Small Businesses in NYC Struggling with $15 Minimum Wage

Good thing Obama saved you $2500/year.

Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare (the ACA) with a less expensive and more comprehensive health care system years ago. What happened to the replace?

How about the tax "reform" signed by trump and written by ryan? Have you studied that?

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class
john McCain voted no on it and killed it because he was dying and fell on the sword for the cause. You know who I’m talking about right? The guy from Arizona that ran his campaigns on repealing obamacare and then double crossed his voters as his last act?

Should be noted again. McCain allowed his hatred for one person allow himself to go back on his word and promises to the people that elected him.

He's not the only one to do this.
It’s not an individual thing it’s the establishment at work. Obamacare was never going to be repealed. The gop passed it like 100 times while Obama was in office so they could have empty promises to make that appeared real, knowing full well Obama would obviously never sign it. It was theater. When there was a president in office that would clearly have signed it all the sudden they couldn’t get the votes. If that doesn’t tell you this shit is all theater then I don’t know what does.

All McCain had to do was vote yes and it's repealed. That was what he promised and what he ran on.

Attacking the dead is not commendable.
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers? I wonder what caused that?
Yes, in Arizona there are a ton of self-checkouts.
It's only a matter of time before all fast-food and mid-grade level national chain restaurants are self-order. Greeters and food runners will be the only floor staff at the latter. The costs will be imputed into higher food prices and tipping will be a thing of the past.

Only mom & pop shops and high-end joints will still have people taking your order.

Jamming a national $15 min wage down every state's throat will just hasten the demise of the 2.5 million wait-staff jobs whose average reported income (wage+tips) is just over $10/hr. At least that is what they report but if their tips are replaced with a $15/hr min wage their howling will be deafening. Guess why.

Probably true and then we will pay people to stay home.
Medical can eat a large portion of that all by itself.

For Christ sake, if you're that sickly, what are you doing out of bed?

This is a common problem. People like yourself willing to overlook the realities of life. Insurance can be $700 to over a $1000 for a family.

"Just take your chances" right?

Good thing Obama saved you $2500/year.

Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare (the ACA) with a less expensive and more comprehensive health care system years ago. What happened to the replace?

How about the tax "reform" signed by trump and written by ryan? Have you studied that?

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

Not to worry, when you get a Democrat in office they will take back all the "peanuts" and more, then you can be happy...dumbass.
"We are going to tax the hell out of the wealthy." - Prez candidate Bill de Blasio

Anyone silly enough to believe the middle class isn't going to get SLAMMED to pay for the Democrat Socialist Party's big new spending is far too dim to be allowed to vote.
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers?

I wonder what caused that?
Computers, dumbass

Barcodes ,scanners and computers have been around for while now dumbass...
The problem isn’t that the wage supports discourage people from working, it’s that the wages paid for the work are too low to make it worthwhile to take the job. The jobs simply don't pay enough for these people to give up their income supports.

When my husband’s trade went south after NAFTA, and all the remaining jobs paid minimum wage, there was no point in him working at all. By the time we paid a baby sitter and subway fares, we’d be losing money at $7 an hour. So he stayed home and I went back to work on Bay Street, which paid enough for all of us to live on.

We always had low paying labor in this country. When I got out of school, I worked minimum wage jobs, in fact several of them. On a few occasions, I worked under the minimum wage when I delivered pizzas for mostly tips, and drove a catering truck that was strictly commission.

We did but we always had jobs waiting once the kid graduated. You previously noted Fisher Body. Gone. Cleveland Crane. Gone. TRW gone. Republic Steel. Gone. This list is long and it's just jobs off the top of my head that my friends parents had when I was growing up.

I delivered papers for the Cleveland Press. Gone.
You forgot the iceman and typewriter repairman … gone … and there have been plenty of times when fresh grads didn't find "shovel ready" jobs waiting. Our economy is always morphing ... often due to technology or changing demand, sometimes forced to by gov't regs (smokestack industries).

For all your loony-left, bleeding-heart hand wringing this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

No Chicken Little, the sky is not falling, and less gov't intervention yields prosperity ... just the sort of thing leftards loathe.


The jobs I mentioned are still being done, just not here. Your car doesn't have sunshades? That's what they made at the Fisher Body plant (among other items).


It was a pioneer in multiple fields including electronic components, integrated circuits, computers, software and systems engineering.

