SJW's have ruined Movies/TVseries

Is there an entity bankrolling modern film producers to cover and insure all of their losses?

  • Total voters
I ask again....why is it that all these so-called right wing alpha males are such crybabies?
You'll be the one crying when you try to take our guns. That and soiling your panties.

So you admit that your desire for these weapons is the result of a sexual problem that you are experiencing. This clears up a lot.

But the topic of this thread is entertainment, and the stupid folks have chimed in that they are unable to control their own TV sets and somehow are being victimized by some Big, Bad, Devil-Worshiping Ghouls, on purpose, of course.
My Desire for wanting My God Given Rights to Firearms is to Stop Godless Heathens like You From Building Gulags and Guillotines.

Dem U.S. Senate candidate unveils campaign logo: The guillotine as 'a symbol of the work we have to do'

BTW, these are actual campaign buttons & logos.

View attachment 307205

VICTOR JOECKS: Sanders campaign workers want to ‘guillotine the rich,’ send Republicans to gulags
So you have posted a mess, whatever for, I can't imagine. Please explain this connection that you are making between believing in a Supreme Being and your desire to possess assault weaponry. What is this "godless heathen" thing about? How do you connect a desire to possess an assault weapon and a belief in a Supreme Being?
Why do you need to behead Christians Jews, The Rich and Conservatives?

It's obvious that you people don't care for fair elections, Due Process or Civil Rights. Why is that? Why do you think you have to kill babies and people who disagree with you? Don't you have some inspiring Bullshit to sell people on your Communist Utopia?

Why won't America trust you to take their guns, limit their free speech, force them in to Government Run Healthcare?

All Socialist States end up in Mass Murder when The Socialists cannot promise what they lied to The People about, and they want them out of office.

Why you want to Behead Us, Bro?

Press the call button on your bed and the nice nurse will come with your meds to calm you down. You're blithering, posting insane rubbish with no basis in fact or reality.

God has truly made you insane, to punish you for your lies and for following a corrupt and evil man who harms children and poor families, and is causing the deaths of thousands of people.

Time to get some help.
I think that it is hilarious to hear from all of these people who think that our entire society and entire industries must do their bidding and meet with their approval. They must be catered to. It doesn't work that way. Nobody is forcing them to watch anything, yet they complain that they are being "forced" to watch. This reminds me of that asshole who wants to sue the NFL because of the Superbowl half-time show. He apparently thinks that the NFL needs to run whatever it does by him first and abide by His Royal Highness's opinions. Go figure.
I ask again....why is it that all these so-called right wing alpha males are such crybabies?

It’s a victim mentality. There is no difference between the OP and the rhetoric you still hear from time to time from ethnic minorities who complain about the lack of representation on the screen.

The thing is that non of the "whiners" are alpha males and that includes Trump. Trump is bully and bullies are never alphas, they wanna be alphas but they lack the ability. A true alpha doesn't need to threaten and intimmidate people into doing his bidding. Trump has whined endless that his family has never received the respect of the business and social elites. That's because respect is earned, and he's never earned any.

Business leaders won't work with this White House - the President's Council on business was resolved when all the top leaders quit in protest after Charlottesville.

Most of the world's leaders are alpha's. That's why they laughed at Trump's ridiculous claim at the UN that he was the best President ever. The Australian President mocked him. The world leaders at the G7 were laughing about his speech.

To real alphas, like Rex Tillerson, or Nancy Pelosi, Trump is a "fucking moron". And Trump knows it's true, and that's why he whines endlessly about how "unfairly" he's treated.

Very true. This is one of the reasons that all of the generals he once embraced have left his administration. They can’t respect the blob and he doesn’t feel at ease with someone not respecting him.
I think that it is hilarious to hear from all of these people who think that our entire society and entire industries must do their bidding and meet with their approval. They must be catered to. It doesn't work that way. Nobody is forcing them to watch anything, yet they complain that they are being "forced" to watch. This reminds me of that asshole who wants to sue the NFL because of the Superbowl half-time show. He apparently thinks that the NFL needs to run whatever it does by him first and abide by His Royal Highness's opinions. Go figure.
I ask again....why is it that all these so-called right wing alpha males are such crybabies?

