Small Businesses in NYC Struggling with $15 Minimum Wage

Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers?

I wonder what caused that?

Yes, in Arizona there are a ton of self-checkouts.

I refuse to use self checkouts. All you are doing is taking jobs away from other people. The stores deliberately have longer lines with cashiers to pressure you to use the self checkout. What they want to do is eliminate cashier checkouts altogether, just like gas stations did with self serve pumps.
I did the same for a while. Then I just realized checkout clerks are the buggy whip makers of the 2010’s. Those jobs are going away. And thinking back it’s for good reason. The interaction isn’t that great most of the time anyway.
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers?

I wonder what caused that?

Yes, in Arizona there are a ton of self-checkouts.
Of course there are. Hell I installed a thousand of them. Why? Because a company can’t keep paying people ten bucks an hour plus obiecare costs and taxes to have people swipe shit across a scanner. But the brilliant dems want to raise that cost to 15 an hour. And of course then sit there with a stupefied confused look on their face as the swipe their own purchases through a robot.

People can't live on 10 bucks an hour, it's hardly worth the time. The minimum wage balanced with inflation has gone down, not up.

FYI, in Red (not much longer) Arizona the MW is 11 bucks an hour.
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers?

I wonder what caused that?

Yes, in Arizona there are a ton of self-checkouts.
Of course there are. Hell I installed a thousand of them. Why? Because a company can’t keep paying people ten bucks an hour plus obiecare costs and taxes to have people swipe shit across a scanner. But the brilliant dems want to raise that cost to 15 an hour. And of course then sit there with a stupefied confused look on their face as the swipe their own purchases through a robot.

People can't live on 10 bucks an hour, it's hardly worth the time. The minimum wage balanced with inflation has gone down, not up.

FYI, in Red (not much longer) Arizona the MW is 11 bucks an hour.
Lucky for them they have you to make sure their wage is $0 per hour. Of course you’re going to have to pay more for welfare for them but thank the lord you kept them from working below your wage standards

BTW- When AZ turns blue your problems will just be beginning. Look at the other blue states.
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers?

I wonder what caused that?

Yes, in Arizona there are a ton of self-checkouts.
Of course there are. Hell I installed a thousand of them. Why? Because a company can’t keep paying people ten bucks an hour plus obiecare costs and taxes to have people swipe shit across a scanner. But the brilliant dems want to raise that cost to 15 an hour. And of course then sit there with a stupefied confused look on their face as the swipe their own purchases through a robot.

People can't live on 10 bucks an hour, it's hardly worth the time. The minimum wage balanced with inflation has gone down, not up.

FYI, in Red (not much longer) Arizona the MW is 11 bucks an hour.
Lucky for them they have you to make sure their wage is $0 per hour. Of course you’re going to have to pay more for welfare for them but thank the lord you kept them from working below your wage standards

BTW- When AZ turns blue your problems will just be beginning. Look at the other blue states.

Self checkouts have been in the works for years, long before the mw went up. If that didn't go up, they would still be automating it. Moving to automation has been happening for decades.
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers?

I wonder what caused that?

Yes, in Arizona there are a ton of self-checkouts.

I refuse to use self checkouts. All you are doing is taking jobs away from other people. The stores deliberately have longer lines with cashiers to pressure you to use the self checkout. What they want to do is eliminate cashier checkouts altogether, just like gas stations did with self serve pumps.
I did the same for a while. Then I just realized checkout clerks are the buggy whip makers of the 2010’s. Those jobs are going away. And thinking back it’s for good reason. The interaction isn’t that great most of the time anyway.

If we blue collar workers don't support each other, than who will?

Years ago the theme of America was Buy American or Bye Bye America. To some degree there was a lot of truth in that motto. We opted to put our fellow citizens out of work so we could buy a 50 foot string of Christmas lights from China for $9.99.

In the early 80's, buying cheaper products became an obsession with Americans. Our priorities switched from quality to price. It's still that way to some degree in our country.

But back then, we had three choices: buy cheaper products, have good paying American jobs, or have investment opportunities. You can't have all three, so we chose cheaper products and investment opportunities. If we don't switch our priorities, then it will continue down this road. So I'm going to go to the cashier line every time I shop to support my fellow American worker.
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers?

I wonder what caused that?

Yes, in Arizona there are a ton of self-checkouts.
Of course there are. Hell I installed a thousand of them. Why? Because a company can’t keep paying people ten bucks an hour plus obiecare costs and taxes to have people swipe shit across a scanner. But the brilliant dems want to raise that cost to 15 an hour. And of course then sit there with a stupefied confused look on their face as the swipe their own purchases through a robot.

