SJW's have ruined Movies/TVseries

Is there an entity bankrolling modern film producers to cover and insure all of their losses?

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I want to see the tax returns of all the corporations, companies and individuals involved in the production of modern films. These entities exist to make money, and would not have so severely damaged their revenue and royalties by akwardly inserting all this Trigglypuff level SJW shit inside their products.

Not only that, but they still continue to ruin their own products as of 2020 and are only increasing the amount of unnatural and off-putting propaganda present in their films...having caused a grave decline in profit, which can also be seen by the annual decline of Oscar ratings (with 2020 being dangerously low, as in, not being worth the cost of hosting/producing).

So, the only way film production entities would have adamantly doubled down and continued their SJW march, at the expense of the massive revenues and profit is...SOMEONE OR SOMETHING IS REFUNDING THEIR LOSSES (adjusted for inflation and pre-2010 box office models).

Forget Lefty Politics: Here's Why the Oscars' Ratings Hit an All-Time Low


You can make your own movies, start your own theatres.....

instead of telling other people what to make.....

There is someone or some organization pumping money into these producers of propaganda. We already know cable subscribers are paying for the force fed propaganda to us. You can cheat nature, but only to a point. Driving people insane is an evil practice to promote a society that can not endure. Can not endure without permanent high taxation. That's a lot of risk. Cause the downside is mass poverty and mass violence which will lead to a nasty government this time.
The gay characters in GoT were written as gay in the books. I too forget his name it was the knight. His homosexuality was pivotal to the plot later on when the High Sparrow put him on trial. That was George RR Martin's idea and it shouldn't be messed with.

Yes. This is not contested.

The discussion is about HBO's treatment and adaptation of it. HBO decided to have one and only one explicit sexual scene between two males. There were a few more involving female-to-female. Also, my female cousin did not show any repulsion/aversion when the lesbian scenes came and went. Neither did I, or my cousin's husband.

There is something innately repulsive about two masculine men penetrating each other. It repulses both men and women alike.

Interesting. Your comment confirms what I thought: that this whole anti-LGBT thing is a product of some people's psychological condition. Men don't mind seeing two women together, or a man and a woman, but somehow see two men together is repulsive. My theory is that being the receiving partner (i.e. being penetrated sexually by another) is viewed as assuming an inferior status, which is fine for women as they are viewed as properly inferior, submissive creatures. The repulsion stems from some fear that is generated by the sight of a male assuming a "submissive" status, a status as an inferior.

This all stems from a very sick view of sex, heterosexual or homosexual, that refuses to recognize that sexual activity is a give-and-take exchange among people who are close to each other and desire to give each other pleasure.
Because one is a more realistic fantasy than the other.

Oh yeah....Commando was about as realistic as it comes!


Now imagine Angelina in that role. :auiqs.jpg:

No different than the Tomb Raider role. The fact you find one more "realistic" than the other says much about you.

I didn't see Tomb Raider.

None of it is realistic, but some allows suspension of disbelief more than others.

And nothing was further from reality than Commando.

Try Superman.
How does a thread present on front page for 30 minutes have 0 views? Looks like Big Brother dropped the Shadow Ban hammer.
Probably because we've heard it all before and don't want to give you or SJWs any more undeserved pub.
Link me any article , blog, thread, etc that asserts film producers are being bankrolled by a hidden entity to cover their revenue losses due to blatant and off putting SJW propaganda in their recent productions.

The OP seems to think that movies that are inclusive, diverse, and socially conscious cannot possibly have made any money, because who wants to watch that crap. Marvel is in the crapper for having a female Captain America. So somebody must be bankrolling their losses.

As evidence to support this idea the OP says that the low ratings for the Oscars telecast is proof positive that nobody liked the movies they were celebrating.

