Small Businesses in NYC Struggling with $15 Minimum Wage

You cherry pick to satisfy your leftarded narrative. Those jobs have been replaced by others. In the aggregate this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

Good paying jobs have been replaced by low paying jobs. No one is arguing otherwise.

I would argue otherwise, yes.

Please give me a specific example where a 'good paying job' was replaced by a 'low paying job'?

Where has this happened?

Everywhere. Wal Mart is the largest employer in many areas.

How is that relevant?

You said that good paying jobs were being replaced by low paying jobs. Are you suggesting that all the people working at that walmart, were highly paid electrical engineers, and their employer eliminated all their jobs, and Walmart hired them all?

The good paying jobs are no longer there for the people who have to turn to Wal Mart. Does this really have to be spelled out in incredibly simple terms?
That's just not true. US firms are desperate for skilled labor.
We have a naturalization clause not an immigration clause. Making it easier for people to come over legally can only help our economy and reduce pressure on our southern border.

I make a motion for a ten year period before any visitor can ask for citizenship. That way, they can visit for as long as they want, and make it easier for travel back to the old country.

In that manner, the "more skilled" may want to try their luck in our markets and perhaps wait for a good exchange rate before going back home and "setting up shop" over there. One result could be that local labor can "move up not out."
It isn't just small businesses and it has nothing to do with the Minimum Wage.

Uh, if you read the article, you'll find out that new minimum wage does have something to do with it. Have you read any of the zillion studies that document the harmful effects of an excessive minimum wage?

The article has nobody in it saying they have shut down due to the MW and small businesses in NYC have a lower MW than larger employers. There are businesses like Dunkin Doughnuts and cell phone companies that are expanding in NYC. It is a matter of what you provide. Restaurants have a short shelf-life in the Age of the Foodie so their numbers have been going down in NYC for years. Major retailers have been pulling out or downsizing to showroom only stores because sales have moved online.
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread

Ok, let's read it together......

Susannah Koteen, owner of Lido Restaurant in Harlem, said she worries about the impact raising wages could have on her restaurant, where she employs nearly 40 people. She hasn’t had to lay off anyone, but the increase has forced her to cut back on shifts and be more stringent about overtime. She said she changes her menu offerings seasonally and raises prices more often since the wage boost.

“What it really forces you to do is make sure that nobody works more than 40 hours,” Ms. Koteen said. “You can only cut back so many people before the service starts to suffer.”

Ms. Koteen said she shelved plans to move her restaurant to a larger location. That would require her to hire more staff, and she isn’t willing to take the risk with the unpredictability of her business. “You would just have no choice but to cut people at the bottom,” she said.

Thomas Grech, president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, said he has seen an uptick in small-business closures during the past six to nine months, and he attributed it to the minimum-wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” he said. “It’s not just the rent.”​

So this mirrors my personal experience back in the 90s, when they raised the minimum wage. We had 3 part-time employees, and the first thing they did was lay off all 3 of them. When this business owner says she would have no choice but to cut people at the bottom, I wager that is what she means.

In order for the restaurant to continue operating without those 3 people, the rest of us were simply required to do more work.

Also I find it odd that you would even say "none of the businesses they talked to had to close"...if they were closed, how would they talk to them?

You think the reporters are going to show up at an empty strip mall, start hunting down all the former business owners, and track them down?

If only there was a group of people that monitored businesses in the area, that business owners could talk to, and give feed back on how their business was operating, and what problems businesses faced. You know like some sort of group of local business people, that could relay what is going on in the community in response to government policy....... Lets see, what could we do...

What if we created something called a "Chamber of Commerce".... we could even give it a local name like "Queens Chamber of Commerce" which would relay the problems happening in the area businesses.

Yes I would expect them to interview a closed business owner if they are alleging this has caused businesses to be closed. It is not hard to track down at least one for an article. All she has done is be more disciplined about over time which she apparently should have been doing anyway. And this goes back to that reality you are ignoring that NYC has been losing restaurants for years. Why Are So Many Great NYC Restaurants Closing? It's Not Just The Rent. - Food Republic

Just out of curiosity, have you ever tracked down a business owner, of a closed business before? You are acting like that wouldn't be hard, when it is very hard. My manager is a business owner. When he closed down in Ohio, he flew to the west coast, and was operating there with a partner. When that business fell through, he flew back to Ohio. He recently moved on from here, and last I heard he was in Italy.

