Smallpox. Seems like something's afoot

Imagine a gain of function bioweapon that can be blamed on global warming.

Maybe they will reintroduce smallpox and claim that it came from a thawed victim who died but was frozen in (pick a place) 100 years ago. And thanks to manmade global warming climate change the modified version is now out again. It didn't come from a lab, oh no, it didn't start at the Wuhan Bat and poultry market this time.

America's high per capital CO2 is to blame
IMO? I think it more likely be that they will blame it on a rogue group of "white supremacists."

If you look at that "domestic terror," legislation, that has been stuck in committee? The establishment has been trying since. . oh hell, the OKC bombing in the 1990's to pass a law which would make a special law to circumvent Americans access to lawyers, and put them directly in to military justice, and make them enemies of the state.

The STATE wants to find a way to make Americans, literally, enemies of the state. This is why that Jan. 6th narrative won't be let go of. Just the other day, I heard skye refer to that black man that plowed into that Christmas parade as a "domestic terrorist," rather than a common criminal, not really grasping that she was parroting the deep states terminology.

Once we start accepting that even folks we hate, fellow Americans, should be stripped of the Constitutional Rights? The STATE has won, the Deep State will subvert the Constitution, and folks won't care if that legislation finally gets out of committee, and the Republic will be lost.

How could that happen? Hell, a "bio-terror," attack would do it. . . if that, "capitol riot," couldn't do it.

Fear and Anger, that is what motivates folks, and stops them thinking rationally. Just look at the parade attack. :dunno:

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