrene invasion and an imperial counterattack that probably destroyed whatever remained of the Library, if it still existed. It was established in 285 BC?

The earliest recorded archive of written materials comes from the ancient Sumerian city-state of Uruk in around 3400 BC, when writing had only just begun to develop.[14] Scholarly curation of literary texts began in around 2500 BC.

All this knowledge gone.
It seems pretty clear to me that there were empires that relied heavily on slave labor to create these structures. Otherwise the people would be too busy just providing for their own survival. It also seems that these empires somehow acquired the knowledge to create things far beyond where they were in the human development timeline. And then all that knowledge vanishes, not in just one instance but at many sites all over the world.
The controversial Toba catastrophe theory, presented in the late 1990s to early 2000s, suggested that a bottleneck of the human population occurred approximately 75,000 years ago, proposing that the human population was reduced to perhaps 10,000–30,000 individuals when the Toba supervolcano in Indonesia erupted

That reminds me. The precise age of the pyramids of Giza has long been debated because, until now, there has been little evidence to prove when the pyramids were built. Some people think the great pyramid was built over 10,000 years ago by aliens.

The Great Pyramid and surrounding pyramids at the Giza complex are much older than 4500 years old, as Egyptologists claim. New research, conducted by scientists free to think outside of the box, agree that this figure isn’t right.

Get this. We always thought the shitty small pyramids were older but the great pyramid is actually much older. The smaller shitty ones are our best attempt at replicating the great pyramid.

There is so much we don't know about humans 1 million years ago - 5000 years ago. Homer was 800 years before Christ.

There are earlier examples of Greek writing, but it’s almost all bureaucratic records and details of trade. There was almost certainly literature, but it was either entirely oral or it’s been lost.

Chinese writing 5000 years ago. So we only know about the last 5000 years really. Before that is a blur. Floods. Oral history. I'm fascinated with this time in human history. 5000-75,000 years ago. My god. But I bet you people 70,000 years ago were pretty much just like they are today. Most humans today. We all like to take credit for all the human inventions we have but really what separates us from them? A college degree? Because we know how to use a smart phone? Or spell? My parents always said we are only a couple steps out of the cave. And how many of us can say our grandparents were farmers? How much different is a farmer today a farmer 15,000 years ago?
Nah, they are about 4500 years old. Anyone who believes otherwise is daft. A good system of writing and math had to be in place. These things simply were not around before that time.
Nah, they are about 4500 years old. Anyone who believes otherwise is daft. A good system of writing and math had to be in place. These things simply were not around before that time.
Yea but there may have been a "good system of math" in place long before them. But some warring tribe who was dumber but tougher wiped them out and all that knowledge was wiped out too.

Scientists Are Investigating Signs of Ancient Human Civilization Underwater​

An underwater "Stonehenge" stretches for miles under a lake in Europe.

Archaeologists are trying to piece together the mystery of an underwater trail of ancient rock piles, or cairns, that stretch for miles under the shimmering waters of Lake Constance, a glacial lake that lies between Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, and which appear to have been made by humans who lived some 5,500 years ago, according to a 2021 study.

The huge cairns have attracted public attention and expert debate ever since they were first discovered in 2015

A team led by Urs Leuzinger, an archaeologist at the Museum of Archaeology of the Canton of Thurgau, have amassed compelling evidence that the rock formations were made by humans who lived in the area during the Neolithic period.

Several species of humans have intermittently occupied Great Britain for almost a million years. The earliest evidence of human occupation around 900,000 years ago

Stonehedge is 8000 years old? Are we SURE of that? And even if we are,

There is evidence from bones and flint tools found in coastal deposits near Happisburgh in Norfolk and Pakefield in Suffolk that a species of Homo was present in what is no New Britain at least 814,000 years ago. At this time, Southern and Eastern Britain were linked to continental Europe by a wide land bridge (Doggerland) allowing humans to move freely. The species itself lived before the ancestors of Neanderthals split from the ancestors of Homo sapiens 600,000 years ago.

The Great Pyramid may be a lot older than we think. And the architects may not be who you think. Stonehenge? Great Pryramid? How did primitive man build these things back then? We weren't that smart.
There wasn't. Else the progression we saw start 5000 years ago would just have started then.
I told you their knowledge was wiped out. A tougher but dumber tribe wiped out the smarter tribe. It happened for 1 million years. How do we know this? We don't. All that knowledge is gone. We see this happened in Alexander's time and the great Ming Dynasties. I can't remember the exact history I saw it on The Cosmos. How several great societies with a lot of knowledge were wiped out.

If the ancient egyptians built the pyramids and stonehedge was unexplainable, how come the people who did that amazing shit went backwards as far as intelligence?

You're too confident on stuff you don't know for sure. Coming off as arrogant with a hint of ignorance. Confidence about shit you shouldn't be confident about.

I'm not trying to be a conspiracy theories but I'm keeping an open mind. Like, are we sure the great pyramid was built last? It may not only be older than we think, it may have come before the smaller shittier pyramids. That would suggest a smarter creature built the Great Pyramid first and those shitty ones are our best interpretation of it later. We think it's the other way around but we aren't sure. But we think YOU are right. Don't be cocky about it. You could be wrong.
Hahaha, not there aren't. Not a single one.
One think you are proving. On another thread I asked "who's more prone to swallow conspiracy theoriest, rigthies or lefties?" Or "who mostly watches Ancient Aliens righties or lefties.

You don't seem to go for conspiracy theories.

Me? I love them. Did we land on the moon? I wouldn't bet my life on it. Lots of things make me go hmmm.
There are many examples of ancient buildings as well as artifacts we cannot replicate even with our latest technology. For example there sites with walls constructed with massive irregular boulders weighing as much as 200 tons that fit together air tight with no mortar.

Oh, you mean like the Incans?

We know exactly how they did it, is no mystery at all. The same way the Greeks and Romans did it.




We know how those other people did them, because we know how the Greeks and Romans did it. And to be honest, it always strikes me as more than a tad racist when people just jump to "Aliens" when some culture other than Europeans are able to accomplish the same feats of engineering.

There are multiple ways to recreate that kind of walls, it only requires the desire to do it.

Hell, and here you are talking about 200 ton stones. The Romans without tools much more advanced than the Egyptians were moving and raising stones of over 1,000 tons. SO what is so impossible about moving 200 ton stones, when with almost the exact same tools the Romans were doing it with stones 5 to 8 times as massive?
One theory is that we've had several great societies rise and fall. So maybe the people got really good at that but then some other country invaded, took them over, wiped them out and inslaved them, thus wiping out all that knowledge. I believe this has happened in China and during the time of Alexander

Alexander never made it to China.

But yes, quite often for various reasons technologies and techniques are forgotten. Either from internal, or from external reasons.

Quite often in the past, it was likely religious. The "pyramid" was actually a very old concept in Egypt, even the oldest tombs have the basics of that in their construction. But prior to the 4th dynasty they were always subterranean. Essentially dig a pit, build the pyramid shape inside, then cover it up.

And in the Third Dynasty, that changed to the earliest surface pyramids. With several built that in essence were failures, like the Step Pyramid, the Buried Pyramid, and the Layer Pyramid. Then in the Forth Dynasty we had the Bent Pyramid, Meidoum's Pyrramid, and the Rhomboidal Pyramid. And finally after all those failures the Egyptians finally got it right with the Red Pyramid.

And that continued into the Sixth Dynasty, when collapse and upheaval put an end to pyramid building. And by the Seventh Dynasty Egypt once again returned so putting their rulers into tombs in the ground.

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