SJW's have ruined Movies/TVseries

Is there an entity bankrolling modern film producers to cover and insure all of their losses?

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The gay characters in GoT were written as gay in the books. I too forget his name it was the knight. His homosexuality was pivotal to the plot later on when the High Sparrow put him on trial. That was George RR Martin's idea and it shouldn't be messed with.

Yes. This is not contested.

The discussion is about HBO's treatment and adaptation of it. HBO decided to have one and only one explicit sexual scene between two males. There were a few more involving female-to-female. Also, my female cousin did not show any repulsion/aversion when the lesbian scenes came and went. Neither did I, or my cousin's husband.

There is something innately repulsive about two masculine men penetrating each other. It repulses both men and women alike.
The all girls Ghostbusters bombed. Ocean`s 8 bombed. Gay superheroes bombed. 007 was conceived as a white Male by his creator. That no one cares is the whole point. They didn't care enough to see these movies. The ones who make this unentertaining drivel don't care. They believe if they keep making drivel the public will eventually give in.

The all girls Ghostbusters was a terrible script, had notihng to do with the girls.

Every Ocean's movie has done progressively worse since the first, based upon the budget to make the movie, 8 did better than 12 or 13.

What gay superheroes bombed?

Yes, 007 was conceived as a white Male by his creator. And that has now gotten old and stale, thus they are trying something different.
No. Joe they aren't. The black woman as 007 is designed to be a one off. There will be a new, make, James Bond. Evidently no one wants to tinker with the franchise.

Gay superheroes.
20 superheroes you probably didn't know were LGBT

It's the lack of imagination. The SJW cannot come up with original stories or characters. They must endlessly reprocess all prior success into the new package where everyone is non white, gay, bi or at least trans or some combination thereof.

Until then these studios will continue to lose money.
Hate to tell you but all Superheroes are gay
The gay characters in GoT were written as gay in the books. I too forget his name it was the knight. His homosexuality was pivotal to the plot later on when the High Sparrow put him on trial. That was George RR Martin's idea and it shouldn't be messed with.

Yes. This is not contested.

The discussion is about HBO's treatment and adaptation of it. HBO decided to have one and only one explicit sexual scene between two males. There were a few more involving female-to-female. Also, my female cousin did not show any repulsion/aversion when the lesbian scenes came and went. Neither did I, or my cousin's husband.

There is something innately repulsive about two masculine men penetrating each other. It repulses both men and women alike.
Even the scenes between Danaryes and her servants came out of the book.

Yes. There is something innately repulsive about two men penetrating one another. That is precisely why it's being shown everywhere. As much as possible. Until people are no longer repulsed.
The all girls Ghostbusters bombed. Ocean`s 8 bombed. Gay superheroes bombed. 007 was conceived as a white Male by his creator. That no one cares is the whole point. They didn't care enough to see these movies. The ones who make this unentertaining drivel don't care. They believe if they keep making drivel the public will eventually give in.

The all girls Ghostbusters was a terrible script, had notihng to do with the girls.

Every Ocean's movie has done progressively worse since the first, based upon the budget to make the movie, 8 did better than 12 or 13.

What gay superheroes bombed?

Yes, 007 was conceived as a white Male by his creator. And that has now gotten old and stale.

As are the industry moves toward countless films and shows about "Die Uberfrauen", the indestructible fem-fantasy ideal, which got old after Linda Hamilton's version in 1991.

Seems the indestructible male fantasy ideal got old after Arnie’s version in 1985. Or Bruce in 1990, yet they are still pumping them out.

Because one is a more realistic fantasy than the other.
So you blame the people watching (or not) the show for being too political. But not the people making the show. The ones actually putting their political views in the production aren’t the problem it’s those that decide not to watch their SJW/woke bullshit.

That is both as stupid and at the same time expected from you left wingers.

You are seeing things that do not exist, you are seeing boogiemen because you have been programmed to see them. You see a brown person or a gay person and think "Oh my god, look what they are doing".

I mean fuck, one of the people in this thread has counted the number of gay sex scenes in the show Game of Thrones, while most of the world does not even notice.
I do want to get back to your premise here and it really is the basis of the entire left.

It’s not us that’s the problem. it’s you that’s the problem.

It’s not our crazy left worthless candidates running for office, it’s you voters.

It’s not the creepy mentally unstable transvestite, it’s you.

It’s not the stupidity of all girls Ghost Busters, it’s you.

