Smoking rate for U.S. adults drops to record low...

I'm throwing this out there because I have no answer, just going by what I have learned.

You cannot fail a drug test breathing in second hand marijuana smoke.

Knowing this, I question second hand cigarette smoke.

I have never smoked either and have stayed away from those that do either, so I am not real sure what the difference would be.

You can fail a drug test by inhaling 2nd hand marijuana smoke. That's the most common defense.

For me, the argument about 2nd hand smoke comes down to this question; Would I rather live in an authoritarian utopia with pure air, or would I rather live in a free world where I might have to tolerate a little smoke? I prefer the latter.

My main source of heating is wood. I've always had a wood stove. Not only that, but I run a dirty 2-stroke chainsaw to cut the wood. It's dirty. I get that. But that's outweighed by the positive ideal of being able to produce my own heat source.
Show us all contradictory studies since then. Cherry picking lacks academic integrity.

Fuck you fakey how about you provide a study done with the same scientific integrity that refutes it. No hurry I'll wait.

Typical far right boob remark by you. One, your long outdated report is of no worth. Two, we know the recent studies contract your silly point. Third, no one cares about silly libertarian principles. Health of all outweigh property rights of those who live in communal property.

Try reading this one fakey, I'm sure it won't change a damned thing, but it will prove that you prefer to ignore the facts and hold to your propagandist views.

The Second-Hand Smoke Charade Cato Institute

I prefer science, you prefer hokum. We all get that.

Just cling to your ignorance, it suites you very well. The WHO study was done over 15 years in 7 countries, none done before or since have been as comprehensive.
Fast food probably kills more Americans than smoking now. Fat people drive up health care costs enormously. Where's the outrage?

And it's worse in the red states. I tell you those red states are worthless. :D
That's why the whole country would be better off if it just split. End the hate just get an amicable divorce. Liberals can have all the rioters.

I'll take the rioters and you can have the KKK, plus the fat, uneducated, racist, gun toting welfare recipients, and smokers.

Yep, sounds like a good trade.

Show us all contradictory studies since then. Cherry picking lacks academic integrity.

Fuck you fakey how about you provide a study done with the same scientific integrity that refutes it. No hurry I'll wait.

Typical far right boob remark by you. One, your long outdated report is of no worth. Two, we know the recent studies contract your silly point. Third, no one cares about silly libertarian principles. Health of all outweigh property rights of those who live in communal property.

Try reading this one fakey, I'm sure it won't change a damned thing, but it will prove that you prefer to ignore the facts and hold to your propagandist views.

The Second-Hand Smoke Charade Cato Institute

LOL...the Cato Institute.
Marty, please, pay attention. We are talking about second hand smoke.

Iceweasel, yes, the fatties are a real health problem, and there should be outrage.

The post went from smoking to the fact that Vaping should be treated the same as smoking. That is the part I am responding to.
I think we've touched on an important issue here. Obamacare is expensive, but currently funded by federal dollars being borrowed into existence. Eventually, the burden of cost is going to shift to the states, which are are required to balance budgets with real tax dollars.

I bought a can of beer the other day (paying with cash) and the cashier said she was required to swipe my driver's license. We're headed toward a surveillance society where there are no longer any hidden habits behind closed doors. No more anonymous purchases, and data from your smart toilet will be wirelessly connected to the Health Department. All of our habits will be analyzed by computers.

And because the the mechanisms in the ACA to keep the cost of healthcare down are negligible, the inclination to regulate personal behavior will only increase with time. You have unhealthy habits, as defined by the Surgeon General? Your insurance rates increase. Forget about Death Panels for a minute... what about Diet Panels? You didn't get your flu shot... penalty!
The whole idea of vaping is absorption, with combustion you get non or slow absorbing byproducts which causes second hand smoke. Is there even a study out there to remotely back your claim, or is this more nanny state zelotry?
Common sense should tell you that not all the nicotine will be absorbed. In enclosed spaces that could lead to others developing a nicotine addiction, particularly children.