It’s a victim mentality. There is no difference between the OP and the rhetoric you still hear from time to time from ethnic minorities who complain about the lack of representation on the screen.

The thing is that non of the "whiners" are alpha males and that includes Trump. Trump is bully and bullies are never alphas, they wanna be alphas but they lack the ability. A true alpha doesn't need to threaten and intimmidate people into doing his bidding. Trump has whined endless that his family has never received the respect of the business and social elites. That's because respect is earned, and he's never earned any.

Business leaders won't work with this White House - the President's Council on business was resolved when all the top leaders quit in protest after Charlottesville.

Most of the world's leaders are alpha's. That's why they laughed at Trump's ridiculous claim at the UN that he was the best President ever. The Australian President mocked him. The world leaders at the G7 were laughing about his speech.

To real alphas, like Rex Tillerson, or Nancy Pelosi, Trump is a "fucking moron". And Trump knows it's true, and that's why he whines endlessly about how "unfairly" he's treated.
Nancy Pelosi is Evil and Sold her soul to The Devil a Long Time Ago, and Tillerson was Dishonorable and Disloyal and went behind The President's back and undermined The President's Foreign Policy.

I could care less about people The President has fired.

You keep blending religion, especially Christianity, into some primordial soup with U.S. politics. Why do you reject the fact that Nancy Pelosi is a Christian just because she does not mirror your religious or political views? As for Tillerson: what would obligate him to elevate an allegiance to the individual person of donald trump about his obligation to the USA?
A person becomes an "alpha" only by speaking in a way that demonstrates that s/he has wisdom and gravitas. Then people will turn to this person on their own. True "alphas" never beg or bully for the title. They would never promote themselves. A true alpha is a humble person who becomes celebrated by others who seek out his/her wisdom and guidance.


a true "alpha" is the person who commands the most respect in any particular place.

Whether that person "good" or "evil," or is "celebrated," or "worshiped" in order to receive "guidance/recognition/status" has no bearing on the definition of an alpha.

Marcus Aurelius was an alpha. A wise man.

So was Stalin, a mass murdering communist.

So was El Chapo.

So was Pope John Paul II.

Alpha has nothing to do with wisdom and veneration.
They must be catered to. It doesn't work that way. Nobody is forcing them to watch anything, yet they complain that they are being "forced" to watch.


We're not watching.

That's the point of the thread, why would film producers purposely drive away half the American population, and therefore cut their revenues in half?

Who is making up for this loss of potential profit? Show me the tax returns and I'll tell you.

You’re not their target audience.
You'll be the one crying when you try to take our guns. That and soiling your panties.

So you admit that your desire for these weapons is the result of a sexual problem that you are experiencing. This clears up a lot.

But the topic of this thread is entertainment, and the stupid folks have chimed in that they are unable to control their own TV sets and somehow are being victimized by some Big, Bad, Devil-Worshiping Ghouls, on purpose, of course.
My Desire for wanting My God Given Rights to Firearms is to Stop Godless Heathens like You From Building Gulags and Guillotines.

Dem U.S. Senate candidate unveils campaign logo: The guillotine as 'a symbol of the work we have to do'

BTW, these are actual campaign buttons & logos.

View attachment 307205

VICTOR JOECKS: Sanders campaign workers want to ‘guillotine the rich,’ send Republicans to gulags
So you have posted a mess, whatever for, I can't imagine. Please explain this connection that you are making between believing in a Supreme Being and your desire to possess assault weaponry. What is this "godless heathen" thing about? How do you connect a desire to possess an assault weapon and a belief in a Supreme Being?
Why do you need to behead Christians Jews, The Rich and Conservatives?

It's obvious that you people don't care for fair elections, Due Process or Civil Rights. Why is that? Why do you think you have to kill babies and people who disagree with you? Don't you have some inspiring Bullshit to sell people on your Communist Utopia?

Why won't America trust you to take their guns, limit their free speech, force them in to Government Run Healthcare?

All Socialist States end up in Mass Murder when The Socialists cannot promise what they lied to The People about, and they want them out of office.

Why you want to Behead Us, Bro?

Press the call button on your bed and the nice nurse will come with your meds to calm you down. You're blithering, posting insane rubbish with no basis in fact or reality.