It’s not the Oscars going fuck all nuts about cow abuse, it’s you.

It’s not us making white/male 007 a black woman, it’s you.

It’s not us making a super hero a queer, it’s you.

It’s not us making up 98 genders when there are clearly only two, it’s you.

This is the new communist democrats that want to control your life from cradle to grave. It’s not them, it’s you for not putting up with it.

Yes, it is you.

You see, nobody but a sexist cares about an all girls Ghost Busters, nobody but a homophobe cares about a gay super hero, there is nothing about 007 that requires it to be a white male.

The most ironic part of this is that your counterparts on the left are doing the same kind of bitching about Hollywood. Not enough of this and not enough of that.

You wingnuts are the same, matters not which side you are on.
There ya go Hillary. Let it all out.

That was an embarrassing come back even by your low standards.
The embarrassment should be on your end. I just explained how people don’t like this shit shoved in their faces and being told that’s their problem because they’re this or that, racist, homophobe etc etc.

Then you reply with yes that’s absolutely correct because (insert list of phobes here).

The next five years are going to be miserable for you. As I’m sure you’ll still be struggling to figure out why people vote against you.
I cannot imagine how much you people's lives must suck in that you cannot even watch a TV show or movie without viewing it through your myopic political prism.

Is there any part of your lives that you do not tie directly to politics? Are you thinking about Trump when you have sex with your significant others?
I can only speak for myself but...

That is not the problem. It is not a case of me wanting to inject politics into a movie or show I am watching but rather the show forcing it there. The best example I can recall at the moment is supergirl. The last season I watched went off the rails trying to force a transgender character in where there was no real story, purpose or reason to do so in the manner that they did and then tried to make the whole damn show about SJW issues. It cheapened the whole story and made the show impossible to enjoy.

There is good storytelling where these issues arise naturally and the tension around them is part of the fabric of the story. Then there is this crap we are getting today where it is thrown in to preach to the viewer, pulls you out of the story line and ultimately does not fit into the experience itself.

There is a real impact on quality entertainment. Hopefully Hollywood will abandon this incessant predilection to preach to its customers.

Supergirl lost me well before that point. It was a show that had a lot to offer. It was quite sad.
Never really expected much from it but watched it because it was tied in with the other DC shows from CW. The Green Arrow somewhat went down the same path but not as jarringly.
The all girls Ghostbusters bombed. Ocean`s 8 bombed. Gay superheroes bombed. 007 was conceived as a white Male by his creator. That no one cares is the whole point. They didn't care enough to see these movies. The ones who make this unentertaining drivel don't care. They believe if they keep making drivel the public will eventually give in.

The all girls Ghostbusters was a terrible script, had notihng to do with the girls.

Every Ocean's movie has done progressively worse since the first, based upon the budget to make the movie, 8 did better than 12 or 13.

What gay superheroes bombed?

Yes, 007 was conceived as a white Male by his creator. And that has now gotten old and stale.

As are the industry moves toward countless films and shows about "Die Uberfrauen", the indestructible fem-fantasy ideal, which got old after Linda Hamilton's version in 1991.

Seems the indestructible male fantasy ideal got old after Arnie’s version in 1985. Or Bruce in 1990, yet they are still pumping them out.

Because one is a more realistic fantasy than the other.

Oh yeah....Commando was about as realistic as it comes!

The next five years are going to be miserable for you. As I’m sure you’ll still be struggling to figure out why people vote against you.

you are a strange one. I am not running for any office thus nobody can vote against me.

I assume the next 5 years will be as good as the last 5, which have been amazing. I am making about 30 grand more a year than I was 5 years ago, the wife is making almost double waht she was 5 years ago.

None of this stuff that you people build your lives around means shit to me, I leave that to you sheep from both sides.
You are seeing things that do not exist, you are seeing boogiemen because you have been programmed to see them. You see a brown person or a gay person and think "Oh my god, look what they are doing".

I mean fuck, one of the people in this thread has counted the number of gay sex scenes in the show Game of Thrones, while most of the world does not even notice.
I do want to get back to your premise here and it really is the basis of the entire left.

It’s not us that’s the problem. it’s you that’s the problem.

It’s not our crazy left worthless candidates running for office, it’s you voters.

It’s not the creepy mentally unstable transvestite, it’s you.

It’s not the stupidity of all girls Ghost Busters, it’s you.