I don't think that one has anything to do with the other. His whole SJW has ruined Marvel line is a joke. Comic book movies and games should promote good values. They're the ones that the kids are watching.
The gay characters in GoT were written as gay in the books. I too forget his name it was the knight. His homosexuality was pivotal to the plot later on when the High Sparrow put him on trial. That was George RR Martin's idea and it shouldn't be messed with.

Yes. This is not contested.

The discussion is about HBO's treatment and adaptation of it. HBO decided to have one and only one explicit sexual scene between two males. There were a few more involving female-to-female. Also, my female cousin did not show any repulsion/aversion when the lesbian scenes came and went. Neither did I, or my cousin's husband.

There is something innately repulsive about two masculine men penetrating each other. It repulses both men and women alike.

Interesting. Your comment confirms what I thought: that this whole anti-LGBT thing is a product of some people's psychological condition. Men don't mind seeing two women together, or a man and a woman, but somehow see two men together is repulsive. My theory is that being the receiving partner (i.e. being penetrated sexually by another) is viewed as assuming an inferior status, which is fine for women as they are viewed as properly inferior, submissive creatures. The repulsion stems from some fear that is generated by the sight of a male assuming a "submissive" status, a status as an inferior.

This all stems from a very sick view of sex, heterosexual or homosexual, that refuses to recognize that sexual activity is a give-and-take exchange among people who are close to each other and desire to give each other pleasure.
So it doesn't bother you that gay men have breath that.smells like another man's impending bowel movement.

Interesting that is.
If an actor wants to put his political view out there, and I don't like their opinions, I will never see another of their movies. If they keep their opinions to themselves then I'll go see them. They can have their opinions but don't expect me to support them.
The entire concept of this conversation has escaped you.

Not at all. We have a group of people that are so consumed by politics that everything they do is seen through the lense of politics, and as such they see the boogieman behind everything.

It is a shitty way to live, but I guess it is all you people have.

We have tried, for years to ignore the little shit nuggets that Hollywood keeps putting into the movies that we want to enjoy.

I was watching a good tv show, a while back. And a character was creating a false identity for herself, and got a fake family picture for her work desk.

ONe of her peers, was looking at the family picture and did not like it,

Her reason?

They looked like republicans.

Looking like republicans is bad? We are that evul that just looking like us is a problem, even for a fake family that no one will ever meet that does not even exist, even within the reality of the show?

Why was that there? What did it add? It was an insult, it make the character less sympathetic to half the audience and took me out of the story, reminding me that this was a story told by an asshole liberals hollywood asshole.

This is not about a problem with us. This is about them being assholes.

What show was that?

Dead like Me, great show actually. Luckily they did not do enough of that shit to ruin it for me.

So, a comedy made a joke about Repubs, you are triggered but managed to keep watching the show.


It was not a joke. I was not "triggered" but annoyed by an asshole putting a little shit nugget into an other wise excellent show.

Yes, I managed to ignore the assholeness placed in the show. That is not a skill I should HAVE to develop in order to watch tv. This is not about something wrong with me, but about them being assholes.

Why you are siding with the asshole writer who did that?
Hollywood is all about corporate profits and it's always been that way. Thanks to the hangers-on and wannabe media types, Hollywood has always had the advantage of promoting their own propaganda. A republican senator became the boogie man for "blacklisting" but McCarthy had no power to blacklist anyone and neither did the majority anti-communist democrat party at the time. Hollywood blacklisted their own when they thought they might lose money by having a communist on the payroll and they blamed McCarthy. You almost gotta laugh that the political poles have shifted to the point that an actor who speaks unkindly about communists and socialists today will surely be blacklisted.
I cannot imagine how much you people's lives must suck in that you cannot even watch a TV show or movie without viewing it through your myopic political prism.

Is there any part of your lives that you do not tie directly to politics? Are you thinking about Trump when you have sex with your significant others?
I can only speak for myself but...

