Slippery Rock student suspended for writing racial epithets

Slippery Rock student suspended for writing racial epithets


this is old, but flew under the radar.
It caused fist fights among the student body as well as small riots.

and don't say "how do you know? "

I was a grad student and and local resident at the time
1993.... Yes, that is old.

I seems to me that similar incidents have happened since then in which someone who is of a minority fakes something like this. That doesn't mean that racism does not exist and that real racial slurs are not perpetrated.

Who cares? Today’s students weren’t even born in 1993
Slippery Rock student suspended for writing racial epithets


this is old, but flew under the radar.
It caused fist fights among the student body as well as small riots.

and don't say "how do you know? "

I was a grad student and and local resident at the time
You think a decades old story will work to stir up more white grievance among Trump’s inbred base? Worth a shot, I guess... :cuckoo:

this is an example of the pervasive fake claims of racism going back decades.
Slippery Rock student suspended for writing racial epithets


this is old, but flew under the radar.
It caused fist fights among the student body as well as small riots.

and don't say "how do you know? "

I was a grad student and and local resident at the time
You think a decades old story will work to stir up more white grievance among Trump’s inbred base? Worth a shot, I guess... :cuckoo:

this is an example of the pervasive fake claims of racism going back decades.
A drop in the huge pond of actual racism. You are pathetic.
Slippery Rock student suspended for writing racial epithets


this is old, but flew under the radar.
It caused fist fights among the student body as well as small riots.

and don't say "how do you know? "

I was a grad student and and local resident at the time
You think a decades old story will work to stir up more white grievance among Trump’s inbred base? Worth a shot, I guess... :cuckoo:

this is an example of the pervasive fake claims of racism going back decades.
A drop in the huge pond of actual racism. You are pathetic.

like affirmative action?
Slippery Rock student suspended for writing racial epithets


this is old, but flew under the radar.
It caused fist fights among the student body as well as small riots.

and don't say "how do you know? "

I was a grad student and and local resident at the time
You think a decades old story will work to stir up more white grievance among Trump’s inbred base? Worth a shot, I guess... :cuckoo:
You are a disgusting vile walking bag of garbage. Inbred base, you're a liar.
Slippery Rock student suspended for writing racial epithets


this is old, but flew under the radar.
It caused fist fights among the student body as well as small riots.

and don't say "how do you know? "

I was a grad student and and local resident at the time
You think a decades old story will work to stir up more white grievance among Trump’s inbred base? Worth a shot, I guess... :cuckoo:
You are a disgusting vile walking bag of garbage. Inbred base, you're a liar.

what I am waiting for is evidence of oppression.
Slippery Rock student suspended for writing racial epithets


this is old, but flew under the radar.
It caused fist fights among the student body as well as small riots.

and don't say "how do you know? "

I was a grad student and and local resident at the time
You think a decades old story will work to stir up more white grievance among Trump’s inbred base? Worth a shot, I guess... :cuckoo:

this is an example of the pervasive fake claims of racism going back decades.
A drop in the huge pond of actual racism. You are pathetic.

like affirmative action?
You have a problem with all those white women using AA?
Slippery Rock student suspended for writing racial epithets


this is old, but flew under the radar.
It caused fist fights among the student body as well as small riots.

and don't say "how do you know? "

I was a grad student and and local resident at the time
You think a decades old story will work to stir up more white grievance among Trump’s inbred base? Worth a shot, I guess... :cuckoo:

this is an example of the pervasive fake claims of racism going back decades.
A drop in the huge pond of actual racism. You are pathetic.

like affirmative action?
You have a problem with all those white women using AA?

as a matter of fact I do, but it is based on gender not race
black women get extra oppression points
and why take any black person's word that they are th "victim" of "racism" too many lies
Slippery Rock student suspended for writing racial epithets


this is old, but flew under the radar.
It caused fist fights among the student body as well as small riots.

and don't say "how do you know? "

I was a grad student and and local resident at the time
You think a decades old story will work to stir up more white grievance among Trump’s inbred base? Worth a shot, I guess... :cuckoo:
You are a disgusting vile walking bag of garbage. Inbred base, you're a liar.

what I am waiting for is evidence of oppression.
I'm sorry but liberals do not accept facts.

