SJW's have ruined Movies/TVseries

Is there an entity bankrolling modern film producers to cover and insure all of their losses?

  • Total voters
The leftists believe that things might be bad now and they are losing money it will get better as the leftist vision infiltrates more and more. Put gays in every tv show and movie. The repetition will make gays familiar and comfortable. Butt fucking will be normal. That's why Mayor Buttplug kisses his boyfriend at every campaign stop. Make every couple interracial and people will no longer care. They believe time is on their side and these failures are investments.

Sometimes even the SJWs go to far. The HBO series, the Watchmen, was so over the top racist that there will be no second season.

Speaking of Watchmen (one of the most pivotal examples for this thread in recent history)

Comics Fanboys Are Pissed About ‘Watchmen’

It’s certainly not unusual for critics and the general public to have differing opinions about TV shows and movies. But it’s a whole other thing when a series like Watchmen gets near-uniform critical praise, with some going so far as to call it “one of the best pilots ever,” and earns a 98 percent fresh score from professional critics on Rotten Tomatoes, yet the site’s audience score comes in at less than half that, at 45 percent rotten.

In this quote the left wing rag (dailybeast) already says "not unusual for critics and the general public to have differing opinions about TV shows and movies." That's not a problem with the general public...that's a problem with the politically hyper-left critic agencies that don't reflect the views of the general public.

In fact we saw the OPPOSITE with the Witcher, who had very high scores from the general public (me) and low scores from the critics for "not being gay enough." Many of these critics were eventually forced to admit that they didn't even watch the Witcher, and simply uploaded a collection of left wing talking points on the subject.

Scathing The Witcher Review Didn't Even Watch 50% of Netflix's Show

The review is written by two critics, Kristen Baldwin and Darren Franich, who now admit to skipping most of the episodes.

With critics now openly admitting that they don’t watch the shows before giving their final ratings, this rift between fans and critics looks like it’s only going to get bigger going forward.

Now look at how left wing rag "dailybeast" goes on, in order to explain the disparity.

It appears that Watchmen is the latest target of something called “review bombing,” in which trolls and agenda-driven users flood a forum like Rotten Tomatoes or IMDb with one-star reviews in order to drain its ratings score and create the illusion that it’s hated or unpopular.

Hate to break it to ya bed wetters; people don't have the time to review bomb products UNLESS THEY REALLY FUCKING HATE IT.

I loved the idea of a watchman tv series. Until I heard the details. What the fuck.

It was a great series, Loved every minute of it. You are missing out

There wasn't enough viewers who thought it was a great series. Now it's a dead series.

From what I read, it was planned as a single season. Damon Lindelof, the creator, talked about it only being a one season show before it aired. Everything Damon Lindelof has said about Watchmen season 2
Damon Lindelof Says HBO's 'Watchmen' Was Designed to Only Last One Season

It may have sucked (I haven't seen it yet), but having it only go for one season seems to have always been the plan.

That is really hard to believe. That a tv network would invest time and resources into a show for one season?
It could be a factor of the poor product coming out of hollywood.
There were some good movies up for Best Picture....1917, The Irishman, Marriage Story, Ford vs Ferrari, To Live and Die in Hollywood

Have no idea what Parasite was

I've barely heard of three of them. Hollywood has really driven me away. And I used to love to go to the movies. And I have the income to take my family or friends on a regular basis.

And I don't because they have spent decades working hard to drive me away.

Good movies that even a Conservative could love.
Hardly the material of Social Justice

You don’t go because you are too cheap

The Irishman and Marriage Story were on Netflix, both excellent movies

You miss the point. You, now meaning the social justice warriors of Hollywood, spend a couple of decades insulting me, and lecturing me, and I stop giving you a chance to do it again.

Hollywood is actively working to drive away customers. If our society was not deathly ill, the investors would be lynching the creative types doing this shit.

You seem to miss the point

If Hollywood is working to drive away customers with Social Justice themes, why was almost every Best Picture nominee directed at mainstream Americans?