Further, you seem to be forgetting a vital component of this, which the politics. If a business owners openly admits that he laid people off due to the minimum wage, he gets eaten alive in the media. I wouldn't give an interview. I'd pack up my wealth and business, and move out of the city, and start making money and jobs where there isn't stupid policies.

Why am I going to get my name posted in the news as the guy who laid people off because of the minimum wage, and then have people hounding me for months are years following? They could shut down my new business elsewhere.

And yes, NYC has been losing restaurants for years. I agree. You are dead on right, and you posted your article from 2016, which I also agree with completely.


The minimum wage in NYC has been going up for the last several years.

So I would fully expect that the loss of jobs in NYC would have been on-going for some time.
Good paying jobs have been replaced by low paying jobs. No one is arguing otherwise.

I would argue otherwise, yes.

Please give me a specific example where a 'good paying job' was replaced by a 'low paying job'?

Where has this happened?

Everywhere. Wal Mart is the largest employer in many areas.
What good paying jobs were replaced by Walmart jobs?

Already noted many.
No you didn't. Walmart gets employees who are low-skill. We've always had Walmart type jobs for low-skill workers. High-paying jobs were not lost so Walmart could hire them.

No, they were lost so companies could move them to China.
It isn't just small businesses and it has nothing to do with the Minimum Wage.

Uh, if you read the article, you'll find out that new minimum wage does have something to do with it. Have you read any of the zillion studies that document the harmful effects of an excessive minimum wage?

The article has nobody in it saying they have shut down due to the MW and small businesses in NYC have a lower MW than larger employers. There are businesses like Dunkin Doughnuts and cell phone companies that are expanding in NYC. It is a matter of what you provide. Restaurants have a short shelf-life in the Age of the Foodie so their numbers have been going down in NYC for years. Major retailers have been pulling out or downsizing to showroom only stores because sales have moved online.
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread

Ok, let's read it together......

Susannah Koteen, owner of Lido Restaurant in Harlem, said she worries about the impact raising wages could have on her restaurant, where she employs nearly 40 people. She hasn’t had to lay off anyone, but the increase has forced her to cut back on shifts and be more stringent about overtime. She said she changes her menu offerings seasonally and raises prices more often since the wage boost.

“What it really forces you to do is make sure that nobody works more than 40 hours,” Ms. Koteen said. “You can only cut back so many people before the service starts to suffer.”

Ms. Koteen said she shelved plans to move her restaurant to a larger location. That would require her to hire more staff, and she isn’t willing to take the risk with the unpredictability of her business. “You would just have no choice but to cut people at the bottom,” she said.

Thomas Grech, president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, said he has seen an uptick in small-business closures during the past six to nine months, and he attributed it to the minimum-wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” he said. “It’s not just the rent.”​

So this mirrors my personal experience back in the 90s, when they raised the minimum wage. We had 3 part-time employees, and the first thing they did was lay off all 3 of them. When this business owner says she would have no choice but to cut people at the bottom, I wager that is what she means.

In order for the restaurant to continue operating without those 3 people, the rest of us were simply required to do more work.

Also I find it odd that you would even say "none of the businesses they talked to had to close"...if they were closed, how would they talk to them?

You think the reporters are going to show up at an empty strip mall, start hunting down all the former business owners, and track them down?

If only there was a group of people that monitored businesses in the area, that business owners could talk to, and give feed back on how their business was operating, and what problems businesses faced. You know like some sort of group of local business people, that could relay what is going on in the community in response to government policy....... Lets see, what could we do...

What if we created something called a "Chamber of Commerce".... we could even give it a local name like "Queens Chamber of Commerce" which would relay the problems happening in the area businesses.

Yes I would expect them to interview a closed business owner if they are alleging this has caused businesses to be closed. It is not hard to track down at least one for an article. All she has done is be more disciplined about over time which she apparently should have been doing anyway. And this goes back to that reality you are ignoring that NYC has been losing restaurants for years. Why Are So Many Great NYC Restaurants Closing? It's Not Just The Rent. - Food Republic

Just out of curiosity, have you ever tracked down a business owner, of a closed business before? You are acting like that wouldn't be hard, when it is very hard. My manager is a business owner. When he closed down in Ohio, he flew to the west coast, and was operating there with a partner. When that business fell through, he flew back to Ohio. He recently moved on from here, and last I heard he was in Italy.