People can't live on 10 bucks an hour, it's hardly worth the time. The minimum wage balanced with inflation has gone down, not up.

FYI, in Red (not much longer) Arizona the MW is 11 bucks an hour.
Lucky for them they have you to make sure their wage is $0 per hour. Of course you’re going to have to pay more for welfare for them but thank the lord you kept them from working below your wage standards

BTW- When AZ turns blue your problems will just be beginning. Look at the other blue states.

Self checkouts have been in the works for years, long before the mw went up. If that didn't go up, they would still be automating it. Moving to automation has been happening for decades.
Of course it has. What a stupid time to demand higher wages. Right when your replacement is coming off the assembly line.
Yes, in Arizona there are a ton of self-checkouts.
Of course there are. Hell I installed a thousand of them. Why? Because a company can’t keep paying people ten bucks an hour plus obiecare costs and taxes to have people swipe shit across a scanner. But the brilliant dems want to raise that cost to 15 an hour. And of course then sit there with a stupefied confused look on their face as the swipe their own purchases through a robot.

People can't live on 10 bucks an hour, it's hardly worth the time. The minimum wage balanced with inflation has gone down, not up.

FYI, in Red (not much longer) Arizona the MW is 11 bucks an hour.
Lucky for them they have you to make sure their wage is $0 per hour. Of course you’re going to have to pay more for welfare for them but thank the lord you kept them from working below your wage standards

BTW- When AZ turns blue your problems will just be beginning. Look at the other blue states.

Self checkouts have been in the works for years, long before the mw went up. If that didn't go up, they would still be automating it. Moving to automation has been happening for decades.
Of course it has. What a stupid time to demand higher wages. Right when your replacement is coming off the assembly line.

It's going to happen regardless.
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers?

I wonder what caused that?

Yes, in Arizona there are a ton of self-checkouts.

I refuse to use self checkouts. All you are doing is taking jobs away from other people. The stores deliberately have longer lines with cashiers to pressure you to use the self checkout. What they want to do is eliminate cashier checkouts altogether, just like gas stations did with self serve pumps.
I did the same for a while. Then I just realized checkout clerks are the buggy whip makers of the 2010’s. Those jobs are going away. And thinking back it’s for good reason. The interaction isn’t that great most of the time anyway.

If we blue collar workers don't support each other, than who will?

Years ago the theme of America was Buy American or Bye Bye America. To some degree there was a lot of truth in that motto. We opted to put our fellow citizens out of work so we could buy a 50 foot string of Christmas lights from China for $9.99.

In the early 80's, buying cheaper products became an obsession with Americans. Our priorities switched from quality to price. It's still that way to some degree in our country.

But back then, we had three choices: buy cheaper products, have good paying American jobs, or have investment opportunities. You can't have all three, so we chose cheaper products and investment opportunities. If we don't switch our priorities, then it will continue down this road. So I'm going to go to the cashier line every time I shop to support my fellow American worker.
I’m good with that and pretty much agree. However several things need to change. The trade war with China has to be won. That cheap crap has to go and if we need it make it here. We need to stop letting illegals take the jobs our stupid people need to be doing. We have to stop loaning idiots 100 grand to go to college for stupid degrees we will never be paid back for. We have to cut back welfare to the point you will take that shit job because it’s all you’re good at.

I’m all for buying American. But it has to fit in the system.
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers?

I wonder what caused that?

Yes, in Arizona there are a ton of self-checkouts.

I refuse to use self checkouts. All you are doing is taking jobs away from other people. The stores deliberately have longer lines with cashiers to pressure you to use the self checkout. What they want to do is eliminate cashier checkouts altogether, just like gas stations did with self serve pumps.
I did the same for a while. Then I just realized checkout clerks are the buggy whip makers of the 2010’s. Those jobs are going away. And thinking back it’s for good reason. The interaction isn’t that great most of the time anyway.

If we blue collar workers don't support each other, than who will?

Years ago the theme of America was Buy American or Bye Bye America. To some degree there was a lot of truth in that motto. We opted to put our fellow citizens out of work so we could buy a 50 foot string of Christmas lights from China for $9.99.

In the early 80's, buying cheaper products became an obsession with Americans. Our priorities switched from quality to price. It's still that way to some degree in our country.

