Smoking Bans

Should Smoking be Banned in Businesses?

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Someone supporting a smoking ban is a jack booted thug. Have to love far-right wing hyperbole.

The hyperbole was from RW, talking about pushing smokers to the 'fringes of society where they belong'. That kind of comment has a thuggish vibe to it, doncha think?

Smokers are not welcome in our society while they are engaging in their filthy habit

What I like best is the number of smokers who are not even welcome in their own homes

Does your family tree track through Salem, MA, perchance?

Now requiring smokers to smoke outside equates to burning at the stake?

Nice job Capt Hyperbole

Maybe you've noticed, but I'm mocking your hyperbole, dingwad. Do you really take joy at the thought of people who are not even welcome in their own homes? I'm at least hoping that kind of crap is hyperbole, and you're not actually the sadist prick you play on message boards.
Someone supporting a smoking ban is a jack booted thug. Have to love far-right wing hyperbole.

The hyperbole was from RW, talking about pushing smokers to the 'fringes of society where they belong'. That kind of comment has a thuggish vibe to it, doncha think?

Smokers are not welcome in our society while they are engaging in their filthy habit

What I like best is the number of smokers who are not even welcome in their own homes

Does your family tree track through Salem, MA, perchance?

Now requiring smokers to smoke outside equates to burning at the stake?

Nice job Capt Hyperbole

Maybe you've noticed, but I'm mocking your hyperbole, dingwad. Do you really take joy at the thought of people who are not even welcome in their own homes? I'm at least hoping that kind of crap is hyperbole, and you're not actually the sadist prick you play on message boards.
Do I take joy in watching a smoker huddled outside his own home in the cold and rain?

Hell yea I do!

Did they take joy in ruining the environment for non-smokers?
What did you do before? I mean, how in the world did you decide, all by yourself!? It must have been terribly stressful.

I'll tell you what I did before.

I sucked it up and breathed in the filth they were spitting out. My eyes were irritated, my hair and clothes stank and I risked whatever damage might get done. I had no other choices....breathe in the filth or stay home. For fear of offending smokers, most businesses reluctantly tolerated smoking in their establishment. They did not want to be "the one" who stood up to smokers

It took government to level the playing field. Nobody could allow smoking. Nobody received extra benefit and nobody received extra punishment. Should have been done decades ago

Ahh ... so it was YOU who "bowed down to the almighty smokers"! If you'd had a pair and stood your ground, maybe half of us wouldn't now be whining to government like helpless children, begging them to make every goddamned decision for us.

Yes, I bowed down to the almighty smokers. My first job out of college, my boss was a chain smoker. Four packs a day or more. I could have raised an issue about my boss being able to smoke in the workplace but when it came to evaluations, he would have had to decide whether my presence in the office made his life easier
Then a strange thing happened. In the early 80s, NOBODY was allowed to smoke, regardless of how much power you had. No worker was expected to risk their job or risk enraging fellow workers just to have a clean working environment

For 150 years, smokers got to decide what kind of air others were allowed to breathe. Now they have to breathe our air

You go RW - wave the flag, stand tall and take back this nation in the name of all those who don't dare think for themselves.

We demand freedom from choice!!

Don't have to

The battle has been won and smokers have been driven off to the fringes of our society where they belong

ISIS/ISIL/LMNOP says the same of Christianity
That must be nice. Did you know in some places, people still have to decide for themselves whether or not they want to dine with smokers! Oh, the humanity.
Sucks for them! I highly prefer eating in places that don't reek of cigarette smoke. Unfortunately before the ban there weren't a whole lot of places that were smoke free as business bowed down to the almighty smokers who make up a smaller percentage of the population. Too bad that they have to get off their lazy asses and go outside now.

What did you do before? I mean, how in the world did you decide, all by yourself!? It must have been terribly stressful.

I'll tell you what I did before.

I sucked it up and breathed in the filth they were spitting out. My eyes were irritated, my hair and clothes stank and I risked whatever damage might get done. I had no other choices....breathe in the filth or stay home. For fear of offending smokers, most businesses reluctantly tolerated smoking in their establishment. They did not want to be "the one" who stood up to smokers

It took government to level the playing field. Nobody could allow smoking. Nobody received extra benefit and nobody received extra punishment. Should have been done decades ago

Ahh ... so it was YOU who "bowed down to the almighty smokers"! If you'd had a pair and stood your ground, maybe half of us wouldn't now be whining to government like helpless children, begging them to make every goddamned decision for us.

