Small Businesses in NYC Struggling with $15 Minimum Wage

We did but we always had jobs waiting once the kid graduated. You previously noted Fisher Body. Gone. Cleveland Crane. Gone. TRW gone. Republic Steel. Gone. This list is long and it's just jobs off the top of my head that my friends parents had when I was growing up.

I delivered papers for the Cleveland Press. Gone.
You forgot the iceman and typewriter repairman … gone … and there have been plenty of times when fresh grads didn't find "shovel ready" jobs waiting. Our economy is always morphing ... often due to technology or changing demand, sometimes forced to by gov't regs (smokestack industries).

For all your loony-left, bleeding-heart hand wringing this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

No Chicken Little, the sky is not falling, and less gov't intervention yields prosperity ... just the sort of thing leftards loathe.


The jobs I mentioned are still being done, just not here. Your car doesn't have sunshades? That's what they made at the Fisher Body plant (among other items).


It was a pioneer in multiple fields including electronic components, integrated circuits, computers, software and systems engineering.

That isn't still be done?
You cherry pick to satisfy your leftarded narrative. Those jobs have been replaced by others. In the aggregate this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

Good paying jobs have been replaced by low paying jobs. No one is arguing otherwise.
Making sunshades pays well? Again, in the aggregate wages are rising faster than inflation and the job market affords those with some skills and/or training to either earn more or move on to a better paying job. Interjecting gov't into the equation is guaranteed to screw things up … BIGLY … because it isn't the answer but rather too often the problem.

Yes, it paid well.
You forgot the iceman and typewriter repairman … gone … and there have been plenty of times when fresh grads didn't find "shovel ready" jobs waiting. Our economy is always morphing ... often due to technology or changing demand, sometimes forced to by gov't regs (smokestack industries).

For all your loony-left, bleeding-heart hand wringing this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

No Chicken Little, the sky is not falling, and less gov't intervention yields prosperity ... just the sort of thing leftards loathe.


The jobs I mentioned are still being done, just not here. Your car doesn't have sunshades? That's what they made at the Fisher Body plant (among other items).


It was a pioneer in multiple fields including electronic components, integrated circuits, computers, software and systems engineering.

That isn't still be done?
You cherry pick to satisfy your leftarded narrative. Those jobs have been replaced by others. In the aggregate this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

Good paying jobs have been replaced by low paying jobs. No one is arguing otherwise.
Making sunshades pays well? Again, in the aggregate wages are rising faster than inflation and the job market affords those with some skills and/or training to either earn more or move on to a better paying job. Interjecting gov't into the equation is guaranteed to screw things up … BIGLY … because it isn't the answer but rather too often the problem.
...that tends to be the case with political solutions. That is why, some on the left are advocating for solving for actual economic phenomena to improve the economic efficiency of our economy.
"Economic phenomena?"
FFS … you drank the whole jug of Leftard Kool Aid at one sitting?

There is no such thing as a free lunch, Comrade DP … only one paid for by the fruit of another's labor.
It isn't just small businesses and it has nothing to do with the Minimum Wage.

Uh, if you read the article, you'll find out that new minimum wage does have something to do with it. Have you read any of the zillion studies that document the harmful effects of an excessive minimum wage?

The article has nobody in it saying they have shut down due to the MW and small businesses in NYC have a lower MW than larger employers. There are businesses like Dunkin Doughnuts and cell phone companies that are expanding in NYC. It is a matter of what you provide. Restaurants have a short shelf-life in the Age of the Foodie so their numbers have been going down in NYC for years. Major retailers have been pulling out or downsizing to showroom only stores because sales have moved online.
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread

Ok, let's read it together......

Susannah Koteen, owner of Lido Restaurant in Harlem, said she worries about the impact raising wages could have on her restaurant, where she employs nearly 40 people. She hasn’t had to lay off anyone, but the increase has forced her to cut back on shifts and be more stringent about overtime. She said she changes her menu offerings seasonally and raises prices more often since the wage boost.