I seriously doubt it. The volumes involved, the concentrations of nicotine required, and the fact that most businesses have HVAC preclude this from being a possibility.

You have direct inhalation required to provide the those of nicotine to have an effect, vs. inhalation of diffuse surrounding air. The issue with SMOKE was that so much of it was rejected from the lungs, plus the myriad of compounds involved.

I think this is less about "the children' and more about you being the typical bitter ex-smoker.

What you're missing is that 'it' is about the idiots needing something to be offended by... .
I think we've touched on an important issue here. Obamacare is expensive, but currently funded by federal dollars being borrowed into existence. Eventually, the burden of cost is going to shift to the states, which are are required to balance budgets with real tax dollars.

I bought a can of beer the other day (paying with cash) and the cashier said she was required to swipe my driver's license. We're headed toward a surveillance society where there are no longer any hidden habits behind closed doors. No more anonymous purchases, and data from your smart toilet will be wirelessly connected to the Health Department. All of our habits will be analyzed by computers.

And because the the mechanisms in the ACA to keep the cost of healthcare down are negligible, the inclination to regulate personal behavior will only increase with time. You have unhealthy habits, as defined by the Surgeon General? Your insurance rates increase. Forget about Death Panels for a minute... what about Diet Panels? You didn't get your flu shot... penalty!

Well it seems that way, but that is the logical extension to the system which is currently in play, but which is unsustainable.

The United States is on the verge of total, irretrievable collapse. I'm talking abject catastrophe... in 10 years, the US will look closer to Thunder Dome than Logan's Run.
Smoking rate for U.S. adults drops to record low...

Cigarette smoking among U.S. adults last year touched its lowest on record, a drop spurred by higher prices, smoke-free policies and anti-smoking campaigns, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Wednesday.

About 17.8 percent of American adults smoked cigarettes in 2013, down from 20.9 percent in 2005 and 42.4 percent in 1965, when the U.S. government began keeping records on smoking, the federal health agency said.


The U.S. Midwest has the highest adult cigarette smoking rate, and the West has the lowest, according to the study.

Lesbians, gays and bisexual adults smoke about 50 percent more cigarettes than heterosexual people, the CDC said.


States With Smoking Bans Tend to Have Lower Smoking Rates



The life expectancy for a smoker in the United States is about 64, which is 14 years shorter than the national average (which includes smokers), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Going by these numbers it becomes clear that few pastimes, habits or addictions are deadlier than smoking. Only Russian roulette and scorpion juggling come to mind.

Much more than cancer

Part of the problem of the misconception of real risks is the emphasis on smoking and lung cancer. The greater danger is from vascular diseases leading to heart attacks and stroke, which kill more smokers than all cancers combined. Toxins in the tobacco smoke cause inflammation and hardening in the arteries.
Nearly as common as lung cancer among smokers is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which entails the narrowing of airways in the lung, largely in the form of chronic bronchitis or emphysema. Bronchitis is a result of smoking-induced inflammation; emphysema stems from cigarette smoking hardening the alveoli, the little sacks in the lungs where oxygen meets blood.

If painful death as a middle-age adult doesn't move you, consider life-quality issues. Smokers get sick more often because smoke paralyzes tiny hair-like structures in the lungs called cilia, which otherwise sweep dirt and bacteria out of your lungs. Smokers have less endurance, particularly sexual endurance, because carbon monoxide replaces oxygen in the blood.

Yet the core argument of ardent smokers remains firm: Smoking doesn't kill everyone. About 50 percent of smokers do reach old age, albeit with diminished taste buds, diminished endurance, diminished eyesight, yellow teeth and bad breath.