Yes, I bowed down to the almighty smokers. My first job out of college, my boss was a chain smoker. Four packs a day or more. I could have raised an issue about my boss being able to smoke in the workplace but when it came to evaluations, he would have had to decide whether my presence in the office made his life easier
Then a strange thing happened. In the early 80s, NOBODY was allowed to smoke, regardless of how much power you had. No worker was expected to risk their job or risk enraging fellow workers just to have a clean working environment

For 150 years, smokers got to decide what kind of air others were allowed to breathe. Now they have to breathe our air

Winger owns the air?

Who knew
The hyperbole was from RW, talking about pushing smokers to the 'fringes of society where they belong'. That kind of comment has a thuggish vibe to it, doncha think?

Smokers are not welcome in our society while they are engaging in their filthy habit

What I like best is the number of smokers who are not even welcome in their own homes

Does your family tree track through Salem, MA, perchance?

Now requiring smokers to smoke outside equates to burning at the stake?

Nice job Capt Hyperbole

Maybe you've noticed, but I'm mocking your hyperbole, dingwad. Do you really take joy at the thought of people who are not even welcome in their own homes? I'm at least hoping that kind of crap is hyperbole, and you're not actually the sadist prick you play on message boards.
Do I take joy in watching a smoker huddled outside his own home in the cold and rain?

Hell yea I do!

Did they take joy in ruining the environment for non-smokers?

But they never did.

You did when you walked through the door.

You sound like an idiot.

Oh look, I'm being forced into that bar!
Wow. I left this thread a couple months ago, and it is still going. Way to reach a consensus!

I'd just like to point out the results of the poll up about this.

Enough said.
Wow. I left this thread a couple months ago, and it is still going. Way to reach a consensus!

I'd just like to point out the results of the poll up about this.

Enough said.

Uh -- don't flatter yourself. Do you know how many viewers (like me) who didn't bother to vote because we found the poll choices hopelessly shortsighted? Or which ones just threw up their hands and clicked the closest match within the narrow limits?

Didn't think so.
Of course there is, it is a perfectly legal activity. What compelling government interest is there in banning it on private property or outside?

The compelling interest of the leftytoon Socialists to dictate what you can and cannot do.

Indeed. See my sig line
Sucks for them! I highly prefer eating in places that don't reek of cigarette smoke. Unfortunately before the ban there weren't a whole lot of places that were smoke free as business bowed down to the almighty smokers who make up a smaller percentage of the population. Too bad that they have to get off their lazy asses and go outside now.

What did you do before? I mean, how in the world did you decide, all by yourself!? It must have been terribly stressful.

I'll tell you what I did before.

I sucked it up and breathed in the filth they were spitting out. My eyes were irritated, my hair and clothes stank and I risked whatever damage might get done. I had no other choices....breathe in the filth or stay home. For fear of offending smokers, most businesses reluctantly tolerated smoking in their establishment. They did not want to be "the one" who stood up to smokers

It took government to level the playing field. Nobody could allow smoking. Nobody received extra benefit and nobody received extra punishment. Should have been done decades ago

Ahh ... so it was YOU who "bowed down to the almighty smokers"! If you'd had a pair and stood your ground, maybe half of us wouldn't now be whining to government like helpless children, begging them to make every goddamned decision for us.

Yes, I bowed down to the almighty smokers. My first job out of college, my boss was a chain smoker. Four packs a day or more. I could have raised an issue about my boss being able to smoke in the workplace but when it came to evaluations, he would have had to decide whether my presence in the office made his life easier
Then a strange thing happened. In the early 80s, NOBODY was allowed to smoke, regardless of how much power you had. No worker was expected to risk their job or risk enraging fellow workers just to have a clean working environment

For 150 years, smokers got to decide what kind of air others were allowed to breathe. Now they have to breathe our air

Winger owns the air?

Who knew

Yes I do...especially the air that reaches my lungs
After watching a story on the news about banning smoking in public areas- including businesses- forcibly, I realized how wrong that is. On government property- ie streets and government buildings like courthouses- the government should have the ability to ban it. But for privately owned businesses, they should be given the ability to choose. If they ban smoking, smokers can simply go elsewhere. If smoking is allowed, and offends people, said customers can use their competitors instead. As such, a business owner can then allow/disallow smoking if it would help their business. Government doesn't have a right to mandate businesses to ban something, even if it is for "the public's safety". Even that could be disproved by showing that smoking inside a building where everyone is okay with it does not harm those who actually care. And enviromentalists will now proceed to ask about factories pumping pollutants into the atmosphere and try to apply my logic to that. That is a different case, simply because potentially harmful pollutants are being put directly into the atmosphere, whereas smoking in a restaurant hasn't killed anyone walking in the street outside, as far as I know.

