Skynet has spoken

Mostly it's just a bunch of bots and funded shills talking to each other.

Not a whole lot different than this place at the crack of dawn on a week day. :lmao:

There seems to be a lot more Hillary shills, why isn't she winning?
AI is usually not so. Humans are generally better. That's why I'd rather go with the guy with a track record.
Except it hasnt missed yet
Except when it does. Hasn't missed what yet? AI works in this case by making the past fit the present. That doesn't mean it will work. Humans will do as better job of matching current conditions to the facts.
Didnt read did ya
Mostly it's just a bunch of bots and funded shills talking to each other.

Not a whole lot different than this place at the crack of dawn on a week day. :lmao:

There seems to be a lot more Hillary shills, why isn't she winning?
I think it's a matter of paid folks to agitate versus those who refute the agitation.

She isn't winning by a land slide because facts aren't on her side.

OTH, the propaganda blitz is however, considering the facts, overwhelming effective. Frighteningly so in fact.
Skynet was right........Trump becomes Fuhrer is next.....rriiggghhtttt
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ITs over,,,Trump wins.....warm up the fat lady.......unless hilly wants to do the honors
AI system finds Trump will win the White House and is more popular than Obama in 2008

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