As with Obamacare, rightwing/Republicans will say passing regulations/laws that "force" people to live longer, healthier, more productive lives is... is a bad thing? And-----and they'll say they should have the right to become a burden on society, their families, loved oines and-----and to commit suicide by cigarette.
Health care for smokers is higher than for those who don't smoke. Especially when people get older. So, all that smoking in the South and the Bible Belt (conservative regions of the country) will cost the rest of us a great deal in taxes and insurance rates to make up the difference.

Healthcare for those HIV positive is higher.

Are you still paying US income or SSI taxes? Is your healthcare from America?
I'm an American citizen and I have a right to comment on anything and everything to do with American life. There are literally millions of Americans living and working outside the States; in no way does that mean they cannot comment on and have opinions on, and vote on anything and everything having to do with America.
Smoking rate for U.S. adults drops to record low...

Cigarette smoking among U.S. adults last year touched its lowest on record, a drop spurred by higher prices, smoke-free policies and anti-smoking campaigns, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Wednesday.

About 17.8 percent of American adults smoked cigarettes in 2013, down from 20.9 percent in 2005 and 42.4 percent in 1965, when the U.S. government began keeping records on smoking, the federal health agency said.


The U.S. Midwest has the highest adult cigarette smoking rate, and the West has the lowest, according to the study.

Lesbians, gays and bisexual adults smoke about 50 percent more cigarettes than heterosexual people, the CDC said.


States With Smoking Bans Tend to Have Lower Smoking Rates



The life expectancy for a smoker in the United States is about 64, which is 14 years shorter than the national average (which includes smokers), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Going by these numbers it becomes clear that few pastimes, habits or addictions are deadlier than smoking. Only Russian roulette and scorpion juggling come to mind.

Much more than cancer

Part of the problem of the misconception of real risks is the emphasis on smoking and lung cancer. The greater danger is from vascular diseases leading to heart attacks and stroke, which kill more smokers than all cancers combined. Toxins in the tobacco smoke cause inflammation and hardening in the arteries.
Nearly as common as lung cancer among smokers is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which entails the narrowing of airways in the lung, largely in the form of chronic bronchitis or emphysema. Bronchitis is a result of smoking-induced inflammation; emphysema stems from cigarette smoking hardening the alveoli, the little sacks in the lungs where oxygen meets blood.

If painful death as a middle-age adult doesn't move you, consider life-quality issues. Smokers get sick more often because smoke paralyzes tiny hair-like structures in the lungs called cilia, which otherwise sweep dirt and bacteria out of your lungs. Smokers have less endurance, particularly sexual endurance, because carbon monoxide replaces oxygen in the blood.

Yet the core argument of ardent smokers remains firm: Smoking doesn't kill everyone. About 50 percent of smokers do reach old age, albeit with diminished taste buds, diminished endurance, diminished eyesight, yellow teeth and bad breath.

As with Obamacare, rightwing/Republicans will say passing regulations/laws that "force" people to live longer, healthier, more productive lives is... is a bad thing? And-----and they'll say they should have the right to become a burden on society, their families, loved oines and-----and to commit suicide by cigarette.
Health care for smokers is higher than for those who don't smoke. Especially when people get older. So, all that smoking in the South and the Bible Belt (conservative regions of the country) will cost the rest of us a great deal in taxes and insurance rates to make up the difference.

Healthcare for those HIV positive is higher.

Are you still paying US income or SSI taxes? Is your healthcare from America?
I'm an American citizen and I have a right to comment on anything and everything to do with American life.

Never said you didn't, did I? Are you paying taxes or is your healthcare from America?
Smoking rate for U.S. adults drops to record low...

Cigarette smoking among U.S. adults last year touched its lowest on record, a drop spurred by higher prices, smoke-free policies and anti-smoking campaigns, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Wednesday.

About 17.8 percent of American adults smoked cigarettes in 2013, down from 20.9 percent in 2005 and 42.4 percent in 1965, when the U.S. government began keeping records on smoking, the federal health agency said.


The U.S. Midwest has the highest adult cigarette smoking rate, and the West has the lowest, according to the study.