Ford vs Ferrari, Live and Die in Hollywood and 1917 were aimed at social justice?

Couldn't say what is going on with the Oscars. Have not cared about that, for 30 years.
I cannot imagine how much you people's lives must suck in that you cannot even watch a TV show or movie without viewing it through your myopic political prism.

Is there any part of your lives that you do not tie directly to politics? Are you thinking about Trump when you have sex with your significant others?
If you don’t want people judging your show or movie through a political lense I have a crazy idea. Don’t make your show with a political agenda. Shockingly I don’t find being lectured to about homo’s, illegals and Christianity and how a producer thinks my views suck all that entertaining.

I do not care if you people are so fucking consumed by politics that you cannot watch a movie without inserting it into the movie, I just pity you, that is all.
The entire concept of this conversation has escaped you.

Not at all. We have a group of people that are so consumed by politics that everything they do is seen through the lense of politics, and as such they see the boogieman behind everything.

It is a shitty way to live, but I guess it is all you people have.
i was blown away after
I recall this debate I had back in the day with this lib about Avatar. I claimed it had all these anti-American messages in it, and this lib said I was being too sensitive and seeing what was not there. We went back and forth a while, until I had a hunch and went looking for interviews with the director/producer/writer James Cameron.

And in the interview, he talked about how he purposefully put all these political messages in the movie, all the ones I had said.

This is not about us being overly sensitive. It is about us not wanting to put up with their shit.

Avatar was about saving the environment...

Avatar was a singular example. Start Trek, or Dr. Who franchises, different matter. They've been co-opted on some politically correct tangent that that were forced and irrelevant.
I thought Avatar sucked

But it was about destruction of the environment. Hard to make a movie in favor of destroying the environment

You are a fish. You don't see water. Avatar was full of leftard propaganda.
People actually watched that?

Quite a lot of them actually. I ended up fast forwarding though most of the dialog. Too stupid to stand.

This is the best thing to come out of Avatar.

Speaking of Watchmen (one of the most pivotal examples for this thread in recent history)

Comics Fanboys Are Pissed About ‘Watchmen’

In this quote the left wing rag (dailybeast) already says "not unusual for critics and the general public to have differing opinions about TV shows and movies." That's not a problem with the general public...that's a problem with the politically hyper-left critic agencies that don't reflect the views of the general public.

In fact we saw the OPPOSITE with the Witcher, who had very high scores from the general public (me) and low scores from the critics for "not being gay enough." Many of these critics were eventually forced to admit that they didn't even watch the Witcher, and simply uploaded a collection of left wing talking points on the subject.

Scathing The Witcher Review Didn't Even Watch 50% of Netflix's Show

Now look at how left wing rag "dailybeast" goes on, in order to explain the disparity.

Hate to break it to ya bed wetters; people don't have the time to review bomb products UNLESS THEY REALLY FUCKING HATE IT.

I loved the idea of a watchman tv series. Until I heard the details. What the fuck.

It was a great series, Loved every minute of it. You are missing out

There wasn't enough viewers who thought it was a great series. Now it's a dead series.

From what I read, it was planned as a single season. Damon Lindelof, the creator, talked about it only being a one season show before it aired. Everything Damon Lindelof has said about Watchmen season 2
Damon Lindelof Says HBO's 'Watchmen' Was Designed to Only Last One Season

It may have sucked (I haven't seen it yet), but having it only go for one season seems to have always been the plan.

That is really hard to believe. That a tv network would invest time and resources into a show for one season?

Yup. Did they say it was running for only one season BEFORE it flopped?
It could be a factor of the poor product coming out of hollywood.
There were some good movies up for Best Picture....1917, The Irishman, Marriage Story, Ford vs Ferrari, To Live and Die in Hollywood

Have no idea what Parasite was

I've barely heard of three of them. Hollywood has really driven me away. And I used to love to go to the movies. And I have the income to take my family or friends on a regular basis.