“What it really forces you to do is make sure that nobody works more than 40 hours,” Ms. Koteen said. “You can only cut back so many people before the service starts to suffer.”

Ms. Koteen said she shelved plans to move her restaurant to a larger location. That would require her to hire more staff, and she isn’t willing to take the risk with the unpredictability of her business. “You would just have no choice but to cut people at the bottom,” she said.

Thomas Grech, president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, said he has seen an uptick in small-business closures during the past six to nine months, and he attributed it to the minimum-wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” he said. “It’s not just the rent.”​

So this mirrors my personal experience back in the 90s, when they raised the minimum wage. We had 3 part-time employees, and the first thing they did was lay off all 3 of them. When this business owner says she would have no choice but to cut people at the bottom, I wager that is what she means.

In order for the restaurant to continue operating without those 3 people, the rest of us were simply required to do more work.

Also I find it odd that you would even say "none of the businesses they talked to had to close"...if they were closed, how would they talk to them?

You think the reporters are going to show up at an empty strip mall, start hunting down all the former business owners, and track them down?

If only there was a group of people that monitored businesses in the area, that business owners could talk to, and give feed back on how their business was operating, and what problems businesses faced. You know like some sort of group of local business people, that could relay what is going on in the community in response to government policy....... Lets see, what could we do...

What if we created something called a "Chamber of Commerce".... we could even give it a local name like "Queens Chamber of Commerce" which would relay the problems happening in the area businesses.
We always had low paying labor in this country. When I got out of school, I worked minimum wage jobs, in fact several of them. On a few occasions, I worked under the minimum wage when I delivered pizzas for mostly tips, and drove a catering truck that was strictly commission.

We did but we always had jobs waiting once the kid graduated. You previously noted Fisher Body. Gone. Cleveland Crane. Gone. TRW gone. Republic Steel. Gone. This list is long and it's just jobs off the top of my head that my friends parents had when I was growing up.

I delivered papers for the Cleveland Press. Gone.
You forgot the iceman and typewriter repairman … gone … and there have been plenty of times when fresh grads didn't find "shovel ready" jobs waiting. Our economy is always morphing ... often due to technology or changing demand, sometimes forced to by gov't regs (smokestack industries).

For all your loony-left, bleeding-heart hand wringing this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

No Chicken Little, the sky is not falling, and less gov't intervention yields prosperity ... just the sort of thing leftards loathe.


The jobs I mentioned are still being done, just not here. Your car doesn't have sunshades? That's what they made at the Fisher Body plant (among other items).


It was a pioneer in multiple fields including electronic components, integrated circuits, computers, software and systems engineering.

That isn't still be done?
You cherry pick to satisfy your leftarded narrative. Those jobs have been replaced by others. In the aggregate this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

Good paying jobs have been replaced by low paying jobs. No one is arguing otherwise.

I would argue otherwise, yes.

Please give me a specific example where a 'good paying job' was replaced by a 'low paying job'?

Where has this happened?
john McCain voted no on it and killed it because he was dying and fell on the sword for the cause. You know who I’m talking about right? The guy from Arizona that ran his campaigns on repealing obamacare and then double crossed his voters as his last act?

Should be noted again. McCain allowed his hatred for one person allow himself to go back on his word and promises to the people that elected him.

He's not the only one to do this.
It’s not an individual thing it’s the establishment at work. Obamacare was never going to be repealed. The gop passed it like 100 times while Obama was in office so they could have empty promises to make that appeared real, knowing full well Obama would obviously never sign it. It was theater. When there was a president in office that would clearly have signed it all the sudden they couldn’t get the votes. If that doesn’t tell you this shit is all theater then I don’t know what does.

All McCain had to do was vote yes and it's repealed. That was what he promised and what he ran on.

Attacking the dead is not commendable.

Seems that neither is learning from the dead.
But it is useful:

100 Years. 100 Million Lives. Think Twice. | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers?

I wonder what caused that?

Automation - We have been telling you about that for years...

