Sloppy Steve Bannon calls Pope Francis "globalist", wants to file lawsuit against the Vatican

Francis----IS INDEED a globalist------I believe that he seeks WORLD WIDE MONOTHEISTIC dictatorship which---for practical reasons---he is willing to share with the CALIPH
I don't know if he's a globalist, but he certainly sounds like a communist.

I read the bible and get my own take. I listen to sermons from time to time to get a different view on the book, I don't have to agree with everyones interpretation, but I like to listen.

The pope is just another man, why should anyone treat him like he is the Second Coming of Christ?
I don't know if he's a globalist, but he certainly sounds like a communist.

He's not a Communist, but I do think he's a Socialist. Not surprising since the Catholic Church has a long history of supporting Socialist policies.
If God is real, and the Bible is really his word, then the Pope is doing exactly what he should be doing. The Bible does not say “be like Donald Trump.” It says the complete opposite.
If God is real, and the Bible is really his word, then the Pope is doing exactly what he should be doing. The Bible does not say “be like Donald Trump.” It says the complete opposite.
When John Paul 2 came here decades ago he spouted America, the beacon of the world. At his death he lamented that we had lost our way. He knew what tyranny was.
If God is real, and the Bible is really his word, then the Pope is doing exactly what he should be doing. The Bible does not say “be like Donald Trump.” It says the complete opposite.

I don't think the bible says to be like Trump. However, I don't believe it suggests we should be like Mao, Stalin or Castro.

I'm Christian, not strict in terms of rituals, far less than say a practicing Catholic. I don't see the value in worshiping another human being. When he speaks of God and forgiveness, loving one another, etc. I agree with the Pope.

If he starts talking about clear political issues such as borders and the like, I have no use for him. Especially as he sleeps comfortably behind a wall himself.
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Always respected the Pope even though I'm not Catholic......until this one came along under what I consider weird circumstances.
He can go fuck himself as far as I'm concerned.
If God is real, and the Bible is really his word, then the Pope is doing exactly what he should be doing. The Bible does not say “be like Donald Trump.” It says the complete opposite.

I don't think the bible says to be like Trump. However, I don't believe it suggests we should be like Mao, Stalin or Castro.

I'm Christian, not strict in terms of rituals, far less than say a practicing Catholic. I don't see the value in worshiping another human being. When he speaks of God and forgiveness, loving one another, etc. I agree with the Pope.

If he starts talking about clear political issues such as borders and the like, I have no use for him. Especially as he sleeps comfortably behind a wall himself.
This Pope is nothing like Mao, Stalin, or Castro. Get a grip.
If God is real, and the Bible is really his word, then the Pope is doing exactly what he should be doing. The Bible does not say “be like Donald Trump.” It says the complete opposite.
When John Paul 2 came here decades ago he spouted America, the beacon of the world. At his death he lamented that we had lost our way. He knew what tyranny was.
He lived in a different time under different circumstances. If the movements that exist today calling on people to hate their neighbor and to do unto others whatever you want to do to them, I think he would oppose them. But then again, there was a Pope who treated with the Bazi’s so who knows.
The pope is just another man, why should anyone treat him like he is the Second Coming of Christ?
Catholic tradition lectures us that he sits in for Christ. He is more than a "man" to these folks.

A lot of Catholics dislike him immensely.
A lot of Catholics wish ill against any country that’s not America these days. The Pope is not the Pope solely of conservative Americans with long lists of imagined grievances.
humanity runs the risk of destroying the planet, according to Pope Francis' encyclical letter Laudato Si!
He's not a Communist, but I do think he's a Socialist. Not surprising since the Catholic Church has a long history of supporting Socialist policies.
No, I'd say he's more like a communist, in that he expresses very WORLDWIDE opinions of things, which is the communist way (WORKERS OF THE WORLD - UNITE!) - but then that is typically what Popes do, because they represent Catholics all over the world.

Socialism is more of a nationalistic philosophy.
I have no idea, hey, you can sign up for service if Koreans tell you with the US army but hey its definitely 1 Not what they think as transferrable service 2 not what they're going for. Nationalism. Well. Nationalism is from 20th century, its about all the borders thinking they're the best and exclusively best. Its not about making the districts, and the areas, denominations and the parishes. People against the Pope weren't ever nationalists.

First thing she said "All Americans think they're superior", that's because you're yankees, I'm a superior racist confederate nobody. At least I have a c 'est moi to get to in Ca-Me-lot.
Not for nothing but nobody takes the Pope seriously when he talks politics. If anything, it becomes the next good joke at the water cooler.:113:

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