God has truly made you insane, to punish you for your lies and for following a corrupt and evil man who harms children and poor families, and is causing the deaths of thousands of people.

Time to get some help.
I don't belong to a party who pronounced conspiracies from their Rubber Rooms, or Russian Collusion and Then Ukraine Collusion.

Russia and Ukraine are enemies Numb Nuts.

It's your side that has gone on record wanting to behead conservatives and put people in Gulags.

Or do you DENY these things were actually said?

Your Denial is Insanity.

Maine Gov. Paul LePage wants to "bring the guillotine back" for non-violent drug offenders

Just imagine that the left protest this movie cause it isn't diverse enough.

God damn them all.

Seems they nominated it for best picture

Only provig the entire point of this thread.

The best pictures are the ones devoid of SJW bullshit.

Therefore, why are most films inserting SJW bullshit and intentionally forfeiting half their potential profit? Who is PAYING them to do this?
I think that it is hilarious to hear from all of these people who think that our entire society and entire industries must do their bidding and meet with their approval. They must be catered to. It doesn't work that way. Nobody is forcing them to watch anything, yet they complain that they are being "forced" to watch. This reminds me of that asshole who wants to sue the NFL because of the Superbowl half-time show. He apparently thinks that the NFL needs to run whatever it does by him first and abide by His Royal Highness's opinions. Go figure.
I ask again....why is it that all these so-called right wing alpha males are such crybabies?

It’s a victim mentality. There is no difference between the OP and the rhetoric you still hear from time to time from ethnic minorities who complain about the lack of representation on the screen.

The thing is that non of the "whiners" are alpha males and that includes Trump. Trump is bully and bullies are never alphas, they wanna be alphas but they lack the ability. A true alpha doesn't need to threaten and intimmidate people into doing his bidding. Trump has whined endless that his family has never received the respect of the business and social elites. That's because respect is earned, and he's never earned any.

Business leaders won't work with this White House - the President's Council on business was resolved when all the top leaders quit in protest after Charlottesville.

Most of the world's leaders are alpha's. That's why they laughed at Trump's ridiculous claim at the UN that he was the best President ever. The Australian President mocked him. The world leaders at the G7 were laughing about his speech.

To real alphas, like Rex Tillerson, or Nancy Pelosi, Trump is a "fucking moron". And Trump knows it's true, and that's why he whines endlessly about how "unfairly" he's treated.
Nancy Pelosi is Evil and Sold her soul to The Devil a Long Time Ago, and Tillerson was Dishonorable and Disloyal and went behind The President's back and undermined The President's Foreign Policy.

I could care less about people The President has fired.

You keep blending religion, especially Christianity, into some primordial soup with U.S. politics. Why do you reject the fact that Nancy Pelosi is a Christian just because she does not mirror your religious or political views? As for Tillerson: what would obligate him to elevate an allegiance to the individual person of donald trump about his obligation to the USA?
Our Entire Constitution and Bill of Rights is based on The Judeo Christian Ethic. If you don't like it, then move and go back to Libphuckistan.
I ask again....why is it that all these so-called right wing alpha males are such crybabies?
You'll be the one crying when you try to take our guns. That and soiling your panties.

So you admit that your desire for these weapons is the result of a sexual problem that you are experiencing. This clears up a lot.

But the topic of this thread is entertainment, and the stupid folks have chimed in that they are unable to control their own TV sets and somehow are being victimized by some Big, Bad, Devil-Worshiping Ghouls, on purpose, of course.
My Desire for wanting My God Given Rights to Firearms is to Stop Godless Heathens like You From Building Gulags and Guillotines.

Dem U.S. Senate candidate unveils campaign logo: The guillotine as 'a symbol of the work we have to do'

BTW, these are actual campaign buttons & logos.

View attachment 307205

VICTOR JOECKS: Sanders campaign workers want to ‘guillotine the rich,’ send Republicans to gulags
So you have posted a mess, whatever for, I can't imagine. Please explain this connection that you are making between believing in a Supreme Being and your desire to possess assault weaponry. What is this "godless heathen" thing about? How do you connect a desire to possess an assault weapon and a belief in a Supreme Being?
Why do you need to behead Christians Jews, The Rich and Conservatives?

