SJW's have ruined Movies/TVseries

Is there an entity bankrolling modern film producers to cover and insure all of their losses?

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It is not the only thing that makes sense. Why are being an asshole? You can't disagree over a freaking MOVIE, without being an asshole about it?

You can be true to canon, without shitcanning realism, or I guess I should say, "realism". The netflix shows have done a masterful job of that, for example.

Did you like the trained war rhinos? What about the excessive use of spears?

You know one part I just loved? When Killmonger, makes a snide comment about being watched by security, in the museum at the beginning of the movie. He made it to a woman he had already poisoned, because he was seconds from robbing the museum and killing all the guards.

That is just so great. A robber, complaining that he is being profiled, when he is actively robbing the place.

Hilarious. Great writing that.

It makes sense because it is not just this movie you have issues with.

I do not go to superhero movies for realism, I go for entertainment. I have realism in my day to day life, I go to movies to get away from all of that. The war rhinos were cool and the spear use fit the story.

Most of the Netflix superhero shows are crap, watched a couple episodes of most and never went back. Daredevil started out ok, but went down hill quickly. Iron Fist which I was so happy when I heard it was coming out, was basically unwatchable

Now the Witcher is great, as was the Umbrella Academy.

1. That still does not make it make sense. We disagree on a movie, and you have to call me names?

2. So, you have very low standards for superhero movies. That does not justify you denying the obvious flaws that those of us that care more, might notice. Nor calling us names for doing so.

3. A lot of the netflix stuff was very good. Daredevil was good. Jessica Jones was good. Luke Cage was good. And my point was, they did a great job of balancing comic book canon, with "Realism".

4. I've heard good stuff on both of those. My wife and I plan to watch the Witcher once we finish The Good Place.

1. It goes well beyond the movie

2. Not at all, and most of the world agrees with me.

3. The superheros on Netflix are a different tier than those in the Marvel Movies. They lead normal lives and have minor powers. Thus the are different than Thor and Black Panther.

1. Nothing I have ever said or done, justifies you accusing me of having some racist opposition to having a black in power or represented as in a position of power. That was you, being a prick.

2. Easily explained as fear of SJW assholes.

3. Which does not negate the challenge of balancing canon and "Realism".

1. Much actually.

2. That is bullshit. You do not make 1.2 billion dollars on a movie via fear of SJW assholes. This is one of the reasons I keep going back to what I have said in point 1.

3. Realism is highly overrated. I want entertainment, not realism.
It is not the only thing that makes sense. Why are being an asshole? You can't disagree over a freaking MOVIE, without being an asshole about it?

You can be true to canon, without shitcanning realism, or I guess I should say, "realism". The netflix shows have done a masterful job of that, for example.

Did you like the trained war rhinos? What about the excessive use of spears?

You know one part I just loved? When Killmonger, makes a snide comment about being watched by security, in the museum at the beginning of the movie. He made it to a woman he had already poisoned, because he was seconds from robbing the museum and killing all the guards.

That is just so great. A robber, complaining that he is being profiled, when he is actively robbing the place.

Hilarious. Great writing that.

It makes sense because it is not just this movie you have issues with.

I do not go to superhero movies for realism, I go for entertainment. I have realism in my day to day life, I go to movies to get away from all of that. The war rhinos were cool and the spear use fit the story.

Most of the Netflix superhero shows are crap, watched a couple episodes of most and never went back. Daredevil started out ok, but went down hill quickly. Iron Fist which I was so happy when I heard it was coming out, was basically unwatchable

Now the Witcher is great, as was the Umbrella Academy.

1. That still does not make it make sense. We disagree on a movie, and you have to call me names?

2. So, you have very low standards for superhero movies. That does not justify you denying the obvious flaws that those of us that care more, might notice. Nor calling us names for doing so.

3. A lot of the netflix stuff was very good. Daredevil was good. Jessica Jones was good. Luke Cage was good. And my point was, they did a great job of balancing comic book canon, with "Realism".

4. I've heard good stuff on both of those. My wife and I plan to watch the Witcher once we finish The Good Place.

1. It goes well beyond the movie

2. Not at all, and most of the world agrees with me.

3. The superheros on Netflix are a different tier than those in the Marvel Movies. They lead normal lives and have minor powers. Thus the are different than Thor and Black Panther.

1. Nothing I have ever said or done, justifies you accusing me of having some racist opposition to having a black in power or represented as in a position of power. That was you, being a prick.

2. Easily explained as fear of SJW assholes.

3. Which does not negate the challenge of balancing canon and "Realism".

1. Much actually.

2. That is bullshit. You do not make 1.2 billion dollars on a movie via fear of SJW assholes. This is one of the reasons I keep going back to what I have said in point 1.

3. Realism is highly overrated. I want entertainment, not realism.

1. Name one thing.

2. No, but you might be afraid of criticizing it, if you are a critic or even a moviegoer.

3. The more you can engage an emotional response by caring about the characters of the film, the more impact the drama will have on you. Bad writing that lessens this, will reduce the entertainment value. Note how you forgot what the super villain plot even was. YOu really telling me you cared when it was stopped? LOL!!
1. Name one thing.