That isn't still be done?
You cherry pick to satisfy your leftarded narrative. Those jobs have been replaced by others. In the aggregate this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

Good paying jobs have been replaced by low paying jobs. No one is arguing otherwise.
Why do you waste your time posting such a stupid comment? Are you that desperate for attention?

To mock your side, I thought that was obvious. Mission accomplished!

Mocking requires thought, you don't qualify.


Give us a real number will you? Exactly how much exactly should people minimumly earn? Is $15 an hour the line? Would you be satisfied with that and no more?
it is a simple cost of living adjustment. besides, social services cost the equivalent to fourteen dollars an hour.
This is the simpleton bullshit you get out of Democrats. It’s a simple cost adjustment, at your expense. Takes nothing further into consideration to arrive at this stupid ass conclusion but you did throw in how much welfare costs which nobody but the government is responsible for that ridiculous cost.

No it’s not simpleton bullshit. This is a complex system of government welfare which Republicans have used to suppress wages and benefits for American workers and shift the economic burden for providing supplements for the low wages onto the middle class. This is the new American slavery. If you can’t afford the basic necessities of life, you can’t raise yourself up out of poverty.

Since other wages tend to rise in accordance with minimum wages, all worker wages have stagnated as a result.

Your economy cannot function when 40% of your workforce never benefits from the income THEY generate. The unskilled burger flippers you decry generate enough income to pay the President of McDonalds
Medical can eat a large portion of that all by itself.

For Christ sake, if you're that sickly, what are you doing out of bed?

This is a common problem. People like yourself willing to overlook the realities of life. Insurance can be $700 to over a $1000 for a family.

"Just take your chances" right?

Good thing Obama saved you $2500/year.

Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare (the ACA) with a less expensive and more comprehensive health care system years ago. What happened to the replace?

How about the tax "reform" signed by trump and written by ryan? Have you studied that?

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

Not to worry, when you get a Democrat in office they will take back all the "peanuts" and more, then you can be happy...dumbass.

If the Democrats get into office, you'll have a $15 minimum wage and your bill for food stamps, Section 8 and earned income credits will be cut by more than 50%. The tax savings just on those items alone will more than make up for the slight increase in prices of some goods and service. As will the reduced size and scope of government, which you assholes SAY you're all for, but you expand every time you're in office.

You keep saying that the job of flipping burgers "isn't worth" $15 per hour. All income generated by McDonald Corporation is generated by workers flipping burgers making french fries, and doing relatively menial work. There are no big ticket items at McDonalds. Most meals cost less than $10. And yet the labour performed by these workers generates sufficient income to cover all of the costs of maintaining and supplying not only their own store and all of its employees and owners, but also the corporate offices and employees in each district, region and of the corporation, whose income is solely derived from supporting the efforts of these front line workers who are the only people generating income within this corporation.

At the highest corporate levels, the President of McDonalds receives $15 million dollars per year from the work of these minimum wage workers flipping burgers, and the salaries of the top four McDonald's executives total $27 million dollars, and all of that money comes from the sales of the minimum wage workers flipping burgers. McDonald's is one of the most profitable corporations in America because of the income generated by minimum wage kids flipping burgers. So why must the American taxpayer be paying for food stamps, MedicAid, Section 8, and earned income credits for the people who are earning all of the income which is making McDonalds executives and shareholders some of the wealthiest people in America?

Ditto Walmart, and any of the other minimum wage jobs in the largest most profitable corporations in America. While everyone is crowing about the greatest economy ever, how come 40% of your workers aren't making enough money for even a subsistence living.

When I lived in Small Town Ontario in the 1970's, $16,500 per year bought me and my kids pretty good life. A newer 3 bedroom home, full time housekeeper/nanny, new car, annual ski trips to Aspen. Today, just the house, the housekeeper, and the new car, costs close to $3000 per month. My basic little two bedroom apartment with laundry in a nice part of town costs me $800 per month, not including WIFI or phone.

Ray gets his shirt in a knot because everybody now has a giant flat screen TV. That's because nobody sells any other kind but a flat screen, and I can buy a 60" high quality flat screen for $400. These TV's no longer cost the price of a used car, unless its a total beater.
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers? I wonder what caused that?
Yes, in Arizona there are a ton of self-checkouts.
It's only a matter of time before all fast-food and mid-grade level national chain restaurants are self-order. Greeters and food runners will be the only floor staff at the latter. The costs will be imputed into higher food prices and tipping will be a thing of the past.