It's obvious that you people don't care for fair elections, Due Process or Civil Rights. Why is that? Why do you think you have to kill babies and people who disagree with you? Don't you have some inspiring Bullshit to sell people on your Communist Utopia?

Why won't America trust you to take their guns, limit their free speech, force them in to Government Run Healthcare?

All Socialist States end up in Mass Murder when The Socialists cannot promise what they lied to The People about, and they want them out of office.

Why you want to Behead Us, Bro?

Who is beheading anyone in the USA? Who is killing babies and people who disagree? It is obvious that you need help.
But the topic of this thread is entertainment

No, that has never been the topic of this thread.

The topic of this thread is why would film producers sacrifice more than half their profits/revenues for political purposes?

Companies don't exist to lose money, they exist to maximize profit.

I want to know know who is covering their loss of 1/2 their potential revenue.

Stop trying to hijack and redefine my OP and poll.


They are not sacrificing half their profits, you triggered snowflakes do not make up half the population, you are a tiny percent of it
You'll be the one crying when you try to take our guns. That and soiling your panties.

So you admit that your desire for these weapons is the result of a sexual problem that you are experiencing. This clears up a lot.

But the topic of this thread is entertainment, and the stupid folks have chimed in that they are unable to control their own TV sets and somehow are being victimized by some Big, Bad, Devil-Worshiping Ghouls, on purpose, of course.
My Desire for wanting My God Given Rights to Firearms is to Stop Godless Heathens like You From Building Gulags and Guillotines.

Dem U.S. Senate candidate unveils campaign logo: The guillotine as 'a symbol of the work we have to do'

BTW, these are actual campaign buttons & logos.

View attachment 307205

VICTOR JOECKS: Sanders campaign workers want to ‘guillotine the rich,’ send Republicans to gulags
So you have posted a mess, whatever for, I can't imagine. Please explain this connection that you are making between believing in a Supreme Being and your desire to possess assault weaponry. What is this "godless heathen" thing about? How do you connect a desire to possess an assault weapon and a belief in a Supreme Being?
Why do you need to behead Christians Jews, The Rich and Conservatives?

It's obvious that you people don't care for fair elections, Due Process or Civil Rights. Why is that? Why do you think you have to kill babies and people who disagree with you? Don't you have some inspiring Bullshit to sell people on your Communist Utopia?

Why won't America trust you to take their guns, limit their free speech, force them in to Government Run Healthcare?

All Socialist States end up in Mass Murder when The Socialists cannot promise what they lied to The People about, and they want them out of office.

Why you want to Behead Us, Bro?

Who is beheading anyone in the USA? Who is killing babies and people who disagree? It is obvious that you need help.
Your Head is Up Your Ass, so technically You are Beheaded. You Leftist Commies killed 60 Million Babies so far.

Why should we trust you with more power when you HATE US?
A person becomes an "alpha" only by speaking in a way that demonstrates that s/he has wisdom and gravitas. Then people will turn to this person on their own. True "alphas" never beg or bully for the title. They would never promote themselves. A true alpha is a humble person who becomes celebrated by others who seek out his/her wisdom and guidance.


a true "alpha" is the person who commands the most respect in any particular place.

Whether that person "good" or "evil," or is "celebrated," or "worshiped" in order to receive "guidance/recognition/status" has no bearing on the definition of an alpha.

Marcus Aurelius was an alpha. A wise man.

So was Stalin, a mass murdering communist.

So was El Chapo.

So was Pope John Paul II.

Alpha has nothing to do with wisdom and veneration.

Libs know that. THey just say shit, it don't mean nuthin.
They must be catered to. It doesn't work that way. Nobody is forcing them to watch anything, yet they complain that they are being "forced" to watch.


We're not watching.

That's the point of the thread, why would film producers purposely drive away half the American population, and therefore cut their revenues in half?

Who is making up for this loss of potential profit? Show me the tax returns and I'll tell you.

You’re not their target audience.

A good story is a good story.

There are only 7 categories of plots.

  • Overcoming the Monster.
  • Rags to Riches.
  • The Quest.
  • Voyage and Return.
  • Rebirth.
  • Comedy.
  • Tragedy.
All of 7 of these plot categories reach people regardless of left/right political leanings.