This is technology, the tech eventually gets so cheap that 3rd world country employee becomes uneconomical...

Trump blames the Chinese...

Look at farms, do you think high wages is the reason farmers are using machinery?

But it is high wages.

If the farms here could find people willing to do that work for $1 an hour, they would sell the machines.

Automation is entirely about wages. My uncle is in the glassware automation business. His company sent him to China to sell automated glassware machines. He couldn't sell a single one, because it was cheaper to have engineers... as in Engineers with degrees making the product by hand, than it was to pay for the machines.

It is all about wages. Everywhere in the world, whether 1st world, or 3rd world, replacing workers with machines is entirely due to the cost of labor.

Especially with the regulations, and benefits, and taxes, and mandates by government, what seems to be a small wage to you, is a large cost to business, and that makes automation more practical.
The jobs I mentioned are still being done, just not here. Your car doesn't have sunshades? That's what they made at the Fisher Body plant (among other items).


It was a pioneer in multiple fields including electronic components, integrated circuits, computers, software and systems engineering.

That isn't still be done?
You cherry pick to satisfy your leftarded narrative. Those jobs have been replaced by others. In the aggregate this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

Good paying jobs have been replaced by low paying jobs. No one is arguing otherwise.
Making sunshades pays well? Again, in the aggregate wages are rising faster than inflation and the job market affords those with some skills and/or training to either earn more or move on to a better paying job. Interjecting gov't into the equation is guaranteed to screw things up … BIGLY … because it isn't the answer but rather too often the problem.
...that tends to be the case with political solutions. That is why, some on the left are advocating for solving for actual economic phenomena to improve the economic efficiency of our economy.
"Economic phenomena?"
FFS … you drank the whole jug of Leftard Kool Aid at one sitting?

There is no such thing as a free lunch, Comrade DP … only one paid for by the fruit of another's labor.
economics are more real than your right wing fantasy.

Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment that works in favor of the Rich, not the Poor, to depress wages on an Institutional basis.

The legal and physical infrastructure is already available in out at-will employment States.

Only the right wing would complain about the Poor receiving some benefit due to the "social horror" of it.
We did but we always had jobs waiting once the kid graduated. You previously noted Fisher Body. Gone. Cleveland Crane. Gone. TRW gone. Republic Steel. Gone. This list is long and it's just jobs off the top of my head that my friends parents had when I was growing up.

I delivered papers for the Cleveland Press. Gone.
You forgot the iceman and typewriter repairman … gone … and there have been plenty of times when fresh grads didn't find "shovel ready" jobs waiting. Our economy is always morphing ... often due to technology or changing demand, sometimes forced to by gov't regs (smokestack industries).

For all your loony-left, bleeding-heart hand wringing this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

No Chicken Little, the sky is not falling, and less gov't intervention yields prosperity ... just the sort of thing leftards loathe.


The jobs I mentioned are still being done, just not here. Your car doesn't have sunshades? That's what they made at the Fisher Body plant (among other items).


It was a pioneer in multiple fields including electronic components, integrated circuits, computers, software and systems engineering.

That isn't still be done?
You cherry pick to satisfy your leftarded narrative. Those jobs have been replaced by others. In the aggregate this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

Good paying jobs have been replaced by low paying jobs. No one is arguing otherwise.

I would argue otherwise, yes.

Please give me a specific example where a 'good paying job' was replaced by a 'low paying job'?

Where has this happened?

Everywhere. Wal Mart is the largest employer in many areas.
You cherry pick to satisfy your leftarded narrative. Those jobs have been replaced by others. In the aggregate this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

Good paying jobs have been replaced by low paying jobs. No one is arguing otherwise.
Making sunshades pays well? Again, in the aggregate wages are rising faster than inflation and the job market affords those with some skills and/or training to either earn more or move on to a better paying job. Interjecting gov't into the equation is guaranteed to screw things up … BIGLY … because it isn't the answer but rather too often the problem.
...that tends to be the case with political solutions. That is why, some on the left are advocating for solving for actual economic phenomena to improve the economic efficiency of our economy.
"Economic phenomena?"
FFS … you drank the whole jug of Leftard Kool Aid at one sitting?