Who cares? Today’s students weren’t even born in 1993
Thats funny, i feel the exact same way about slavery and Jim Crow.

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Few sit on a mountain top to come up with their beliefs all on their own. Instead most people pretty much go along with what everyone else already believes with maybe a few twists here and there. Such beliefs come from the past.

So then why is Teflon Theory believed?

  • Because of how American history is taught:
    • American history is taught as dates and people and facts that have little to do with each other. Sometimes the Effects of the the Civil War or Industrialization are studied, for example, but not so for the evil stuff – like how slavery and genocide led to present-day White American wealth, power and racism.
    • American history as taught rarely comes up to the present day. History becomes something in the past, in a book, not something we live in right now.
  • Because of the needs of White American self-image:
    • White Americans want to think they are Basically Good and their society is Basically Just. Without Teflon Theory that becomes laughable since it flies in the face of history, common sense and human nature.
    • White Americans avoid honestly facing up to their past because deep down they know it is ugly. Teflon Theory acts as a guard against having to take it seriously.
  • Because middle-class whites are protected from the ugly present:
    • Those who live in Apple-pie America rarely see first-hand the injustice that their comfortable lives are built on. And what injustice they do see on occasion, like black ghettos or wars on television fought overseas in their name, they have already learned to not see as injustice. But being protected from the ugly present makes the ugly past seem like another world, like it truly is ancient history with no bearing on the present.
White Americans seem to apply special rules when reading about history or the news. Since I was not invited to the Secret Course on Whiteness, I have to piece together the rules and ideas based on observation of White Americans. This is very much a work in progress.

Rules & Important Concepts:

  1. Black people do bad things because they are black. When white people do bad things it is because they made a mistake, got passed over at work, had a bad childhood, need help or whatever. Apart from a few bad apples, it never has to do with race. Because whites are not affected by their race. But blacks are: they have dark, savage hearts that drives some of them to rape and murder and other cruel and senseless things for no particular reason. Because that is how black people are.
  2. Savage Black Rule: Africa is screwed up because blacks are incapable of self-rule. Look at Zimbabwe!
  3. Black pathologies: black ghettos are screwed up because black people are screwed up.
  4. The Teflon Theory of White History: Anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Otherwise white people are only affected by history through their families, nothing else, and for not more than a generation. So even Jim Crow is now Ancient History, just like the Battle of Thermopylae.
  5. Living in the Past: anyone who disagrees with Teflon Theory.
  6. Dead Indian Land: a place that it is bad manners to talk about and dangerous to think about.
  7. Basically Good – what white people are despite their ugly past. Because of Teflon Theory they are not only protected from the ugly side effects of genocide, Jim Crow and slavery (what black people call “racism”), but even from the Fall of Adam (what Christians call “original sin”). So when whites do something bad it is not evil – just a well-meaning mistake.
  8. “It was the times” – yes, white people did do some terrible things in the past, but since whites are Basically Good it must have been the times. Unless:
  9. “Arab traders did it too!” – It is a rule with White Americans that if Arab traders did something, then it is morally all right – or at least Not All That Bad.
  10. Just World Doctrine: America is basically just because it is run by white people who are Basically Good. That means they exercise power, both home and abroad, fairly and for the good of all.
  11. Love to Complain – what black people do despite the Basic Goodness of society (see Just World Doctrine) and despite the fact that it is Not As Bad As It Used To Be (over 30 years ago).
  12. White people understand racism better than blacks – because blacks Love to Complain.
  13. Read mainly White American writers. They are more fair-minded than black or foreign writers.
teflon is a coating on frying pans. You know, what you can fry chicken with?

your "theory" is unsupported
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