Only mom & pop shops and high-end joints will still have people taking your order.

Jamming a national $15 min wage down every state's throat will just hasten the demise of the 2.5 million wait-staff jobs whose average reported income (wage+tips) is just over $10/hr. At least that is what they report but if their tips are replaced with a $15/hr min wage their howling will be deafening. Guess why.

Probably true and then we will pay people to stay home.
Does that seem to you an efficient way to operate a market economy?

My guess is it will be a gradual change and they will retrain (as the iceman did) and find other work. We have plenty of job openings to accommodate them and if the gov't doesn't meddle we will be just fine.
Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare (the ACA) with a less expensive and more comprehensive health care system years ago. What happened to the replace?

How about the tax "reform" signed by trump and written by ryan? Have you studied that?

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class
john McCain voted no on it and killed it because he was dying and fell on the sword for the cause. You know who I’m talking about right? The guy from Arizona that ran his campaigns on repealing obamacare and then double crossed his voters as his last act?

Should be noted again. McCain allowed his hatred for one person allow himself to go back on his word and promises to the people that elected him.

He's not the only one to do this.
It’s not an individual thing it’s the establishment at work. Obamacare was never going to be repealed. The gop passed it like 100 times while Obama was in office so they could have empty promises to make that appeared real, knowing full well Obama would obviously never sign it. It was theater. When there was a president in office that would clearly have signed it all the sudden they couldn’t get the votes. If that doesn’t tell you this shit is all theater then I don’t know what does.

All McCain had to do was vote yes and it's repealed. That was what he promised and what he ran on.

Attacking the dead is not commendable.

Seems that neither is learning from the dead.
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers? I wonder what caused that?
Yes, in Arizona there are a ton of self-checkouts.
It's only a matter of time before all fast-food and mid-grade level national chain restaurants are self-order. Greeters and food runners will be the only floor staff at the latter. The costs will be imputed into higher food prices and tipping will be a thing of the past.

Only mom & pop shops and high-end joints will still have people taking your order.

Jamming a national $15 min wage down every state's throat will just hasten the demise of the 2.5 million wait-staff jobs whose average reported income (wage+tips) is just over $10/hr. At least that is what they report but if their tips are replaced with a $15/hr min wage their howling will be deafening. Guess why.

Probably true and then we will pay people to stay home.
Does that seem to you an efficient way to operate a market economy?


My guess is it will be a gradual change and they will retrain (as the iceman did) and find other work. We have plenty of job openings to accommodate them and if the gov't doesn't meddle we will be just fine.

We went from good paying jobs to not so good paying jobs but once those are gone, there is nowhere else to go.
For Christ sake, if you're that sickly, what are you doing out of bed?

This is a common problem. People like yourself willing to overlook the realities of life. Insurance can be $700 to over a $1000 for a family.

"Just take your chances" right?

Good thing Obama saved you $2500/year.

Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare (the ACA) with a less expensive and more comprehensive health care system years ago. What happened to the replace?

How about the tax "reform" signed by trump and written by ryan? Have you studied that?

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

Not to worry, when you get a Democrat in office they will take back all the "peanuts" and more, then you can be happy...dumbass.
"We are going to tax the hell out of the wealthy." - Prez candidate Bill de Blasio

Anyone silly enough to believe the middle class isn't going to get SLAMMED to pay for the Democrat Socialist Party's big new spending is far too dim to be allowed to vote.

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

The costs to provide healthcare to all the people will not change who pays the costs and those who benefit from it. Bernie (I think) has a plan which the Republicans in Congress will never support, collecting as little as five cents for every stock and bond transaction, no matter how large or how small.

The middle class has been fucked over by Ryan (signed by trump). If the reader reads the link above they will see the lies and the fraud perpetrated on the middle classes and the working poor.
To mock your side, I thought that was obvious. Mission accomplished!

Mocking requires thought, you don't qualify.