It’s not the Oscars going fuck all nuts about cow abuse, it’s you.

It’s not us making white/male 007 a black woman, it’s you.

It’s not us making a super hero a queer, it’s you.

It’s not us making up 98 genders when there are clearly only two, it’s you.

This is the new communist democrats that want to control your life from cradle to grave. It’s not them, it’s you for not putting up with it.

Yes, it is you.

You see, nobody but a sexist cares about an all girls Ghost Busters, nobody but a homophobe cares about a gay super hero, there is nothing about 007 that requires it to be a white male.

The most ironic part of this is that your counterparts on the left are doing the same kind of bitching about Hollywood. Not enough of this and not enough of that.

You wingnuts are the same, matters not which side you are on.
There ya go Hillary. Let it all out.

That was an embarrassing come back even by your low standards.
The embarrassment should be on your end. I just explained how people don’t like this shit shoved in their faces and being told that’s their problem because they’re this or that, racist, homophobe etc etc.

Then you reply with yes that’s absolutely correct because (insert list of phobes here).

The next five years are going to be miserable for you. As I’m sure you’ll still be struggling to figure out why people vote against you.
If you don’t like movies with blacks or women in the lead......don’t go
Yes. This is not contested.

The discussion is about HBO's treatment and adaptation of it. HBO decided to have one and only one explicit sexual scene between two males. There were a few more involving female-to-female. Also, my female cousin did not show any repulsion/aversion when the lesbian scenes came and went. Neither did I, or my cousin's husband.

There is something innately repulsive about two masculine men penetrating each other. It repulses both men and women alike.

We have all been programmed already to accept lesbian sex, hell chances are you have a terabyte of porn on your computer and most of it has some women on women action. There is nothing any more "right" or "wrong" about it than two males going to town, but you have been taught one is good and one is bad, thus that is how you react.
The all girls Ghostbusters bombed. Ocean`s 8 bombed. Gay superheroes bombed. 007 was conceived as a white Male by his creator. That no one cares is the whole point. They didn't care enough to see these movies. The ones who make this unentertaining drivel don't care. They believe if they keep making drivel the public will eventually give in.

The all girls Ghostbusters was a terrible script, had notihng to do with the girls.

Every Ocean's movie has done progressively worse since the first, based upon the budget to make the movie, 8 did better than 12 or 13.

What gay superheroes bombed?

Yes, 007 was conceived as a white Male by his creator. And that has now gotten old and stale, thus they are trying something different.

I actually wouldn't mind a black woman seducing 10 men at once as 007... what a scene.

or 10 women at once since you have admitted you enjoy that as well.
The all girls Ghostbusters bombed. Ocean`s 8 bombed. Gay superheroes bombed. 007 was conceived as a white Male by his creator. That no one cares is the whole point. They didn't care enough to see these movies. The ones who make this unentertaining drivel don't care. They believe if they keep making drivel the public will eventually give in.

The all girls Ghostbusters was a terrible script, had notihng to do with the girls.

Every Ocean's movie has done progressively worse since the first, based upon the budget to make the movie, 8 did better than 12 or 13.

What gay superheroes bombed?

Yes, 007 was conceived as a white Male by his creator. And that has now gotten old and stale, thus they are trying something different.
No. Joe they aren't. The black woman as 007 is designed to be a one off. There will be a new, make, James Bond. Evidently no one wants to tinker with the franchise.

Gay superheroes.
20 superheroes you probably didn't know were LGBT

It's the lack of imagination. The SJW cannot come up with original stories or characters. They must endlessly reprocess all prior success into the new package where everyone is non white, gay, bi or at least trans or some combination thereof.

Until then these studios will continue to lose money.
Hate to tell you but all Superheroes are gay
They do wear tights. And spandex.
You want to get rid of guns.

What the fuck are you talking about. There is no a more staunch 2nd amendment supporter on this forum than I am.

You are clearly very drunk or very stupid...or maybe both.
Even the scenes between Danaryes and her servants came out of the book.

Yes. There is something innately repulsive about two men penetrating one another. That is precisely why it's being shown everywhere. As much as possible. Until people are no longer repulsed.

Just like they did with lesbian sex. And look how well that worked, even the most prudish find no problem with it.
I haven't watched TV in decades and even movies are now a no-no as SJWs ruined them and are now preaching communism in Oscars.