2. No, but you might be afraid of criticizing it, if you are a critic or even a moviegoer.

3. The more you can engage an emotional response by caring about the characters of the film, the more impact the drama will have on you. Bad writing that lessens this, will reduce the entertainment value. Note how you forgot what the super villain plot even was. YOu really telling me you cared when it was stopped? LOL!!

1. Your view of Black Panther and why it did well.

2. On line movie reviews are as anonymous as this site, nothing to be afraid of

3. Yes, I forgot a small subplot on a movie I saw once almost 2 years ago. I do not memorize movies, they are there to entertaining me and then I move on. Black Panther was 100 times better than any of the super hero shows on Netflix which are all boring.
1. Name one thing.

2. No, but you might be afraid of criticizing it, if you are a critic or even a moviegoer.

3. The more you can engage an emotional response by caring about the characters of the film, the more impact the drama will have on you. Bad writing that lessens this, will reduce the entertainment value. Note how you forgot what the super villain plot even was. YOu really telling me you cared when it was stopped? LOL!!

1. Your view of Black Panther and why it did well.

2. On line movie reviews are as anonymous as this site, nothing to be afraid of

3. Yes, I forgot a small subplot on a movie I saw once almost 2 years ago. I do not memorize movies, they are there to entertaining me and then I move on. Black Panther was 100 times better than any of the super hero shows on Netflix which are all boring.

1. Circular logic is not a good reason to be race baiting prick. Drop it.

2. Yet the vast majority of critics and movie goers are not. So, fear.

3. It was the world threatening goal of the super villain. DO you remember what that guy you mentioned from Iron man wanted to do? I bet you do.
1. Name one thing.

2. No, but you might be afraid of criticizing it, if you are a critic or even a moviegoer.

3. The more you can engage an emotional response by caring about the characters of the film, the more impact the drama will have on you. Bad writing that lessens this, will reduce the entertainment value. Note how you forgot what the super villain plot even was. YOu really telling me you cared when it was stopped? LOL!!

1. Your view of Black Panther and why it did well.

2. On line movie reviews are as anonymous as this site, nothing to be afraid of

3. Yes, I forgot a small subplot on a movie I saw once almost 2 years ago. I do not memorize movies, they are there to entertaining me and then I move on. Black Panther was 100 times better than any of the super hero shows on Netflix which are all boring.

1. Circular logic is not a good reason to be race baiting prick. Drop it.

2. Yet the vast majority of critics and movie goers are not. So, fear.

3. It was the world threatening goal of the super villain. DO you remember what that guy you mentioned from Iron man wanted to do? I bet you do.

1. I call it like I see it, not really in to being PC

2. Movies goers are not anonymous? Do you wear a name tag when you go to the movies?

3. It was a subplot to tie the movie into the other Marvel movies. He wanted to kick Tony's ass just like Killmonger wanted to do to T'Chaka
Define how a movie might pander to a white audience the way Black Panther pandered to a black audience. As far as I see it, Black Panther pandered by having a black director, black star, and largely black cast. Those things have been true of many, many movies as far as whites are concerned. What, specifically, do you think should or could have been done to pander to the larger audience?

The Sokavia Accords are an UN treaty. Have Captain America reject it out of Patriotism and Nationalism, because America is better.

Show that the American People, are far more reasonable, than the morons in the UN. Show them support Captain America as the UN and foreign governments and to a lesser extent, US government establishment types fall for the bullshit of trying to control and limit the Avengers, when what is needed to save the world is immediate and strong action, led by AMERICANS.

Fits in just fine with his character, fits in with the cinematic timeline, and tells the majority of American movie goers that they are great because they are part of a great nation, and blah, blah, blah, blah.

I find it hard to believe that American movie goers, generally speaking, would not love the shit out of that, and tell their friends they need to see it, and they would tell their friends, and some of them would go multiple times and ect ect ect.

For one example.

Well, the Avengers aren't all Americans. So that wouldn't work very well.

And I hate to break it to you, but moviegoers already go to Marvel movies in large numbers, with many going multiple times, telling their friends, etc. etc. I wonder who it is you think that is currently not going to those movies that would be. Black Panther, the movie you've complained is such a bad movie because it pandered, made more money in the US than any other Marvel movie other than Avengers:Endgame. It also made the 4th most money in the US of any movie, ever. So I'm curious why you think that Marvel studios would want to change the clearly successful formula they've been using? Or why you think that the 4th highest grossing movie in US history, and the 2nd highest grossing Marvel movie in US history, is leaving so much money on the table?

Hey, if you think you can make a movie that so many people would want to watch, go do it! Get rich! Get famous! Then use that fame to try pushing for movies of the sort you clearly want!

1. Name one Avenger that is not an American, that could not be written as following Captain America.

2. Black Panther made more than all but on other Marvel movie, by pandering heavily to one minority group. What if they used that same strategy on a group five times bigger?

1. Anyone can be written to do anything.

2. Which group do you think has not been represented in the superhero genre that could be in a similar fashion? Not whites, obviously. Conservatives? That wouldn't work in the same way. Also, you seem to be thinking that Black Panther was only watched by blacks. Marvel fans are going to watch their movies, generally speaking, regardless of who the movie may pander to. Marvel fans watched Black Panther, they watched Captain Marvel, they watched Avengers, etc. I doubt very many decided to stay home because they felt the movies pandered to a particular audience. So unless you want to argue that many marvel fans didn't bother going to see Black Panther because it pandered, who is it you think is not watching Marvel movies now but would be if they followed whatever formula you think is best?