But back then, we had three choices: buy cheaper products, have good paying American jobs, or have investment opportunities. You can't have all three, so we chose cheaper products and investment opportunities. If we don't switch our priorities, then it will continue down this road. So I'm going to go to the cashier line every time I shop to support my fellow American worker.
I’m good with that and pretty much agree. However several things need to change. The trade war with China has to be won. That cheap crap has to go and if we need it make it here. We need to stop letting illegals take the jobs our stupid people need to be doing. We have to stop loaning idiots 100 grand to go to college for stupid degrees we will never be paid back for. We have to cut back welfare to the point you will take that shit job because it’s all you’re good at.

I’m all for buying American. But it has to fit in the system.

The problem with welfare is that applicants are not investigated thoroughly. Years ago I worked with a guy who's wife worked at a convenience store. She was discussing how difficult it was supporting a family of five with her husband. Her coworker made a suggestion. Her husband made great money at the auto plant. She went to welfare and told them he left her and the kids! Without question or investigation, they handed her (and her husband indirectly) all kinds of social goodies including food stamps, welfare checks and Medicaid. He didn't go anywhere. He lived in the same house as they alway have.

A guy that worked at a company I deliver to moved up the street from me. Okay, fine. He and his family stayed about six months and moved out. When I made a delivery to the company, I asked why he left so quickly? He said his GF didn't like living on a main street and wanted to move to a quiet side street for the safety of the kids. Mind you, we are in the suburbs. So I asked what he paid for the new house? He said "We didn't pay anything. We are not married so she's on HUD. I live with her and virtually for free! She went to HUD and voiced her complaint, and HUD moved them to this nice side street in our suburb.

They never looked into him or who was living with her. As far as our government is concerned, she was single with kids so she gets to live with working people in the burbs. From what he told me, she never worked a day in her life, and on top of the three kids she had before him on welfare, they both had another kid (on welfare) between themselves.
Yes, in Arizona there are a ton of self-checkouts.

I refuse to use self checkouts. All you are doing is taking jobs away from other people. The stores deliberately have longer lines with cashiers to pressure you to use the self checkout. What they want to do is eliminate cashier checkouts altogether, just like gas stations did with self serve pumps.
I did the same for a while. Then I just realized checkout clerks are the buggy whip makers of the 2010’s. Those jobs are going away. And thinking back it’s for good reason. The interaction isn’t that great most of the time anyway.

If we blue collar workers don't support each other, than who will?

Years ago the theme of America was Buy American or Bye Bye America. To some degree there was a lot of truth in that motto. We opted to put our fellow citizens out of work so we could buy a 50 foot string of Christmas lights from China for $9.99.

In the early 80's, buying cheaper products became an obsession with Americans. Our priorities switched from quality to price. It's still that way to some degree in our country.

But back then, we had three choices: buy cheaper products, have good paying American jobs, or have investment opportunities. You can't have all three, so we chose cheaper products and investment opportunities. If we don't switch our priorities, then it will continue down this road. So I'm going to go to the cashier line every time I shop to support my fellow American worker.
I’m good with that and pretty much agree. However several things need to change. The trade war with China has to be won. That cheap crap has to go and if we need it make it here. We need to stop letting illegals take the jobs our stupid people need to be doing. We have to stop loaning idiots 100 grand to go to college for stupid degrees we will never be paid back for. We have to cut back welfare to the point you will take that shit job because it’s all you’re good at.

I’m all for buying American. But it has to fit in the system.

The problem with welfare is that applicants are not investigated thoroughly. Years ago I worked with a guy who's wife worked at a convenience store. She was discussing how difficult it was supporting a family of five with her husband. Her coworker made a suggestion. Her husband made great money at the auto plant. She went to welfare and told them he left her and the kids! Without question or investigation, they handed her (and her husband indirectly) all kinds of social goodies including food stamps, welfare checks and Medicaid. He didn't go anywhere. He lived in the same house as they alway have.

A guy that worked at a company I deliver to moved up the street from me. Okay, fine. He and his family stayed about six months and moved out. When I made a delivery to the company, I asked why he left so quickly? He said his GF didn't like living on a main street and wanted to move to a quiet side street for the safety of the kids. Mind you, we are in the suburbs. So I asked what he paid for the new house? He said "We didn't pay anything. We are not married so she's on HUD. I live with her and virtually for free! She went to HUD and voiced her complaint, and HUD moved them to this nice side street in our suburb.

They never looked into him or who was living with her. As far as our government is concerned, she was single with kids so she gets to live with working people in the burbs. From what he told me, she never worked a day in her life, and on top of the three kids she had before him on welfare, they both had another kid (on welfare) between themselves.
Our welfare system is stupid. We are paying for people to live middle class when welfare should actually be poverty level.
It isn't just small businesses and it has nothing to do with the Minimum Wage.