I used to cigarette smoke. My mom smoked and so did her mom so I grew up with it. I started smoking way too young and have since quit. I vowed I wouldn't be one of those annoying reformed smokers so I used to allow people to smoke around me. In fact, the first time I quit smoking I would have a friend of mine blow her smoke in my face just so I could smell it.

Several years later I took it up again. I quit in 2011. Not voluntarily but because of a drug I have to take for breast cancer. That drug made cigarettes make me violently throw up. So I can't tolerate cigarette smoke anymore.

There are also people like my aunt who is allergic to it and if someone smokes around her she has terrible reactions including not being able to breathe well.

I'm pretty sure a restaurant owner doesn't want their customers seeing a fellow customer throw up in a restaurant and I'm very glad that my state banned smoking in most public areas. No it wasn't done by any politician. In fact when a smoking ban bill came up in my state capitol it couldn't get passed. After that a petition was circulated to get the ban on the ballot as an initiative. It passed with a very large margin. So now there's no smoking in most public places and a person has to be 25 feet from any door, window or opening of any building.

I voted against the ban.
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After watching a story on the news about banning smoking in public areas- including businesses- forcibly, I realized how wrong that is. On government property- ie streets and government buildings like courthouses- the government should have the ability to ban it. But for privately owned businesses, they should be given the ability to choose. If they ban smoking, smokers can simply go elsewhere. If smoking is allowed, and offends people, said customers can use their competitors instead. As such, a business owner can then allow/disallow smoking if it would help their business. Government doesn't have a right to mandate businesses to ban something, even if it is for "the public's safety". Even that could be disproved by showing that smoking inside a building where everyone is okay with it does not harm those who actually care. And enviromentalists will now proceed to ask about factories pumping pollutants into the atmosphere and try to apply my logic to that. That is a different case, simply because potentially harmful pollutants are being put directly into the atmosphere, whereas smoking in a restaurant hasn't killed anyone walking in the street outside, as far as I know.


There's no 'right' to smoke.

Of course there is, it is a perfectly legal activity. What compelling government interest is there in banning it on private property or outside?

I have never heard of a government smoking ban imposed on private property and outside.

My state has a smoking ban but not on private property and not outside. There is only one rule for smoking outside in public places. You have to be at least 25 feet from any door, window or opening of any building.

The smoking ban doesn't apply to any building own by Native Indians. Such as casinos.

There's a private club at my state capitol that smoking both cigarettes and marijuana isn't just allowed, it's welcomed.
I absolutely agree that people should have that choice and that they do not have the right to decide that for others.

Do you? Really? So should people have the right to work in an office where smoking is allowed? Eat in a restaurant where smoking is allowed?

Sure, but smokers are now a minority. If the majority vote to ban smoking in the workplace and restaurants, there is no longer a question.

Smokers are free to smoke where others are not breathing.

And no one has the right to force me to smoke at my work or public places.

Majority of people did not voted nor decided. Politicians did.

The majority don't smoke. Business owners don't want to lose customers so they lobbied for laws.


How about smoking dens, like the old time opium dens. Get as sick as you want, stink to high heaven and leave sane people alone.

Frankly, as long as you're not exhaling where I am inhaling, I don't care.

Like cigar bars ?

The bans apply to them also (at least here )
As long as I don't have to smell the stink, why would I care if you smoke cigars?

As John Kerry said, people in the US are allowed to be stupid.

They just not allowed to force others to be stupid - at least not when it comes to smoking.

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What did you do before? I mean, how in the world did you decide, all by yourself!? It must have been terribly stressful.

I'll tell you what I did before.

I sucked it up and breathed in the filth they were spitting out. My eyes were irritated, my hair and clothes stank and I risked whatever damage might get done. I had no other choices....breathe in the filth or stay home. For fear of offending smokers, most businesses reluctantly tolerated smoking in their establishment. They did not want to be "the one" who stood up to smokers

It took government to level the playing field. Nobody could allow smoking. Nobody received extra benefit and nobody received extra punishment. Should have been done decades ago

Ahh ... so it was YOU who "bowed down to the almighty smokers"! If you'd had a pair and stood your ground, maybe half of us wouldn't now be whining to government like helpless children, begging them to make every goddamned decision for us.

Yes, I bowed down to the almighty smokers. My first job out of college, my boss was a chain smoker. Four packs a day or more. I could have raised an issue about my boss being able to smoke in the workplace but when it came to evaluations, he would have had to decide whether my presence in the office made his life easier
Then a strange thing happened. In the early 80s, NOBODY was allowed to smoke, regardless of how much power you had. No worker was expected to risk their job or risk enraging fellow workers just to have a clean working environment

For 150 years, smokers got to decide what kind of air others were allowed to breathe. Now they have to breathe our air

Winger owns the air?

