Skins: "The Most Dangerous Show on Television"


It's child porn.

It's revolting that people are supporting it.

I consider it's not it though.

Actually, yes, it is, according to the definition of child porn:

"What Is Child Pornography?
Under federal law (18 U.S.C. §2256), child pornography1 is defined as any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct, where

the production of the visual depiction involves the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; or

the visual depiction is a digital image, computer image, or computer-generated image that is, or is indistinguishable from, that of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; or

the visual depiction has been created, adapted, or modified to appear that an identifiable minor is engaging in sexually explicit conduct.
Federal law (18 U.S.C. §1466A) also criminalizes knowingly producing, distributing, receiving, or possessing with intent to distribute, a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture or painting, that

depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct and is obscene, or

depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in graphic bestiality, sadistic or masochistic abuse, or sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex and such depiction lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. "

Child Pornography Fact Sheet

:lol: I guess so, then!
I haven't watched this show but is it really that bad as people say?

Not if you're not uptight. (about stuff like this)

I guess it breaks that law Allie posted, but I don't even agree with the law necessarily. It implies sex, on the show....and these kids are in high-school, but that doesn't bug me because #1: they don't show actual sex ala what *I'd* consider pornography, and #2: I had sex in high school. :razz:
and this is's have an button.....

do it with me....hell i bet you can do it with a remote now....

most dangerous show on television....bit reactionary arent you

Easier said then done at time Bones! In most cases I think people over-react, but I walked one episode and its disgusting! Think of the movie Kids on the silver screen! I fear this will open up flood gates to copy cats. I fear for the day my kids are teenagers!
Try (anoyone) not to raise your kids to be gullible followers. Then you won't have to hide them from the truth of anything, if you're sucessful.
I haven't watched this show but is it really that bad as people say?

Not if you're not uptight. (about stuff like this)

I guess it breaks that law Allie posted, but I don't even agree with the law necessarily. It implies sex, on the show....and these kids are in high-school, but that doesn't bug me because #1: they don't show actual sex ala what *I'd* consider pornography, and #2: I had sex in high school. :razz:

Well unless the kids are actually having sex i.e actual insertion of penis in vagina or mouth or whatever it can't really be considered child porn right?
You guys are missing the big promotes the sexual exploitation of young kids, and that's illegal, beside being completely reprehensible.

Stop thinking just about how iit just affects you personally and think about the big picture...there are people with camera posing people in front of those cameras and telling them where to put their tongues and how to breathe so it looks like kids having sex. It sexualizes kids when we are putting people in jail for having sex with kids.

Think about it.
I haven't watched this show but is it really that bad as people say?

Not if you're not uptight. (about stuff like this)

I guess it breaks that law Allie posted, but I don't even agree with the law necessarily. It implies sex, on the show....and these kids are in high-school, but that doesn't bug me because #1: they don't show actual sex ala what *I'd* consider pornography, and #2: I had sex in high school. :razz:

Well unless the kids are actually having sex i.e actual insertion of penis in vagina or mouth or whatever it can't really be considered child porn right?

Read the definition, you retard.
If anyone can show where I've stated that the show should be censored outside of the free market, I will gladly sign over the deed to my home (and it is free and clear of any liens or mortgages).

I am getting my wish, as the FREE MARKET is compelling sponsors to pull their advertising, one by one, as the pressure to be responsible mounts.

And for Modbert:

At 11, my daughter is a very well-adjusted, VERY mature child. She is an actress, and has had much success (yes, you've seen her, and no, I'm not going to tell you who she is). She is proficient with firearms, has never made anything less than an A, has an IQ that is the highest in her school, and will likely complete college within a year of graduating High School.

She does not have a boyfriend, but don't get any ideas.

I'll take my chances with my children, I don't ask anyone to raise them for me. However, from the perspective of a responsible parent (something you can only imagine, not experience), I recognize the irresponsibility and danger in showing this to the audience at which it is targeted. Most children the age of my daughter are not as mature, well-adjusted, or experienced in dealing with adults and "adult issues" as she. She is the exception, not the norm.

I understand that you think you know everything, that you are different, that your kids will be different.

I thought that too, when I was a young, foolish man, just like you.....just like all of us.

You want to watch the show for whatever reason you want to watch it.....fine.

That doesn't mean it is any less dangerous or irresponsible to a kid of 11, 14, and some of 21 and 27.