There is no such thing as a free lunch, Comrade DP … only one paid for by the fruit of another's labor.
economics are more real than your right wing fantasy.

Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment that works in favor of the Rich, not the Poor, to depress wages on an Institutional basis.

The legal and physical infrastructure is already available in out at-will employment States.

Only the right wing would complain about the Poor receiving some benefit due to the "social horror" of it.
Wow. So you drank 2 full jugs at one sitting. You clearly don't know what full employment (anything under 4%) means. There is no way that a country of 320 million people can have zero unemployment. There are always those between jobs, moving to another place, or are recent job market entrants. Right now supply and demand for labor is forcing wages higher, as an efficient free-market economy does. How does any of that "favor of the Rich?"

You always appear angry and bitter about your condition but seem to do little to improve it. Here's a tip (no charge): whining won't help.
Good thing Obama saved you $2500/year.

Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare (the ACA) with a less expensive and more comprehensive health care system years ago. What happened to the replace?

How about the tax "reform" signed by trump and written by ryan? Have you studied that?

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

Not to worry, when you get a Democrat in office they will take back all the "peanuts" and more, then you can be happy...dumbass.
"We are going to tax the hell out of the wealthy." - Prez candidate Bill de Blasio

Anyone silly enough to believe the middle class isn't going to get SLAMMED to pay for the Democrat Socialist Party's big new spending is far too dim to be allowed to vote.

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

The costs to provide healthcare to all the people will not change who pays the costs and those who benefit from it. Bernie (I think) has a plan which the Republicans in Congress will never support, collecting as little as five cents for every stock and bond transaction, no matter how large or how small.

The middle class has been fucked over by Ryan (signed by trump). If the reader reads the link above they will see the lies and the fraud perpetrated on the middle classes and the working poor.
Ah … the old "workers of the world unite" lament, and as with every socialist utterance it's "We are going to tax the hell out of the wealthy." (Prez candidate Bill de Blasio)

The freebies you demand (and Dems promise) are not really free and only the middle class is a large enough slice of American earners to pay for them, Comrade.

LOL, Workers of the World? Really, get a grip. If a general strike occurs it will be the fault of the Plutocrats whose greed and callous disregard for the working poor will continue to create protests, which are legally sanctioned in the First Amendment.

We saw on Saturday when thousands of people, mostly mothers, stood outside the White House chanting "not one more". Image as more and more working men and women experience the fraud of the tax bill passed by The Congress and signed by ttrump.
You forgot the iceman and typewriter repairman … gone … and there have been plenty of times when fresh grads didn't find "shovel ready" jobs waiting. Our economy is always morphing ... often due to technology or changing demand, sometimes forced to by gov't regs (smokestack industries).

For all your loony-left, bleeding-heart hand wringing this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

No Chicken Little, the sky is not falling, and less gov't intervention yields prosperity ... just the sort of thing leftards loathe.


The jobs I mentioned are still being done, just not here. Your car doesn't have sunshades? That's what they made at the Fisher Body plant (among other items).


It was a pioneer in multiple fields including electronic components, integrated circuits, computers, software and systems engineering.

That isn't still be done?
You cherry pick to satisfy your leftarded narrative. Those jobs have been replaced by others. In the aggregate this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

Good paying jobs have been replaced by low paying jobs. No one is arguing otherwise.

I would argue otherwise, yes.

Please give me a specific example where a 'good paying job' was replaced by a 'low paying job'?

Where has this happened?

Everywhere. Wal Mart is the largest employer in many areas.
What good paying jobs were replaced by Walmart jobs?
It isn't just small businesses and it has nothing to do with the Minimum Wage.

Uh, if you read the article, you'll find out that new minimum wage does have something to do with it. Have you read any of the zillion studies that document the harmful effects of an excessive minimum wage?

