SJW's have ruined Movies/TVseries

Is there an entity bankrolling modern film producers to cover and insure all of their losses?

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It could be a factor of the poor product coming out of hollywood.
There were some good movies up for Best Picture....1917, The Irishman, Marriage Story, Ford vs Ferrari, To Live and Die in Hollywood

Have no idea what Parasite was

I've barely heard of three of them. Hollywood has really driven me away. And I used to love to go to the movies. And I have the income to take my family or friends on a regular basis.

And I don't because they have spent decades working hard to drive me away.

Good movies that even a Conservative could love.
Hardly the material of Social Justice

You don’t go because you are too cheap

The Irishman and Marriage Story were on Netflix, both excellent movies

You miss the point. You, now meaning the social justice warriors of Hollywood, spend a couple of decades insulting me, and lecturing me, and I stop giving you a chance to do it again.

Hollywood is actively working to drive away customers. If our society was not deathly ill, the investors would be lynching the creative types doing this shit.

You seem to miss the point

If Hollywood is working to drive away customers with Social Justice themes, why was almost every Best Picture nominee directed at mainstream Americans?

Ford vs Ferrari, Live and Die in Hollywood and 1917 were aimed at social justice?
I don't know about you, but I'm getting quite a chuckle reading all the crying posts by trumpanzees who "claim" they no longer watch movies or TV and yet they've got ALL these opinions about how bad movies and TV are today. Ignorance is a thing.........:71:
The all girls Ghostbusters was a terrible script, had notihng to do with the girls.

Every Ocean's movie has done progressively worse since the first, based upon the budget to make the movie, 8 did better than 12 or 13.

What gay superheroes bombed?

Yes, 007 was conceived as a white Male by his creator. And that has now gotten old and stale, thus they are trying something different.
No. Joe they aren't. The black woman as 007 is designed to be a one off. There will be a new, make, James Bond. Evidently no one wants to tinker with the franchise.

Gay superheroes.
20 superheroes you probably didn't know were LGBT

It's the lack of imagination. The SJW cannot come up with original stories or characters. They must endlessly reprocess all prior success into the new package where everyone is non white, gay, bi or at least trans or some combination thereof.

Until then these studios will continue to lose money.
Hate to tell you but all Superheroes are gay
They do wear tights. And spandex.

Nothing more gay than wearing a cape

Those who get off on a muscular guy prancing around in spandex tights and a cape are usually gay

I wonder what the guys who got off on seeing a shirtless Sylvester Stallone prancing around with an assault weapon for the millionth time were all about? The whole Rambo thing was so boring that it hurt. See Rambo spray bullets and then watch Rambo spray bullets.
Rambo was assault weapon porn

I gotta get me one of those
The Left is Insane and Infected with Sin, and they will continue to try to infect others with their disease until Judgment Day.

The Best we can do, is ignore Hollywood, and if we have to waste some of our time with that kind of entertainment, simply choose uplifting and moral stories which promote the Good Things of God, and urge all people to rise up and be a better version of themselves as God intends.
Pure Nazism!
Our whole public life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and simulations. Just look at the bill of fare served up in our movies, vaudeville and theaters, and you will hardly be able to deny that this is not the right kind of food, particularly for the youth … Theater, art, literature, cinema, press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political, and cultural idea.

- Adolf Hitler

I was waiting for someone to drop the "Depraved Art" stance of Hitler.

Perhaps if a native culture and society wasn't forced to endure so much cultural ruination and depravity they wouldn't have violently lashed out with a super-nationalist response.

Btw, Hitler built the Autobahn, should we tear down the Autobahn?

90% of what Hitler did and said was actually neutral/nonpolitical, like the Autobahn, or manufacturing/etc. That's how he got elected and stayed in power.

Hitler was also right about depraved arts. That carried a good deal of his political momentum.

Btw, Hitler ate with a fork. Should we ban forks?

Like Hillary Clinton, Hitler LOST the Election, Refused to Accept The Results of THE ELECTION, then had The Weimar Democratic Republic of Germany's President Forcibly Resign from Office, and had Hitler Appointed Fuhrer, and then Hitler created Nazi Germany.