Further, you seem to be forgetting a vital component of this, which the politics. If a business owners openly admits that he laid people off due to the minimum wage, he gets eaten alive in the media. I wouldn't give an interview. I'd pack up my wealth and business, and move out of the city, and start making money and jobs where there isn't stupid policies.

Why am I going to get my name posted in the news as the guy who laid people off because of the minimum wage, and then have people hounding me for months are years following? They could shut down my new business elsewhere.

And yes, NYC has been losing restaurants for years. I agree. You are dead on right, and you posted your article from 2016, which I also agree with completely.

View attachment 273575

The minimum wage in NYC has been going up for the last several years.

So I would fully expect that the loss of jobs in NYC would have been on-going for some time.

Yes it is easy. I have had to do it many times related to work. Usually you need to look at the corporate information through whichever state office handles them for that state, and then go to google. So your boss moved around a lot. You just have to figure out who his relatives are and call one of them.
Small Businesses in NYC Struggling with $15 Minimum Wage
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs

The Fed is printing too much money, DOL is lying through its teeth, and small-business wages do not support the stratospheric cost of living in NYC.

New York’s city hall cartel of “business leaders and owners” is not entitled to abundant free or cheap labor on demand.

There is too much Chamber of Commerce & Better Business Bureau in the establishment retail district downtown.

Those “small businesses” are not truly in competition as they bill us, but they club together in a cartel to justify their mean and petty anticompetitive policies.

Furthermore, guns are banned, and there are too many private security guards with citywide central dispatch who enforce arbitrary blacklists and ban lists against potential customers & employees.
In my personal opinion minimum wages are a bit unrealistic. For the most part if all depends on where you live, the cost of living, your circumstances, your expenses, and other contributing factors. A private business should in theory be able to pay its employees whatever wage they choose to pay them based on their business model and vision. Most likely a business owner or company will ultimately find a wage range suitable for their business based on its ability to find good talent, hire and then keep that talent.
talk about unrealistic.

Business should fail if they can Only make it on cheap labor. A first world economy costs and we cannot afford to compete with the third world on labor costs.

A business will fail if they can't keep good labor. If a business is unwilling to pay a decent wage to its workers then ultimately that business could easily fail. The owner will either understand that and learn from that and figure out a balanced wage that satisfies the employees in a reasonable way and also keeps the business healthy and making a profit or that business won't. If they choose to continue to pay extremely low wages to their employees then they will ultimately lose employees and struggle. At the end of the day it's my belief that it's the owners choice though.
Just like the cost of social services is, our choice?

I’m not sure what you are getting at. Social services are paid for through taxes and are government run. A private business is not a social service like that.
You cherry pick to satisfy your leftarded narrative. Those jobs have been replaced by others. In the aggregate this country is at full employment (anything below 4%), the outlook is good, and we have plenty of as yet unfilled jobs - opportunities really - that some bright, ambitious kids are gonna get.

Good paying jobs have been replaced by low paying jobs. No one is arguing otherwise.

I would argue otherwise, yes.

Please give me a specific example where a 'good paying job' was replaced by a 'low paying job'?

Where has this happened?

Everywhere. Wal Mart is the largest employer in many areas.

How is that relevant?

You said that good paying jobs were being replaced by low paying jobs. Are you suggesting that all the people working at that walmart, were highly paid electrical engineers, and their employer eliminated all their jobs, and Walmart hired them all?

The good paying jobs are no longer there for the people who have to turn to Wal Mart. Does this really have to be spelled out in incredibly simple terms?

If what you said was true..... then we should be able to find highly skilled, highly educated walmart workers.

PLEASE walk around walmart and see how many people who are not on a management track, are working at Walmart.

Further, you said openly that Low pay jobs are REPLACING high pay jobs. That implies that people HAD high paying jobs, and now are at Walmart. Bull crap. Not happening. No one in an engineering job, is working at walmart now.... unless they put in 40 years, and retired, and now have walmart as a retirement job.

I was working with a guy who was an electrical engineer, and he was only working there because he simply didn't want to sit at home all day.

But this idea that there are no high-paying jobs, you are full of absolute CRAP.,desc

Verizon has, right now, posted over 3,600 jobs. Not cashier at Verizon store, but software programmers, RF techs, legal counsel, accounts, project managers, engineers, developers, and on and on and on...... thousands on thousands of jobs, and that is just ONE SINGLE COMPANY.

