SJW's have ruined Movies/TVseries

Is there an entity bankrolling modern film producers to cover and insure all of their losses?

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I cannot imagine how much you people's lives must suck in that you cannot even watch a TV show or movie without viewing it through your myopic political prism.

Is there any part of your lives that you do not tie directly to politics? Are you thinking about Trump when you have sex with your significant others?
Brilliant. Condemn the observer for noticing something is wrong. Yes Virginia, this IS political. Because the scriptwriters of these various shows put it there...Nice try though.

People see what they want to see. If they want to see something political, they will see something political. Hell, the OP counted the number of homosexual sex scenes they had in GOT!


But yeah, that is something normal people do!:113:

I recall this debate I had back in the day with this lib about Avatar. I claimed it had all these anti-American messages in it, and this lib said I was being too sensitive and seeing what was not there. We went back and forth a while, until I had a hunch and went looking for interviews with the director/producer/writer James Cameron.

And in the interview, he talked about how he purposefully put all these political messages in the movie, all the ones I had said.

This is not about us being overly sensitive. It is about us not wanting to put up with their shit.

Avatar was about saving the environment...

It was political about condemning people in the world for not seeing the error of their ways by propaganda artists. Like many other Prog movies. We can name the naes of course. But for some reason we can not name the names of the slave trade from centuries ago. The financiers and the slave ship captains draw a blank. It would be interesting to know who profited by that.
I cannot imagine how much you people's lives must suck in that you cannot even watch a TV show or movie without viewing it through your myopic political prism.

Is there any part of your lives that you do not tie directly to politics? Are you thinking about Trump when you have sex with your significant others?
Brilliant. Condemn the observer for noticing something is wrong. Yes Virginia, this IS political. Because the scriptwriters of these various shows put it there...Nice try though.

People see what they want to see. If they want to see something political, they will see something political. Hell, the OP counted the number of homosexual sex scenes they had in GOT!


But yeah, that is something normal people do!:113:

I recall this debate I had back in the day with this lib about Avatar. I claimed it had all these anti-American messages in it, and this lib said I was being too sensitive and seeing what was not there. We went back and forth a while, until I had a hunch and went looking for interviews with the director/producer/writer James Cameron.

And in the interview, he talked about how he purposefully put all these political messages in the movie, all the ones I had said.

This is not about us being overly sensitive. It is about us not wanting to put up with their shit.

Avatar was about saving the environment...

It was political about condemning people in the world for not seeing the error of their ways by propaganda artists. Like many other Prog movies. We can name the naes of course. But for some reason we can not name the names of the slave trade from centuries ago. The financiers and the slave ship captains draw a blank. It would be interesting to know who profited by that.

Destroying the environment = Bad

Hard to make heroes about those destroying a planet
I Saw a lot of very good movies recently. To enjoy things like the arts, one has to be able to stow their anger and misery during the undertaking. Blob supporters are not capable.

No. Propaganda is not art, it's propaganda.

Also potential viewers (like myself) are now filled with trepidation and low expectations for modern films (star wars). The reason the Witcher Netflix series did so well among its VIEWERS (not the SJW critics) was because the producers rebuked and removed 99% of the SJW bullshit that was originally inserted, and even then a few nasty examples still made it through.

That being said, the Pro-baby, Pro-womb, Pro-life elements of the Witcher series vastly overshadowed the SJW pro-abortion, pro-mutilation, pro-death elements that were also in the Witcher.

The thing is though, seeing a woman lament about the loss of her womb and her inability to create life, and do anything she can to restore her reproductive capabiities, IS VERY NATURAL AND GENUINE and RESONATES WITH NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS.

I haven't seen the Witcher, but what is your complaint? Your version of political correctness was in the script, was filmed, and made it into the final cut. There are hundreds of TV shows and movies and a great variety of them on Netflix, HBO, etc. Pick what you like to watch. Even form a production company and make your own from scripts that conform to your version of PC.
I cannot imagine how much you people's lives must suck in that you cannot even watch a TV show or movie without viewing it through your myopic political prism.

Is there any part of your lives that you do not tie directly to politics? Are you thinking about Trump when you have sex with your significant others?
Brilliant. Condemn the observer for noticing something is wrong. Yes Virginia, this IS political. Because the scriptwriters of these various shows put it there...Nice try though.