Give us a real number will you? Exactly how much exactly should people minimumly earn? Is $15 an hour the line? Would you be satisfied with that and no more?
it is a simple cost of living adjustment. besides, social services cost the equivalent to fourteen dollars an hour.
This is the simpleton bullshit you get out of Democrats. It’s a simple cost adjustment, at your expense. Takes nothing further into consideration to arrive at this stupid ass conclusion but you did throw in how much welfare costs which nobody but the government is responsible for that ridiculous cost.

No it’s not simpleton bullshit. This is a complex system of government welfare which Republicans have used to suppress wages and benefits for American workers and shift the economic burden for providing supplements for the low wages onto the middle class. This is the new American slavery. If you can’t afford the basic necessities of life, you can’t raise yourself up out of poverty.

Since other wages tend to rise in accordance with minimum wages, all worker wages have stagnated as a result.

Your economy cannot function when 40% of your workforce never benefits from the income THEY generate. The unskilled burger flippers you decry generate enough income to pay the President of McDonalds
For Christ sake, if you're that sickly, what are you doing out of bed?

This is a common problem. People like yourself willing to overlook the realities of life. Insurance can be $700 to over a $1000 for a family.

"Just take your chances" right?

Good thing Obama saved you $2500/year.

Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare (the ACA) with a less expensive and more comprehensive health care system years ago. What happened to the replace?

How about the tax "reform" signed by trump and written by ryan? Have you studied that?

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

Not to worry, when you get a Democrat in office they will take back all the "peanuts" and more, then you can be happy...dumbass.

If the Democrats get into office, you'll have a $15 minimum wage and your bill for food stamps, Section 8 and earned income credits will be cut by more than 50%. The tax savings just on those items alone will more than make up for the slight increase in prices of some goods and service. As will the reduced size and scope of government, which you assholes SAY you're all for, but you expand every time you're in office.

You keep saying that the job of flipping burgers "isn't worth" $15 per hour. All income generated by McDonald Corporation is generated by workers flipping burgers making french fries, and doing relatively menial work. There are no big ticket items at McDonalds. Most meals cost less than $10. And yet the labour performed by these workers generates sufficient income to cover all of the costs of maintaining and supplying not only their own store and all of its employees and owners, but also the corporate offices and employees in each district, region and of the corporation, whose income is solely derived from supporting the efforts of these front line workers who are the only people generating income within this corporation.

At the highest corporate levels, the President of McDonalds receives $15 million dollars per year from the work of these minimum wage workers flipping burgers, and the salaries of the top four McDonald's executives total $27 million dollars, and all of that money comes from the sales of the minimum wage workers flipping burgers. McDonald's is one of the most profitable corporations in America because of the income generated by minimum wage kids flipping burgers. So why must the American taxpayer be paying for food stamps, MedicAid, Section 8, and earned income credits for the people who are earning all of the income which is making McDonalds executives and shareholders some of the wealthiest people in America?

Ditto Walmart, and any of the other minimum wage jobs in the largest most profitable corporations in America. While everyone is crowing about the greatest economy ever, how come 40% of your workers aren't making enough money for even a subsistence living.

When I lived in Small Town Ontario in the 1970's, $16,500 per year bought me and my kids pretty good life. A newer 3 bedroom home, full time housekeeper/nanny, new car, annual ski trips to Aspen. Today, just the house, the housekeeper, and the new car, costs close to $3000 per month. My basic little two bedroom apartment with laundry in a nice part of town costs me $800 per month, not including WIFI or phone.

Ray gets his shirt in a knot because everybody now has a giant flat screen TV. That's because nobody sells any other kind but a flat screen, and I can buy a 60" high quality flat screen for $400. These TV's no longer cost the price of a used car, unless its a total beater.
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers?

I wonder what caused that?

Automation - We have been telling you about that for years...

This is technology, the tech eventually gets so cheap that 3rd world country employee becomes uneconomical...

Trump blames the Chinese...

Look at farms, do you think high wages is the reason farmers are using machinery?
We always had low paying labor in this country. When I got out of school, I worked minimum wage jobs, in fact several of them. On a few occasions, I worked under the minimum wage when I delivered pizzas for mostly tips, and drove a catering truck that was strictly commission.

We did but we always had jobs waiting once the kid graduated. You previously noted Fisher Body. Gone. Cleveland Crane. Gone. TRW gone. Republic Steel. Gone. This list is long and it's just jobs off the top of my head that my friends parents had when I was growing up.