Hitler was a Democrat Socialist, and that is Exactly what The Democrat Party is today.

This is why I call them The DemNazis.
Just remember that a house divided against itself cannot stand, which means the devil doesn't change. Can't change.

We see the same exact tactics repeated over and over again. Brown shirts, Bolsheviks, red guard, khmer rouge, castro henchmen, all the same committment to wiping out truth. Now we can add antifa or blm among other violent far left groups here now.
The Left is Insane and Infected with Sin, and they will continue to try to infect others with their disease until Judgment Day.

The Best we can do, is ignore Hollywood, and if we have to waste some of our time with that kind of entertainment, simply choose uplifting and moral stories which promote the Good Things of God, and urge all people to rise up and be a better version of themselves as God intends.
Pure Nazism!
Our whole public life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and simulations. Just look at the bill of fare served up in our movies, vaudeville and theaters, and you will hardly be able to deny that this is not the right kind of food, particularly for the youth … Theater, art, literature, cinema, press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political, and cultural idea.

- Adolf Hitler

I was waiting for someone to drop the "Depraved Art" stance of Hitler.

Perhaps if a native culture and society wasn't forced to endure so much cultural ruination and depravity they wouldn't have violently lashed out with a super-nationalist response.

Btw, Hitler built the Autobahn, should we tear down the Autobahn?

90% of what Hitler did and said was actually neutral/nonpolitical, like the Autobahn, or manufacturing/etc. That's how he got elected and stayed in power.

Hitler was also right about depraved arts. That carried a good deal of his political momentum.

Btw, Hitler ate with a fork. Should we ban forks?

Like Hillary Clinton, Hitler LOST the Election, Refused to Accept The Results of THE ELECTION, then had The Weimar Democratic Republic of Germany's President Forcibly Resign from Office, and had Hitler Appointed Fuhrer, and then Hitler created Nazi Germany.

Hitler was a Democrat Socialist, and that is Exactly what The Democrat Party is today.

This is why I call them The DemNazis.
Just remember that a house divided against itself cannot stand, which means the devil doesn't change. Can't change.

We see the same exact tactics repeated over and over again. Brown shirts, Bolsheviks, red guard, khmer rouge, castro henchmen, all the same committment to wiping out truth. Now we can add antifa or blm among other violent far left groups here now.

Don't forget to add in you Trump worshipers.
I cannot imagine how much you people's lives must suck in that you cannot even watch a TV show or movie without viewing it through your myopic political prism.

Is there any part of your lives that you do not tie directly to politics? Are you thinking about Trump when you have sex with your significant others?
Brilliant. Condemn the observer for noticing something is wrong. Yes Virginia, this IS political. Because the scriptwriters of these various shows put it there...Nice try though.

People see what they want to see. If they want to see something political, they will see something political. Hell, the OP counted the number of homosexual sex scenes they had in GOT!


But yeah, that is something normal people do!:113:

I recall this debate I had back in the day with this lib about Avatar. I claimed it had all these anti-American messages in it, and this lib said I was being too sensitive and seeing what was not there. We went back and forth a while, until I had a hunch and went looking for interviews with the director/producer/writer James Cameron.

And in the interview, he talked about how he purposefully put all these political messages in the movie, all the ones I had said.

This is not about us being overly sensitive. It is about us not wanting to put up with their shit.

Avatar was about saving the environment...

Avatar was a remake of Pocahontas/Dances with Wolves/The Last space.

Also an almost Xeroxed junior-high level rewrite of DUNE, from which many have stolen.
The Left is Insane and Infected with Sin, and they will continue to try to infect others with their disease until Judgment Day.

The Best we can do, is ignore Hollywood, and if we have to waste some of our time with that kind of entertainment, simply choose uplifting and moral stories which promote the Good Things of God, and urge all people to rise up and be a better version of themselves as God intends.
Pure Nazism!
Our whole public life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and simulations. Just look at the bill of fare served up in our movies, vaudeville and theaters, and you will hardly be able to deny that this is not the right kind of food, particularly for the youth … Theater, art, literature, cinema, press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political, and cultural idea.