People see what they want to see. If they want to see something political, they will see something political. Hell, the OP counted the number of homosexual sex scenes they had in GOT!


But yeah, that is something normal people do!:113:

Every year we watch Christmas with the Kranks starring conservative asshat Tim Allen. Like the movie quite a bit; could care less about his political leanings before or after. Not sure why some can’t separate get two.
I cannot imagine how much you people's lives must suck in that you cannot even watch a TV show or movie without viewing it through your myopic political prism.

Is there any part of your lives that you do not tie directly to politics? Are you thinking about Trump when you have sex with your significant others?
If you don’t want people judging your show or movie through a political lense I have a crazy idea. Don’t make your show with a political agenda. Shockingly I don’t find being lectured to about homo’s, illegals and Christianity and how a producer thinks my views suck all that entertaining.

I do not care if you people are so fucking consumed by politics that you cannot watch a movie without inserting it into the movie, I just pity you, that is all.
The entire concept of this conversation has escaped you.
I cannot imagine how much you people's lives must suck in that you cannot even watch a TV show or movie without viewing it through your myopic political prism.

Is there any part of your lives that you do not tie directly to politics? Are you thinking about Trump when you have sex with your significant others?
I can only speak for myself but...

That is not the problem. It is not a case of me wanting to inject politics into a movie or show I am watching but rather the show forcing it there. The best example I can recall at the moment is supergirl. The last season I watched went off the rails trying to force a transgender character in where there was no real story, purpose or reason to do so in the manner that they did and then tried to make the whole damn show about SJW issues. It cheapened the whole story and made the show impossible to enjoy.

There is good storytelling where these issues arise naturally and the tension around them is part of the fabric of the story. Then there is this crap we are getting today where it is thrown in to preach to the viewer, pulls you out of the story line and ultimately does not fit into the experience itself.

There is a real impact on quality entertainment. Hopefully Hollywood will abandon this incessant predilection to preach to its customers.

Supergirl isn't a very good example. It's not a good show regardless of what transgender character may have been put in it. :lol:

Don't get me wrong, the first season was surprisingly decent. A little too forced with the girl-power, but still enjoyable. The second season started like complete garbage, though, and I gave it up as not worth the effort.

Then again, that's kind of the story of all the CW DC shows, I think. Sometimes good, but overall not worth the effort. :dunno:
The leftists believe that things might be bad now and they are losing money it will get better as the leftist vision infiltrates more and more. Put gays in every tv show and movie. The repetition will make gays familiar and comfortable. Butt fucking will be normal. That's why Mayor Buttplug kisses his boyfriend at every campaign stop. Make every couple interracial and people will no longer care. They believe time is on their side and these failures are investments.

Sometimes even the SJWs go to far. The HBO series, the Watchmen, was so over the top racist that there will be no second season.

Speaking of Watchmen (one of the most pivotal examples for this thread in recent history)

Comics Fanboys Are Pissed About ‘Watchmen’

It’s certainly not unusual for critics and the general public to have differing opinions about TV shows and movies. But it’s a whole other thing when a series like Watchmen gets near-uniform critical praise, with some going so far as to call it “one of the best pilots ever,” and earns a 98 percent fresh score from professional critics on Rotten Tomatoes, yet the site’s audience score comes in at less than half that, at 45 percent rotten.

In this quote the left wing rag (dailybeast) already says "not unusual for critics and the general public to have differing opinions about TV shows and movies." That's not a problem with the general public...that's a problem with the politically hyper-left critic agencies that don't reflect the views of the general public.

In fact we saw the OPPOSITE with the Witcher, who had very high scores from the general public (me) and low scores from the critics for "not being gay enough." Many of these critics were eventually forced to admit that they didn't even watch the Witcher, and simply uploaded a collection of left wing talking points on the subject.

Scathing The Witcher Review Didn't Even Watch 50% of Netflix's Show

The review is written by two critics, Kristen Baldwin and Darren Franich, who now admit to skipping most of the episodes.

With critics now openly admitting that they don’t watch the shows before giving their final ratings, this rift between fans and critics looks like it’s only going to get bigger going forward.