1. Characters can be written to do anything. If you have no respect for the product or the fans.

2. Why not whites?

3. Why not conservatives?

4. Incorrect. I am well aware that non-blacks went and watched Black Panther in large numbers. That does not mean it was not targeted at blacks, specifically Black Nationalists.

1. You are the one who suggested a movie about the Avengers being led by Captain America into conflict with the Sakovia Accords because America is better. Natasha Romanov isn't American, or at least not originally (one can only guess that she may have US citizenship in the movies). Wanda Maximoff isn't American. Vision isn't American. Thor isn't American. Also, the US was one of the signatories of the Accords in the films.

2. One of the reasons Black Panther was so popular is that it gave representation to blacks in big budget superhero movies that they hadn't had before. Since whites have had the vast majority of representation is those sorts of movies, the same draw doesn't exist. I'm pretty sure the majority of the cast in every Marvel movie other than Black Panther has been white.

3. Again, the representation issue. While one could conceivably get a majority of the cast to be conservatives, that would not be obvious the way having a majority black cast is. One doesn't need to give lines to every extra for the audience to see they are largely black; the same is not true of seeing that they are conservative. So again, the same sort of 'pandering' wouldn't work.

4. How did the movie target Black Nationalists? If anything, I would think it specifically pushed them away, since the villain of the movie seems like the closest thing to a Black Nationalist.

I still don't know who you think it is that does not go to see Marvel movies now, but would if they were more...blatantly patriotic, or however you want to describe your preferred plan for the movies.

I'm also curious if you believe your ideas for what should be in movies have ever been done before?
Black Panther appealed to far more than black people, your refusal to acknowledge this is why I am convinced racism is involved.
You are literally the first person I have talked to about the movie that did not like it.

Or the first person who was brave enough to admit that they did not like it.

Did you find the villain impressive? Could you really see him as a threat to the world?

Your view of yourself is as skewed as you view of the country.

He was not supposed to be a threat to the world, it was a more personal conflict. Was Ivan Vanko a thirst to the world?

Actually Ivan Vanko, is an excellent point to bring up. And the movie would have been a lot better, if the main villain was a "more personal conflict" as you remember it.

BUT, there was a larger "threat to the world" plot point added in, with the villain ordering high tech weapons shipped to black resistant groups or whatever, all around the world.

That you forgot that is understandable. It was not believable and had all the drama of watching paint dry. Well, maybe not that bad.

But bad enough that you forgot all about it.

Do you want to discuss that failure of the movie some more, or can I bring up another one to discuss?

There was no failure, the movie got outstanding reviews, it got outstanding viewer ratings and it made a shit ton of money, it was a success by every meaningful measure.

The only failure is you trying to hide your contempt for a movie about a strong black man.
No one is going to give a black movie a bad review. That would be a career ender.

Do these count?

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1. That you, a man that liked the movie, forgot what the plot was, is failure of story telling.

2. That your defense is, that the plot was not a major part of the story, is a failure of the story telling.

3. And then you race bait. Why do you want to be an asshole? Can't you disagree without being an asshole?

4. Do you think building a community center in LA was a strong dramatic ending?

5. What did you think of an advanced nation, choosing it's leader by individual combat?

1. It was the minor part of the plot to a movie I saw almost 2 years ago.

2. No defense needed.

3. It is the only thing that makes sense.

4. It was a superhero movie ending.

5. That is an integral part of the comic book, to remove it would be to fail the nature of the comic.

It is not the only thing that makes sense. Why are being an asshole? You can't disagree over a freaking MOVIE, without being an asshole about it?

You can be true to canon, without shitcanning realism, or I guess I should say, "realism". The netflix shows have done a masterful job of that, for example.

Did you like the trained war rhinos? What about the excessive use of spears?

You know one part I just loved? When Killmonger, makes a snide comment about being watched by security, in the museum at the beginning of the movie. He made it to a woman he had already poisoned, because he was seconds from robbing the museum and killing all the guards.

That is just so great. A robber, complaining that he is being profiled, when he is actively robbing the place.

Hilarious. Great writing that.

Ignoring "realism" is a staple of the Marvel movies, unfortunately.

I'm not really sure what your problem is with the scene you described. It fits into the Killmonger character completely.
It is not the only thing that makes sense. Why are being an asshole? You can't disagree over a freaking MOVIE, without being an asshole about it?

You can be true to canon, without shitcanning realism, or I guess I should say, "realism". The netflix shows have done a masterful job of that, for example.

Did you like the trained war rhinos? What about the excessive use of spears?

You know one part I just loved? When Killmonger, makes a snide comment about being watched by security, in the museum at the beginning of the movie. He made it to a woman he had already poisoned, because he was seconds from robbing the museum and killing all the guards.

That is just so great. A robber, complaining that he is being profiled, when he is actively robbing the place.

Hilarious. Great writing that.

It makes sense because it is not just this movie you have issues with.