The sponsors are pulling their money, after seeing the show and the public reaction. I applaud them for that decision, and support them in that regard. Ultimately, MYV is going to have to decide if they want to spend their own money to keep the show out there, because regardless of how YOU feel, it is apparent that the people who control the purse strings of the target audience of this show DO NOT support the show itself. There will be a defacto boycott and stigma attached to those who DO sponsor it, whether you agree with that decision or not.

I appreciate you telling me what its like to be a parent, and how you will be such a better parent than me if/when you ever do have kids. But the bottom line is, you have no credibility in that regard because you have no experience in it. You have a preconceived notion of "how it will be for you" and whether you want to accept it or not, remember that I told you "you're only fooling yourself." Unless you choose to control every facet of your child's life, you will never, and should never, control them.

I'm not worried about my daughter.

I'm not worried about EZ's daughter.

Our daughters are the exception, not the norm.

Bank that.

I've paid for a lot of abortions, a lot of prison time, a lot of drug rehab, and a lot of the cost of crime that was perpetrated by teenage kids and immature 20-somethings.

And not a single one of those for whom I've paid taxes to provide remedy for their decisions was own child, my own sibling, or my own direct family.

I'm not worried about MY kids.

I'm worried about kids like I imagine yours will be.

Kudos to Subway, GM, Schick, Wrigley, H&R Block, and Taco Bell for not wanting to sponsor this type of "entertainment." I'm sure those corporations are all simply chock-full of bad, irresponsible parents who are too stupid, irresponsible and selfish to acknowledge your right to free kiddie porn and the glamorization of drug abuse, but money is power, and they have both.
You guys are missing the big promotes the sexual exploitation of young kids, and that's illegal, beside being completely reprehensible.

Stop thinking just about how iit just affects you personally and think about the big picture...there are people with camera posing people in front of those cameras and telling them where to put their tongues and how to breathe so it looks like kids having sex. It sexualizes kids when we are putting people in jail for having sex with kids.

Think about it.

You know, in all honesty there was this little innocent show on TV called Saved by the Bell, and I wonder what the Director was telling Zack to do with his tongue when he was kissing Kelly?
Not if you're not uptight. (about stuff like this)

I guess it breaks that law Allie posted, but I don't even agree with the law necessarily. It implies sex, on the show....and these kids are in high-school, but that doesn't bug me because #1: they don't show actual sex ala what *I'd* consider pornography, and #2: I had sex in high school. :razz:

Well unless the kids are actually having sex i.e actual insertion of penis in vagina or mouth or whatever it can't really be considered child porn right?

Read the definition, you retard.

Shut the fuck up XXXXXXX .
Try (anoyone) not to raise your kids to be gullible followers. Then you won't have to hide them from the truth of anything, if you're sucessful.

Can you also give us advice on how you cope with your period?

How about child birth......what helped you during labor and morning sickness?

Next I think I'll go ask a white man what its like to be black, and a blind man what it is like to see.
The sole purpose of Saved By The Bell wasn't to sexualize children, and there were no close-ups of french kidding, or girls having orgasms.
Does anyone Remember West Beverly High School? Beverly Hills 90210 was *this* explicit sexually, and yes, they were in High School.
Try (anoyone) not to raise your kids to be gullible followers. Then you won't have to hide them from the truth of anything, if you're sucessful.

Can you also give us advice on how you cope with your period?

How about child birth......what helped you during labor and morning sickness?

Next I think I'll go ask a white man what its like to be black, and a blind man what it is like to see.

You didn't experience and learn know......*being* raised?
How does spitting out a couple of kids give you the latitude to decide what can and can't come across my television?

I never implied that.

Having children, I think it puts it in a different perspective than it might be perceived by someone who doesn't have children. I merely asked G.T. if he had any kids, as he stated he isn't offended by it at all.

Sorry if my post didn't fit neatly inside your little box :(

Exactly, people without kids have no frickin business telling people how they "should" be raising their kids. And you're right, someone without any kids may not be offended as someone with kids....He'll understand one day when daddy's little freshman is sitting in the driveway smoking pot and giving head to the senior captain of the football team.

ahh the american way from the Happy Days era.
Also, you all are continuing with the canaard that they're sensationalizing these activities.

-girl takes pills, almost dies.
-girl throws party while parents are away. house gets destroyed, suv gets stolen.
-boy buys pot from some brothel. dealer threatens boy's life for non-payment. \

This seems like a deterrant, not a sensationalization/promotion-of, these activities, to me.

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