The article has nobody in it saying they have shut down due to the MW and small businesses in NYC have a lower MW than larger employers. There are businesses like Dunkin Doughnuts and cell phone companies that are expanding in NYC. It is a matter of what you provide. Restaurants have a short shelf-life in the Age of the Foodie so their numbers have been going down in NYC for years. Major retailers have been pulling out or downsizing to showroom only stores because sales have moved online.
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread

Ok, let's read it together......

Susannah Koteen, owner of Lido Restaurant in Harlem, said she worries about the impact raising wages could have on her restaurant, where she employs nearly 40 people. She hasn’t had to lay off anyone, but the increase has forced her to cut back on shifts and be more stringent about overtime. She said she changes her menu offerings seasonally and raises prices more often since the wage boost.

“What it really forces you to do is make sure that nobody works more than 40 hours,” Ms. Koteen said. “You can only cut back so many people before the service starts to suffer.”

Ms. Koteen said she shelved plans to move her restaurant to a larger location. That would require her to hire more staff, and she isn’t willing to take the risk with the unpredictability of her business. “You would just have no choice but to cut people at the bottom,” she said.

Thomas Grech, president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, said he has seen an uptick in small-business closures during the past six to nine months, and he attributed it to the minimum-wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” he said. “It’s not just the rent.”​

So this mirrors my personal experience back in the 90s, when they raised the minimum wage. We had 3 part-time employees, and the first thing they did was lay off all 3 of them. When this business owner says she would have no choice but to cut people at the bottom, I wager that is what she means.

In order for the restaurant to continue operating without those 3 people, the rest of us were simply required to do more work.

Also I find it odd that you would even say "none of the businesses they talked to had to close"...if they were closed, how would they talk to them?

You think the reporters are going to show up at an empty strip mall, start hunting down all the former business owners, and track them down?

If only there was a group of people that monitored businesses in the area, that business owners could talk to, and give feed back on how their business was operating, and what problems businesses faced. You know like some sort of group of local business people, that could relay what is going on in the community in response to government policy....... Lets see, what could we do...

What if we created something called a "Chamber of Commerce".... we could even give it a local name like "Queens Chamber of Commerce" which would relay the problems happening in the area businesses.

Yes I would expect them to interview a closed business owner if they are alleging this has caused businesses to be closed. It is not hard to track down at least one for an article. All she has done is be more disciplined about over time which she apparently should have been doing anyway. And this goes back to that reality you are ignoring that NYC has been losing restaurants for years. Why Are So Many Great NYC Restaurants Closing? It's Not Just The Rent. - Food Republic
Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare (the ACA) with a less expensive and more comprehensive health care system years ago. What happened to the replace?

How about the tax "reform" signed by trump and written by ryan? Have you studied that?

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

Not to worry, when you get a Democrat in office they will take back all the "peanuts" and more, then you can be happy...dumbass.
"We are going to tax the hell out of the wealthy." - Prez candidate Bill de Blasio

Anyone silly enough to believe the middle class isn't going to get SLAMMED to pay for the Democrat Socialist Party's big new spending is far too dim to be allowed to vote.

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

The costs to provide healthcare to all the people will not change who pays the costs and those who benefit from it. Bernie (I think) has a plan which the Republicans in Congress will never support, collecting as little as five cents for every stock and bond transaction, no matter how large or how small.

The middle class has been fucked over by Ryan (signed by trump). If the reader reads the link above they will see the lies and the fraud perpetrated on the middle classes and the working poor.
Ah … the old "workers of the world unite" lament, and as with every socialist utterance it's "We are going to tax the hell out of the wealthy." (Prez candidate Bill de Blasio)

The freebies you demand (and Dems promise) are not really free and only the middle class is a large enough slice of American earners to pay for them, Comrade.

LOL, Workers of the World? Really, get a grip. If a general strike occurs it will be the fault of the Plutocrats whose greed and callous disregard for the working poor will continue to create protests, which are legally sanctioned in the First Amendment.