I do not go to superhero movies for realism, I go for entertainment. I have realism in my day to day life, I go to movies to get away from all of that. The war rhinos were cool and the spear use fit the story.

Most of the Netflix superhero shows are crap, watched a couple episodes of most and never went back. Daredevil started out ok, but went down hill quickly. Iron Fist which I was so happy when I heard it was coming out, was basically unwatchable

Now the Witcher is great, as was the Umbrella Academy.

The first season of Jessica Jones is the best season of a super hero show that's been made to date IMO. I enjoyed The Witcher and Umbrella Academy, but JJ season 1 blows them both away. It's fantastic.

It is NOT flashy, filled with lots of power use, costumes, or things of that nature. It doesn't have a great deal of action, either. It's more drama. A very different style than the MCU.
It is not the only thing that makes sense. Why are being an asshole? You can't disagree over a freaking MOVIE, without being an asshole about it?

You can be true to canon, without shitcanning realism, or I guess I should say, "realism". The netflix shows have done a masterful job of that, for example.

Did you like the trained war rhinos? What about the excessive use of spears?

You know one part I just loved? When Killmonger, makes a snide comment about being watched by security, in the museum at the beginning of the movie. He made it to a woman he had already poisoned, because he was seconds from robbing the museum and killing all the guards.

That is just so great. A robber, complaining that he is being profiled, when he is actively robbing the place.

Hilarious. Great writing that.

It makes sense because it is not just this movie you have issues with.

I do not go to superhero movies for realism, I go for entertainment. I have realism in my day to day life, I go to movies to get away from all of that. The war rhinos were cool and the spear use fit the story.

Most of the Netflix superhero shows are crap, watched a couple episodes of most and never went back. Daredevil started out ok, but went down hill quickly. Iron Fist which I was so happy when I heard it was coming out, was basically unwatchable

Now the Witcher is great, as was the Umbrella Academy.

1. That still does not make it make sense. We disagree on a movie, and you have to call me names?

2. So, you have very low standards for superhero movies. That does not justify you denying the obvious flaws that those of us that care more, might notice. Nor calling us names for doing so.

3. A lot of the netflix stuff was very good. Daredevil was good. Jessica Jones was good. Luke Cage was good. And my point was, they did a great job of balancing comic book canon, with "Realism".

4. I've heard good stuff on both of those. My wife and I plan to watch the Witcher once we finish The Good Place.

1. It goes well beyond the movie

2. Not at all, and most of the world agrees with me.

3. The superheros on Netflix are a different tier than those in the Marvel Movies. They lead normal lives and have minor powers. Thus the are different than Thor and Black Panther.


2. Most of the world did not see Black Panther. :p

3. The Netflix heroes have "minor powers"? Luke Cage could crush T'Challa if he got a hold of him. He is much stronger than T'Challa is. I would guess that the Panther suit's adamantium claws could penetrate Cage's skin, but other than that, it would be difficult for T'Challa to hurt cage. One of the things I disliked about the Luke Cage show is that most of the time he is in no danger because he's so hard to hurt and is so strong.

It isn't that the characters in the Netflix shows were weak (well, Daredevil is, but so is Black Widow and Hawkeye) but rather that the shows were focused on much less grandiose issues. They were more character and story driven, with less action, than the MCU.
1. Name one thing.

2. No, but you might be afraid of criticizing it, if you are a critic or even a moviegoer.

3. The more you can engage an emotional response by caring about the characters of the film, the more impact the drama will have on you. Bad writing that lessens this, will reduce the entertainment value. Note how you forgot what the super villain plot even was. YOu really telling me you cared when it was stopped? LOL!!

1. Your view of Black Panther and why it did well.

2. On line movie reviews are as anonymous as this site, nothing to be afraid of

3. Yes, I forgot a small subplot on a movie I saw once almost 2 years ago. I do not memorize movies, they are there to entertaining me and then I move on. Black Panther was 100 times better than any of the super hero shows on Netflix which are all boring.

1. Circular logic is not a good reason to be race baiting prick. Drop it.

2. Yet the vast majority of critics and movie goers are not. So, fear.

3. It was the world threatening goal of the super villain. DO you remember what that guy you mentioned from Iron man wanted to do? I bet you do.

1. I call it like I see it, not really in to being PC

2. Movies goers are not anonymous? Do you wear a name tag when you go to the movies?

3. It was a subplot to tie the movie into the other Marvel movies. He wanted to kick Tony's ass just like Killmonger wanted to do to T'Chaka

1. Yet, you seem to be being PC right now. YOu seem a white guy, criticizing a "black" movie, and you assume racism, dismiss all other possibilities and insult the guy. Yeah, you are totally into being PC.

2. Movie critics generally aren't. And my point about the witch hunt mentality of PC stands. And you are demonstrating it now.

3. Yet you remembered the Iron Man plot,but not the Black Panther one. Do you remember what Loki wanted in The Avengers?
It is not the only thing that makes sense. Why are being an asshole? You can't disagree over a freaking MOVIE, without being an asshole about it?

You can be true to canon, without shitcanning realism, or I guess I should say, "realism". The netflix shows have done a masterful job of that, for example.

Did you like the trained war rhinos? What about the excessive use of spears?

