Smarmy America-Hating Rats

I really don't think flying weapon-free on a commercial flight is going to discourage terrorists from entering the country through airports. If they can't find firearms and ammunition once they get here, they aren't very serious terrorists.
All come in through established border crossings. Just ask Trump's State Department. have women shackled with tape over their mouths and and half a ton of cocaine/heroin and you roll right through border stupid are you?
I really don't think flying weapon-free on a commercial flight is going to discourage terrorists from entering the country through airports. If they can't find firearms and ammunition once they get here, they aren't very serious terrorists.

To get an airline ticket you must produce a passport and a credit card....They don't fly in,'s as simple as that.
The Dems and Trump agreed to a deal until Trump reneged on the terms.

No lie.

BTW, Trump's wall is on the wrong border, this if from Center for Immigration Studies:

Most Illegal Alien Terrorists Overstayed Their Visas. Most of the terrorists in the country illegally when they committed their crimes had overstayed temporary visas. Of the 12 who were illegal aliens when they took part in terrorism, seven were visa overstayers. These include two conspirators in the first World Trade Center attack, Mohammed Salameh and Eyad Ismoil. Others who took part in terrorism and had overstayed visas were Lafi Khalil, who was involved in the New York subway bomb plot, and four of the 9/11 terrorists: Zacarias Moussaoui 4, Satam al Suqami, Nawaf al Hamzi, and Hani Hanjour.

Some Illegal Alien Terrorists Crossed the Border Illegally. Overstaying a non-immigrant visa is not the only way illegal alien terrorists have entered and remained in the country. Subway bomber Gazi Ibrahim Abu Mezer was caught trying to sneak across the Canadian border, and because of a lack of detention space, he was paroled into the U.S. Abdelghani Meskini and Abdel Hakim Tizegha, who both took part in the millennium plot, had been stowaways on ships from Algeria at different times. After having been denied asylum, Tizegha moved to Canada, but he later returned to the United States by sneaking across the Washington state border. Two other terrorists tried to enter the country illegally using false passports: Ahmad Ajaj, who tried to enter using a false Swedish passport and was detained at JFK airport, and Ahmed Ressam, who was caught at the Canadian border trying to enter using a false Canadian passport. Clearly, overstaying a visa is not the only way terrorists with no legal right to be in the country have tried to enter or remain in the United States.
When has a terrorist attack in the U.S. taken place from someone who brought their own gun from outside this country?

I give up, when?

None that I can think of. So, stop making idiotic statements like this:

Since you can't bring a firearm or munitions on a commercial aircraft, why would they fly, dummy?

Unless you can show that terrorists bring their own guns and use them, you don't have a point.

Also, see 9/11.
You know Mr. Power, I'll bet you are right. Those terrorists are too stupid and incompetent to forge documents. They certainly aren't smart enough to have any kind of organization. I bet every one of them, no matter where they are in the world, comes into the United States through Mexico.. I'm not sure how they get there since they can't fly, but I'm sure they find a way. Since we never catch terrorists at airports, I wonder if we can do away with some of that pesky airport security.
None that I can think of. So, stop making idiotic statements like this:

Since you can't bring a firearm or munitions on a commercial aircraft, why would they fly, dummy?

Unless you can show that terrorists bring their own guns and use them, you don't have a point.

Also, see 9/11.

9/11 hijackers used box cutters, not firearms, for the reason I stated. Try getting an M-60 or a Russian PK light machine gun on an airliner see what happens...much less hand grenades or explosive satchels. You don't understand any of quit pestering me.
None that I can think of. So, stop making idiotic statements like this:

Since you can't bring a firearm or munitions on a commercial aircraft, why would they fly, dummy?

Unless you can show that terrorists bring their own guns and use them, you don't have a point.

Also, see 9/11.

9/11 hijackers used box cutters, not firearms, for the reason I stated. Try getting an M-60 or a Russian PK light machine gun on an airliner see what happens...much less hand grenades or explosive satchels. You don't understand any of quit pestering me.

It's not necessary for you to duck, the point is way over your head.
. Clearly, overstaying a visa is not the only way terrorists with no legal right to be in the country have tried to enter or remain in the United States.

Still avoiding the human trafficking and narcotics flow eh? I can see why....your leaders have you convinced they're morally superior to everybody else, but the truth is they don't care about the human cost of an open border as long as they register enough invaders to hold power for the next decade. They don't care if you get robbed, murdered, raped....couldn't care less.
I really don't think flying weapon-free on a commercial flight is going to discourage terrorists from entering the country through airports. If they can't find firearms and ammunition once they get here, they aren't very serious terrorists.

To get an airline ticket you must produce a passport and a credit card....They don't fly in,'s as simple as that.

Do a little research asshole they certainly don't cross the border.
It's not necessary for you to duck, the point is way over your head.

i live 2 hours from the border, have no idea what goes on down there.

Neato. Just curious, how far from the border do you think I live?

What that has to do with your idiotic claim that terrorists are sneaking across the border with their own firearms regardless of the fact that you can't name a single terrorist attack that took place with a terrorist who brought their own gun, or for that matter the State department isn't aware of any armed terrorists crossing the border.

Like i said, over your head.
What that has to do with your idiotic claim that terrorists are sneaking across the border with their own firearms regardless of the fact that you can't name a single terrorist attack that took place with a terrorist who brought their own gun, or for that matter the State department isn't aware of any armed terrorists crossing the border.

Like i said, over your head.

Some "State Dept report" about seeing what DHS has to say about the numbers, fool? The DOS is a cesspool of leftist lifers we can't fire because of their unions. Bottom line? Trump will use the Pentagon to build the wall and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it.
What that has to do with your idiotic claim that terrorists are sneaking across the border with their own firearms regardless of the fact that you can't name a single terrorist attack that took place with a terrorist who brought their own gun, or for that matter the State department isn't aware of any armed terrorists crossing the border.

Like i said, over your head.

Some "State Dept report" about seeing what DHS has to say about the numbers, fool? The DOS is a cesspool of leftist lifers we can't fire because of their unions. Bottom line? Trump will use the Pentagon to build the wall and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it.

Ok, post the DHS report.

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