Smallpox. Seems like something's afoot


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
UPDATE: Reports of smallpox-labeled vials at Merck plant contained 'no trace' of virus

Read this and tell me if you're either worried, think they're full of Barack of you completely trust the CDC and WHO

“There is no evidence that the vials contain variola virus, the cause of smallpox,” the statement said. “CDC is in close contact with state and local health officials, law enforcement, and the World Health Organization about these findings.”
UPDATE: Reports of smallpox-labeled vials at Merck plant contained 'no trace' of virus

Read this and tell me if you're either worried, think they're full of Barack of you completely trust the CDC and WHO

“There is no evidence that the vials contain variola virus, the cause of smallpox,” the statement said. “CDC is in close contact with state and local health officials, law enforcement, and the World Health Organization about these findings.”
I think they are full of Barack.
UPDATE: Reports of smallpox-labeled vials at Merck plant contained 'no trace' of virus

Read this and tell me if you're either worried, think they're full of Barack of you completely trust the CDC and WHO

“There is no evidence that the vials contain variola virus, the cause of smallpox,” the statement said. “CDC is in close contact with state and local health officials, law enforcement, and the World Health Organization about these findings.”

Full of Barack.
UPDATE: Reports of smallpox-labeled vials at Merck plant contained 'no trace' of virus

Read this and tell me if you're either worried, think they're full of Barack of you completely trust the CDC and WHO

“There is no evidence that the vials contain variola virus, the cause of smallpox,” the statement said. “CDC is in close contact with state and local health officials, law enforcement, and the World Health Organization about these findings.”

Likely BS. That being said, the government possesses all manner of ungodly chemical and biological WMD as well as the means and will to use them, use them on anyone it chooses. When it comes to chemical and biological WMD the entirety of the US population is at its government's mercy. We'd never see it coming.
UPDATE: Reports of smallpox-labeled vials at Merck plant contained 'no trace' of virus

Read this and tell me if you're either worried, think they're full of Barack of you completely trust the CDC and WHO

“There is no evidence that the vials contain variola virus, the cause of smallpox,” the statement said. “CDC is in close contact with state and local health officials, law enforcement, and the World Health Organization about these findings.”
Found at the lab. Reported by the lab. Tested by CDC, not the lab. Yes. I am satisfied. Good article, by the way.
UPDATE: Reports of smallpox-labeled vials at Merck plant contained 'no trace' of virus

Read this and tell me if you're either worried, think they're full of Barack of you completely trust the CDC and WHO

“There is no evidence that the vials contain variola virus, the cause of smallpox,” the statement said. “CDC is in close contact with state and local health officials, law enforcement, and the World Health Organization about these findings.”

Well old people born before 1970 will have to do their best to repopulate the planet I guess. I think that was about when the masses stopped getting the scar-inducing scabs on their left shoulders
UPDATE: Reports of smallpox-labeled vials at Merck plant contained 'no trace' of virus

Read this and tell me if you're either worried, think they're full of Barack of you completely trust the CDC and WHO

“There is no evidence that the vials contain variola virus, the cause of smallpox,” the statement said. “CDC is in close contact with state and local health officials, law enforcement, and the World Health Organization about these findings.”
Yeah. . . this was covered last year.

False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism​

False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism

Corbett • 11/22/2020
"For the past twenty years, the world has been in the midst of a so-called "war on terror" set in motion by a false flag attack of spectacular proportions. Now the stage is being set for a new spectacular attack to usher in the next stage in that war on terror: the war on bioterrorism. But who are the real bioterrorists? And can we rely on government agencies, their appointed health authorities, and the corporate media to accurately identify those terrorists in the wake of the next spectacular terror attack?"

Sources and links are at the link in the description.
Yeah. . . this was covered last year.

False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism​

False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism

Corbett • 11/22/2020
"For the past twenty years, the world has been in the midst of a so-called "war on terror" set in motion by a false flag attack of spectacular proportions. Now the stage is being set for a new spectacular attack to usher in the next stage in that war on terror: the war on bioterrorism. But who are the real bioterrorists? And can we rely on government agencies, their appointed health authorities, and the corporate media to accurately identify those terrorists in the wake of the next spectacular terror attack?"

Sources and links are at the link in the description.

The entire transcript for the documentary can be found at one of those above links.

I think this is key;

". . Time and again, those looking at the history of biowarfare are confronted by a key fact: those who have dedicated their lives to weaponizing pathogens and dreaming up bioterror scenarios aren't the shadowy terrorist biologists in their cave fortress compound, but the government-funded researchers at both secret and public biolabs around the world.

We have entered an age where the threat of a bioterror attack is very real. The only questions facing the public now are: Who are the real bioterrorists? And can we rely on government agencies, their appointed health authorities, and the corporate media to accurately identify those terrorists in the wake of the next spectacular terror attack?


Two decades ago, the idea of a false flag attack was incomprehensible to the general public. "Why would the government attack itself?" was the oft-heard question of those who could not imagine such duplicity being used to fool a nation into war.

But this is not the world of 2001. It is 2020, and by now nearly everyone is familiar with false flag operations. What was once an obscure tactic deployed by military and intelligence agencies in the shadowy world of spies and soldiers is now openly discussed and debated in the mainstream news.

Make no mistake: this is a major step. An important tool of control, used to pull the wool over the eyes of the public for centuries, had gone from a laughable fringe "conspiracy theory" to an openly acknowledged (and vigorously denied) conspiracy reality within the space of two decades.. . "

Well, everything is in the transcript, except that final statement and clip that ends the whole thing. . . . that isn't in the transcript. :ack-1:

I find that very last minute. . . creepy and scary as hell.
Well old people born before 1970 will have to do their best to repopulate the planet I guess.

Working on it ...

Yeah. . . this was covered last year.

False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism​

False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism

Corbett • 11/22/2020
"For the past twenty years, the world has been in the midst of a so-called "war on terror" set in motion by a false flag attack of spectacular proportions. Now the stage is being set for a new spectacular attack to usher in the next stage in that war on terror: the war on bioterrorism. But who are the real bioterrorists? And can we rely on government agencies, their appointed health authorities, and the corporate media to accurately identify those terrorists in the wake of the next spectacular terror attack?"

Sources and links are at the link in the description.

Imagine a gain of function bioweapon that can be blamed on global warming.

Maybe they will reintroduce smallpox and claim that it came from a thawed victim who died but was frozen in (pick a place) 100 years ago. And thanks to manmade global warming climate change the modified version is now out again. It didn't come from a lab, oh no, it didn't start at the Wuhan Bat and poultry market this time.

America's high per capital CO2 is to blame

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