- Adolf Hitler

I was waiting for someone to drop the "Depraved Art" stance of Hitler.

Perhaps if a native culture and society wasn't forced to endure so much cultural ruination and depravity they wouldn't have violently lashed out with a super-nationalist response.

Btw, Hitler built the Autobahn, should we tear down the Autobahn?

90% of what Hitler did and said was actually neutral/nonpolitical, like the Autobahn, or manufacturing/etc. That's how he got elected and stayed in power.

Hitler was also right about depraved arts. That carried a good deal of his political momentum.

Btw, Hitler ate with a fork. Should we ban forks?

Like Hillary Clinton, Hitler LOST the Election, Refused to Accept The Results of THE ELECTION, then had The Weimar Democratic Republic of Germany's President Forcibly Resign from Office, and had Hitler Appointed Fuhrer, and then Hitler created Nazi Germany.

Hitler was a Democrat Socialist, and that is Exactly what The Democrat Party is today.

This is why I call them The DemNazis.
Just remember that a house divided against itself cannot stand, which means the devil doesn't change. Can't change.

We see the same exact tactics repeated over and over again. Brown shirts, Bolsheviks, red guard, khmer rouge, castro henchmen, all the same committment to wiping out truth. Now we can add antifa or blm among other violent far left groups here now.

Here is another Good One

Proverbs 14:1-2

1 Every wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands. 2 He who walks in uprightness fears the LORD, but the one who is devious in his ways despises Him.

The Left is Insane and Infected with Sin, and they will continue to try to infect others with their disease until Judgment Day.

The Best we can do, is ignore Hollywood, and if we have to waste some of our time with that kind of entertainment, simply choose uplifting and moral stories which promote the Good Things of God, and urge all people to rise up and be a better version of themselves as God intends.
Pure Nazism!
Our whole public life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and simulations. Just look at the bill of fare served up in our movies, vaudeville and theaters, and you will hardly be able to deny that this is not the right kind of food, particularly for the youth … Theater, art, literature, cinema, press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political, and cultural idea.

- Adolf Hitler

I was waiting for someone to drop the "Depraved Art" stance of Hitler.

Perhaps if a native culture and society wasn't forced to endure so much cultural ruination and depravity they wouldn't have violently lashed out with a super-nationalist response.

Btw, Hitler built the Autobahn, should we tear down the Autobahn?

90% of what Hitler did and said was actually neutral/nonpolitical, like the Autobahn, or manufacturing/etc. That's how he got elected and stayed in power.

Hitler was also right about depraved arts. That carried a good deal of his political momentum.

Btw, Hitler ate with a fork. Should we ban forks?
If you ever really want to get under the left's skin, tell them how hitler was indeed a socialist.

Watch how offended they get.