Who knew

Yes I do...especially the air that reaches my lungs

Then why go places with bad air?

You are a puzzle
Do you? Really? So should people have the right to work in an office where smoking is allowed? Eat in a restaurant where smoking is allowed?

Sure, but smokers are now a minority. If the majority vote to ban smoking in the workplace and restaurants, there is no longer a question.

Smokers are free to smoke where others are not breathing.

And no one has the right to force me to smoke at my work or public places.

Majority of people did not voted nor decided. Politicians did.

The majority don't smoke. Business owners don't want to lose customers so they lobbied for laws.


How about smoking dens, like the old time opium dens. Get as sick as you want, stink to high heaven and leave sane people alone.

Frankly, as long as you're not exhaling where I am inhaling, I don't care.

Like cigar bars ?

The bans apply to them also (at least here )
As long as I don't have to smell the stink, why would I care if you smoke cigars?

As John Kerry said, people in the US are allowed to be stupid.

They just not allowed to force others to be stupid - at least not when it comes to smoking.

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You force yourself to be stupid when you walk into a building with a sign on it that smoking is allowed.

Dood, that's how it works.
Sure, but smokers are now a minority. If the majority vote to ban smoking in the workplace and restaurants, there is no longer a question.

Smokers are free to smoke where others are not breathing.

And no one has the right to force me to smoke at my work or public places.

Majority of people did not voted nor decided. Politicians did.

The majority don't smoke. Business owners don't want to lose customers so they lobbied for laws.


How about smoking dens, like the old time opium dens. Get as sick as you want, stink to high heaven and leave sane people alone.

Frankly, as long as you're not exhaling where I am inhaling, I don't care.

Like cigar bars ?

The bans apply to them also (at least here )
As long as I don't have to smell the stink, why would I care if you smoke cigars?

As John Kerry said, people in the US are allowed to be stupid.

They just not allowed to force others to be stupid - at least not when it comes to smoking.

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You force yourself to be stupid when you walk into a building with a sign on it that smoking is allowed.

Dood, that's how it works.

There's no such thing.
Majority of people did not voted nor decided. Politicians did.

The majority don't smoke. Business owners don't want to lose customers so they lobbied for laws.


How about smoking dens, like the old time opium dens. Get as sick as you want, stink to high heaven and leave sane people alone.

Frankly, as long as you're not exhaling where I am inhaling, I don't care.

Like cigar bars ?

The bans apply to them also (at least here )
As long as I don't have to smell the stink, why would I care if you smoke cigars?

As John Kerry said, people in the US are allowed to be stupid.

They just not allowed to force others to be stupid - at least not when it comes to smoking.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal

You force yourself to be stupid when you walk into a building with a sign on it that smoking is allowed.

Dood, that's how it works.

There's no such thing.

What do you mean?
Do you? Really? So should people have the right to work in an office where smoking is allowed? Eat in a restaurant where smoking is allowed?

Sure, but smokers are now a minority. If the majority vote to ban smoking in the workplace and restaurants, there is no longer a question.

Smokers are free to smoke where others are not breathing.

And no one has the right to force me to smoke at my work or public places.

Majority of people did not voted nor decided. Politicians did.

The majority don't smoke. Business owners don't want to lose customers so they lobbied for laws.


How about smoking dens, like the old time opium dens. Get as sick as you want, stink to high heaven and leave sane people alone.

Frankly, as long as you're not exhaling where I am inhaling, I don't care.

Like cigar bars ?

The bans apply to them also (at least here )
As long as I don't have to smell the stink, why would I care if you smoke cigars?

As John Kerry said, people in the US are allowed to be stupid.

They just not allowed to force others to be stupid - at least not when it comes to smoking.

Have you ever been forced to enter a restaurant that alllowed smoking?
The majority don't smoke. Business owners don't want to lose customers so they lobbied for laws.


How about smoking dens, like the old time opium dens. Get as sick as you want, stink to high heaven and leave sane people alone.

Frankly, as long as you're not exhaling where I am inhaling, I don't care.

Like cigar bars ?

The bans apply to them also (at least here )
As long as I don't have to smell the stink, why would I care if you smoke cigars?

As John Kerry said, people in the US are allowed to be stupid.

They just not allowed to force others to be stupid - at least not when it comes to smoking.

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You force yourself to be stupid when you walk into a building with a sign on it that smoking is allowed.

Dood, that's how it works.

There's no such thing.

What do you mean?

Why do you think I bolded the words?

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