Small Businesses in NYC Struggling with $15 Minimum Wage

Well that's shocking.

Lets raise the minimum wage to $1,500 an hour maybe that will work.

Why do you waste your time posting such a stupid comment? Are you that desperate for attention?

To mock your side, I thought that was obvious. Mission accomplished!

Mocking requires thought, you don't qualify.

Sure, it also creates fewer jobs which results in less taxes....get a clue.
We have 3.7 percent unemployment

And $15/hour is not the standard minimum wage...dumbass.

Ya think?

Minimum wage workers are about 3 percent of the workforce. Cutting minimum wage workers will have minimal effect

If you own a business and want to sweep your own floors and clean your own can

Sigh...logic and common sense certainly in not in your wheelhouse. About 42% of workers in the US make $15/hour or less.

After paying for shelter, food, clothing, transportation, insurance (health care in particular), taxes and fees, $15 dollars and hour is slavery***.

The future is bleak, for when a charismatic leader organizes the vast majority of the 42%, a General Strike is in our future. The systemic problem is a product of greed coupled with a callous disregard for those who struggle to make ends meet.

Socialism did not create the chaos in Venezuela, corruption by the power elite's and political leader's fiscally irresponsible behavior and personal greed have done so.

***SAYIT's comment in the post above is an example of callous conservatism, total disregard for the problems of the working poor, and blaming them as if they are all lazy and irresponsible.


$15 an hour is a lot of money for entry level jobs. Minimum wage is not supposed to be for adults raising a family. It's for people entering the workforce at entry level. People are supposed to work their way into better paying jobs.

With two parent families and each of them earning $12-16 an hour that equates to $24-32 an hour. That's decent money and enough to raise a family on. A minimum wage of 15 just lowers wages for everyone. Fewer jobs and less earnings.
Well that's shocking.

Lets raise the minimum wage to $1,500 an hour maybe that will work.

Why do you waste your time posting such a stupid comment? Are you that desperate for attention?

To mock your side, I thought that was obvious. Mission accomplished!

Mocking requires thought, you don't qualify.


I see you are still triggered snowflake, relax it will pass.
We have 3.7 percent unemployment

And $15/hour is not the standard minimum wage...dumbass.

Ya think?

Minimum wage workers are about 3 percent of the workforce. Cutting minimum wage workers will have minimal effect

If you own a business and want to sweep your own floors and clean your own can

Sigh...logic and common sense certainly in not in your wheelhouse. About 42% of workers in the US make $15/hour or less.

After paying for shelter, food, clothing, transportation, insurance (health care in particular), taxes and fees, $15 dollars and hour is slavery***.

The future is bleak, for when a charismatic leader organizes the vast majority of the 42%, a General Strike is in our future. The systemic problem is a product of greed coupled with a callous disregard for those who struggle to make ends meet.

Socialism did not create the chaos in Venezuela, corruption by the power elite's and political leader's fiscally irresponsible behavior and personal greed have done so.

***SAYIT's comment in the post above is an example of callous conservatism, total disregard for the problems of the working poor, and blaming them as if they are all lazy and irresponsible.


$15 an hour is a lot of money for entry level jobs. Minimum wage is not supposed to be for adults raising a family. It's for people entering the workforce at entry level. People are supposed to work their way into better paying jobs.

With two parent families and each of them earning $12-16 an hour that equates to $24-32 an hour. That's decent money and enough to raise a family on. A minimum wage of 15 just lowers wages for everyone. Fewer jobs and less earnings.


Is Sweden socialist?
Well that's shocking.

Lets raise the minimum wage to $1,500 an hour maybe that will work.

Why do you waste your time posting such a stupid comment? Are you that desperate for attention?

To mock your side, I thought that was obvious. Mission accomplished!

Mocking requires thought, you don't qualify.


Give us a real number will you? Exactly how much exactly should people minimumly earn? Is $15 an hour the line? Would you be satisfied with that and no more?
We have 3.7 percent unemployment

And $15/hour is not the standard minimum wage...dumbass.

Ya think?

Minimum wage workers are about 3 percent of the workforce. Cutting minimum wage workers will have minimal effect

If you own a business and want to sweep your own floors and clean your own can

Sigh...logic and common sense certainly in not in your wheelhouse. About 42% of workers in the US make $15/hour or less.

After paying for shelter, food, clothing, transportation, insurance (health care in particular), taxes and fees, $15 dollars and hour is slavery***.

The future is bleak, for when a charismatic leader organizes the vast majority of the 42%, a General Strike is in our future. The systemic problem is a product of greed coupled with a callous disregard for those who struggle to make ends meet.

Socialism did not create the chaos in Venezuela, corruption by the power elite's and political leader's fiscally irresponsible behavior and personal greed have done so.

***SAYIT's comment in the post above is an example of callous conservatism, total disregard for the problems of the working poor, and blaming them as if they are all lazy and irresponsible.


$15 an hour is a lot of money for entry level jobs. Minimum wage is not supposed to be for adults raising a family. It's for people entering the workforce at entry level. People are supposed to work their way into better paying jobs.

With two parent families and each of them earning $12-16 an hour that equates to $24-32 an hour. That's decent money and enough to raise a family on. A minimum wage of 15 just lowers wages for everyone. Fewer jobs and less earnings.

\P1.: Your opinion, not a fact.

P2.: LOL that's you opinion, having to pay for child care, transportation, clothing, etc. etc. provide a meager life.

You are a Callous Conservative, no doubt about it.
Well that's shocking.

Lets raise the minimum wage to $1,500 an hour maybe that will work.

Why do you waste your time posting such a stupid comment? Are you that desperate for attention?

