Small Businesses Are Getting Significantly Worse!


Free Breast Exam
Oct 10, 2009
In your head
Small Businesses Are Getting Significantly Worse!
Small Business Confidence Plummets
Small business owners' confidence in the economy soured significantly from July to August in the largest one-month decline since November 2009, according to the Discover Small Business Watch. Business owners expressed a negative outlook for the economy in general and skepticism that economic conditions would get better for their businesses in the next six months. The Watch index dropped to 73.0 in August from 83.0 in July. August marks the third straight monthly decline in the index, which is the lowest it has been in 18 months on the 4-year-old index.

August Indicators:

-62 percent of small business owners rate the current state of the U.S. economy as poor, up from 58 percent, in July; while 28 percent it fair; 6 percent rate it good; and 3 percent rate it excellent.

-55 percent of small business owners expect economic conditions for their businesses to get worse in the next six months, while 20 percent expect them to stay the same, and 21 percent think things will get better.

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Stock Market Performance vs Congress Party Control

Going back to 1945 with data from, combined with historical stock market data from yahoo finance, I’ve constructed a table showing the relationship between who controls congress (and the white house) versus the growth or decline in the stock market. An image of the table is below. Click table the excel sheet.

Below the table, I point out my findings…but feel free to draw your own conclusions.


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Government Admits Health Care Bill is a "Tax" ... Oh, and the Bill Tracks and Taxes Physical Gold Transactions.
Even the government is now admitting that the health care bill is a tax. As the New York Times pointed out on July 16th: When Congress required most Americans to obtain health insurance or pay a penalty, Democrats denied that they were creating a new tax. But in court, the Obama administration and its allies now defend the requirement as an exercise of the government’s “power to lay and collect taxes.” And that power, they say, is even more sweeping than the federal power to regulate interstate commerce.

Administration officials say the tax argument is a linchpin of their legal case in defense of the health care overhaul and its individual mandate, now being challenged in court by more than 20 states and several private organizations.

Under the legislation signed by President Obama in March, most Americans will have to maintain “minimum essential coverage” starting in 2014. Many people will be eligible for federal subsidies to help them pay premiums.
edited, article shortened to 3 paragraphs-Care

Gold Coin Sellers Angered by New Tax Law

Amendment Slipped Into Health Care Legislation Would Track, Tax Coin and Bullion Transactions.

A scarcely noticed tack-on provision to the law that puts gold coin buyers and sellers under closer government scrutiny.

Prepare for a FDR type Gold Confiscation.
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Nope I am here. Now, I guess I will have to come up with something to show how up to date I am on the issues burning before the American Public. Give me a few seconds I will will come up with something astute.
Well, if small businesses are having such difficulty, then it is most obvious to the casual observer that the problem is with the "SMALL"

Small Business needs to become BIG BUSINESS to avoid all of these problems. Small is weak and Big is strong.

There, that is the solution.
Prepare for a FDR type Glod Confiscation.

I'm shorting silver right now, just for a near-term trade, and have sold all my gold holdings which I intend to repurchase in the future, but I have owned the Swiss based ETFS gold ETF, and I have considered buying physical gold and putting it in storage in Canada.
Prepare for a FDR type Glod Confiscation.

I'm shorting silver right now, just for a near-term trade, and have sold all my gold holdings which I intend to repurchase in the future, but I have owned the Swiss based ETFS gold ETF, and I have considered buying physical gold and putting it in storage in Canada.

Any thoughts on the more exotic metals that actually have industrial uses?

Lithium, for example, seems like good play in the long run given its use in battery tecnology.

Not a clue how it looks in the near term, of course, since I am not a player and don't follow the industry stats.

I agree with your short position on silver, BTW.
Well, if small businesses are having such difficulty, then it is most obvious to the casual observer that the problem is with the "SMALL"

Small Business needs to become BIG BUSINESS to avoid all of these problems. Small is weak and Big is strong.

There, that is the solution.

Wow...that is a really dumb statement.
Big business does one thing extraordinarily well...concentrates wealth.
Big business also dramatically reduces profit % in an industry and turns into volume-based profits which are usually about 10% of what the industry profits were prior to sucking up competitors.
Well, if small businesses are having such difficulty, then it is most obvious to the casual observer that the problem is with the "SMALL"

Small Business needs to become BIG BUSINESS to avoid all of these problems. Small is weak and Big is strong.

There, that is the solution.

Wow...that is a really dumb statement.
Big business does one thing extraordinarily well...concentrates wealth.
Big business also dramatically reduces profit % in an industry and turns into volume-based profits which are usually about 10% of what the industry profits were prior to sucking up competitors.

Big Business lobbies & contributes more to government officials.
Big Business hires more ex-government officials.
Big Business gets more lucrative government contracts.
Big Business is more effective at forcing Political Correctness on employees, vendors & society.
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Well, if small businesses are having such difficulty, then it is most obvious to the casual observer that the problem is with the "SMALL"

Small Business needs to become BIG BUSINESS to avoid all of these problems. Small is weak and Big is strong.

There, that is the solution.

Hmm but um it is small business that drives 80% of jobs growth. If they all get BIG what will happen then? lol
Republican Voinovich of Ohio to back small-business incentives in Senate bill

Retiring Sen. George Voinovich (R-Ohio) said he plans to help push a package of small-business incentives through the Senate next week, a move that would give President Obama and congressional Democrats a key victory on the economy in the final weeks before the November midterm elections.

In an interview, Voinovich said he could no longer support Republican efforts to delay the measure in hopes of winning the right to offer additional amendments. Most of the proposed GOP amendments "didn't have anything to do with the bill" anyway, Voinovich said, and amounted merely to partisan "messaging."

"We don't have time for messaging," Voinovich said. "We don't have time anymore. This country is really hurting."

Voinovich said he told Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) that, if a single amendment to reduce paperwork for business owners is considered on the floor, he would add his vote to that of the 59 senators who caucus with Democrats. That would give the majority party the 60 votes needed to overcome a possible GOP filibuster and approve the package when Congress returns to Washington next week.

He's my other senator, perhaps my great senator Sherrod Brown has persuaded him to do the right thing before retiring.

Voinovich has coasted a lot, disappointed me with his voting record but this time, he's good.

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