I just ran through a couple of them, and Google had 70 pages, with 20 job postings on each page. And that is just where I stopped. They had more pages to go through. The last page, was looking for a marketing specialist in French, a Cloud Sales manager, and an Technical Manager for Lens Infrastructure.

I just looked up Craigslist, I limited my search to skilled trade and degree'd work. 800 pages of ads, with 100 ads per page.

First job on the first page. Skilled remodel- $25/hour. Electrician $65K a year. HVAC $28/hour.

Do you need me to go on?

There are plenty of high paying jobs. Like I said, my friend from long ago got tuition reimbursement from Walmart, and got a degree in civil engineering. She didn't stay at Walmart... she got a good job doing civil engineering.

Stop making up bogus crap to justify some dumb ideology.
Good paying jobs have been replaced by low paying jobs. No one is arguing otherwise.

I would argue otherwise, yes.

Please give me a specific example where a 'good paying job' was replaced by a 'low paying job'?

Where has this happened?

Everywhere. Wal Mart is the largest employer in many areas.

How is that relevant?

You said that good paying jobs were being replaced by low paying jobs. Are you suggesting that all the people working at that walmart, were highly paid electrical engineers, and their employer eliminated all their jobs, and Walmart hired them all?

The good paying jobs are no longer there for the people who have to turn to Wal Mart. Does this really have to be spelled out in incredibly simple terms?

If what you said was true..... then we should be able to find highly skilled, highly educated walmart workers.

Those who walked in off the street just out of high school and landed the jobs I noted are gone were no more skilled than those working at Wal Mart today.
Small Businesses in NYC Struggling with $15 Minimum Wage
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs

The Fed is printing too much money, DOL is lying through its teeth, and small-business wages do not support the stratospheric cost of living in NYC.

New York’s city hall cartel of “business leaders and owners” is not entitled to abundant free or cheap labor on demand.

There is too much Chamber of Commerce & Better Business Bureau in the establishment retail district downtown.

Those “small businesses” are not truly in competition as they bill us, but they club together in a cartel to justify their mean and petty anticompetitive policies.

Furthermore, guns are banned, and there are too many private security guards with citywide central dispatch who enforce arbitrary blacklists and ban lists against potential customers & employees.

I've said for a long time that I would make the trade where we end public assistance as soon as we end the Federal Reserve.
I would argue otherwise, yes.

Please give me a specific example where a 'good paying job' was replaced by a 'low paying job'?

Where has this happened?

Everywhere. Wal Mart is the largest employer in many areas.
What good paying jobs were replaced by Walmart jobs?

Already noted many.
No you didn't. Walmart gets employees who are low-skill. We've always had Walmart type jobs for low-skill workers. High-paying jobs were not lost so Walmart could hire them.

No, they were lost so companies could move them to China.

Which company had high paying jobs, and moved to china?
My city proposed the same thing. It's 100% Democrat here. But they voted their own law down. Why? Because of this reason. They knew by imposing a 15 dollar minimum wage, that businesses would leave the city for the suburbs. So next they approached the country with the idea. The county rejected it for the same reason. Businesses would leave for adjoining counties.

The one proven theory that Democrats will never accept is the action/ reaction theory. If you push an action, you will likely get an equal or greater reaction. Democrats want to believe that if they attack other Americans, they will just sit there and take it.
They've abandoned biology in order to foster mental illness why not dump physics as well.
Everywhere. Wal Mart is the largest employer in many areas.
What good paying jobs were replaced by Walmart jobs?

Already noted many.
No you didn't. Walmart gets employees who are low-skill. We've always had Walmart type jobs for low-skill workers. High-paying jobs were not lost so Walmart could hire them.

No, they were lost so companies could move them to China.

Which company had high paying jobs, and moved to china?

And, and, and, and, and...............
Uh, if you read the article, you'll find out that new minimum wage does have something to do with it. Have you read any of the zillion studies that document the harmful effects of an excessive minimum wage?

The article has nobody in it saying they have shut down due to the MW and small businesses in NYC have a lower MW than larger employers. There are businesses like Dunkin Doughnuts and cell phone companies that are expanding in NYC. It is a matter of what you provide. Restaurants have a short shelf-life in the Age of the Foodie so their numbers have been going down in NYC for years. Major retailers have been pulling out or downsizing to showroom only stores because sales have moved online.
Small Businesses Struggle With $15 Minimum Wage Hike in NY: 'They're Shutting Down'

EXCERPT: According to a report published Monday by the Wall Street Journal, many business leaders and owners in the Big Apple have said that they are having to cut hours, raise prices, and reduce staff in their businesses due to the rising labor costs that they say come from the recent city law bumping up the minimum wage. . . .