Now look at how left wing rag "dailybeast" goes on, in order to explain the disparity.

It appears that Watchmen is the latest target of something called “review bombing,” in which trolls and agenda-driven users flood a forum like Rotten Tomatoes or IMDb with one-star reviews in order to drain its ratings score and create the illusion that it’s hated or unpopular.

Hate to break it to ya bed wetters; people don't have the time to review bomb products UNLESS THEY REALLY FUCKING HATE IT.

I loved the idea of a watchman tv series. Until I heard the details. What the fuck.

It was a great series, Loved every minute of it. You are missing out

There wasn't enough viewers who thought it was a great series. Now it's a dead series.

From what I read, it was planned as a single season. Damon Lindelof, the creator, talked about it only being a one season show before it aired. Everything Damon Lindelof has said about Watchmen season 2
Damon Lindelof Says HBO's 'Watchmen' Was Designed to Only Last One Season

It may have sucked (I haven't seen it yet), but having it only go for one season seems to have always been the plan.

Wow. Deadpool as an example of SJW film? That is.....I don't even know how to describe how ridiculous that is. :lol:

Brienne of Tarth is a SJW character? OK then. Is this video just sarcasm? They even make comments about people winning fights or kicking someone's ass while the video shows that not actually happening! :lmao:

I also find it hilarious that rather than looking at the fight scenes shown and seeing that the 'good guy' wins, the video assumes it is based on some sort of diversity issue.

I find it hard to believe the video was made in seriousness. ;)
Of course there are political messages in movies and tv shows. Since they are often brought up (real or imagined) before the programs even air, I would think those who are complaining the most loudly would be able to avoid such things with relative ease. :dunno:
Every project done by people in the arts-and-entertainment community ultimately gets introduced into general society, where it sinks or swims according to audience reaction. It is totally ridiculous for some people to sit back with their arms folded and demand that every production conform to their political biases and personal version of political correctness.

We consumers know where the "off" button is, and have full control over on what we spend our money on. Sometimes I channel surf, and find total junk, the "Real Housewives," things about dresses, televangelists, a bunch of nutty 20-somethings bar-hopping and bed-hopping on the Jersey shore, people fighting with their significant others, and am relieved to find a true-crime show or old episodes of Criminal Minds or something from BBC America.

Take what you like and leave the rest. If you hate spinach, leave it alone on the buffet table. Don't bitch that some "them" is forcing it onto your plate when this is not happening.

The other alternative is to cook your own meal. Indulge in the creative process yourself. Write, produce, direct, act, make an indie. You "conservatives" who complain must know that there is a huge amount of dollars out there that is controlled by your political friends and allies. Nobody is stopping you from participating in the entertainment industry.

According to the "conservative" complainers, there is a large market of under-served or disaffected consumers. What an opportunity! Tap right into it. There must be lots of money to be made.
A lot of movies are just propaganda and/or product placement, regardless of politics; one reason I prefer books.
Leftists are getting spanked right now in every single arena of life, right down to the Oscars.

It's wonderful. When they cry about Roger Stone, remember: it's because they have nothing else. Honestly, not a single other win to hang their hats on. Now, they're even losing the culture.
What gets me is that most of the men and women portrayed by actors
Brilliant. Condemn the observer for noticing something is wrong. Yes Virginia, this IS political. Because the scriptwriters of these various shows put it there...Nice try though.

People see what they want to see. If they want to see something political, they will see something political. Hell, the OP counted the number of homosexual sex scenes they had in GOT!


But yeah, that is something normal people do!:113:

I recall this debate I had back in the day with this lib about Avatar. I claimed it had all these anti-American messages in it, and this lib said I was being too sensitive and seeing what was not there. We went back and forth a while, until I had a hunch and went looking for interviews with the director/producer/writer James Cameron.

And in the interview, he talked about how he purposefully put all these political messages in the movie, all the ones I had said.

This is not about us being overly sensitive. It is about us not wanting to put up with their shit.

Avatar was about saving the environment...

It was political about condemning people in the world for not seeing the error of their ways by propaganda artists. Like many other Prog movies. We can name the naes of course. But for some reason we can not name the names of the slave trade from centuries ago. The financiers and the slave ship captains draw a blank. It would be interesting to know who profited by that.

