Smarmy America-Hating Rats

Ok, post the DHS report.

Do your own research ya lazy hump.

Because you can't post it.

Wrong again dick you ever get tired of playing the fool?

Criminal Alien Statistics - FY2018 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Didn't think you could. Where are the terrorists?

Thanks for showing that the number of criminals crossing the border is going down though.
The FAKE NEWS merchants are veering from sniveling to outright panic-attacks when the President mentions declaring a national emergency and having the Pentagon build the Wall. Wee Adam Schitts claims it's "non-starter"....really Drizzly? Check out 10 U.S.C 284 and 10 U.S.C 2808....Chancy (Chuck and Nancy) can kiss our ass....the Wall is coming.

Allow the emperor to rule. The peasants need to be walled inside the castle compound with their guns, their militarized police who already murder unarmed citizens in the streets with impunity, with their corporate state for profit prisons and detainment centers which is THE most expansive system of incarceration humankind has ever known, in an economic system that no longer requires a vast work force to generate revenue and profit margin growth. How could any of this go wrong?

Don said a check was coming. Don says a lot of shite and americans would rather believe than think.

Hey commie....go fuck yourself. He never said anything about a "check" from Mexico....lying around here will get you laughed off the board.
Did you see the convictions rates? They are all going down. That is good news for everyone regardless if you didn't even see the trend yourself or not.

Thanks to Trump cracking down with more fencing, agents, surveillance aircraft....all efforts your Rat leaders hate. Hopefully you'll get messed up by an invader....robbed, beaten half to death.....not only do you deserve it for ignoring the agony these animals have brought thousands of Americans, but it's the only way you'll shut the fuck up and support your President.
Did you see the convictions rates? They are all going down. That is good news for everyone regardless if you didn't even see the trend yourself or not.

Thanks to Trump cracking down with more fencing, agents, surveillance aircraft....all efforts your Rat leaders hate. Hopefully you'll get messed up by an invader....robbed, beaten half to death.....not only do you deserve it for ignoring the agony these animals have brought thousands of Americans, but it's the only way you'll shut the fuck up and support your President.

I don't have any issues with fencing, agents or surveillance aircraft, the Democrats have already approved funds for this type of border security, just not the wall.

Also, illegal immigration criminal and otherwise has been going down since the recession, this is not a Trump phenomenon.

But, if you want to give Trump credit I'm fine with that and if the problem is currently being solved then why shut the government down over it? Why build a wall? Why are you guys getting a boner over emergency funding? Doesn't seem necessary at all. .
. Clearly, overstaying a visa is not the only way terrorists with no legal right to be in the country have tried to enter or remain in the United States.

Still avoiding the human trafficking and narcotics flow eh? I can see why....your leaders have you convinced they're morally superior to everybody else, but the truth is they don't care about the human cost of an open border as long as they register enough invaders to hold power for the next decade. They don't care if you get robbed, murdered, raped....couldn't care less.
So if 2 out of 3 things you believe are true, you are OK with that?

Do you have any actual facts to back up your human trafficking and narcotics flow contentions? Everything I find points to drugs coming in to ports of entry or do you think someone is going to carry a ton of cocaine across the Arizona desert? Same goes for human trafficking coming in the same way?

Your posts have proven to be quite fact-free. Can you point to instances of illegals voting in US elections? The only voter fraud I've heard of recently was tied to the GOP.
I don't have any issues with fencing, agents or surveillance aircraft, the Democrats have already approved funds for this type of border security, just not the wall.

Also, illegal immigration criminal and otherwise has been going down since the recession, this is not a Trump phenomenon.

But, if you want to give Trump credit I'm fine with that and if the problem is currently being solved then why shut the government down over it? Why build a wall? Why are you guys getting a boner over emergency funding? Doesn't seem necessary at all. .

One last time....we need the Wall so what happened in 2009 doesn't happen again. Janet Napolitano left us in Arizona with $3B of red ink despite being the fastest growing state and economy in the nation. The moment she became head of DHS she cancelled the completion of Chertoff's wall....otherwise none of this would have happened. We know a Rat president will turn off the sensors and drones and other bells and whistles leaving us wide open. Can't do that with a Wall and that's why they're desperate to stop it. Instead of winning back white working class Americans, your party has decided to outnumber them with rural moron beaners, barely able to write their name or do simple math....Another group to exploit with identity politics same as the blacks, crazy women, and fairies.
Do you have any actual facts to back up your human trafficking and narcotics flow contentions? Everything I find points to drugs coming in to ports of entry or do you think someone is going to carry a ton of cocaine across the Arizona desert? Same goes for human trafficking coming in the same way?

Your posts have proven to be quite fact-free. Can you point to instances of illegals voting in US elections? The only voter fraud I've heard of recently was tied to the GOP.

I have no idea how old your are or where you live, but although you're civil, you're also dumb as a bag of hammers. Every point you've tried to make, got crushed, changed the subject, and tried again, I've handled with more, write less.
The FAKE NEWS merchants are veering from sniveling to outright panic-attacks when the President mentions declaring a national emergency and having the Pentagon build the Wall. Wee Adam Schitts claims it's "non-starter"....really Drizzly? Check out 10 U.S.C 284 and 10 U.S.C 2808....Chancy (Chuck and Nancy) can kiss our ass....the Wall is coming.


The brainless twits who bought the big Trump lie about building a wall need to take personal responsibility for their own wilful ignorance at this point.
The brainless twits who bought the big Trump lie about building a wall need to take personal responsibility for their own wilful ignorance at this point.

Poor Hazel.....we're building the Wall and you can't do shit, nobody can, to stop it. So have your little shit-fit, find a safe-space, eat some comfort food, and kiss our ass. :badgrin:
Do you have any actual facts to back up your human trafficking and narcotics flow contentions? Everything I find points to drugs coming in to ports of entry or do you think someone is going to carry a ton of cocaine across the Arizona desert? Same goes for human trafficking coming in the same way?

Your posts have proven to be quite fact-free. Can you point to instances of illegals voting in US elections? The only voter fraud I've heard of recently was tied to the GOP.

I have no idea how old your are or where you live, but although you're civil, you're also dumb as a bag of hammers. Every point you've tried to make, got crushed, changed the subject, and tried again, I've handled with more, write less.
Thank you for another fact-free post. You didn't refute my post showing terrorists don't just walk across our Southern border so I guess you don't being lied to and manipulated like a sheep. SAD!

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