The president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, told the Wall Street Journal that he has seen an increased number of small businesses closing in the last six to nine months. He believes the rising closures are due to the minimum wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” Grech said. “It’s not just the rent.”
Jesus dude...your own article refutes your bullshit.'

The only two businesses cited admit they have not even had to cut anyone and that all their employees are doing 40 hour weeks

Jesus what a lame thread

Ok, let's read it together......

Susannah Koteen, owner of Lido Restaurant in Harlem, said she worries about the impact raising wages could have on her restaurant, where she employs nearly 40 people. She hasn’t had to lay off anyone, but the increase has forced her to cut back on shifts and be more stringent about overtime. She said she changes her menu offerings seasonally and raises prices more often since the wage boost.

“What it really forces you to do is make sure that nobody works more than 40 hours,” Ms. Koteen said. “You can only cut back so many people before the service starts to suffer.”

Ms. Koteen said she shelved plans to move her restaurant to a larger location. That would require her to hire more staff, and she isn’t willing to take the risk with the unpredictability of her business. “You would just have no choice but to cut people at the bottom,” she said.

Thomas Grech, president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, said he has seen an uptick in small-business closures during the past six to nine months, and he attributed it to the minimum-wage legislation.

“They’re cutting their staff. They’re cutting their hours. They’re shutting down,” he said. “It’s not just the rent.”​

So this mirrors my personal experience back in the 90s, when they raised the minimum wage. We had 3 part-time employees, and the first thing they did was lay off all 3 of them. When this business owner says she would have no choice but to cut people at the bottom, I wager that is what she means.

In order for the restaurant to continue operating without those 3 people, the rest of us were simply required to do more work.

Also I find it odd that you would even say "none of the businesses they talked to had to close"...if they were closed, how would they talk to them?

You think the reporters are going to show up at an empty strip mall, start hunting down all the former business owners, and track them down?

If only there was a group of people that monitored businesses in the area, that business owners could talk to, and give feed back on how their business was operating, and what problems businesses faced. You know like some sort of group of local business people, that could relay what is going on in the community in response to government policy....... Lets see, what could we do...

What if we created something called a "Chamber of Commerce".... we could even give it a local name like "Queens Chamber of Commerce" which would relay the problems happening in the area businesses.

Yes I would expect them to interview a closed business owner if they are alleging this has caused businesses to be closed. It is not hard to track down at least one for an article. All she has done is be more disciplined about over time which she apparently should have been doing anyway. And this goes back to that reality you are ignoring that NYC has been losing restaurants for years. Why Are So Many Great NYC Restaurants Closing? It's Not Just The Rent. - Food Republic

Just out of curiosity, have you ever tracked down a business owner, of a closed business before? You are acting like that wouldn't be hard, when it is very hard. My manager is a business owner. When he closed down in Ohio, he flew to the west coast, and was operating there with a partner. When that business fell through, he flew back to Ohio. He recently moved on from here, and last I heard he was in Italy.

Further, you seem to be forgetting a vital component of this, which the politics. If a business owners openly admits that he laid people off due to the minimum wage, he gets eaten alive in the media. I wouldn't give an interview. I'd pack up my wealth and business, and move out of the city, and start making money and jobs where there isn't stupid policies.

Why am I going to get my name posted in the news as the guy who laid people off because of the minimum wage, and then have people hounding me for months are years following? They could shut down my new business elsewhere.

And yes, NYC has been losing restaurants for years. I agree. You are dead on right, and you posted your article from 2016, which I also agree with completely.

View attachment 273575

The minimum wage in NYC has been going up for the last several years.

So I would fully expect that the loss of jobs in NYC would have been on-going for some time.

Yes it is easy. I have had to do it many times related to work. Usually you need to look at the corporate information through whichever state office handles them for that state, and then go to google. So your boss moved around a lot. You just have to figure out who his relatives are and call one of them.

I wish you had been talking to me years ago. I was missing a W2 for tax purposes, and had to look up an employer I had in 1997. The employer closed the year after I left the company. I searched for months, and never found anything on them. They had evidently left the state, and there was zero info on them, or where they were, or anything.
What good paying jobs were replaced by Walmart jobs?