It may actually be for the best to use less TV for many people, but it's too bad that it is impossible to find anything decent anymore.
/—-/ There are plenty of incredible shows streaming. Blacklist, Hell on Wheels, and dozens more all without SJW ( BTW I had to google it to find out what it means: Social Justice Warrior.)
You want to get rid of guns.

What the fuck are you talking about. There is no a more staunch 2nd amendment supporter on this forum than I am.

You are clearly very drunk or very stupid...or maybe both.
There are people with different views. There are very few people who follow Prog agendas whose views are different. A libertarian could care less about many Prog agendas as many others do. Its the charge for the agendas that they have a problem with. In a sensible situation I would say that having rules about weapons is welcome. But it does not stop there. None of the agendas stop. They keep adding and then adding some more. That is the issue on this issue. Where is the beginning and where is the ending?
The all girls Ghostbusters bombed. Ocean`s 8 bombed. Gay superheroes bombed. 007 was conceived as a white Male by his creator. That no one cares is the whole point. They didn't care enough to see these movies. The ones who make this unentertaining drivel don't care. They believe if they keep making drivel the public will eventually give in.

The all girls Ghostbusters was a terrible script, had notihng to do with the girls.

Every Ocean's movie has done progressively worse since the first, based upon the budget to make the movie, 8 did better than 12 or 13.

What gay superheroes bombed?

Yes, 007 was conceived as a white Male by his creator. And that has now gotten old and stale, thus they are trying something different.

I actually wouldn't mind a black woman seducing 10 men at once as 007... what a scene.

or 10 women at once since you have admitted you enjoy that as well.
Even the scenes between Danaryes and her servants came out of the book.

Yes. There is something innately repulsive about two men penetrating one another. That is precisely why it's being shown everywhere. As much as possible. Until people are no longer repulsed.

Just like they did with lesbian sex. And look how well that worked, even the most prudish find no problem with it.

I beg to differ here.

Male to Male sex in prison is extraordinary rare, and when discovered, sometimes fatal. Best case scenario is that the homos will become bitches/punks.

Prison's Shameful Secret

Whereas...female to female the norm. According to my girlfriend, who isn't a lesbian, it comes very naturally for straight women to eat each other out, and often share a fantasy about having a man among them.
I want to see the tax returns of all the corporations, companies and individuals involved in the production of modern films. These entities exist to make money, and would not have so severely damaged their revenue and royalties by akwardly inserting all this Trigglypuff level SJW shit inside their products.

Not only that, but they still continue to ruin their own products as of 2020 and are only increasing the amount of unnatural and off-putting propaganda present in their films...having caused a grave decline in profit, which can also be seen by the annual decline of Oscar ratings (with 2020 being dangerously low, as in, not being worth the cost of hosting/producing).

So, the only way film production entities would have adamantly doubled down and continued their SJW march, at the expense of the massive revenues and profit is...SOMEONE OR SOMETHING IS REFUNDING THEIR LOSSES (adjusted for inflation and pre-2010 box office models).

Forget Lefty Politics: Here's Why the Oscars' Ratings Hit an All-Time Low


You CON$ervoNazis sound just like your hero!!!!!

Our whole public life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and simulations. Just look at the bill of fare served up in our movies, vaudeville and theaters, and you will hardly be able to deny that this is not the right kind of food, particularly for the youth … Theater, art, literature, cinema, press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political, and cultural idea.

- Adolf Hitler
The all girls Ghostbusters bombed. Ocean`s 8 bombed. Gay superheroes bombed. 007 was conceived as a white Male by his creator. That no one cares is the whole point. They didn't care enough to see these movies. The ones who make this unentertaining drivel don't care. They believe if they keep making drivel the public will eventually give in.

The all girls Ghostbusters was a terrible script, had notihng to do with the girls.

Every Ocean's movie has done progressively worse since the first, based upon the budget to make the movie, 8 did better than 12 or 13.

What gay superheroes bombed?

Yes, 007 was conceived as a white Male by his creator. And that has now gotten old and stale.

As are the industry moves toward countless films and shows about "Die Uberfrauen", the indestructible fem-fantasy ideal, which got old after Linda Hamilton's version in 1991.

Seems the indestructible male fantasy ideal got old after Arnie’s version in 1985. Or Bruce in 1990, yet they are still pumping them out.

Because one is a more realistic fantasy than the other.

Oh yeah....Commando was about as realistic as it comes!


Now imagine Angelina in that role. :auiqs.jpg:

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