SJW's have ruined Movies/TVseries

Is there an entity bankrolling modern film producers to cover and insure all of their losses?

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Negroes are 12% of the population but yet are in 100% of every fucking movie, network show or commercials.
Yes. This is not contested.

The discussion is about HBO's treatment and adaptation of it. HBO decided to have one and only one explicit sexual scene between two males. There were a few more involving female-to-female. Also, my female cousin did not show any repulsion/aversion when the lesbian scenes came and went. Neither did I, or my cousin's husband.

There is something innately repulsive about two masculine men penetrating each other. It repulses both men and women alike.

We have all been programmed already to accept lesbian sex, hell chances are you have a terabyte of porn on your computer and most of it has some women on women action. There is nothing any more "right" or "wrong" about it than two males going to town, but you have been taught one is good and one is bad, thus that is how you react.

The former makes me smile, being a male, the latter makes me gag, being a male.

A natural reaction.
The all girls Ghostbusters was a terrible script, had notihng to do with the girls.

Every Ocean's movie has done progressively worse since the first, based upon the budget to make the movie, 8 did better than 12 or 13.

What gay superheroes bombed?

Yes, 007 was conceived as a white Male by his creator. And that has now gotten old and stale.

As are the industry moves toward countless films and shows about "Die Uberfrauen", the indestructible fem-fantasy ideal, which got old after Linda Hamilton's version in 1991.

Seems the indestructible male fantasy ideal got old after Arnie’s version in 1985. Or Bruce in 1990, yet they are still pumping them out.

Because one is a more realistic fantasy than the other.

Oh yeah....Commando was about as realistic as it comes!


Now imagine Angelina in that role. :auiqs.jpg:

No different than the Tomb Raider role. The fact you find one more "realistic" than the other says much about you.
I was watching a movie recently about Mary, Queen of Scots. Negroes in major roles.

Watching a series on Troy. Half the fucking actors were Negroes.

Watching a movie about Robin Hood. Yep, a fucking Negro had a major role.

Turned on a movie with an Army airborne squad on D Day. You guessed it, a Negro paratrooper with White troops.

Fuck diversity.
I guarantee they aren't losing money.

Except Star Wars lost 1/2 a billion in revenue matching viewer complaints about SJW and far left shit.

SJW Politics Have Handed Star Wars Its First Bomb With ‘Solo’
Except, of course, it isn’t.

“The Last Jedi” made $300 million less than “The Force Awakens,” and the previous year’s “Rogue One” made $100 million less than that. A Star Wars movie almost always finishes no. 1 at the yearly box office, but with “Black Panther,” “Avengers” and “Jurassic World,” “Solo” won’t even medal this year. (And the franchise has utterly failed in China, a country with zero patience for SJW politics.)

Companies don't exist to lose money; they exist to MAXIMIZE their profits. Someone is bank rolling this.
Solo did NOT lose money, the Daily Liar is full of shit! It made $93.2 million.
“The Last Jedi” made $300 million less than “The Force Awakens,” but The Force Awakens made $2 BILLION so $1.7 BILLION is hardly a LOSS there.

You Social INJUSTICE Warriors are SUCKERS!
"Commercial and Corporate entities exist to maximize profit. Hollywood could easily double it's annual revenue by making normal movies that dont alienate more than half of the American population.
You LOSERS are NOT more than half the American population!!!!!
As are the industry moves toward countless films and shows about "Die Uberfrauen", the indestructible fem-fantasy ideal, which got old after Linda Hamilton's version in 1991.

Seems the indestructible male fantasy ideal got old after Arnie’s version in 1985. Or Bruce in 1990, yet they are still pumping them out.

Because one is a more realistic fantasy than the other.

Oh yeah....Commando was about as realistic as it comes!


Now imagine Angelina in that role. :auiqs.jpg:

No different than the Tomb Raider role. The fact you find one more "realistic" than the other says much about you.

I didn't see Tomb Raider.

None of it is realistic, but some allows suspension of disbelief more than others.
Seems the indestructible male fantasy ideal got old after Arnie’s version in 1985. Or Bruce in 1990, yet they are still pumping them out.

Because one is a more realistic fantasy than the other.

Oh yeah....Commando was about as realistic as it comes!


Now imagine Angelina in that role. :auiqs.jpg:

No different than the Tomb Raider role. The fact you find one more "realistic" than the other says much about you.

I didn't see Tomb Raider.

None of it is realistic, but some allows suspension of disbelief more than others.

And nothing was further from reality than Commando.
Not at all. We have a group of people that are so consumed by politics that everything they do is seen through the lense of politics, and as such they see the boogieman behind everything.

It is a shitty way to live, but I guess it is all you people have.
"Conservatives thrive on a world filled with mysterious evil and unfathomable hatreds, where good is always on the defensive and time is a precious commodity in the cosmic race against corruption and decline."

- Corey Robin 'The Reactionary Mind'
The entire concept of this conversation has escaped you.

Not at all. We have a group of people that are so consumed by politics that everything they do is seen through the lense of politics, and as such they see the boogieman behind everything.

It is a shitty way to live, but I guess it is all you people have.

We have tried, for years to ignore the little shit nuggets that Hollywood keeps putting into the movies that we want to enjoy.

I was watching a good tv show, a while back. And a character was creating a false identity for herself, and got a fake family picture for her work desk.