And I don't because they have spent decades working hard to drive me away.

Good movies that even a Conservative could love.
Hardly the material of Social Justice

You don’t go because you are too cheap

The Irishman and Marriage Story were on Netflix, both excellent movies

You miss the point. You, now meaning the social justice warriors of Hollywood, spend a couple of decades insulting me, and lecturing me, and I stop giving you a chance to do it again.

Hollywood is actively working to drive away customers. If our society was not deathly ill, the investors would be lynching the creative types doing this shit.
I rarely watch movies at all.

I watch fewer all the time. TV shows are inherently better, but even they...

I have hopes with the explosion of mediums, that some variety in thought will grow.
Speaking of Watchmen (one of the most pivotal examples for this thread in recent history)

Comics Fanboys Are Pissed About ‘Watchmen’

In this quote the left wing rag (dailybeast) already says "not unusual for critics and the general public to have differing opinions about TV shows and movies." That's not a problem with the general public...that's a problem with the politically hyper-left critic agencies that don't reflect the views of the general public.

In fact we saw the OPPOSITE with the Witcher, who had very high scores from the general public (me) and low scores from the critics for "not being gay enough." Many of these critics were eventually forced to admit that they didn't even watch the Witcher, and simply uploaded a collection of left wing talking points on the subject.

Scathing The Witcher Review Didn't Even Watch 50% of Netflix's Show

Now look at how left wing rag "dailybeast" goes on, in order to explain the disparity.

Hate to break it to ya bed wetters; people don't have the time to review bomb products UNLESS THEY REALLY FUCKING HATE IT.

I loved the idea of a watchman tv series. Until I heard the details. What the fuck.

It was a great series, Loved every minute of it. You are missing out

There wasn't enough viewers who thought it was a great series. Now it's a dead series.

From what I read, it was planned as a single season. Damon Lindelof, the creator, talked about it only being a one season show before it aired. Everything Damon Lindelof has said about Watchmen season 2
Damon Lindelof Says HBO's 'Watchmen' Was Designed to Only Last One Season

It may have sucked (I haven't seen it yet), but having it only go for one season seems to have always been the plan.

That is really hard to believe. That a tv network would invest time and resources into a show for one season?

Yet you have no troubling believing that a TV network would purposefully try and drive away its customer base
I loved the idea of a watchman tv series. Until I heard the details. What the fuck.

It was a great series, Loved every minute of it. You are missing out

There wasn't enough viewers who thought it was a great series. Now it's a dead series.

From what I read, it was planned as a single season. Damon Lindelof, the creator, talked about it only being a one season show before it aired. Everything Damon Lindelof has said about Watchmen season 2
Damon Lindelof Says HBO's 'Watchmen' Was Designed to Only Last One Season

It may have sucked (I haven't seen it yet), but having it only go for one season seems to have always been the plan.

That is really hard to believe. That a tv network would invest time and resources into a show for one season?

Yup. Did they say it was running for only one season BEFORE it flopped?

Yes, Lindelof said before it even aired that one season was all he was going to do.

And it did not flop, just the opposite.

The show’s linear audience for the finale grew 14 percent versus last week’s episode (822,000) and 17 percent compared to the October 20 series premiere (799,000), while HBO says digital viewership leapt 31 percent between premiere and finale. More impressively, HBO estimates Watchmen’s cumulative audience currently stands at more than 7 million viewers per episode, including replays and delayed digital viewing. That’s the best first season of a fall HBO series since Westworld’s freshman cycle three years ago, and the most-watched first season of any HBO original since Big Little Lies bowed in February 2017.
I cannot imagine how much you people's lives must suck in that you cannot even watch a TV show or movie without viewing it through your myopic political prism.

Is there any part of your lives that you do not tie directly to politics? Are you thinking about Trump when you have sex with your significant others?
If you don’t want people judging your show or movie through a political lense I have a crazy idea. Don’t make your show with a political agenda. Shockingly I don’t find being lectured to about homo’s, illegals and Christianity and how a producer thinks my views suck all that entertaining.