Destroying the environment = Bad

Hard to make heroes about those destroying a planet
Of course destroying the environment is bad. However there are people who are politically inclined on both sides who do it. And only one side gets the blame. As how to improve the environment it has to be done as the technology becomes viable and it does not destroy the economy, price goods and services to outlandish levels and impoverish the population. And the most important thing is, that the movers and shakers in this nation need to live as they spout. And most don't.
Ratings suck because the Oscars suck

All awards shows suck

TV ratings are down across all spectrums. The main factor being computers and smartphones.

Most young people today stream their viewing preferences, having grandchildren, I can attest to this fact.

Have you noticed how threads similar to this one all have a running theme?

Boomers astonished the world didn't stop when they were born, and young people don't accept their norms, or entertainment.

You're supposed to grow old gracefully, and be thankful for long life.

Not the conservative snowflakes of tRumpland.

They're going to force you to hear their grievances from any venue available.

I just can't figure out why my grandkids stream their entertainment.

It could be a factor of the poor product coming out of hollywood.
There were some good movies up for Best Picture....1917, The Irishman, Marriage Story, Ford vs Ferrari, To Live and Die in Hollywood

Have no idea what Parasite was

I've barely heard of three of them. Hollywood has really driven me away. And I used to love to go to the movies. And I have the income to take my family or friends on a regular basis.

And I don't because they have spent decades working hard to drive me away.

Good movies that even a Conservative could love.
Hardly the material of Social Justice

You don’t go because you are too cheap

The Irishman and Marriage Story were on Netflix, both excellent movies

You miss the point. You, now meaning the social justice warriors of Hollywood, spend a couple of decades insulting me, and lecturing me, and I stop giving you a chance to do it again.

Hollywood is actively working to drive away customers. If our society was not deathly ill, the investors would be lynching the creative types doing this shit.
I cannot imagine how much you people's lives must suck in that you cannot even watch a TV show or movie without viewing it through your myopic political prism.

Is there any part of your lives that you do not tie directly to politics? Are you thinking about Trump when you have sex with your significant others?
Brilliant. Condemn the observer for noticing something is wrong. Yes Virginia, this IS political. Because the scriptwriters of these various shows put it there...Nice try though.

People see what they want to see. If they want to see something political, they will see something political. Hell, the OP counted the number of homosexual sex scenes they had in GOT!


But yeah, that is something normal people do!:113:

I recall this debate I had back in the day with this lib about Avatar. I claimed it had all these anti-American messages in it, and this lib said I was being too sensitive and seeing what was not there. We went back and forth a while, until I had a hunch and went looking for interviews with the director/producer/writer James Cameron.

And in the interview, he talked about how he purposefully put all these political messages in the movie, all the ones I had said.

This is not about us being overly sensitive. It is about us not wanting to put up with their shit.

Avatar was about saving the environment...


It was full of leftard political messages. You are a moron. If I post the interview with Cameron, will you admit that you were wrong or just retreat further into Troll?
Leftists are getting spanked right now in every single arena of life, right down to the Oscars.

It's wonderful. When they cry about Roger Stone, remember: it's because they have nothing else. Honestly, not a single other win to hang their hats on. Now, they're even losing the culture.
You like Roger Stone?
TV ratings are down across all spectrums. The main factor being computers and smartphones.

Most young people today stream their viewing preferences, having grandchildren, I can attest to this fact.

Have you noticed how threads similar to this one all have a running theme?

Boomers astonished the world didn't stop when they were born, and young people don't accept their norms, or entertainment.

You're supposed to grow old gracefully, and be thankful for long life.

Not the conservative snowflakes of tRumpland.

They're going to force you to hear their grievances from any venue available.

I just can't figure out why my grandkids stream their entertainment.

It could be a factor of the poor product coming out of hollywood.
There were some good movies up for Best Picture....1917, The Irishman, Marriage Story, Ford vs Ferrari, To Live and Die in Hollywood

Have no idea what Parasite was

I've barely heard of three of them. Hollywood has really driven me away. And I used to love to go to the movies. And I have the income to take my family or friends on a regular basis.

And I don't because they have spent decades working hard to drive me away.

