Skinheads, Neo-Nazis and the EDL


Gold Member
May 4, 2012
Following on from another thread in which three posters voiced their support for the English Defence League, I thought it might be worth looking at them more closely...


the EDL grew out of football hooliganism and the 'football casual'culture, which bizarelly linked fashion and music into hooliganism and violence.


Although leaders actually deny being Nazis in public, Wikipedia suggests:

However, scholarly fieldwork into the group has suggested that racism and Islamophobia "may well be more commonplace among the EDL's 'rank and file' than the group's leaders would publicly admit," and at least one of their marches was heavily promoted on the fascist and white supremacist website "Stormfront."

EDL actions are typified by arson and attacks against shops and restaurants owned by foreigners, violence against the police and attacks against anti-fascist groups.
Interesting, they deny being Nazis in public, but in private it's OK. They made "Stormfront", quite the accomplishment.
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Interesting, they deny being Nazis in public, but in private it's OK. They made "Stormfront", quite the accomplishment.

I think the leaders are smart enough to realise that you can't wave Nazi flags in Britain without alienating the overwhelming majority of British people.

Hence there is this veneer of 'protecting Britain' across what is largely a vigilante Neo-Nazi gang.
I've been desperately trying to find the videos of English Defense League beheadings, maybe you can help. Also haven't found EDL involved in rioting throughout Europe; you know places like Sweden, France.....

Integration was such a promising concept. I can't understand why some people are so upset - can you?
I've been desperately trying to find the videos of English Defense League beheadings, maybe you can help. Also haven't found EDL involved in rioting throughout Europe; you know places like Sweden, France.....

Why would the ENGLISH Defence League operate in France?

Jesus you laugh or cry?
Okay is it time for us to pretend that England isn't and hasn't always been a nation of racists?

Hell, folks, racism was one of the fundamental principles and a primary geopolitical tool used by the Empire.

Now we're supposed to be what, surprised to see groups of young Anglos joining the likes of the EDL?

When they were killing the IRISH or the "WOGS" for Queen and country that was NOT racism, but when their young men take to the streets against Muslims in the own land they're (GASP!:eek:) neo-nazis?

I am sorry, but you can't have it both ways, England

ENGLAND cannot have centuries of STATE SANCTIONED RACISM
WORLDWIDE, and then fault its citizens for being racists at home.
I've been desperately trying to find the videos of English Defense League beheadings, maybe you can help. Also haven't found EDL involved in rioting throughout Europe; you know places like Sweden, France.....

Why would the ENGLISH Defence League operate in France?

Jesus you laugh or cry?

Isn't the EDL just as bad or worse than the groups they are protesting? When bad behaviour is constantly repeated, in very different environments, it may be symptomatic of a bigger problem.
Isn't the EDL just as bad or worse than the groups they are protesting? When bad behaviour is constantly repeated, in very different environments, it may be symptomatic of a bigger problem.

What groups are they protesting (sic)?

I'll help you out - they are not protesting against any groups in particular - but against Islam in general. Most Muslims in Britain live perfectly peacefully, and have done in many cases for generations. Hence, I don't see the EDL's point.
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Isn't the EDL just as bad or worse than the groups they are protesting? When bad behaviour is constantly repeated, in very different environments, it may be symptomatic of a bigger problem.

What groups are they protesting (sic)?

From the picture you so kindly posted, I would venture to guess it was a group that considered them to be infidels. Would that be a fair assumption?
Isn't the EDL just as bad or worse than the groups they are protesting? When bad behaviour is constantly repeated, in very different environments, it may be symptomatic of a bigger problem.

What groups are they protesting (sic)?

From the picture you so kindly posted, I would venture to guess it was a group that considered them to be infidels. Would that be a fair assumption?

I wouldn't have thought so, no.

Because Islam does not generally consider Christians to be infidels, does it?
What groups are they protesting (sic)?

From the picture you so kindly posted, I would venture to guess it was a group that considered them to be infidels. Would that be a fair assumption?

I wouldn't have thought so, no.

Because Islam does not generally consider Christians to be infidels, does it?

It seems that interpretation differs based on tribal affliation or sect. I was surprised to learn that Shiite and Sunni have been at each others throats for centuries - casualties on both sides are high and growing. Syria in fact has seen this same sectarian violence in the present conflict. Are you saying that every muslim interprets Islam the same way?
Decus -

Neither Sunni nor Shi'ite Muslims consider Christians to be 'infidels'.
Since there is nothing in public about the EDL being Nazis, liberals are free to make it up and attribute it to them "secretly".

Yes, Christians are infidels.

Quran 5:17, “Infidels are those who declare God is the Christ, [Jesus] son of Mary,”

Top Muslim Declares All Christians ?Infidels? | Raymond Ibrahim

An infidel is anyone that isn't a muslim.

“Whoever thinks the Christ is God, or the Son of God, not symbolically — for we are all sons of God — but attributively, has rejected the faith which God requires for salvation,” thereby becoming an infidel
Decus -

Neither Sunni nor Shi'ite Muslims consider Christians to be 'infidels'.
Muslims believe in the Virgin Birth, and that Jesus was a great prophet. They believe that Muslims, Jews, and Christians are all "people of the book".
Like England and Sweden integration is not doing well in France:

"A survey in France published this week revealed 70 percent of the population believe there are too many foreigners living in the country and 74 percent believe Islam is not compatible with French society."

'Too many foreigners in France', French say - The Local

You have to wonder if there isn't something to this.

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