SJW's have ruined Movies/TVseries

Is there an entity bankrolling modern film producers to cover and insure all of their losses?

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I loved the idea of a watchman tv series. Until I heard the details. What the fuck.

It was a great series, Loved every minute of it. You are missing out

There wasn't enough viewers who thought it was a great series. Now it's a dead series.

From what I read, it was planned as a single season. Damon Lindelof, the creator, talked about it only being a one season show before it aired. Everything Damon Lindelof has said about Watchmen season 2
Damon Lindelof Says HBO's 'Watchmen' Was Designed to Only Last One Season

It may have sucked (I haven't seen it yet), but having it only go for one season seems to have always been the plan.

Technically the launch of any new series is only planned for ONE season. The production of future seasons is determined by the success or failure of the first season.

So all they did was tell you the standard approach to series.

First Season Positive? More seasons (they usually plan out both the 2nd and 3rd season btw)
First Season Bombed? Oh, we only planned on making one season.

This is why 90% of most series seem like they reach a "satisfying end" in the final episode of the first season, so in case they need to pull the plug, they can "save face" and claim it was only meant to be a single season series.

That's simply not true. Babylon 5, as an example, was planned for 5 seasons by JMS before it was made.

And as I pointed out to another poster, this isn't a "they" speaking, it's the show's creator. He said he planned on only doing 1 season. What HBO may have planned for the show is an entirely different thing.

Babylon 5 was not a typical show. AND ironically, when it did so well, they added seasons to try to milk more money out of it.
It was a great series, Loved every minute of it. You are missing out
There wasn't enough viewers who thought it was a great series. Now it's a dead series.

From what I read, it was planned as a single season. Damon Lindelof, the creator, talked about it only being a one season show before it aired. Everything Damon Lindelof has said about Watchmen season 2
Damon Lindelof Says HBO's 'Watchmen' Was Designed to Only Last One Season

It may have sucked (I haven't seen it yet), but having it only go for one season seems to have always been the plan.

Technically the launch of any new series is only planned for ONE season. The production of future seasons is determined by the success or failure of the first season.

So all they did was tell you the standard approach to series.

First Season Positive? More seasons (they usually plan out both the 2nd and 3rd season btw)
First Season Bombed? Oh, we only planned on making one season.

This is why 90% of most series seem like they reach a "satisfying end" in the final episode of the first season, so in case they need to pull the plug, they can "save face" and claim it was only meant to be a single season series.

That's simply not true. Babylon 5, as an example, was planned for 5 seasons by JMS before it was made.

And as I pointed out to another poster, this isn't a "they" speaking, it's the show's creator. He said he planned on only doing 1 season. What HBO may have planned for the show is an entirely different thing.

Babylon 5 was not a typical show. AND ironically, when it did so well, they added seasons to try to milk more money out of it.

Similarly, HBO might make more Watchmen without Lindelof, assuming HBO rather than Lindelof owns the rights.
Not at all. We have a group of people that are so consumed by politics that everything they do is seen through the lense of politics, and as such they see the boogieman behind everything.

It is a shitty way to live, but I guess it is all you people have.

We have tried, for years to ignore the little shit nuggets that Hollywood keeps putting into the movies that we want to enjoy.

I was watching a good tv show, a while back. And a character was creating a false identity for herself, and got a fake family picture for her work desk.

ONe of her peers, was looking at the family picture and did not like it,

Her reason?

They looked like republicans.

Looking like republicans is bad? We are that evul that just looking like us is a problem, even for a fake family that no one will ever meet that does not even exist, even within the reality of the show?

Why was that there? What did it add? It was an insult, it make the character less sympathetic to half the audience and took me out of the story, reminding me that this was a story told by an asshole liberals hollywood asshole.

This is not about a problem with us. This is about them being assholes.

What show was that?

Dead like Me, great show actually. Luckily they did not do enough of that shit to ruin it for me.

That was an excellent show. Which character said that? I haven't seen the show in quite a while.

Bryan Fuller makes good shows that don't last. :lol:

Jasmine Guy as Roxy.

I'd have to see it again, but was it actually a dig at Republicans, or in line with her character? She was an angry, antagonistic black woman, a bit of a stereotype, as I remember it.
There wasn't enough viewers who thought it was a great series. Now it's a dead series.

From what I read, it was planned as a single season. Damon Lindelof, the creator, talked about it only being a one season show before it aired. Everything Damon Lindelof has said about Watchmen season 2
Damon Lindelof Says HBO's 'Watchmen' Was Designed to Only Last One Season

It may have sucked (I haven't seen it yet), but having it only go for one season seems to have always been the plan.

Technically the launch of any new series is only planned for ONE season. The production of future seasons is determined by the success or failure of the first season.

So all they did was tell you the standard approach to series.