You know one part I just loved? When Killmonger, makes a snide comment about being watched by security, in the museum at the beginning of the movie. He made it to a woman he had already poisoned, because he was seconds from robbing the museum and killing all the guards.

That is just so great. A robber, complaining that he is being profiled, when he is actively robbing the place.

Hilarious. Great writing that.

It makes sense because it is not just this movie you have issues with.

I do not go to superhero movies for realism, I go for entertainment. I have realism in my day to day life, I go to movies to get away from all of that. The war rhinos were cool and the spear use fit the story.

Most of the Netflix superhero shows are crap, watched a couple episodes of most and never went back. Daredevil started out ok, but went down hill quickly. Iron Fist which I was so happy when I heard it was coming out, was basically unwatchable

Now the Witcher is great, as was the Umbrella Academy.
I am kind of burnt out on superhero movies.

I have reached a point where I just don’t care anymore
They must be catered to. It doesn't work that way. Nobody is forcing them to watch anything, yet they complain that they are being "forced" to watch.


We're not watching.

That's the point of the thread, why would film producers purposely drive away half the American population, and therefore cut their revenues in half?

Who is making up for this loss of potential profit? Show me the tax returns and I'll tell you.
On This Tinsel Thread, Rightist Extremists Cover Up the Fact That Monopolists Don't Need Outside Funding

Because Liberal degenerates monopolize Hollywood, the public is not given an alternative to compete with them, so they make profits through that. Second, they make sure their pictures have all the bells and whistles to distract the public from being disgusted by their message.

Look at the hippie-scum loving propaganda in Billy Jack. It drew large audiences simply because of all the dramatic action-hero sensationalism and the fact that Tom Laughlin is a typical handsome Jean-Claude Van Damme he-man type, despite his acted preference for sissyboy lazy crybabies and the typical trash glorified by spoiled-putrid Limousine Liberals.

"Because Liberal degenerates monopolize Hollywood, the public is not given an alternative to compete with them,"

I see....

so.....liberal hollywood should make movies with BALANCE that are fair to BOTH sides!

How do you feel about conservative movie makers creating 100% pro-conservative propaganda films?

Is that "THEIR RIGHT!"

a RIGHT that you seem to deny liberals?
A "Free Market" Means That Those Who Inevitably Control a Market Are Free to Do Whatever They Want

Monopolies have no rights. By parroting "It's their business; they can do anythinbg they want with it," you fools once again expose the Right Wing origin of the Left. Enjoy candidate Bloombox.
The Sokavia Accords are an UN treaty. Have Captain America reject it out of Patriotism and Nationalism, because America is better.

Show that the American People, are far more reasonable, than the morons in the UN. Show them support Captain America as the UN and foreign governments and to a lesser extent, US government establishment types fall for the bullshit of trying to control and limit the Avengers, when what is needed to save the world is immediate and strong action, led by AMERICANS.

Fits in just fine with his character, fits in with the cinematic timeline, and tells the majority of American movie goers that they are great because they are part of a great nation, and blah, blah, blah, blah.

I find it hard to believe that American movie goers, generally speaking, would not love the shit out of that, and tell their friends they need to see it, and they would tell their friends, and some of them would go multiple times and ect ect ect.

For one example.

Well, the Avengers aren't all Americans. So that wouldn't work very well.

And I hate to break it to you, but moviegoers already go to Marvel movies in large numbers, with many going multiple times, telling their friends, etc. etc. I wonder who it is you think that is currently not going to those movies that would be. Black Panther, the movie you've complained is such a bad movie because it pandered, made more money in the US than any other Marvel movie other than Avengers:Endgame. It also made the 4th most money in the US of any movie, ever. So I'm curious why you think that Marvel studios would want to change the clearly successful formula they've been using? Or why you think that the 4th highest grossing movie in US history, and the 2nd highest grossing Marvel movie in US history, is leaving so much money on the table?

Hey, if you think you can make a movie that so many people would want to watch, go do it! Get rich! Get famous! Then use that fame to try pushing for movies of the sort you clearly want!

1. Name one Avenger that is not an American, that could not be written as following Captain America.

2. Black Panther made more than all but on other Marvel movie, by pandering heavily to one minority group. What if they used that same strategy on a group five times bigger?

1. Anyone can be written to do anything.

2. Which group do you think has not been represented in the superhero genre that could be in a similar fashion? Not whites, obviously. Conservatives? That wouldn't work in the same way. Also, you seem to be thinking that Black Panther was only watched by blacks. Marvel fans are going to watch their movies, generally speaking, regardless of who the movie may pander to. Marvel fans watched Black Panther, they watched Captain Marvel, they watched Avengers, etc. I doubt very many decided to stay home because they felt the movies pandered to a particular audience. So unless you want to argue that many marvel fans didn't bother going to see Black Panther because it pandered, who is it you think is not watching Marvel movies now but would be if they followed whatever formula you think is best?

1. Characters can be written to do anything. If you have no respect for the product or the fans.

2. Why not whites?

3. Why not conservatives?

4. Incorrect. I am well aware that non-blacks went and watched Black Panther in large numbers. That does not mean it was not targeted at blacks, specifically Black Nationalists.