The problem is that there are IMMERSION BREAKING MOMENTS IN MODERN FILMS THAT cause people who would have OTHERWISE LIKED THE FILM to leave in disgust.

This is the problem.

All good SJW films utilize the "Overcoming the Monster," plot format. These type of films are the successful ones that do in fact move people and cause them to sympathize. In these films society itself is the monster, and the character often tries to HIDE/CONCEAL something from society, but eventually it gets found out/discovered and the story ends sadly.

However, what these film producers do today is plant the SJW issues into the Setting/Dialogue of the story, instead of the plot.

This causes the viewer to disengage and lose immersion. Also using dialogue/setting as the mode of delivery of the SJW message usually INSULTS the viewer.
But the topic of this thread is entertainment

No, that has never been the topic of this thread.

The topic of this thread is why would film producers sacrifice more than half their profits/revenues for political purposes?

Companies don't exist to lose money, they exist to maximize profit.

I want to know know who is covering their loss of 1/2 their potential revenue.

Stop trying to hijack and redefine my OP and poll.


They are not sacrificing half their profits, you triggered snowflakes do not make up half the population, you are a tiny percent of it

Except, your use of the word "triggered" is a lie.

The fact that you are lying, indicates that you know that the truth is the opposite of your position.
I want to see the tax returns of all the corporations, companies and individuals involved in the production of modern films. These entities exist to make money, and would not have so severely damaged their revenue and royalties by akwardly inserting all this Trigglypuff level SJW shit inside their products.

Not only that, but they still continue to ruin their own products as of 2020 and are only increasing the amount of unnatural and off-putting propaganda present in their films...having caused a grave decline in profit, which can also be seen by the annual decline of Oscar ratings (with 2020 being dangerously low, as in, not being worth the cost of hosting/producing).

So, the only way film production entities would have adamantly doubled down and continued their SJW march, at the expense of the massive revenues and profit is...SOMEONE OR SOMETHING IS REFUNDING THEIR LOSSES (adjusted for inflation and pre-2010 box office models).

Forget Lefty Politics: Here's Why the Oscars' Ratings Hit an All-Time Low


I think all shows be totally gay. Let’s then see their future
I ask again....why is it that all these so-called right wing alpha males are such crybabies?

It’s a victim mentality. There is no difference between the OP and the rhetoric you still hear from time to time from ethnic minorities who complain about the lack of representation on the screen.

The thing is that non of the "whiners" are alpha males and that includes Trump. Trump is bully and bullies are never alphas, they wanna be alphas but they lack the ability. A true alpha doesn't need to threaten and intimmidate people into doing his bidding. Trump has whined endless that his family has never received the respect of the business and social elites. That's because respect is earned, and he's never earned any.

Business leaders won't work with this White House - the President's Council on business was resolved when all the top leaders quit in protest after Charlottesville.

Most of the world's leaders are alpha's. That's why they laughed at Trump's ridiculous claim at the UN that he was the best President ever. The Australian President mocked him. The world leaders at the G7 were laughing about his speech.

To real alphas, like Rex Tillerson, or Nancy Pelosi, Trump is a "fucking moron". And Trump knows it's true, and that's why he whines endlessly about how "unfairly" he's treated.
Nancy Pelosi is Evil and Sold her soul to The Devil a Long Time Ago, and Tillerson was Dishonorable and Disloyal and went behind The President's back and undermined The President's Foreign Policy.

I could care less about people The President has fired.

You keep blending religion, especially Christianity, into some primordial soup with U.S. politics. Why do you reject the fact that Nancy Pelosi is a Christian just because she does not mirror your religious or political views? As for Tillerson: what would obligate him to elevate an allegiance to the individual person of donald trump about his obligation to the USA?
Our Entire Constitution and Bill of Rights is based on The Judeo Christian Ethic. If you don't like it, then move and go back to Libphuckistan.

Your entire Constitution and Bill of Rights is based on British Common Law, and the Magna Carta.

Magna Carta and the U.S. Constitution - Magna Carta: Muse and Mentor | Exhibitions - Library of Congress
It was a great series, Loved every minute of it. You are missing out
There wasn't enough viewers who thought it was a great series. Now it's a dead series.