We saw on Saturday when thousands of people, mostly mothers, stood outside the White House chanting "not one more". Image as more and more working men and women experience the fraud of the tax bill passed by The Congress and signed by ttrump.
"the fraud perpetrated on the middle classes and the working poor."
"general strike"
"the Plutocrats whose greed and callous disregard for the working poor"

Listen to yourself, Comrade. You aren't that difficult to know and understand.
The jobs I mentioned are still being done, just not here. Your car doesn't have sunshades? That's what they made at the Fisher Body plant (among other items).


It was a pioneer in multiple fields including electronic components, integrated circuits, computers, software and systems engineering.

That isn't still be done?
You cherry pick to satisfy your leftarded narrative. Those jobs have been replaced by others. In the aggregate this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

Good paying jobs have been replaced by low paying jobs. No one is arguing otherwise.

I would argue otherwise, yes.

Please give me a specific example where a 'good paying job' was replaced by a 'low paying job'?

Where has this happened?

Everywhere. Wal Mart is the largest employer in many areas.
What good paying jobs were replaced by Walmart jobs?

Already noted many.
You forgot the iceman and typewriter repairman … gone … and there have been plenty of times when fresh grads didn't find "shovel ready" jobs waiting. Our economy is always morphing ... often due to technology or changing demand, sometimes forced to by gov't regs (smokestack industries).

For all your loony-left, bleeding-heart hand wringing this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

No Chicken Little, the sky is not falling, and less gov't intervention yields prosperity ... just the sort of thing leftards loathe.


The jobs I mentioned are still being done, just not here. Your car doesn't have sunshades? That's what they made at the Fisher Body plant (among other items).


It was a pioneer in multiple fields including electronic components, integrated circuits, computers, software and systems engineering.

That isn't still be done?
You cherry pick to satisfy your leftarded narrative. Those jobs have been replaced by others. In the aggregate this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

Good paying jobs have been replaced by low paying jobs. No one is arguing otherwise.

I would argue otherwise, yes.

Please give me a specific example where a 'good paying job' was replaced by a 'low paying job'?

Where has this happened?

Everywhere. Wal Mart is the largest employer in many areas.

How is that relevant?

You said that good paying jobs were being replaced by low paying jobs. Are you suggesting that all the people working at that walmart, were highly paid electrical engineers, and their employer eliminated all their jobs, and Walmart hired them all?

I don't think so.

If I open a business and create a dozen low paying jobs, that doesn't "replace" anything. No company somewhere is laying off a dozen senior software developers, because I hired a dozen grass mowers.

Further, you are implying.... that if Walmart wasn't there, that those people would be making good money somewhere. That's a ridiculous idea. If Walmart didn't exist, they would be working someplace else for an even lower wage, and likely with less benefits, less opportunity, and less chance of moving up.

I had a friend years ago, that worked at Walmart. She used their tuition reimbursement program, and get a degree in civil engineering. I can promise you, as someone who has worked at dozens of small businesses, that working at a small business instead of Walmart is a step down. Lower wages, less benefits, no tuition reimbursement. No management training program, nothing.
The jobs I mentioned are still being done, just not here. Your car doesn't have sunshades? That's what they made at the Fisher Body plant (among other items).


It was a pioneer in multiple fields including electronic components, integrated circuits, computers, software and systems engineering.

That isn't still be done?
You cherry pick to satisfy your leftarded narrative. Those jobs have been replaced by others. In the aggregate this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

Good paying jobs have been replaced by low paying jobs. No one is arguing otherwise.

I would argue otherwise, yes.

Please give me a specific example where a 'good paying job' was replaced by a 'low paying job'?

Where has this happened?

Everywhere. Wal Mart is the largest employer in many areas.

How is that relevant?

You said that good paying jobs were being replaced by low paying jobs. Are you suggesting that all the people working at that walmart, were highly paid electrical engineers, and their employer eliminated all their jobs, and Walmart hired them all?