1. You are the one who suggested a movie about the Avengers being led by Captain America into conflict with the Sakovia Accords because America is better. Natasha Romanov isn't American, or at least not originally (one can only guess that she may have US citizenship in the movies). Wanda Maximoff isn't American. Vision isn't American. Thor isn't American. Also, the US was one of the signatories of the Accords in the films.

2. One of the reasons Black Panther was so popular is that it gave representation to blacks in big budget superhero movies that they hadn't had before. Since whites have had the vast majority of representation is those sorts of movies, the same draw doesn't exist. I'm pretty sure the majority of the cast in every Marvel movie other than Black Panther has been white.

3. Again, the representation issue. While one could conceivably get a majority of the cast to be conservatives, that would not be obvious the way having a majority black cast is. One doesn't need to give lines to every extra for the audience to see they are largely black; the same is not true of seeing that they are conservative. So again, the same sort of 'pandering' wouldn't work.

4. How did the movie target Black Nationalists? If anything, I would think it specifically pushed them away, since the villain of the movie seems like the closest thing to a Black Nationalist.

I still don't know who you think it is that does not go to see Marvel movies now, but would if they were more...blatantly patriotic, or however you want to describe your preferred plan for the movies.

I'm also curious if you believe your ideas for what should be in movies have ever been done before?

1. The Black Widow would have no trouble following Captain America. Neither would Wanda, Vision, nor Thor. That America signed could have been done differently, or simply presented as a mistake by an overly accommodating American President.

2.Blade would like to have a word with you. AND, that was only ONE of the reasons. Plenty of other way to target an audience.

3. "Majority of cast" is the weakest of reasons. YOu would want conservative characters presented sympathetically, and conservative ideas as the premise and/or elements for the plot. A movie glamorizing America and traditional American ideals, would be very well received by American movie goers.

4. There were a number of ideas presented, that fit with Black Nationalism view points and conspiracy theories. From a sympathetic character calling the lead white a "colonizer" to blacks just being presented as extremely competent, to the idea of African as high tech. I heard an actual black nationalists telling a co-worker that Africa really was like that, in the past, before something. Not to mention that the villain was presented as having a reasonable point of view and given quite a bit of time to monologue and to be rude to various white people. Cause, racism.
1. That you, a man that liked the movie, forgot what the plot was, is failure of story telling.

2. That your defense is, that the plot was not a major part of the story, is a failure of the story telling.

3. And then you race bait. Why do you want to be an asshole? Can't you disagree without being an asshole?

4. Do you think building a community center in LA was a strong dramatic ending?

5. What did you think of an advanced nation, choosing it's leader by individual combat?

1. It was the minor part of the plot to a movie I saw almost 2 years ago.

2. No defense needed.

3. It is the only thing that makes sense.

4. It was a superhero movie ending.

5. That is an integral part of the comic book, to remove it would be to fail the nature of the comic.

It is not the only thing that makes sense. Why are being an asshole? You can't disagree over a freaking MOVIE, without being an asshole about it?

You can be true to canon, without shitcanning realism, or I guess I should say, "realism". The netflix shows have done a masterful job of that, for example.

Did you like the trained war rhinos? What about the excessive use of spears?

You know one part I just loved? When Killmonger, makes a snide comment about being watched by security, in the museum at the beginning of the movie. He made it to a woman he had already poisoned, because he was seconds from robbing the museum and killing all the guards.

That is just so great. A robber, complaining that he is being profiled, when he is actively robbing the place.

Hilarious. Great writing that.

Ignoring "realism" is a staple of the Marvel movies, unfortunately.

I'm not really sure what your problem is with the scene you described. It fits into the Killmonger character completely.

1. Fair point about "realism". But, the more violation you have, the less the viewer gets drawn into the film.

2. I don't think that the way it was represented was an asshole thief being an asshole. I think it was presented more of a villain having a point, if not even an ANTI-HERO, having a point.
It is not the only thing that makes sense. Why are being an asshole? You can't disagree over a freaking MOVIE, without being an asshole about it?

You can be true to canon, without shitcanning realism, or I guess I should say, "realism". The netflix shows have done a masterful job of that, for example.

Did you like the trained war rhinos? What about the excessive use of spears?

You know one part I just loved? When Killmonger, makes a snide comment about being watched by security, in the museum at the beginning of the movie. He made it to a woman he had already poisoned, because he was seconds from robbing the museum and killing all the guards.

That is just so great. A robber, complaining that he is being profiled, when he is actively robbing the place.

Hilarious. Great writing that.

It makes sense because it is not just this movie you have issues with.

I do not go to superhero movies for realism, I go for entertainment. I have realism in my day to day life, I go to movies to get away from all of that. The war rhinos were cool and the spear use fit the story.

Most of the Netflix superhero shows are crap, watched a couple episodes of most and never went back. Daredevil started out ok, but went down hill quickly. Iron Fist which I was so happy when I heard it was coming out, was basically unwatchable

Now the Witcher is great, as was the Umbrella Academy.

The first season of Jessica Jones is the best season of a super hero show that's been made to date IMO. I enjoyed The Witcher and Umbrella Academy, but JJ season 1 blows them both away. It's fantastic.