That is not the problem. It is not a case of me wanting to inject politics into a movie or show I am watching but rather the show forcing it there. The best example I can recall at the moment is supergirl. The last season I watched went off the rails trying to force a transgender character in where there was no real story, purpose or reason to do so in the manner that they did and then tried to make the whole damn show about SJW issues. It cheapened the whole story and made the show impossible to enjoy.

There is good storytelling where these issues arise naturally and the tension around them is part of the fabric of the story. Then there is this crap we are getting today where it is thrown in to preach to the viewer, pulls you out of the story line and ultimately does not fit into the experience itself.

There is a real impact on quality entertainment. Hopefully Hollywood will abandon this incessant predilection to preach to its customers.

Supergirl lost me well before that point. It was a show that had a lot to offer. It was quite sad.
Never really expected much from it but watched it because it was tied in with the other DC shows from CW. The Green Arrow somewhat went down the same path but not as jarringly.

The main casting was good. The world and much of the set up was good. I like that unlike Superman, Supergirl, remembers her life on Krypton.

But as time went on, instead of the story growing and getting better and deeper, it got dumber and the characters just stopped, being good.
If a movie or TV series has a Neggra star I usually don't bother to watch it. If the main co star is a Neggra then the same thing.

If Hollywood was intellectually honest then the Neggras would only be playing the roles of the druggies, gang bangers, welfare queens and other assorted assholes.
It was not a joke. I was not "triggered" but annoyed by an asshole putting a little shit nugget into an other wise excellent show.

Yes, I managed to ignore the assholeness placed in the show. That is not a skill I should HAVE to develop in order to watch tv. This is not about something wrong with me, but about them being assholes.

Why you are siding with the asshole writer who did that?

Of course it was a joke, that is waht they do on comedies.

And clearly you were and still are triggered by it
i was blown away after
I recall this debate I had back in the day with this lib about Avatar. I claimed it had all these anti-American messages in it, and this lib said I was being too sensitive and seeing what was not there. We went back and forth a while, until I had a hunch and went looking for interviews with the director/producer/writer James Cameron.

And in the interview, he talked about how he purposefully put all these political messages in the movie, all the ones I had said.

This is not about us being overly sensitive. It is about us not wanting to put up with their shit.

Avatar was about saving the environment...

Avatar was a singular example. Start Trek, or Dr. Who franchises, different matter. They've been co-opted on some politically correct tangent that that were forced and irrelevant.
I thought Avatar sucked

But it was about destruction of the environment. Hard to make a movie in favor of destroying the environment

You are a fish. You don't see water. Avatar was full of leftard propaganda.
People actually watched that?

Until the last Avengers movie, it was the highest grossing film in history. I was not a big fan of Avatar, but apparently many people enjoyed it.

Top Lifetime Grosses - Box Office Mojo
It was not a joke. I was not "triggered" but annoyed by an asshole putting a little shit nugget into an other wise excellent show.

Yes, I managed to ignore the assholeness placed in the show. That is not a skill I should HAVE to develop in order to watch tv. This is not about something wrong with me, but about them being assholes.

Why you are siding with the asshole writer who did that?

Of course it was a joke, that is waht they do on comedies.

And clearly you were and still are triggered by it

1. It was not a joke.

2. You are using "triggered" as a buzzword, for a response that it does not fit. And you are being a smug prick about it. Please drop that shit.

3. Why are you siding with a writer, that dropped a political zinger, into a tv show, instead of the fan(s), who tuned in to be entertained, and were instead insulted?
Speaking of Watchmen (one of the most pivotal examples for this thread in recent history)

Comics Fanboys Are Pissed About ‘Watchmen’

In this quote the left wing rag (dailybeast) already says "not unusual for critics and the general public to have differing opinions about TV shows and movies." That's not a problem with the general public...that's a problem with the politically hyper-left critic agencies that don't reflect the views of the general public.

In fact we saw the OPPOSITE with the Witcher, who had very high scores from the general public (me) and low scores from the critics for "not being gay enough." Many of these critics were eventually forced to admit that they didn't even watch the Witcher, and simply uploaded a collection of left wing talking points on the subject.