Uh, if you read the article, you'll find out that new minimum wage does have something to do with it. Have you read any of the zillion studies that document the harmful effects of an excessive minimum wage?
Liberals don’t read studies. They go on feelings.

Show us one valid study that shows that raising the minimum wage costs jobs.
Lets raise the minimum wage to $1,500 an hour maybe that will work.
And we get the dishonest absurdist argument from the people who would prefer slave wages for "them"
I prefer having supply & demand determine wages. I prefer our central gov't stay out of domestic (state and municipal) issues. I prefer that whiny, sniveling, bleeding-heart dimwits refrain from screwing up what is the best economy and the best economic system.

In short, I prefer that ignorant, dimwitted leftards just STFU and stop trying to destroy what generations of Americans have sacrificed so much to build and defend.

View attachment 273457
lol. Government solves all problems for the right wing. Tariffs, anyone?
So you'd rather bend over and take it than have this country resist China's rape of our economy?

Somehow I'm not a bit surprised, Princess. Loony lefties do seem to prefer life on all fours.
In my personal opinion minimum wages are a bit unrealistic. For the most part if all depends on where you live, the cost of living, your circumstances, your expenses, and other contributing factors. A private business should in theory be able to pay its employees whatever wage they choose to pay them based on their business model and vision. Most likely a business owner or company will ultimately find a wage range suitable for their business based on its ability to find good talent, hire and then keep that talent.
And if they can’t find employees for that price they offer more. It would almost be like a market solution taking care of itself.

Democrats hate that.
Democrats hate anything that makes sense. In fact, they hate everything ... BIGLY.

It's just who and what they are.
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In my personal opinion minimum wages are a bit unrealistic. For the most part if all depends on where you live, the cost of living, your circumstances, your expenses, and other contributing factors. A private business should in theory be able to pay its employees whatever wage they choose to pay them based on their business model and vision. Most likely a business owner or company will ultimately find a wage range suitable for their business based on its ability to find good talent, hire and then keep that talent.
And if they can’t find employees for that price they offer more. It would almost be like a market solution taking care of itself.

Democrats hate that.
Democrats hate anything that makes sense. In fact, they hate everything ... BIGLY.

It's just who ands what they are.

You hate all Democrats - that is completely pathological.
In my personal opinion minimum wages are a bit unrealistic. For the most part if all depends on where you live, the cost of living, your circumstances, your expenses, and other contributing factors. A private business should in theory be able to pay its employees whatever wage they choose to pay them based on their business model and vision. Most likely a business owner or company will ultimately find a wage range suitable for their business based on its ability to find good talent, hire and then keep that talent.
And if they can’t find employees for that price they offer more. It would almost be like a market solution taking care of itself.

Democrats hate that.
Democrats hate anything that makes sense. In fact, they hate everything ... BIGLY.

It's just who ands what they are.

You hate all Democrats - that is completely pathological.
Incorrect as usual. I don't trust anyone who believes they have the right to the fruit of other's labor and would use our gov't to confiscate and redistribute wealth.
In my personal opinion minimum wages are a bit unrealistic. For the most part if all depends on where you live, the cost of living, your circumstances, your expenses, and other contributing factors. A private business should in theory be able to pay its employees whatever wage they choose to pay them based on their business model and vision. Most likely a business owner or company will ultimately find a wage range suitable for their business based on its ability to find good talent, hire and then keep that talent.
And if they can’t find employees for that price they offer more. It would almost be like a market solution taking care of itself.

Democrats hate that.
Democrats hate anything that makes sense. In fact, they hate everything ... BIGLY.

It's just who ands what they are.

You hate all Democrats - that is completely pathological.
Incorrect as usual. I don't trust anyone who believes they have the right to the fruit of other's labor and would use our gov't to confiscate and redistribute wealth.

Neither did James Madison.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
Fifteen bucks for an hour of a persons life seems reasonable.

It does? Then start your own company and pay people by how much you think an hour of their life is worth, and see how long you stay in business.
It's amazing how many people working the drive through don't think the guy running the company knows what he's doing.

The CEO of Boeing didn't know what he was doing. The CEO's of GM and Chrysler didn't seem to know what they were doing. The CEO of Goldman Sachs and Countrywide knew what they were doing but knew it was illegal.
Ya think?