It is NOT flashy, filled with lots of power use, costumes, or things of that nature. It doesn't have a great deal of action, either. It's more drama. A very different style than the MCU.

i would have to agree.
It is not the only thing that makes sense. Why are being an asshole? You can't disagree over a freaking MOVIE, without being an asshole about it?

You can be true to canon, without shitcanning realism, or I guess I should say, "realism". The netflix shows have done a masterful job of that, for example.

Did you like the trained war rhinos? What about the excessive use of spears?

You know one part I just loved? When Killmonger, makes a snide comment about being watched by security, in the museum at the beginning of the movie. He made it to a woman he had already poisoned, because he was seconds from robbing the museum and killing all the guards.

That is just so great. A robber, complaining that he is being profiled, when he is actively robbing the place.

Hilarious. Great writing that.

It makes sense because it is not just this movie you have issues with.

I do not go to superhero movies for realism, I go for entertainment. I have realism in my day to day life, I go to movies to get away from all of that. The war rhinos were cool and the spear use fit the story.

Most of the Netflix superhero shows are crap, watched a couple episodes of most and never went back. Daredevil started out ok, but went down hill quickly. Iron Fist which I was so happy when I heard it was coming out, was basically unwatchable

Now the Witcher is great, as was the Umbrella Academy.
I am kind of burnt out on superhero movies.

I have reached a point where I just don’t care anymore

Somewhat agreed. I am certainly caring less.
They must be catered to. It doesn't work that way. Nobody is forcing them to watch anything, yet they complain that they are being "forced" to watch.


We're not watching.

That's the point of the thread, why would film producers purposely drive away half the American population, and therefore cut their revenues in half?

Who is making up for this loss of potential profit? Show me the tax returns and I'll tell you.
On This Tinsel Thread, Rightist Extremists Cover Up the Fact That Monopolists Don't Need Outside Funding

Because Liberal degenerates monopolize Hollywood, the public is not given an alternative to compete with them, so they make profits through that. Second, they make sure their pictures have all the bells and whistles to distract the public from being disgusted by their message.

Look at the hippie-scum loving propaganda in Billy Jack. It drew large audiences simply because of all the dramatic action-hero sensationalism and the fact that Tom Laughlin is a typical handsome Jean-Claude Van Damme he-man type, despite his acted preference for sissyboy lazy crybabies and the typical trash glorified by spoiled-putrid Limousine Liberals.

"Because Liberal degenerates monopolize Hollywood, the public is not given an alternative to compete with them,"

I see....

so.....liberal hollywood should make movies with BALANCE that are fair to BOTH sides!

How do you feel about conservative movie makers creating 100% pro-conservative propaganda films?

Is that "THEIR RIGHT!"

a RIGHT that you seem to deny liberals?
A "Free Market" Means That Those Who Inevitably Control a Market Are Free to Do Whatever They Want

Monopolies have no rights. By parroting "It's their business; they can do anythinbg they want with it," you fools once again expose the Right Wing origin of the Left. Enjoy candidate Bloombox.

You have to first show that a monopoly exists, which involves showing that no competition is possible. i doubt that this could be done. There are too many film studios and no single entity controls the market.
Movie Studios A-Z - Filmbug
The movies that are made run the gamut, and consumers make their choices.
Well, the Avengers aren't all Americans. So that wouldn't work very well.

And I hate to break it to you, but moviegoers already go to Marvel movies in large numbers, with many going multiple times, telling their friends, etc. etc. I wonder who it is you think that is currently not going to those movies that would be. Black Panther, the movie you've complained is such a bad movie because it pandered, made more money in the US than any other Marvel movie other than Avengers:Endgame. It also made the 4th most money in the US of any movie, ever. So I'm curious why you think that Marvel studios would want to change the clearly successful formula they've been using? Or why you think that the 4th highest grossing movie in US history, and the 2nd highest grossing Marvel movie in US history, is leaving so much money on the table?

Hey, if you think you can make a movie that so many people would want to watch, go do it! Get rich! Get famous! Then use that fame to try pushing for movies of the sort you clearly want!

1. Name one Avenger that is not an American, that could not be written as following Captain America.

2. Black Panther made more than all but on other Marvel movie, by pandering heavily to one minority group. What if they used that same strategy on a group five times bigger?

1. Anyone can be written to do anything.

2. Which group do you think has not been represented in the superhero genre that could be in a similar fashion? Not whites, obviously. Conservatives? That wouldn't work in the same way. Also, you seem to be thinking that Black Panther was only watched by blacks. Marvel fans are going to watch their movies, generally speaking, regardless of who the movie may pander to. Marvel fans watched Black Panther, they watched Captain Marvel, they watched Avengers, etc. I doubt very many decided to stay home because they felt the movies pandered to a particular audience. So unless you want to argue that many marvel fans didn't bother going to see Black Panther because it pandered, who is it you think is not watching Marvel movies now but would be if they followed whatever formula you think is best?

1. Characters can be written to do anything. If you have no respect for the product or the fans.

2. Why not whites?

3. Why not conservatives?

4. Incorrect. I am well aware that non-blacks went and watched Black Panther in large numbers. That does not mean it was not targeted at blacks, specifically Black Nationalists.