First Season Positive? More seasons (they usually plan out both the 2nd and 3rd season btw)
First Season Bombed? Oh, we only planned on making one season.

This is why 90% of most series seem like they reach a "satisfying end" in the final episode of the first season, so in case they need to pull the plug, they can "save face" and claim it was only meant to be a single season series.

That's simply not true. Babylon 5, as an example, was planned for 5 seasons by JMS before it was made.

And as I pointed out to another poster, this isn't a "they" speaking, it's the show's creator. He said he planned on only doing 1 season. What HBO may have planned for the show is an entirely different thing.

Babylon 5 was not a typical show. AND ironically, when it did so well, they added seasons to try to milk more money out of it.

Similarly, HBO might make more Watchmen without Lindelof, assuming HBO rather than Lindelof owns the rights.

The reviews I heard, it sounds like they would be better served to wait a few years, and then just do it again, and pretend this never happened.
The gay characters in GoT were written as gay in the books. I too forget his name it was the knight. His homosexuality was pivotal to the plot later on when the High Sparrow put him on trial. That was George RR Martin's idea and it shouldn't be messed with.

Yes. This is not contested.

The discussion is about HBO's treatment and adaptation of it. HBO decided to have one and only one explicit sexual scene between two males. There were a few more involving female-to-female. Also, my female cousin did not show any repulsion/aversion when the lesbian scenes came and went. Neither did I, or my cousin's husband.

There is something innately repulsive about two masculine men penetrating each other. It repulses both men and women alike.

Interesting. Your comment confirms what I thought: that this whole anti-LGBT thing is a product of some people's psychological condition. Men don't mind seeing two women together, or a man and a woman, but somehow see two men together is repulsive. My theory is that being the receiving partner (i.e. being penetrated sexually by another) is viewed as assuming an inferior status, which is fine for women as they are viewed as properly inferior, submissive creatures. The repulsion stems from some fear that is generated by the sight of a male assuming a "submissive" status, a status as an inferior.

This all stems from a very sick view of sex, heterosexual or homosexual, that refuses to recognize that sexual activity is a give-and-take exchange among people who are close to each other and desire to give each other pleasure.
So it doesn't bother you that gay men have breath that.smells like another man's impending bowel movement.

Interesting that is.

I want to see the tax returns of all the corporations, companies and individuals involved in the production of modern films. These entities exist to make money, and would not have so severely damaged their revenue and royalties by akwardly inserting all this Trigglypuff level SJW shit inside their products.

Not only that, but they still continue to ruin their own products as of 2020 and are only increasing the amount of unnatural and off-putting propaganda present in their films...having caused a grave decline in profit, which can also be seen by the annual decline of Oscar ratings (with 2020 being dangerously low, as in, not being worth the cost of hosting/producing).

Sounds like you are the one being "Triggered".

The reality is, a lot of movies lose money regardless of their political bent.

For instance, some Libertarian nuts adapted Atlas Shrugged into 3 films for $35 million dollars, and they only made 8 million back at the box office.
There was equal craziness over Dunkirk. Paid reviewers were openly critical of the llack of minorities. No minorities were involved. They should have been added anyway. Just to be morally right. Factually correct is a very bad thing.

Actually, there were minorities at Dunkirk, in that many of the British troops that fought in WWII were conscripts from India.

Not that there were any real criticism in that regard.

A movie or tv show has to be beyond excellent to get beyond the sjw threshold. Most of them really are failures. There is no creativity or imagination. Take a hit show and redo it with massively untalented blacks, Latinos or gays it won't be the same kind of success. There is a reason why channels showing old movies and tv shows are so popular. There is a reason why movie theaters have classic nights once or twice a week. That's how they stay in business.

It's kind of clear that you have no idea how movies work at all. It's not just the box office.

Let's take Star Wars:The Rise of Skywalker. I thought it was an awful movie, but not because of Political Correctness. So let's see how it did.

It cost $275 million to make, and made $513 million in the US, and another $554 in other territories. But then you add in merchandising, syndication rights, etc. it's going to make far more than that for Disney.

(By Comparison, the original Star Wars cost $11 million to make and made $775 million. Merchandise still sells well.)

Now compare that to the artsy films... They cost less to make, but they have very little merchandising appeal. No one is buying Dunkirk Tee shirts or action figures.
The gay characters in GoT were written as gay in the books. I too forget his name it was the knight. His homosexuality was pivotal to the plot later on when the High Sparrow put him on trial. That was George RR Martin's idea and it shouldn't be messed with.

Yes. This is not contested.

The discussion is about HBO's treatment and adaptation of it. HBO decided to have one and only one explicit sexual scene between two males. There were a few more involving female-to-female. Also, my female cousin did not show any repulsion/aversion when the lesbian scenes came and went. Neither did I, or my cousin's husband.