Scathing The Witcher Review Didn't Even Watch 50% of Netflix's Show

Now look at how left wing rag "dailybeast" goes on, in order to explain the disparity.

Hate to break it to ya bed wetters; people don't have the time to review bomb products UNLESS THEY REALLY FUCKING HATE IT.

I loved the idea of a watchman tv series. Until I heard the details. What the fuck.

It was a great series, Loved every minute of it. You are missing out

There wasn't enough viewers who thought it was a great series. Now it's a dead series.

From what I read, it was planned as a single season. Damon Lindelof, the creator, talked about it only being a one season show before it aired. Everything Damon Lindelof has said about Watchmen season 2
Damon Lindelof Says HBO's 'Watchmen' Was Designed to Only Last One Season

It may have sucked (I haven't seen it yet), but having it only go for one season seems to have always been the plan.

That is really hard to believe. That a tv network would invest time and resources into a show for one season?

HBO is a little different than broadcast TV, and TV watching in general has been undergoing a change over the last decade or so with the rise of streaming services. I don't know what the HBO execs were thinking with the show, but it seems at least possible they'd have been willing to invest in a single season. That's especially true if they were hoping to convince Lindelof to do more seasons if the first was successful.

And Lindelof made those comments before the show aired. :dunno:
I loved the idea of a watchman tv series. Until I heard the details. What the fuck.

It was a great series, Loved every minute of it. You are missing out

There wasn't enough viewers who thought it was a great series. Now it's a dead series.

From what I read, it was planned as a single season. Damon Lindelof, the creator, talked about it only being a one season show before it aired. Everything Damon Lindelof has said about Watchmen season 2
Damon Lindelof Says HBO's 'Watchmen' Was Designed to Only Last One Season

It may have sucked (I haven't seen it yet), but having it only go for one season seems to have always been the plan.

That is really hard to believe. That a tv network would invest time and resources into a show for one season?

Yup. Did they say it was running for only one season BEFORE it flopped?

It wasn't "they", it was the show creator, and yes, he said that before it aired.
I loved the idea of a watchman tv series. Until I heard the details. What the fuck.

It was a great series, Loved every minute of it. You are missing out

There wasn't enough viewers who thought it was a great series. Now it's a dead series.

From what I read, it was planned as a single season. Damon Lindelof, the creator, talked about it only being a one season show before it aired. Everything Damon Lindelof has said about Watchmen season 2
Damon Lindelof Says HBO's 'Watchmen' Was Designed to Only Last One Season

It may have sucked (I haven't seen it yet), but having it only go for one season seems to have always been the plan.

That is really hard to believe. That a tv network would invest time and resources into a show for one season?

HBO is a little different than broadcast TV, and TV watching in general has been undergoing a change over the last decade or so with the rise of streaming services. I don't know what the HBO execs were thinking with the show, but it seems at least possible they'd have been willing to invest in a single season. That's especially true if they were hoping to convince Lindelof to do more seasons if the first was successful.

And Lindelof made those comments before the show aired. :dunno:

Yes, I can really believe that they would be hoping the show would have good ratings and then generation money for them for several years.
Speaking of Watchmen (one of the most pivotal examples for this thread in recent history)

Comics Fanboys Are Pissed About ‘Watchmen’

In this quote the left wing rag (dailybeast) already says "not unusual for critics and the general public to have differing opinions about TV shows and movies." That's not a problem with the general public...that's a problem with the politically hyper-left critic agencies that don't reflect the views of the general public.

In fact we saw the OPPOSITE with the Witcher, who had very high scores from the general public (me) and low scores from the critics for "not being gay enough." Many of these critics were eventually forced to admit that they didn't even watch the Witcher, and simply uploaded a collection of left wing talking points on the subject.

Scathing The Witcher Review Didn't Even Watch 50% of Netflix's Show

Now look at how left wing rag "dailybeast" goes on, in order to explain the disparity.