Minimum wage workers are about 3 percent of the workforce. Cutting minimum wage workers will have minimal effect

If you own a business and want to sweep your own floors and clean your own can

Sigh...logic and common sense certainly in not in your wheelhouse. About 42% of workers in the US make $15/hour or less.

After paying for shelter, food, clothing, transportation, insurance (health care in particular), taxes and fees, $15 dollars and hour is slavery***.

The future is bleak, for when a charismatic leader organizes the vast majority of the 42%, a General Strike is in our future. The systemic problem is a product of greed coupled with a callous disregard for those who struggle to make ends meet.

Socialism did not create the chaos in Venezuela, corruption by the power elite's and political leader's fiscally irresponsible behavior and personal greed have done so.

***SAYIT's comment in the post above is an example of callous conservatism, total disregard for the problems of the working poor, and blaming them as if they are all lazy and irresponsible.


$15 an hour is a lot of money for entry level jobs. Minimum wage is not supposed to be for adults raising a family. It's for people entering the workforce at entry level. People are supposed to work their way into better paying jobs.

With two parent families and each of them earning $12-16 an hour that equates to $24-32 an hour. That's decent money and enough to raise a family on. A minimum wage of 15 just lowers wages for everyone. Fewer jobs and less earnings.

$24 an hour is $860 per week. Off the top of which you have to deduct 15% withholding, transportation and child care - the cost of going to work. $129 withholding, $200 per child. $30 per week per worker minimum, so that’s $471 per week left with one child. How much is rent?

These people can’t afford more than $500 per month. And that only leaves them about $350 per week for food, clothing, medical, dental, and savings. This also assumes they don’t own a car because they can’t really afford one.

$350/week for food, clothing, medical, dental and savings? Who is their right mind spends that kinda money if they're on a budget?

Medical can eat a large portion of that all by itself.
What he says is true. Even in L.A. County, California you could make it on a buck, a buck and a quarter an hour and have an apartment and own a car in the early '60's. Guys living with their parents after turning 19 or 20 were ridiculed unless they were going to college. It's the inequality of wealth index we have now, and it's getting worse as far as I can see.

Wealth inequity has nothing to do with it. If we took every single dollar from every rich person in this country, it won't benefit you one bit. It will just make government richer.

If the wealthy paid living wages to their workers, government income supports wouldn’t be necessary. The working poor wouldn’t get all of the free stuff you hate so much.

You sit in your little shack up in Canada thinking you have all the solutions. I work in industry every day. Many of our customers use temporary employment services. Most of the workers are on welfare. They don't want a full time job because more income would eliminate them from the qualifications to get on social programs. With temp services, you can work as much or as little as desired, so you can continue getting your freebies.

What social programs do is discourage people from getting ahead in life, seeking and finding opportunities, and benefiting their family and society (taxpayers) in general. When these companies I speak of get busy, they ask their temp employees if they can work more hours? Most of them refuse because more income just gets deducted from their government stipend. For them, it's like working for free.

Outside of mental or physical disabilities, there is no reason anybody (especially younger people) to not be working or working less than 40 hours a week. Every industrial area I drive to are littered with HELP WANTED signs, and have been for the last several years, even when Ears was President.

The problem isn’t that the wage supports discourage people from working, it’s that the wages paid for the work are too low to make it worthwhile to take the job. The jobs simply don't pay enough for these people to give up their income supports.

When my husband’s trade went south after NAFTA, and all the remaining jobs paid minimum wage, there was no point in him working at all. By the time we paid a baby sitter and subway fares, we’d be losing money at $7 an hour. So he stayed home and I went back to work on Bay Street, which paid enough for all of us to live on.

We always had low paying labor in this country. When I got out of school, I worked minimum wage jobs, in fact several of them. On a few occasions, I worked under the minimum wage when I delivered pizzas for mostly tips, and drove a catering truck that was strictly commission.

We did but we always had jobs waiting once the kid graduated. You previously noted Fisher Body. Gone. Cleveland Crane. Gone. TRW gone. Republic Steel. Gone. This list is long and it's just jobs off the top of my head that my friends parents had when I was growing up.

I delivered papers for the Cleveland Press. Gone.
It isn't just small businesses and it has nothing to do with the Minimum Wage.

Uh, if you read the article, you'll find out that new minimum wage does have something to do with it. Have you read any of the zillion studies that document the harmful effects of an excessive minimum wage?
Liberals don’t read studies. They go on feelings.

Show us one valid study that shows that raising the minimum wage costs jobs.
Read almost any economist. It’s almost universally accepted in the economic community. Even Paul Krugman was an opponent of the minimum wage until it wasn’t politically expedient to be anymore.

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