I delivered papers for the Cleveland Press. Gone.
You forgot the iceman and typewriter repairman … gone … and there have been plenty of times when fresh grads didn't find "shovel ready" jobs waiting. Our economy is always morphing ... often due to technology or changing demand, sometimes forced to by gov't regs (smokestack industries).

For all your loony-left, bleeding-heart hand wringing this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

No Chicken Little, the sky is not falling, and less gov't intervention yields prosperity ... just the sort of thing leftards loathe.


The jobs I mentioned are still being done, just not here. Your car doesn't have sunshades? That's what they made at the Fisher Body plant (among other items).


It was a pioneer in multiple fields including electronic components, integrated circuits, computers, software and systems engineering.

That isn't still be done?
You cherry pick to satisfy your leftarded narrative. Those jobs have been replaced by others. In the aggregate this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

Good paying jobs have been replaced by low paying jobs. No one is arguing otherwise.
Making sunshades pays well? Again, in the aggregate wages are rising faster than inflation and the job market affords those with some skills and/or training to either earn more or move on to a better paying job. Interjecting gov't into the equation is guaranteed to screw things up … BIGLY … because it isn't the answer but rather too often the problem.
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers? I wonder what caused that?
Yes, in Arizona there are a ton of self-checkouts.
It's only a matter of time before all fast-food and mid-grade level national chain restaurants are self-order. Greeters and food runners will be the only floor staff at the latter. The costs will be imputed into higher food prices and tipping will be a thing of the past.

Only mom & pop shops and high-end joints will still have people taking your order.

Jamming a national $15 min wage down every state's throat will just hasten the demise of the 2.5 million wait-staff jobs whose average reported income (wage+tips) is just over $10/hr. At least that is what they report but if their tips are replaced with a $15/hr min wage their howling will be deafening. Guess why.

Probably true and then we will pay people to stay home.

Does that seem to you an efficient way to operate a market economy?

My guess is it will be a gradual change and they will retrain (as the iceman did) and find other work. We have plenty of job openings to accommodate them and if the gov't doesn't meddle we will be just fine.

In Canada, the moment the jobs went south, we already had re-training programs in place, and income supports for re-training workers. We also have an entreprenuerial support program wherein the government supplies $300 per week income supports for your first year opening a new business, together with a business management 101 university level course, together with business planning software, and training. While American workers are still struggling with the displacement of the auto sector, the Canadian economy has completely recovered. Our "failure" to deregulate our banking system the way Republicans deregulated Wall Street in the waning days of the Clinton Presidency, saved our economy from crashing utterly when yours did in 2008.

Because of your much decried "government" meddling in regulating our banking system, and in providing income support programs and tuition bursaries to unemployed workers, income supports for low income families with children, so parents can either return to the work force, or have the option of remaining home with their children, we have low unemployment, more income equity, better infrastructure, health care and education and a higher standard of living for ALL of our population, not just the wealthy.

These are the 10 best countries in the world in 2019

Even in the World Freedom Index, Canadians have more personal freedoms than Americans:

Human Freedom Index

All of the countries with the fastest growing middle class populations are "Third world shithole countries", by American standards.

Top 5 Emerging Markets with the Best Middle Class Potential
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers?

I wonder what caused that?

Automation - We have been telling you about that for years...

This is technology, the tech eventually gets so cheap that 3rd world country employee becomes uneconomical...

Trump blames the Chinese...

Look at farms, do you think high wages is the reason farmers are using machinery?
We have a Commerce Clause. We should be improving our Standard of Living through mutually beneficial Trade.
This is a common problem. People like yourself willing to overlook the realities of life. Insurance can be $700 to over a $1000 for a family.

"Just take your chances" right?

Good thing Obama saved you $2500/year.

Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare (the ACA) with a less expensive and more comprehensive health care system years ago. What happened to the replace?

How about the tax "reform" signed by trump and written by ryan? Have you studied that?

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

Not to worry, when you get a Democrat in office they will take back all the "peanuts" and more, then you can be happy...dumbass.
"We are going to tax the hell out of the wealthy." - Prez candidate Bill de Blasio

Anyone silly enough to believe the middle class isn't going to get SLAMMED to pay for the Democrat Socialist Party's big new spending is far too dim to be allowed to vote.

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

The costs to provide healthcare to all the people will not change who pays the costs and those who benefit from it. Bernie (I think) has a plan which the Republicans in Congress will never support, collecting as little as five cents for every stock and bond transaction, no matter how large or how small.