Also, know this. Whenever they say fascism, they mean capitalism. That is what they mean when they claim hitler was a fascist.
The NAZIs were socialist like the People's Republic of China is a Republic. :71:
I think that it is hilarious to hear from all of these people who think that our entire society and entire industries must do their bidding and meet with their approval. They must be catered to. It doesn't work that way. Nobody is forcing them to watch anything, yet they complain that they are being "forced" to watch. This reminds me of that asshole who wants to sue the NFL because of the Superbowl half-time show. He apparently thinks that the NFL needs to run whatever it does by him first and abide by His Royal Highness's opinions. Go figure.
I think that it is hilarious to hear from all of these people who think that our entire society and entire industries must do their bidding and meet with their approval. They must be catered to. It doesn't work that way. Nobody is forcing them to watch anything, yet they complain that they are being "forced" to watch. This reminds me of that asshole who wants to sue the NFL because of the Superbowl half-time show. He apparently thinks that the NFL needs to run whatever it does by him first and abide by His Royal Highness's opinions. Go figure.
I ask again....why is it that all these so-called right wing alpha males are such crybabies?
I think that it is hilarious to hear from all of these people who think that our entire society and entire industries must do their bidding and meet with their approval. They must be catered to. It doesn't work that way. Nobody is forcing them to watch anything, yet they complain that they are being "forced" to watch. This reminds me of that asshole who wants to sue the NFL because of the Superbowl half-time show. He apparently thinks that the NFL needs to run whatever it does by him first and abide by His Royal Highness's opinions. Go figure.
I ask again....why is it that all these so-called right wing alpha males are such crybabies?
They miss John Wayne
I think that it is hilarious to hear from all of these people who think that our entire society and entire industries must do their bidding and meet with their approval. They must be catered to. It doesn't work that way. Nobody is forcing them to watch anything, yet they complain that they are being "forced" to watch. This reminds me of that asshole who wants to sue the NFL because of the Superbowl half-time show. He apparently thinks that the NFL needs to run whatever it does by him first and abide by His Royal Highness's opinions. Go figure.
I ask again....why is it that all these so-called right wing alpha males are such crybabies?
You'll be the one crying when you try to take our guns. That and soiling your panties.
I think that it is hilarious to hear from all of these people who think that our entire society and entire industries must do their bidding and meet with their approval. They must be catered to. It doesn't work that way. Nobody is forcing them to watch anything, yet they complain that they are being "forced" to watch. This reminds me of that asshole who wants to sue the NFL because of the Superbowl half-time show. He apparently thinks that the NFL needs to run whatever it does by him first and abide by His Royal Highness's opinions. Go figure.
I ask again....why is it that all these so-called right wing alpha males are such crybabies?
They miss John Wayne
And you just miss your many "Johns".
I think that it is hilarious to hear from all of these people who think that our entire society and entire industries must do their bidding and meet with their approval. They must be catered to. It doesn't work that way. Nobody is forcing them to watch anything, yet they complain that they are being "forced" to watch. This reminds me of that asshole who wants to sue the NFL because of the Superbowl half-time show. He apparently thinks that the NFL needs to run whatever it does by him first and abide by His Royal Highness's opinions. Go figure.
I ask again....why is it that all these so-called right wing alpha males are such crybabies?
You'll be the one crying when you try to take our guns. That and soiling your panties.

and when they don't come for your guns?

what excuse will you use to kill them, then......?
I think that it is hilarious to hear from all of these people who think that our entire society and entire industries must do their bidding and meet with their approval. They must be catered to. It doesn't work that way. Nobody is forcing them to watch anything, yet they complain that they are being "forced" to watch. This reminds me of that asshole who wants to sue the NFL because of the Superbowl half-time show. He apparently thinks that the NFL needs to run whatever it does by him first and abide by His Royal Highness's opinions. Go figure.
I ask again....why is it that all these so-called right wing alpha males are such crybabies?

It’s a victim mentality. There is no difference between the OP and the rhetoric you still hear from time to time from ethnic minorities who complain about the lack of representation on the screen.
I loved the idea of a watchman tv series. Until I heard the details. What the fuck.

It was a great series, Loved every minute of it. You are missing out

There wasn't enough viewers who thought it was a great series. Now it's a dead series.

From what I read, it was planned as a single season. Damon Lindelof, the creator, talked about it only being a one season show before it aired. Everything Damon Lindelof has said about Watchmen season 2
Damon Lindelof Says HBO's 'Watchmen' Was Designed to Only Last One Season

It may have sucked (I haven't seen it yet), but having it only go for one season seems to have always been the plan.

Technically the launch of any new series is only planned for ONE season. The production of future seasons is determined by the success or failure of the first season.

So all they did was tell you the standard approach to series.

First Season Positive? More seasons (they usually plan out both the 2nd and 3rd season btw)
First Season Bombed? Oh, we only planned on making one season.

This is why 90% of most series seem like they reach a "satisfying end" in the final episode of the first season, so in case they need to pull the plug, they can "save face" and claim it was only meant to be a single season series.

That's simply not true. Babylon 5, as an example, was planned for 5 seasons by JMS before it was made.

And as I pointed out to another poster, this isn't a "they" speaking, it's the show's creator. He said he planned on only doing 1 season. What HBO may have planned for the show is an entirely different thing.