There is something innately repulsive about two masculine men penetrating each other. It repulses both men and women alike.

Interesting. Your comment confirms what I thought: that this whole anti-LGBT thing is a product of some people's psychological condition. Men don't mind seeing two women together, or a man and a woman, but somehow see two men together is repulsive. My theory is that being the receiving partner (i.e. being penetrated sexually by another) is viewed as assuming an inferior status, which is fine for women as they are viewed as properly inferior, submissive creatures. The repulsion stems from some fear that is generated by the sight of a male assuming a "submissive" status, a status as an inferior.

This all stems from a very sick view of sex, heterosexual or homosexual, that refuses to recognize that sexual activity is a give-and-take exchange among people who are close to each other and desire to give each other pleasure.
So it doesn't bother you that gay men have breath that.smells like another man's impending bowel movement.

Interesting that is.

You must have kissed a lot of unhygienic gay men to make a comment like that. Both heterosexuals and homosexuals engage in oral and anal sex. Most civilized people don't spend a lot of time thinking about what other people do in their bedrooms. You apparently are a very immature person who has a lot of time on her hands.
I haven't watched TV in decades and even movies are now a no-no as SJWs ruined them and are now preaching communism in Oscars.

It may actually be for the best to use less TV for many people, but it's too bad that it is impossible to find anything decent anymore.
/—-/ There are plenty of incredible shows streaming. Blacklist, Hell on Wheels, and dozens more all without SJW ( BTW I had to google it to find out what it means: Social Justice Warrior.)
Justice is now a BAD word to the Right, and anyone who fights for Truth, JUSTICE, and the American Way is no longer a "Superman" to the Right!!!
/———/ TDS Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
I haven't watched TV in decades and even movies are now a no-no as SJWs ruined them and are now preaching communism in Oscars.

It may actually be for the best to use less TV for many people, but it's too bad that it is impossible to find anything decent anymore.
/—-/ There are plenty of incredible shows streaming. Blacklist, Hell on Wheels, and dozens more all without SJW ( BTW I had to google it to find out what it means: Social Justice Warrior.)
Justice is now a BAD word to the Right, and anyone who fights for Truth, JUSTICE, and the American Way is no longer a "Superman" to the Right!!!
/———/ TDS Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Then why is the word "justice" considered obscene in right-wing circles? It's a fundamental American value. When it comes to light that exculpatory evidence was hidden during a trial that resulted in an innocent person being convicted, or that a person who supposedly was attacking somebody was actually shot in the back while running away, we Americans have a duty to stand up and make things right; to see that justice is done in the end.

BTW: remember that trump insisted on the guilt of people accused of a crime who were later exonerated, and he did not even offer an apology, so don't talk about "TDS."
1. It was not a joke.

2. You are using "triggered" as a buzzword, for a response that it does not fit. And you are being a smug prick about it. Please drop that shit.

3. Why are you siding with a writer, that dropped a political zinger, into a tv show, instead of the fan(s), who tuned in to be entertained, and were instead insulted?

1. Yes it was.

2. The word fits your reaction and still fits based upon your post on here about it.

3. A "zinger" is a joke dumbass, and I never side with snowflakes.
The reviews I heard, it sounds like they would be better served to wait a few years, and then just do it again, and pretend this never happened.

The ratings showed otherwise, as I posted already. The show gained viewers each episode and the had the best average viewership per episode for HBO of any show in its first year since Westworld.
The all girls Ghostbusters bombed. Ocean`s 8 bombed. Gay superheroes bombed. 007 was conceived as a white Male by his creator. That no one cares is the whole point. They didn't care enough to see these movies. The ones who make this unentertaining drivel don't care. They believe if they keep making drivel the public will eventually give in.

The all girls Ghostbusters was a terrible script, had notihng to do with the girls.

Every Ocean's movie has done progressively worse since the first, based upon the budget to make the movie, 8 did better than 12 or 13.

What gay superheroes bombed?

Yes, 007 was conceived as a white Male by his creator. And that has now gotten old and stale, thus they are trying something different.
No. Joe they aren't. The black woman as 007 is designed to be a one off. There will be a new, make, James Bond. Evidently no one wants to tinker with the franchise.

Gay superheroes.
20 superheroes you probably didn't know were LGBT

It's the lack of imagination. The SJW cannot come up with original stories or characters. They must endlessly reprocess all prior success into the new package where everyone is non white, gay, bi or at least trans or some combination thereof.

Until then these studios will continue to lose money.
Hate to tell you but all Superheroes are gay
They do wear tights. And spandex.