1. You are the one who suggested a movie about the Avengers being led by Captain America into conflict with the Sakovia Accords because America is better. Natasha Romanov isn't American, or at least not originally (one can only guess that she may have US citizenship in the movies). Wanda Maximoff isn't American. Vision isn't American. Thor isn't American. Also, the US was one of the signatories of the Accords in the films.

2. One of the reasons Black Panther was so popular is that it gave representation to blacks in big budget superhero movies that they hadn't had before. Since whites have had the vast majority of representation is those sorts of movies, the same draw doesn't exist. I'm pretty sure the majority of the cast in every Marvel movie other than Black Panther has been white.

3. Again, the representation issue. While one could conceivably get a majority of the cast to be conservatives, that would not be obvious the way having a majority black cast is. One doesn't need to give lines to every extra for the audience to see they are largely black; the same is not true of seeing that they are conservative. So again, the same sort of 'pandering' wouldn't work.

4. How did the movie target Black Nationalists? If anything, I would think it specifically pushed them away, since the villain of the movie seems like the closest thing to a Black Nationalist.

I still don't know who you think it is that does not go to see Marvel movies now, but would if they were more...blatantly patriotic, or however you want to describe your preferred plan for the movies.

I'm also curious if you believe your ideas for what should be in movies have ever been done before?

1. The Black Widow would have no trouble following Captain America. Neither would Wanda, Vision, nor Thor. That America signed could have been done differently, or simply presented as a mistake by an overly accommodating American President.

2.Blade would like to have a word with you. AND, that was only ONE of the reasons. Plenty of other way to target an audience.

3. "Majority of cast" is the weakest of reasons. YOu would want conservative characters presented sympathetically, and conservative ideas as the premise and/or elements for the plot. A movie glamorizing America and traditional American ideals, would be very well received by American movie goers.

4. There were a number of ideas presented, that fit with Black Nationalism view points and conspiracy theories. From a sympathetic character calling the lead white a "colonizer" to blacks just being presented as extremely competent, to the idea of African as high tech. I heard an actual black nationalists telling a co-worker that Africa really was like that, in the past, before something. Not to mention that the villain was presented as having a reasonable point of view and given quite a bit of time to monologue and to be rude to various white people. Cause, racism.

1. Sure, you can have all of them follow Cap...but if his reasoning is "America great!" having them follow him would be way outside of their characters. None of them has ever been portrayed as American patriots.

2. Blade was a comic book movie with a black lead....written by a white guy, directed by a white guy, with a mostly white cast. I've heard or read quite a few people saying that the black representation in all the major aspects of the film were a big reason they were so high on the film. Also, Blade came out well before the current super hero renaissance. It wasn't nearly as popular as the Marvel movies are now, so had a lesser impact.

3. You asked pandering the same way Black Panther did. Black Panther had a black lead, mostly black cast, black director, black writers. Even people who didn't know about the director or writer could see the level of black representation in the film. That same sort of thing wouldn't work for an ideology.

4. Wow. Blacks being presented as extremely competent is Black Nationalism. The idea of a high tech nation in Africa is Black Nationalism. I wonder, is that who Stan Lee and Jack Kirby were targeting when they created the character, do you think?
Villains are often presented as having at least some degree of reason to their views. Hell, Thanos killed half the universe but was given a somewhat reasonable motivation.
"Rude to various white people"? Killmonger was rude to pretty much everyone. :lol:
1. That you, a man that liked the movie, forgot what the plot was, is failure of story telling.

2. That your defense is, that the plot was not a major part of the story, is a failure of the story telling.

3. And then you race bait. Why do you want to be an asshole? Can't you disagree without being an asshole?

4. Do you think building a community center in LA was a strong dramatic ending?

5. What did you think of an advanced nation, choosing it's leader by individual combat?

1. It was the minor part of the plot to a movie I saw almost 2 years ago.

2. No defense needed.

3. It is the only thing that makes sense.

4. It was a superhero movie ending.

5. That is an integral part of the comic book, to remove it would be to fail the nature of the comic.

It is not the only thing that makes sense. Why are being an asshole? You can't disagree over a freaking MOVIE, without being an asshole about it?

You can be true to canon, without shitcanning realism, or I guess I should say, "realism". The netflix shows have done a masterful job of that, for example.

Did you like the trained war rhinos? What about the excessive use of spears?

You know one part I just loved? When Killmonger, makes a snide comment about being watched by security, in the museum at the beginning of the movie. He made it to a woman he had already poisoned, because he was seconds from robbing the museum and killing all the guards.

That is just so great. A robber, complaining that he is being profiled, when he is actively robbing the place.

Hilarious. Great writing that.

Ignoring "realism" is a staple of the Marvel movies, unfortunately.

I'm not really sure what your problem is with the scene you described. It fits into the Killmonger character completely.

1. Fair point about "realism". But, the more violation you have, the less the viewer gets drawn into the film.

2. I don't think that the way it was represented was an asshole thief being an asshole. I think it was presented more of a villain having a point, if not even an ANTI-HERO, having a point.

1. That's not always true. It depends on the viewer and the way reality is ignored.

2. Yes, Killmonger was shown having a point. So? Nothing wrong with that.

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