Do you believe the writer only wanted to preach for one season?
I think that it is hilarious to hear from all of these people who think that our entire society and entire industries must do their bidding and meet with their approval. They must be catered to. It doesn't work that way. Nobody is forcing them to watch anything, yet they complain that they are being "forced" to watch. This reminds me of that asshole who wants to sue the NFL because of the Superbowl half-time show. He apparently thinks that the NFL needs to run whatever it does by him first and abide by His Royal Highness's opinions. Go figure.
I ask again....why is it that all these so-called right wing alpha males are such crybabies?
You'll be the one crying when you try to take our guns. That and soiling your panties.

So you admit that your desire for these weapons is the result of a sexual problem that you are experiencing. This clears up a lot.

But the topic of this thread is entertainment, and the stupid folks have chimed in that they are unable to control their own TV sets and somehow are being victimized by some Big, Bad, Devil-Worshiping Ghouls, on purpose, of course.
I think that it is hilarious to hear from all of these people who think that our entire society and entire industries must do their bidding and meet with their approval. They must be catered to. It doesn't work that way. Nobody is forcing them to watch anything, yet they complain that they are being "forced" to watch. This reminds me of that asshole who wants to sue the NFL because of the Superbowl half-time show. He apparently thinks that the NFL needs to run whatever it does by him first and abide by His Royal Highness's opinions. Go figure.
I ask again....why is it that all these so-called right wing alpha males are such crybabies?

It’s a victim mentality. There is no difference between the OP and the rhetoric you still hear from time to time from ethnic minorities who complain about the lack of representation on the screen.

The thing is that non of the "whiners" are alpha males and that includes Trump. Trump is bully and bullies are never alphas, they wanna be alphas but they lack the ability. A true alpha doesn't need to threaten and intimmidate people into doing his bidding. Trump has whined endless that his family has never received the respect of the business and social elites. That's because respect is earned, and he's never earned any.

Business leaders won't work with this White House - the President's Council on business was resolved when all the top leaders quit in protest after Charlottesville.

Most of the world's leaders are alpha's. That's why they laughed at Trump's ridiculous claim at the UN that he was the best President ever. The Australian President mocked him. The world leaders at the G7 were laughing about his speech.

To real alphas, like Rex Tillerson, or Nancy Pelosi, Trump is a "fucking moron". And Trump knows it's true, and that's why he whines endlessly about how "unfairly" he's treated.
I think that it is hilarious to hear from all of these people who think that our entire society and entire industries must do their bidding and meet with their approval. They must be catered to. It doesn't work that way. Nobody is forcing them to watch anything, yet they complain that they are being "forced" to watch. This reminds me of that asshole who wants to sue the NFL because of the Superbowl half-time show. He apparently thinks that the NFL needs to run whatever it does by him first and abide by His Royal Highness's opinions. Go figure.
I ask again....why is it that all these so-called right wing alpha males are such crybabies?

Trump made it ok to be a crybaby again. No grown man alive today whines and cries more than Trump.
It was a great series, Loved every minute of it. You are missing out
There wasn't enough viewers who thought it was a great series. Now it's a dead series.

From what I read, it was planned as a single season. Damon Lindelof, the creator, talked about it only being a one season show before it aired. Everything Damon Lindelof has said about Watchmen season 2
Damon Lindelof Says HBO's 'Watchmen' Was Designed to Only Last One Season

It may have sucked (I haven't seen it yet), but having it only go for one season seems to have always been the plan.

Technically the launch of any new series is only planned for ONE season. The production of future seasons is determined by the success or failure of the first season.

So all they did was tell you the standard approach to series.

First Season Positive? More seasons (they usually plan out both the 2nd and 3rd season btw)
First Season Bombed? Oh, we only planned on making one season.

This is why 90% of most series seem like they reach a "satisfying end" in the final episode of the first season, so in case they need to pull the plug, they can "save face" and claim it was only meant to be a single season series.

That's simply not true. Babylon 5, as an example, was planned for 5 seasons by JMS before it was made.

And as I pointed out to another poster, this isn't a "they" speaking, it's the show's creator. He said he planned on only doing 1 season. What HBO may have planned for the show is an entirely different thing.
Do you believe the writer only wanted to preach for one season?


If you knew anything about him you would not question it at all. He had a story he wanted to tell and he told it.

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