Good movies that even a Conservative could love.
Hardly the material of Social Justice

You don’t go because you are too cheap

The Irishman and Marriage Story were on Netflix, both excellent movies

You miss the point. You, now meaning the social justice warriors of Hollywood, spend a couple of decades insulting me, and lecturing me, and I stop giving you a chance to do it again.

Hollywood is actively working to drive away customers. If our society was not deathly ill, the investors would be lynching the creative types doing this shit.

You seem to miss the point

If Hollywood is working to drive away customers with Social Justice themes, why was almost every Best Picture nominee directed at mainstream Americans?

Ford vs Ferrari, Live and Die in Hollywood and 1917 were aimed at social justice?
i was blown away after
Brilliant. Condemn the observer for noticing something is wrong. Yes Virginia, this IS political. Because the scriptwriters of these various shows put it there...Nice try though.

People see what they want to see. If they want to see something political, they will see something political. Hell, the OP counted the number of homosexual sex scenes they had in GOT!


But yeah, that is something normal people do!:113:

I recall this debate I had back in the day with this lib about Avatar. I claimed it had all these anti-American messages in it, and this lib said I was being too sensitive and seeing what was not there. We went back and forth a while, until I had a hunch and went looking for interviews with the director/producer/writer James Cameron.

And in the interview, he talked about how he purposefully put all these political messages in the movie, all the ones I had said.

This is not about us being overly sensitive. It is about us not wanting to put up with their shit.

Avatar was about saving the environment...

Avatar was a singular example. Start Trek, or Dr. Who franchises, different matter. They've been co-opted on some politically correct tangent that that were forced and irrelevant.
I thought Avatar sucked

But it was about destruction of the environment. Hard to make a movie in favor of destroying the environment

You are a fish. You don't see water. Avatar was full of leftard propaganda.
i was blown away after
People see what they want to see. If they want to see something political, they will see something political. Hell, the OP counted the number of homosexual sex scenes they had in GOT!


But yeah, that is something normal people do!:113:

I recall this debate I had back in the day with this lib about Avatar. I claimed it had all these anti-American messages in it, and this lib said I was being too sensitive and seeing what was not there. We went back and forth a while, until I had a hunch and went looking for interviews with the director/producer/writer James Cameron.

And in the interview, he talked about how he purposefully put all these political messages in the movie, all the ones I had said.

This is not about us being overly sensitive. It is about us not wanting to put up with their shit.

Avatar was about saving the environment...

Avatar was a singular example. Start Trek, or Dr. Who franchises, different matter. They've been co-opted on some politically correct tangent that that were forced and irrelevant.
I thought Avatar sucked

But it was about destruction of the environment. Hard to make a movie in favor of destroying the environment

You are a fish. You don't see water. Avatar was full of leftard propaganda.
People actually watched that?
TV ratings are down across all spectrums. The main factor being computers and smartphones.

Most young people today stream their viewing preferences, having grandchildren, I can attest to this fact.

Have you noticed how threads similar to this one all have a running theme?

Boomers astonished the world didn't stop when they were born, and young people don't accept their norms, or entertainment.

You're supposed to grow old gracefully, and be thankful for long life.

Not the conservative snowflakes of tRumpland.

They're going to force you to hear their grievances from any venue available.

I just can't figure out why my grandkids stream their entertainment.

It could be a factor of the poor product coming out of hollywood.
There were some good movies up for Best Picture....1917, The Irishman, Marriage Story, Ford vs Ferrari, To Live and Die in Hollywood

Have no idea what Parasite was

I've barely heard of three of them. Hollywood has really driven me away. And I used to love to go to the movies. And I have the income to take my family or friends on a regular basis.

And I don't because they have spent decades working hard to drive me away.

Good movies that even a Conservative could love.
Hardly the material of Social Justice

You don’t go because you are too cheap

The Irishman and Marriage Story were on Netflix, both excellent movies

You miss the point. You, now meaning the social justice warriors of Hollywood, spend a couple of decades insulting me, and lecturing me, and I stop giving you a chance to do it again.

Hollywood is actively working to drive away customers. If our society was not deathly ill, the investors would be lynching the creative types doing this shit.
I rarely watch movies at all.

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