Nothing more gay than wearing a cape

Those who get off on a muscular guy prancing around in spandex tights and a cape are usually gay
The gay characters in GoT were written as gay in the books. I too forget his name it was the knight. His homosexuality was pivotal to the plot later on when the High Sparrow put him on trial. That was George RR Martin's idea and it shouldn't be messed with.

Yes. This is not contested.

The discussion is about HBO's treatment and adaptation of it. HBO decided to have one and only one explicit sexual scene between two males. There were a few more involving female-to-female. Also, my female cousin did not show any repulsion/aversion when the lesbian scenes came and went. Neither did I, or my cousin's husband.

There is something innately repulsive about two masculine men penetrating each other. It repulses both men and women alike.

Interesting. Your comment confirms what I thought: that this whole anti-LGBT thing is a product of some people's psychological condition. Men don't mind seeing two women together, or a man and a woman, but somehow see two men together is repulsive. My theory is that being the receiving partner (i.e. being penetrated sexually by another) is viewed as assuming an inferior status, which is fine for women as they are viewed as properly inferior, submissive creatures. The repulsion stems from some fear that is generated by the sight of a male assuming a "submissive" status, a status as an inferior.

This all stems from a very sick view of sex, heterosexual or homosexual, that refuses to recognize that sexual activity is a give-and-take exchange among people who are close to each other and desire to give each other pleasure.
So it doesn't bother you that gay men have breath that.smells like another man's impending bowel movement.

Interesting that is.

You must have kissed a lot of unhygienic gay men to make a comment like that. Both heterosexuals and homosexuals engage in oral and anal sex. Most civilized people don't spend a lot of time thinking about what other people do in their bedrooms. You apparently are a very immature person who has a lot of time on her hands.

Considering the massive propaganda campaign by the left about this shit, it is not surprising that it is on people's mind.

But, as a lib, you just say shit. I know you don't mean nuthin by it.
1. It was not a joke.

2. You are using "triggered" as a buzzword, for a response that it does not fit. And you are being a smug prick about it. Please drop that shit.

3. Why are you siding with a writer, that dropped a political zinger, into a tv show, instead of the fan(s), who tuned in to be entertained, and were instead insulted?

1. Yes it was.

2. The word fits your reaction and still fits based upon your post on here about it.

3. A "zinger" is a joke dumbass, and I never side with snowflakes.

1. No, it was not. It was not done as a joke. It was a presented as a serious complaint about why the fake family was a bad fake family.

2. "Triggered" implies a deep seated reflexive overreaction to a word or idea, without considering it's actual meaning. Being insulted by an insult, and discussing it, is not "triggered".

3. "Zinger" in this context, was just an insult. A stupid one. ONe that did not fit the character nor serve the story in any fashion.
The reviews I heard, it sounds like they would be better served to wait a few years, and then just do it again, and pretend this never happened.

The ratings showed otherwise, as I posted already. The show gained viewers each episode and the had the best average viewership per episode for HBO of any show in its first year since Westworld.

THat people are so used to a shit product, that they will accept it, is not reason to not try to do better.
I want to see the tax returns of all the corporations, companies and individuals involved in the production of modern films. These entities exist to make money, and would not have so severely damaged their revenue and royalties by akwardly inserting all this Trigglypuff level SJW shit inside their products.

Not only that, but they still continue to ruin their own products as of 2020 and are only increasing the amount of unnatural and off-putting propaganda present in their films...having caused a grave decline in profit, which can also be seen by the annual decline of Oscar ratings (with 2020 being dangerously low, as in, not being worth the cost of hosting/producing).

Sounds like you are the one being "Triggered".

The reality is, a lot of movies lose money regardless of their political bent.

For instance, some Libertarian nuts adapted Atlas Shrugged into 3 films for $35 million dollars, and they only made 8 million back at the box office.
But they flooded the internet with five star reviews
I haven't watched TV in decades and even movies are now a no-no as SJWs ruined them and are now preaching communism in Oscars.

It may actually be for the best to use less TV for many people, but it's too bad that it is impossible to find anything decent anymore.
/—-/ There are plenty of incredible shows streaming. Blacklist, Hell on Wheels, and dozens more all without SJW ( BTW I had to google it to find out what it means: Social Justice Warrior.)
Justice is now a BAD word to the Right, and anyone who fights for Truth, JUSTICE, and the American Way is no longer a "Superman" to the Right!!!
/———/ TDS Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Then why is the word "justice" considered obscene in right-wing circles? It's a fundamental American value. When it comes to light that exculpatory evidence was hidden during a trial that resulted in an innocent person being convicted, or that a person who supposedly was attacking somebody was actually shot in the back while running away, we Americans have a duty to stand up and make things right; to see that justice is done in the end.

BTW: remember that trump insisted on the guilt of people accused of a crime who were later exonerated, and he did not even offer an apology, so don't talk about "TDS."

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