I do not care if you people are so fucking consumed by politics that you cannot watch a movie without inserting it into the movie, I just pity you, that is all.
The entire concept of this conversation has escaped you.

Not at all. We have a group of people that are so consumed by politics that everything they do is seen through the lense of politics, and as such they see the boogieman behind everything.

It is a shitty way to live, but I guess it is all you people have.

We have tried, for years to ignore the little shit nuggets that Hollywood keeps putting into the movies that we want to enjoy.

I was watching a good tv show, a while back. And a character was creating a false identity for herself, and got a fake family picture for her work desk.

ONe of her peers, was looking at the family picture and did not like it,

Her reason?

They looked like republicans.

Looking like republicans is bad? We are that evul that just looking like us is a problem, even for a fake family that no one will ever meet that does not even exist, even within the reality of the show?

Why was that there? What did it add? It was an insult, it make the character less sympathetic to half the audience and took me out of the story, reminding me that this was a story told by an asshole liberals hollywood asshole.

This is not about a problem with us. This is about them being assholes.
I cannot imagine how much you people's lives must suck in that you cannot even watch a TV show or movie without viewing it through your myopic political prism.

Is there any part of your lives that you do not tie directly to politics? Are you thinking about Trump when you have sex with your significant others?
If you don’t want people judging your show or movie through a political lense I have a crazy idea. Don’t make your show with a political agenda. Shockingly I don’t find being lectured to about homo’s, illegals and Christianity and how a producer thinks my views suck all that entertaining.

I do not care if you people are so fucking consumed by politics that you cannot watch a movie without inserting it into the movie, I just pity you, that is all.
The entire concept of this conversation has escaped you.

Not at all. We have a group of people that are so consumed by politics that everything they do is seen through the lense of politics, and as such they see the boogieman behind everything.

It is a shitty way to live, but I guess it is all you people have.

We have tried, for years to ignore the little shit nuggets that Hollywood keeps putting into the movies that we want to enjoy.

I was watching a good tv show, a while back. And a character was creating a false identity for herself, and got a fake family picture for her work desk.

ONe of her peers, was looking at the family picture and did not like it,

Her reason?

They looked like republicans.

Looking like republicans is bad? We are that evul that just looking like us is a problem, even for a fake family that no one will ever meet that does not even exist, even within the reality of the show?

Why was that there? What did it add? It was an insult, it make the character less sympathetic to half the audience and took me out of the story, reminding me that this was a story told by an asshole liberals hollywood asshole.

This is not about a problem with us. This is about them being assholes.

What show was that?
I cannot imagine how much you people's lives must suck in that you cannot even watch a TV show or movie without viewing it through your myopic political prism.

Is there any part of your lives that you do not tie directly to politics? Are you thinking about Trump when you have sex with your significant others?
If you don’t want people judging your show or movie through a political lense I have a crazy idea. Don’t make your show with a political agenda. Shockingly I don’t find being lectured to about homo’s, illegals and Christianity and how a producer thinks my views suck all that entertaining.

I do not care if you people are so fucking consumed by politics that you cannot watch a movie without inserting it into the movie, I just pity you, that is all.
The entire concept of this conversation has escaped you.

Not at all. We have a group of people that are so consumed by politics that everything they do is seen through the lense of politics, and as such they see the boogieman behind everything.

It is a shitty way to live, but I guess it is all you people have.
So you blame the people watching (or not) the show for being too political. But not the people making the show. The ones actually putting their political views in the production aren’t the problem it’s those that decide not to watch their SJW/woke bullshit.

That is both as stupid and at the same time expected from you left wingers.
I loved the idea of a watchman tv series. Until I heard the details. What the fuck.

It was a great series, Loved every minute of it. You are missing out

There wasn't enough viewers who thought it was a great series. Now it's a dead series.