ONe of her peers, was looking at the family picture and did not like it,

Her reason?

They looked like republicans.

Looking like republicans is bad? We are that evul that just looking like us is a problem, even for a fake family that no one will ever meet that does not even exist, even within the reality of the show?

Why was that there? What did it add? It was an insult, it make the character less sympathetic to half the audience and took me out of the story, reminding me that this was a story told by an asshole liberals hollywood asshole.

This is not about a problem with us. This is about them being assholes.

What show was that?

Dead like Me, great show actually. Luckily they did not do enough of that shit to ruin it for me.

So, a comedy made a joke about Repubs, you are triggered but managed to keep watching the show.

Meanwhile they have no problem with Last Man Standing mocking Obama! In fact they eat it up without complaint!
I cannot imagine how much you people's lives must suck in that you cannot even watch a TV show or movie without viewing it through your myopic political prism.

Is there any part of your lives that you do not tie directly to politics? Are you thinking about Trump when you have sex with your significant others?
Brilliant. Condemn the observer for noticing something is wrong. Yes Virginia, this IS political. Because the scriptwriters of these various shows put it there...Nice try though.
I want to see the tax returns of all the corporations, companies and individuals involved in the production of modern films. These entities exist to make money, and would not have so severely damaged their revenue and royalties by akwardly inserting all this Trigglypuff level SJW shit inside their products.

Not only that, but they still continue to ruin their own products as of 2020 and are only increasing the amount of unnatural and off-putting propaganda present in their films...having caused a grave decline in profit, which can also be seen by the annual decline of Oscar ratings (with 2020 being dangerously low, as in, not being worth the cost of hosting/producing).

So, the only way film production entities would have adamantly doubled down and continued their SJW march, at the expense of the massive revenues and profit is...SOMEONE OR SOMETHING IS REFUNDING THEIR LOSSES (adjusted for inflation and pre-2010 box office models).

Forget Lefty Politics: Here's Why the Oscars' Ratings Hit an All-Time Low


You can make your own movies, start your own theatres.....

instead of telling other people what to make.....
Take the Dr Who series. If you can buy the concept of "regeneration", you can accept a left handed dwarf ginger Eskimo albino half yak half wombat embodied by a female human. Ok...then insert stories that are just thinly disguised political propaganda tropes. Yeah, WE really want THAT. That's why the show is tanking, and the BBC cant figure it out.

I mean fuck, one of the people in this thread has counted the number of gay sex scenes in the show Game of Thrones, while most of the world does not even notice.

First of all, a large part of the world beheads people for this.

Second: I was watching GoT with extremely liberal relatives, who are Bernie supporters today.

When margery's brother (forgot his name) and Renly were getting it on, they (both my female cousin and her husband), averted their vision by tilting and changing the direction of their faces and placing their hands before their eyes.

Even a female who claims to be paragon of the far-left and all their SJW values...was repulsed by two males having sex. We had to rewind the scene and turn up the volume to hear the dialogue, and I volunteered to be the person who actually LOOKED to observe any important visual clues/content that the audio alone could not provide.

Yes. That was a VERY enlightening experience for me. My own far left family members couldn't stomach to watch the GoT gay sex scene.

If multiple gay sex scenes were sprinkled into every season, the entire series would have failed...and the producers KNEW THAT. They added a single gay sex scene to keep the SJW mafia away.

Btw, volunteering to watch that scene was...HORRIBLE. I remember feeling a twitch in my neck muscles (where the neck meets the collarbone).

Disgust with Gayist creeps and their fake "sexual" activity is part of society's survival instinct.
I haven't watched TV in decades and even movies are now a no-no as SJWs ruined them and are now preaching communism in Oscars.

It may actually be for the best to use less TV for many people, but it's too bad that it is impossible to find anything decent anymore.
/—-/ There are plenty of incredible shows streaming. Blacklist, Hell on Wheels, and dozens more all without SJW ( BTW I had to google it to find out what it means: Social Justice Warrior.)
Justice is now a BAD word to the Right, and anyone who fights for Truth, JUSTICE, and the American Way is no longer a "Superman" to the Right!!!
Everyone likes being entertained by programs that scold and preach agendas we disagree with. WE ALL like being lectured to by petty pedantic liberal hacks. Lets take a perfectly good franchise, and ruin it. Superman. Now, POOF! Superman is a quirky trans gendered handicapped Asian chap that likes to eat feces and fights white supremacist with a snarky rebuff! Yay for diversity!
It isn't exactly new that the left have been brainwashing us with propaganda and marxism.

The tv show MASH for instance is commie crap. Alan Alda making his best version of Groucho Marx. Nearly every show the buffoons are the pro American characters in Frank Burns and the American Generals etc were all idiotic war monger racists. Nearly every show.

Look at All In The Family. Archie Bunker the classic idiot while his marxist socialist meathead Rob Reiner son in law was the clear level headed thinker.

The movie Deliverance was an attack on white Christian America. Ned Beatty character prayed to be saved and the Jon Voight character didn't. Ned Beatty character was the one raped. The river itself symbolized the Christian belief in the washing away of sins and the final scene was the hand coming out the river, stating sins are not washed away. Among many other subliminal messages in that movie.

Yes, we are under constant spiritual attack and our way of life is most certainly mocked and scorned.

When John Lennon made his commie anthem Imagine and said, "you may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one." Well, he was among all of them.

Every day and we have all been poisoned.

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