The good paying jobs are no longer there for the people who have to turn to Wal Mart. Does this really have to be spelled out in incredibly simple terms?
Good paying jobs have been replaced by low paying jobs. No one is arguing otherwise.
Making sunshades pays well? Again, in the aggregate wages are rising faster than inflation and the job market affords those with some skills and/or training to either earn more or move on to a better paying job. Interjecting gov't into the equation is guaranteed to screw things up … BIGLY … because it isn't the answer but rather too often the problem.
...that tends to be the case with political solutions. That is why, some on the left are advocating for solving for actual economic phenomena to improve the economic efficiency of our economy.
"Economic phenomena?"
FFS … you drank the whole jug of Leftard Kool Aid at one sitting?

There is no such thing as a free lunch, Comrade DP … only one paid for by the fruit of another's labor.
economics are more real than your right wing fantasy.

Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment that works in favor of the Rich, not the Poor, to depress wages on an Institutional basis.

The legal and physical infrastructure is already available in out at-will employment States.

Only the right wing would complain about the Poor receiving some benefit due to the "social horror" of it.
Wow. So you drank 2 full jugs at one sitting. You clearly don't know what full employment (anything under 4%) means. There is no way that a country of 320 million people can have zero unemployment. There are always those between jobs, moving to another place, or are recent job market entrants. Right now supply and demand for labor is forcing wages higher, as an efficient free-market economy does. How does any of that "favor of the Rich?"

You always appear angry and bitter about your condition but seem to do little to improve it. Here's a tip (no charge): whining won't help.
dude, nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. why do you believe solving for simple poverty and engendering that positive multiplier effect upon our economy on an Institutional basis would be Bad and not Good, for our economy?
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers? I wonder what caused that?
Yes, in Arizona there are a ton of self-checkouts.
It's only a matter of time before all fast-food and mid-grade level national chain restaurants are self-order. Greeters and food runners will be the only floor staff at the latter. The costs will be imputed into higher food prices and tipping will be a thing of the past.

Only mom & pop shops and high-end joints will still have people taking your order.

Jamming a national $15 min wage down every state's throat will just hasten the demise of the 2.5 million wait-staff jobs whose average reported income (wage+tips) is just over $10/hr. At least that is what they report but if their tips are replaced with a $15/hr min wage their howling will be deafening. Guess why.

We're already on this ride. It's happening now regardless of whether we pay people not enough to support themselves or pay them almost enough. The fact that you guys think paying someone 5 bucks an hour when they can't survive on it is somehow beneficial.

Of course, you'll argue they should get a better job but in order to do so you need training or an education which also costs money and you guys don't support any sort of government sponsored education assistance.

These shit jobs usually come without healthcare which can lead to people in these jobs prone to health issues and of course they can't afford the care. But you guys don't care about that.
Ever noticed the self checkouts everywhere and the lack of cashiers? I wonder what caused that?
Yes, in Arizona there are a ton of self-checkouts.
It's only a matter of time before all fast-food and mid-grade level national chain restaurants are self-order. Greeters and food runners will be the only floor staff at the latter. The costs will be imputed into higher food prices and tipping will be a thing of the past.

Only mom & pop shops and high-end joints will still have people taking your order.

Jamming a national $15 min wage down every state's throat will just hasten the demise of the 2.5 million wait-staff jobs whose average reported income (wage+tips) is just over $10/hr. At least that is what they report but if their tips are replaced with a $15/hr min wage their howling will be deafening. Guess why.

Probably true and then we will pay people to stay home.

We kind of already do. Postmates and other companies.
You cherry pick to satisfy your leftarded narrative. Those jobs have been replaced by others. In the aggregate this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

Good paying jobs have been replaced by low paying jobs. No one is arguing otherwise.

I would argue otherwise, yes.

Please give me a specific example where a 'good paying job' was replaced by a 'low paying job'?

Where has this happened?

Everywhere. Wal Mart is the largest employer in many areas.
What good paying jobs were replaced by Walmart jobs?

Already noted many.
No you didn't. Walmart gets employees who are low-skill. We've always had Walmart type jobs for low-skill workers. High-paying jobs were not lost so Walmart could hire them.

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