Already noted many.
No you didn't. Walmart gets employees who are low-skill. We've always had Walmart type jobs for low-skill workers. High-paying jobs were not lost so Walmart could hire them.

No, they were lost so companies could move them to China.

Which company had high paying jobs, and moved to china?

And, and, and, and, and...............

Which high paying jobs, are now in China? You stated that as a fact, and I'm simply wanting those facts. I'd love to know.
Already noted many.
No you didn't. Walmart gets employees who are low-skill. We've always had Walmart type jobs for low-skill workers. High-paying jobs were not lost so Walmart could hire them.

No, they were lost so companies could move them to China.

Which company had high paying jobs, and moved to china?

And, and, and, and, and...............

Which high paying jobs, are now in China? You stated that as a fact, and I'm simply wanting those facts. I'd love to know.

I've stated my position. If you want to go back and reply to what I've said, great. I'm not playing the ignorant game. You are better at it.
I would argue otherwise, yes.

Please give me a specific example where a 'good paying job' was replaced by a 'low paying job'?

Where has this happened?

Everywhere. Wal Mart is the largest employer in many areas.

How is that relevant?

You said that good paying jobs were being replaced by low paying jobs. Are you suggesting that all the people working at that walmart, were highly paid electrical engineers, and their employer eliminated all their jobs, and Walmart hired them all?

The good paying jobs are no longer there for the people who have to turn to Wal Mart. Does this really have to be spelled out in incredibly simple terms?

If what you said was true..... then we should be able to find highly skilled, highly educated walmart workers.

Those who walked in off the street just out of high school and landed the jobs I noted are gone were no more skilled than those working at Wal Mart today.

Jobs that require no more skill or hard work than walmart... would not be paying more than walmart.

There is no job, that is directly comparable to Walmart, that paid a middle class income. Sorry, you are insane if you think that.
Everywhere. Wal Mart is the largest employer in many areas.

How is that relevant?

You said that good paying jobs were being replaced by low paying jobs. Are you suggesting that all the people working at that walmart, were highly paid electrical engineers, and their employer eliminated all their jobs, and Walmart hired them all?

The good paying jobs are no longer there for the people who have to turn to Wal Mart. Does this really have to be spelled out in incredibly simple terms?

If what you said was true..... then we should be able to find highly skilled, highly educated walmart workers.

Those who walked in off the street just out of high school and landed the jobs I noted are gone were no more skilled than those working at Wal Mart today.

Jobs that require no more skill or hard work than walmart... would not be paying more than walmart.

There is no job, that is directly comparable to Walmart, that paid a middle class income. Sorry, you are insane if you think that.

Krogers used to be a job a person could make a nice living at.
No you didn't. Walmart gets employees who are low-skill. We've always had Walmart type jobs for low-skill workers. High-paying jobs were not lost so Walmart could hire them.

No, they were lost so companies could move them to China.

Which company had high paying jobs, and moved to china?

And, and, and, and, and...............

Which high paying jobs, are now in China? You stated that as a fact, and I'm simply wanting those facts. I'd love to know.

I've stated my position. If you want to go back and reply to what I've said, great. I'm not playing the ignorant game. You are better at it.

You either back your position, or I'll take that as you admitting openly that you lost this argument, and have nothing more of any value to add to this discussion.

Funny how evidence is always required of other people when they make statements, but you get to play off like this is divine truth that everyone must take for granted.

No. I'm calling BS on you. Provide proof, or your lack of a valid response, is my proof that you just lost this discussion, and you are hereby dismissed from the class.
No, they were lost so companies could move them to China.

Which company had high paying jobs, and moved to china?

And, and, and, and, and...............

Which high paying jobs, are now in China? You stated that as a fact, and I'm simply wanting those facts. I'd love to know.

I've stated my position. If you want to go back and reply to what I've said, great. I'm not playing the ignorant game. You are better at it.

You either back your position, or I'll take that as you admitting openly that you lost this argument, and have nothing more of any value to add to this discussion.

Funny how evidence is always required of other people when they make statements, but you get to play off like this is divine truth that everyone must take for granted.

No. I'm calling BS on you. Provide proof, or your lack of a valid response, is my proof that you just lost this discussion, and you are hereby dismissed from the class.

I already have.

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