From what I read, it was planned as a single season. Damon Lindelof, the creator, talked about it only being a one season show before it aired. Everything Damon Lindelof has said about Watchmen season 2
Damon Lindelof Says HBO's 'Watchmen' Was Designed to Only Last One Season

It may have sucked (I haven't seen it yet), but having it only go for one season seems to have always been the plan.

That is really hard to believe. That a tv network would invest time and resources into a show for one season?

Yet you have no troubling believing that a TV network would purposefully try and drive away its customer base

I should point out that, in my view, while the actions of the Left in Hollywood is "driving half it's customer base away",

what they THINK will happen and should happen, is that conservatives will just line up like sheep and pay to be insulted and that they will make as much money as if they were actually doing their jobs AND have the joy of being paid while insulting a good portion of the people that are paying them.
The leftists believe that things might be bad now and they are losing money it will get better as the leftist vision infiltrates more and more. Put gays in every tv show and movie. The repetition will make gays familiar and comfortable. Butt fucking will be normal. That's why Mayor Buttplug kisses his boyfriend at every campaign stop. Make every couple interracial and people will no longer care. They believe time is on their side and these failures are investments.

Sometimes even the SJWs go to far. The HBO series, the Watchmen, was so over the top racist that there will be no second season.

Speaking of Watchmen (one of the most pivotal examples for this thread in recent history)

Comics Fanboys Are Pissed About ‘Watchmen’

It’s certainly not unusual for critics and the general public to have differing opinions about TV shows and movies. But it’s a whole other thing when a series like Watchmen gets near-uniform critical praise, with some going so far as to call it “one of the best pilots ever,” and earns a 98 percent fresh score from professional critics on Rotten Tomatoes, yet the site’s audience score comes in at less than half that, at 45 percent rotten.

In this quote the left wing rag (dailybeast) already says "not unusual for critics and the general public to have differing opinions about TV shows and movies." That's not a problem with the general public...that's a problem with the politically hyper-left critic agencies that don't reflect the views of the general public.

In fact we saw the OPPOSITE with the Witcher, who had very high scores from the general public (me) and low scores from the critics for "not being gay enough." Many of these critics were eventually forced to admit that they didn't even watch the Witcher, and simply uploaded a collection of left wing talking points on the subject.

Scathing The Witcher Review Didn't Even Watch 50% of Netflix's Show

The review is written by two critics, Kristen Baldwin and Darren Franich, who now admit to skipping most of the episodes.

With critics now openly admitting that they don’t watch the shows before giving their final ratings, this rift between fans and critics looks like it’s only going to get bigger going forward.

Now look at how left wing rag "dailybeast" goes on, in order to explain the disparity.

It appears that Watchmen is the latest target of something called “review bombing,” in which trolls and agenda-driven users flood a forum like Rotten Tomatoes or IMDb with one-star reviews in order to drain its ratings score and create the illusion that it’s hated or unpopular.

Hate to break it to ya bed wetters; people don't have the time to review bomb products UNLESS THEY REALLY FUCKING HATE IT.

I loved the idea of a watchman tv series. Until I heard the details. What the fuck.

It was a great series, Loved every minute of it. You are missing out

There wasn't enough viewers who thought it was a great series. Now it's a dead series.

From what I read, it was planned as a single season. Damon Lindelof, the creator, talked about it only being a one season show before it aired. Everything Damon Lindelof has said about Watchmen season 2
Damon Lindelof Says HBO's 'Watchmen' Was Designed to Only Last One Season

It may have sucked (I haven't seen it yet), but having it only go for one season seems to have always been the plan.

Technically the launch of any new series is only planned for ONE season. The production of future seasons is determined by the success or failure of the first season.

So all they did was tell you the standard approach to series.

First Season Positive? More seasons (they usually plan out both the 2nd and 3rd season btw)
First Season Bombed? Oh, we only planned on making one season.