Hate to break it to ya bed wetters; people don't have the time to review bomb products UNLESS THEY REALLY FUCKING HATE IT.

I loved the idea of a watchman tv series. Until I heard the details. What the fuck.

It was a great series, Loved every minute of it. You are missing out

There wasn't enough viewers who thought it was a great series. Now it's a dead series.

From what I read, it was planned as a single season. Damon Lindelof, the creator, talked about it only being a one season show before it aired. Everything Damon Lindelof has said about Watchmen season 2
Damon Lindelof Says HBO's 'Watchmen' Was Designed to Only Last One Season

It may have sucked (I haven't seen it yet), but having it only go for one season seems to have always been the plan.

Technically the launch of any new series is only planned for ONE season. The production of future seasons is determined by the success or failure of the first season.

So all they did was tell you the standard approach to series.

First Season Positive? More seasons (they usually plan out both the 2nd and 3rd season btw)
First Season Bombed? Oh, we only planned on making one season.

This is why 90% of most series seem like they reach a "satisfying end" in the final episode of the first season, so in case they need to pull the plug, they can "save face" and claim it was only meant to be a single season series.

That's simply not true. Babylon 5, as an example, was planned for 5 seasons by JMS before it was made.

And as I pointed out to another poster, this isn't a "they" speaking, it's the show's creator. He said he planned on only doing 1 season. What HBO may have planned for the show is an entirely different thing.
I do not care if you people are so fucking consumed by politics that you cannot watch a movie without inserting it into the movie, I just pity you, that is all.
The entire concept of this conversation has escaped you.

Not at all. We have a group of people that are so consumed by politics that everything they do is seen through the lense of politics, and as such they see the boogieman behind everything.

It is a shitty way to live, but I guess it is all you people have.

We have tried, for years to ignore the little shit nuggets that Hollywood keeps putting into the movies that we want to enjoy.

I was watching a good tv show, a while back. And a character was creating a false identity for herself, and got a fake family picture for her work desk.

ONe of her peers, was looking at the family picture and did not like it,

Her reason?

They looked like republicans.

Looking like republicans is bad? We are that evul that just looking like us is a problem, even for a fake family that no one will ever meet that does not even exist, even within the reality of the show?

Why was that there? What did it add? It was an insult, it make the character less sympathetic to half the audience and took me out of the story, reminding me that this was a story told by an asshole liberals hollywood asshole.

This is not about a problem with us. This is about them being assholes.

What show was that?

Dead like Me, great show actually. Luckily they did not do enough of that shit to ruin it for me.

That was an excellent show. Which character said that? I haven't seen the show in quite a while.

Bryan Fuller makes good shows that don't last. :lol:
The entire concept of this conversation has escaped you.

Not at all. We have a group of people that are so consumed by politics that everything they do is seen through the lense of politics, and as such they see the boogieman behind everything.

It is a shitty way to live, but I guess it is all you people have.

We have tried, for years to ignore the little shit nuggets that Hollywood keeps putting into the movies that we want to enjoy.

I was watching a good tv show, a while back. And a character was creating a false identity for herself, and got a fake family picture for her work desk.

ONe of her peers, was looking at the family picture and did not like it,

Her reason?

They looked like republicans.

Looking like republicans is bad? We are that evul that just looking like us is a problem, even for a fake family that no one will ever meet that does not even exist, even within the reality of the show?

Why was that there? What did it add? It was an insult, it make the character less sympathetic to half the audience and took me out of the story, reminding me that this was a story told by an asshole liberals hollywood asshole.

This is not about a problem with us. This is about them being assholes.

What show was that?

Dead like Me, great show actually. Luckily they did not do enough of that shit to ruin it for me.

That was an excellent show. Which character said that? I haven't seen the show in quite a while.

Bryan Fuller makes good shows that don't last. :lol:

Jasmine Guy as Roxy.

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