From what I read, it was planned as a single season. Damon Lindelof, the creator, talked about it only being a one season show before it aired. Everything Damon Lindelof has said about Watchmen season 2
Damon Lindelof Says HBO's 'Watchmen' Was Designed to Only Last One Season

It may have sucked (I haven't seen it yet), but having it only go for one season seems to have always been the plan.

Technically the launch of any new series is only planned for ONE season. The production of future seasons is determined by the success or failure of the first season.

So all they did was tell you the standard approach to series.

First Season Positive? More seasons (they usually plan out both the 2nd and 3rd season btw)
First Season Bombed? Oh, we only planned on making one season.

This is why 90% of most series seem like they reach a "satisfying end" in the final episode of the first season, so in case they need to pull the plug, they can "save face" and claim it was only meant to be a single season series.

That's simply not true. Babylon 5, as an example, was planned for 5 seasons by JMS before it was made.

And as I pointed out to another poster, this isn't a "they" speaking, it's the show's creator. He said he planned on only doing 1 season. What HBO may have planned for the show is an entirely different thing.
Do you believe the writer only wanted to preach for one season?

Which writer? Shows rarely have just one.

As far as Lindelof, I can certainly believe that he only wanted to do 1 season. Why not? Maybe he wants to avoid the descent into crap that happened with a show like Lost. :lol:
Who is beheading anyone in the USA? Who is killing babies and people who disagree? It is obvious that you need help.

Have you not seen the recent Guillotine political emblems of northern Dem candidates? Liberals now asking "Do we really need Billionaires?" etc.

You guys are actually about to go down the militaristic Jacobian/Bolshevik route.
I think that it is hilarious to hear from all of these people who think that our entire society and entire industries must do their bidding and meet with their approval. They must be catered to. It doesn't work that way. Nobody is forcing them to watch anything, yet they complain that they are being "forced" to watch. This reminds me of that asshole who wants to sue the NFL because of the Superbowl half-time show. He apparently thinks that the NFL needs to run whatever it does by him first and abide by His Royal Highness's opinions. Go figure.
I ask again....why is it that all these so-called right wing alpha males are such crybabies?
They miss John Wayne
John Wayne was entertaining, but he too put political leanings into his movies....particularly the ones that flopped like The Green Berets, The Alamo, and Big Jim McLain.
It’s a victim mentality. There is no difference between the OP and the rhetoric you still hear from time to time from ethnic minorities who complain about the lack of representation on the screen.

The thing is that non of the "whiners" are alpha males and that includes Trump. Trump is bully and bullies are never alphas, they wanna be alphas but they lack the ability. A true alpha doesn't need to threaten and intimmidate people into doing his bidding. Trump has whined endless that his family has never received the respect of the business and social elites. That's because respect is earned, and he's never earned any.

Business leaders won't work with this White House - the President's Council on business was resolved when all the top leaders quit in protest after Charlottesville.

Most of the world's leaders are alpha's. That's why they laughed at Trump's ridiculous claim at the UN that he was the best President ever. The Australian President mocked him. The world leaders at the G7 were laughing about his speech.

To real alphas, like Rex Tillerson, or Nancy Pelosi, Trump is a "fucking moron". And Trump knows it's true, and that's why he whines endlessly about how "unfairly" he's treated.
Nancy Pelosi is Evil and Sold her soul to The Devil a Long Time Ago, and Tillerson was Dishonorable and Disloyal and went behind The President's back and undermined The President's Foreign Policy.

I could care less about people The President has fired.

You keep blending religion, especially Christianity, into some primordial soup with U.S. politics. Why do you reject the fact that Nancy Pelosi is a Christian just because she does not mirror your religious or political views? As for Tillerson: what would obligate him to elevate an allegiance to the individual person of donald trump about his obligation to the USA?
Our Entire Constitution and Bill of Rights is based on The Judeo Christian Ethic. If you don't like it, then move and go back to Libphuckistan.

Your entire Constitution and Bill of Rights is based on British Common Law, and the Magna Carta.

Magna Carta and the U.S. Constitution - Magna Carta: Muse and Mentor | Exhibitions - Library of Congress


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