The middle class has been fucked over by Ryan (signed by trump). If the reader reads the link above they will see the lies and the fraud perpetrated on the middle classes and the working poor.
Ah … the old "workers of the world unite" lament, and as with every socialist utterance it's "We are going to tax the hell out of the wealthy." (Prez candidate Bill de Blasio)

The freebies you demand (and Dems promise) are not really free and only the middle class is a large enough slice of American earners to pay for them, Comrade.
We did but we always had jobs waiting once the kid graduated. You previously noted Fisher Body. Gone. Cleveland Crane. Gone. TRW gone. Republic Steel. Gone. This list is long and it's just jobs off the top of my head that my friends parents had when I was growing up.

I delivered papers for the Cleveland Press. Gone.
You forgot the iceman and typewriter repairman … gone … and there have been plenty of times when fresh grads didn't find "shovel ready" jobs waiting. Our economy is always morphing ... often due to technology or changing demand, sometimes forced to by gov't regs (smokestack industries).

For all your loony-left, bleeding-heart hand wringing this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

No Chicken Little, the sky is not falling, and less gov't intervention yields prosperity ... just the sort of thing leftards loathe.


The jobs I mentioned are still being done, just not here. Your car doesn't have sunshades? That's what they made at the Fisher Body plant (among other items).


It was a pioneer in multiple fields including electronic components, integrated circuits, computers, software and systems engineering.

That isn't still be done?
You cherry pick to satisfy your leftarded narrative. Those jobs have been replaced by others. In the aggregate this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

Good paying jobs have been replaced by low paying jobs. No one is arguing otherwise.
Making sunshades pays well? Again, in the aggregate wages are rising faster than inflation and the job market affords those with some skills and/or training to either earn more or move on to a better paying job. Interjecting gov't into the equation is guaranteed to screw things up … BIGLY … because it isn't the answer but rather too often the problem.
...that tends to be the case with political solutions. That is why, some on the left are advocating for solving for actual economic phenomena to improve the economic efficiency of our economy.
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers? I wonder what caused that?
Yes, in Arizona there are a ton of self-checkouts.
It's only a matter of time before all fast-food and mid-grade level national chain restaurants are self-order. Greeters and food runners will be the only floor staff at the latter. The costs will be imputed into higher food prices and tipping will be a thing of the past.

Only mom & pop shops and high-end joints will still have people taking your order.

Jamming a national $15 min wage down every state's throat will just hasten the demise of the 2.5 million wait-staff jobs whose average reported income (wage+tips) is just over $10/hr. At least that is what they report but if their tips are replaced with a $15/hr min wage their howling will be deafening. Guess why.

Probably true and then we will pay people to stay home.

Does that seem to you an efficient way to operate a market economy?

My guess is it will be a gradual change and they will retrain (as the iceman did) and find other work. We have plenty of job openings to accommodate them and if the gov't doesn't meddle we will be just fine.

In Canada, the moment the jobs went south, we already had re-training programs in place, and income supports for re-training workers. We also have an entreprenuerial support program wherein the government supplies $300 per week income supports for your first year opening a new business, together with a business management 101 university level course, together with business planning software, and training. While American workers are still struggling with the displacement of the auto sector, the Canadian economy has completely recovered. Our "failure" to deregulate our banking system the way Republicans deregulated Wall Street in the waning days of the Clinton Presidency, saved our economy from crashing utterly when yours did in 2008.

Because of your much decried "government" meddling in regulating our banking system, and in providing income support programs and tuition bursaries to unemployed workers, income supports for low income families with children, so parents can either return to the work force, or have the option of remaining home with their children, we have low unemployment, more income equity, better infrastructure, health care and education and a higher standard of living for ALL of our population, not just the wealthy.

These are the 10 best countries in the world in 2019

Even in the World Freedom Index, Canadians have more personal freedoms than Americans:

Human Freedom Index

All of the countries with the fastest growing middle class populations are "Third world shithole countries", by American standards.

Top 5 Emerging Markets with the Best Middle Class Potential
Canada's dollar gets you 75 cents in the US and while the 2 countries have roughly the same avg income/worker your cost of living is significantly higher.

I'm truly happy for you but the US isn't Canada so bug off.

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