This is why 90% of most series seem like they reach a "satisfying end" in the final episode of the first season, so in case they need to pull the plug, they can "save face" and claim it was only meant to be a single season series.
I cannot imagine how much you people's lives must suck in that you cannot even watch a TV show or movie without viewing it through your myopic political prism.

Is there any part of your lives that you do not tie directly to politics? Are you thinking about Trump when you have sex with your significant others?
If you don’t want people judging your show or movie through a political lense I have a crazy idea. Don’t make your show with a political agenda. Shockingly I don’t find being lectured to about homo’s, illegals and Christianity and how a producer thinks my views suck all that entertaining.

I do not care if you people are so fucking consumed by politics that you cannot watch a movie without inserting it into the movie, I just pity you, that is all.
The entire concept of this conversation has escaped you.

Not at all. We have a group of people that are so consumed by politics that everything they do is seen through the lense of politics, and as such they see the boogieman behind everything.

It is a shitty way to live, but I guess it is all you people have.
So you blame the people watching (or not) the show for being too political. But not the people making the show. The ones actually putting their political views in the production aren’t the problem it’s those that decide not to watch their SJW/woke bullshit.

That is both as stupid and at the same time expected from you left wingers.

You are seeing things that do not exist, you are seeing boogiemen because you have been programmed to see them. You see a brown person or a gay person and think "Oh my god, look what they are doing".

I mean fuck, one of the people in this thread has counted the number of gay sex scenes in the show Game of Thrones, while most of the world does not even notice.
If you don’t want people judging your show or movie through a political lense I have a crazy idea. Don’t make your show with a political agenda. Shockingly I don’t find being lectured to about homo’s, illegals and Christianity and how a producer thinks my views suck all that entertaining.

I do not care if you people are so fucking consumed by politics that you cannot watch a movie without inserting it into the movie, I just pity you, that is all.
The entire concept of this conversation has escaped you.

Not at all. We have a group of people that are so consumed by politics that everything they do is seen through the lense of politics, and as such they see the boogieman behind everything.

It is a shitty way to live, but I guess it is all you people have.
So you blame the people watching (or not) the show for being too political. But not the people making the show. The ones actually putting their political views in the production aren’t the problem it’s those that decide not to watch their SJW/woke bullshit.

That is both as stupid and at the same time expected from you left wingers.

You are seeing things that do not exist, you are seeing boogiemen because you have been programmed to see them. You see a brown person or a gay person and think "Oh my god, look what they are doing".

I mean fuck, one of the people in this thread has counted the number of gay sex scenes in the show Game of Thrones, while most of the world does not even notice.
If nobody notices why put it in there.
It was a great series, Loved every minute of it. You are missing out
There wasn't enough viewers who thought it was a great series. Now it's a dead series.

From what I read, it was planned as a single season. Damon Lindelof, the creator, talked about it only being a one season show before it aired. Everything Damon Lindelof has said about Watchmen season 2
Damon Lindelof Says HBO's 'Watchmen' Was Designed to Only Last One Season

It may have sucked (I haven't seen it yet), but having it only go for one season seems to have always been the plan.

That is really hard to believe. That a tv network would invest time and resources into a show for one season?

Yup. Did they say it was running for only one season BEFORE it flopped?

Yes, Lindelof said before it even aired that one season was all he was going to do.

And it did not flop, just the opposite.

The show’s linear audience for the finale grew 14 percent versus last week’s episode (822,000) and 17 percent compared to the October 20 series premiere (799,000), while HBO says digital viewership leapt 31 percent between premiere and finale. More impressively, HBO estimates Watchmen’s cumulative audience currently stands at more than 7 million viewers per episode, including replays and delayed digital viewing. That’s the best first season of a fall HBO series since Westworld’s freshman cycle three years ago, and the most-watched first season of any HBO original since Big Little Lies bowed in February 2017.