To mock your side, I thought that was obvious. Mission accomplished!
You just ended up making your self look like a fool

Have I rubbed salt in your wounds today over our epic 2016 election win? MAGA!
Well that's shocking.

Lets raise the minimum wage to $1,500 an hour maybe that will work.

Why do you waste your time posting such a stupid comment? Are you that desperate for attention?

To mock your side, I thought that was obvious. Mission accomplished!

Mocking requires thought, you don't qualify.


Give us a real number will you? Exactly how much exactly should people minimumly earn? Is $15 an hour the line? Would you be satisfied with that and no more?

It depends, in SF $15/hr is not enough, maybe in a Red State, $2.17 and hour will get them to rent an old trailer without wheels, and enough to live on a couple of Buds and some pork rinds.
It isn't just small businesses and it has nothing to do with the Minimum Wage.

Uh, if you read the article, you'll find out that new minimum wage does have something to do with it. Have you read any of the zillion studies that document the harmful effects of an excessive minimum wage?

If you can’t afford to pay workers min wage then what good are you?

What good are you? You can still provide people with jobs, still have a tax base for local, state and federal tax creation, and still a service to the public in most cases.

The better question is, if you are a worker who can only make minimum wage, what good are YOU???
Lets raise the minimum wage to $1,500 an hour maybe that will work.

Why do you waste your time posting such a stupid comment? Are you that desperate for attention?

To mock your side, I thought that was obvious. Mission accomplished!

Mocking requires thought, you don't qualify.


Give us a real number will you? Exactly how much exactly should people minimumly earn? Is $15 an hour the line? Would you be satisfied with that and no more?

It depends, in SF $15/hr is not enough, maybe in a Red State, $2.17 and hour will get them to rent an old trailer without wheels, and enough to live on a couple of Buds and some pork rinds.

Look atchu proving why EVERYONE knows what an idiot you are :)
Well that's shocking.

Lets raise the minimum wage to $1,500 an hour maybe that will work.

Why do you waste your time posting such a stupid comment? Are you that desperate for attention?

To mock your side, I thought that was obvious. Mission accomplished!
You just ended up making your self look like a fool

Have I rubbed salt in your wounds today over our epic 2016 election win? MAGA!'re a troll. Fuck off
Why do you waste your time posting such a stupid comment? Are you that desperate for attention?

To mock your side, I thought that was obvious. Mission accomplished!

Mocking requires thought, you don't qualify.


Give us a real number will you? Exactly how much exactly should people minimumly earn? Is $15 an hour the line? Would you be satisfied with that and no more?

It depends, in SF $15/hr is not enough, maybe in a Red State, $2.17 and hour will get them to rent an old trailer without wheels, and enough to live on a couple of Buds and some pork rinds.

Look atchu proving why EVERYONE knows what an idiot you are :)

Okay. maybe an entire 6-pack of Buds, does that bring me up to a moron?
To mock your side, I thought that was obvious. Mission accomplished!

Mocking requires thought, you don't qualify.


Give us a real number will you? Exactly how much exactly should people minimumly earn? Is $15 an hour the line? Would you be satisfied with that and no more?

It depends, in SF $15/hr is not enough, maybe in a Red State, $2.17 and hour will get them to rent an old trailer without wheels, and enough to live on a couple of Buds and some pork rinds.

Look atchu proving why EVERYONE knows what an idiot you are :)

Okay. maybe an entire 6-pack of Buds, does that bring me up to a moron?

You were BORN a moron child.
Who cares if business fails simply Because the can only make a profit on Cheap Labor.

So would you frequent an establishment that charge 20%-25% more and doesn’t have discounts and sales because they pay their employees over $18 an hour?
Lets raise the minimum wage to $1,500 an hour maybe that will work.
And we get the dishonest absurdist argument from the people who would prefer slave wages for "them"
I prefer having supply & demand determine wages. I prefer our central gov't stay out of domestic (state and municipal) issues. I prefer that whiny, sniveling, bleeding-heart dimwits refrain from screwing up what is the best economy and the best economic system.

In short, I prefer that ignorant, dimwitted leftards just STFU and stop trying to destroy what generations of Americans have sacrificed so much to build and defend.

Sounds about right. Workers in the 1950s earned $30-$40 a week. They supported families on that wage with one salary. $1.25 bought you a lot
Typical BS pulled directly from your always ignorant ass. Many worked overtime or 2 jobs and most Americans lived far simpler lives.
Average family income in 1950 was $3,300 a year
Income of Families and Persons in the United States: 1950
That is $65/wk which conflicts BIGLY with your previous post claiming $30 - $40/wk.

The prob with mindless leftards like you is that you can never understand how 2+2=4.

What he says is true. Even in L.A. County, California you could make it on a buck, a buck and a quarter an hour and have an apartment and own a car in the early '60's. Guys living with their parents after turning 19 or 20 were ridiculed unless they were going to college. It's the inequality of wealth index we have now, and it's getting worse as far as I can see.

Wealth inequity has nothing to do with it. If we took every single dollar from every rich person in this country, it won't benefit you one bit. It will just make government richer.

If the wealthy paid living wages to their workers, government income supports wouldn’t be necessary. The working poor wouldn’t get all of the free stuff you hate so much.
Workers are never happy. They used to get to live in a company house and shop at the company store and they complained about that too.

Yes because the company charged high rents for those company houses and high prices in the company store. Often they paid workers in company currency so their wages wouldn’t buy anything the company didn’t sell them.

Try listen to the lyrics to “Sixteen Tons” sometime. “I owe my soul to the Company Store”.

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