There does seem to be an audience for their message. There is probably a similar sized audience that they are ignoring.
If you don’t want people judging your show or movie through a political lense I have a crazy idea. Don’t make your show with a political agenda. Shockingly I don’t find being lectured to about homo’s, illegals and Christianity and how a producer thinks my views suck all that entertaining.

I do not care if you people are so fucking consumed by politics that you cannot watch a movie without inserting it into the movie, I just pity you, that is all.
The entire concept of this conversation has escaped you.

Not at all. We have a group of people that are so consumed by politics that everything they do is seen through the lense of politics, and as such they see the boogieman behind everything.

It is a shitty way to live, but I guess it is all you people have.

We have tried, for years to ignore the little shit nuggets that Hollywood keeps putting into the movies that we want to enjoy.

I was watching a good tv show, a while back. And a character was creating a false identity for herself, and got a fake family picture for her work desk.

ONe of her peers, was looking at the family picture and did not like it,

Her reason?

They looked like republicans.

Looking like republicans is bad? We are that evul that just looking like us is a problem, even for a fake family that no one will ever meet that does not even exist, even within the reality of the show?

Why was that there? What did it add? It was an insult, it make the character less sympathetic to half the audience and took me out of the story, reminding me that this was a story told by an asshole liberals hollywood asshole.

This is not about a problem with us. This is about them being assholes.

What show was that?

Dead like Me, great show actually. Luckily they did not do enough of that shit to ruin it for me.
I cannot imagine how much you people's lives must suck in that you cannot even watch a TV show or movie without viewing it through your myopic political prism.

Is there any part of your lives that you do not tie directly to politics? Are you thinking about Trump when you have sex with your significant others?
Are you? You're on this site more than most. Weather it's television or internet forums, you seem to be more obsessed with Trump than most Conservatives I know.
Are you? You're on this site more than most. Weather it's television or internet forums, you seem to be more obsessed with Trump than most Conservatives I know.

Not at all, this is site is a distraction while I am doing work or grading papers/projects on the internet. Unlike others on here who post to this site while on vacation with their family, last week when the wife and I were off to Florida, I did not even think about opening this site.

This site is my version of Jersey Shores, a guilty pleasure, that is why I do not actually start many threads.
If you don’t want people judging your show or movie through a political lense I have a crazy idea. Don’t make your show with a political agenda. Shockingly I don’t find being lectured to about homo’s, illegals and Christianity and how a producer thinks my views suck all that entertaining.

I do not care if you people are so fucking consumed by politics that you cannot watch a movie without inserting it into the movie, I just pity you, that is all.
The entire concept of this conversation has escaped you.

Not at all. We have a group of people that are so consumed by politics that everything they do is seen through the lense of politics, and as such they see the boogieman behind everything.

It is a shitty way to live, but I guess it is all you people have.
So you blame the people watching (or not) the show for being too political. But not the people making the show. The ones actually putting their political views in the production aren’t the problem it’s those that decide not to watch their SJW/woke bullshit.

That is both as stupid and at the same time expected from you left wingers.

You are seeing things that do not exist, you are seeing boogiemen because you have been programmed to see them. You see a brown person or a gay person and think "Oh my god, look what they are doing".

I mean fuck, one of the people in this thread has counted the number of gay sex scenes in the show Game of Thrones, while most of the world does not even notice.
I do want to get back to your premise here and it really is the basis of the entire left.

It’s not us that’s the problem. it’s you that’s the problem.

It’s not our crazy left worthless candidates running for office, it’s you voters.

It’s not the creepy mentally unstable transvestite, it’s you.

It’s not the stupidity of all girls Ghost Busters, it’s you.

It’s not the Oscars going fuck all nuts about cow abuse, it’s you.

It’s not us making white/male 007 a black woman, it’s you.

It’s not us making a super hero a queer, it’s you.

It’s not us making up 98 genders when there are clearly only two, it’s you.

This is the new communist democrats that want to control your life from cradle to grave. It’s not them, it’s you for not putting up with it.

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