Lesbians, gays and bisexual adults smoke about 50 percent more cigarettes than heterosexual people, the CDC said.


States With Smoking Bans Tend to Have Lower Smoking Rates



The life expectancy for a smoker in the United States is about 64, which is 14 years shorter than the national average (which includes smokers), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Going by these numbers it becomes clear that few pastimes, habits or addictions are deadlier than smoking. Only Russian roulette and scorpion juggling come to mind.

Much more than cancer

Part of the problem of the misconception of real risks is the emphasis on smoking and lung cancer. The greater danger is from vascular diseases leading to heart attacks and stroke, which kill more smokers than all cancers combined. Toxins in the tobacco smoke cause inflammation and hardening in the arteries.
Nearly as common as lung cancer among smokers is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which entails the narrowing of airways in the lung, largely in the form of chronic bronchitis or emphysema. Bronchitis is a result of smoking-induced inflammation; emphysema stems from cigarette smoking hardening the alveoli, the little sacks in the lungs where oxygen meets blood.

If painful death as a middle-age adult doesn't move you, consider life-quality issues. Smokers get sick more often because smoke paralyzes tiny hair-like structures in the lungs called cilia, which otherwise sweep dirt and bacteria out of your lungs. Smokers have less endurance, particularly sexual endurance, because carbon monoxide replaces oxygen in the blood.

Yet the core argument of ardent smokers remains firm: Smoking doesn't kill everyone. About 50 percent of smokers do reach old age, albeit with diminished taste buds, diminished endurance, diminished eyesight, yellow teeth and bad breath.

As with Obamacare, rightwing/Republicans will say passing regulations/laws that "force" people to live longer, healthier, more productive lives is... is a bad thing? And-----and they'll say they should have the right to become a burden on society, their families, loved oines and-----and to commit suicide by cigarette.
Health care for smokers is higher than for those who don't smoke. Especially when people get older. So, all that smoking in the South and the Bible Belt (conservative regions of the country) will cost the rest of us a great deal in taxes and insurance rates to make up the difference.

Healthcare for those HIV positive is higher.

Are you still paying US income or SSI taxes? Is your healthcare from America?
I'm an American citizen and I have a right to comment on anything and everything to do with American life.

Never said you didn't, did I? Are you paying taxes or is your healthcare from America?
I'm an American citizen and I have a right to comment on anything and everything to do with American life. There are literally millions of Americans living and working outside the States; in no way does that mean they cannot comment on and have opinions on, and vote on anything and everything having to do with America.

I was born, raised, lived in and worked in the US for over 50 years. How long have you lived there? You have no business and no right to question anyone's American citizenship and rights or to pry into their personal business.
Last edited:
Smoking rate for U.S. adults drops to record low...

Cigarette smoking among U.S. adults last year touched its lowest on record, a drop spurred by higher prices, smoke-free policies and anti-smoking campaigns, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Wednesday.

About 17.8 percent of American adults smoked cigarettes in 2013, down from 20.9 percent in 2005 and 42.4 percent in 1965, when the U.S. government began keeping records on smoking, the federal health agency said.


The U.S. Midwest has the highest adult cigarette smoking rate, and the West has the lowest, according to the study.

Lesbians, gays and bisexual adults smoke about 50 percent more cigarettes than heterosexual people, the CDC said.


States With Smoking Bans Tend to Have Lower Smoking Rates



The life expectancy for a smoker in the United States is about 64, which is 14 years shorter than the national average (which includes smokers), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Going by these numbers it becomes clear that few pastimes, habits or addictions are deadlier than smoking. Only Russian roulette and scorpion juggling come to mind.

Much more than cancer

Part of the problem of the misconception of real risks is the emphasis on smoking and lung cancer. The greater danger is from vascular diseases leading to heart attacks and stroke, which kill more smokers than all cancers combined. Toxins in the tobacco smoke cause inflammation and hardening in the arteries.
Nearly as common as lung cancer among smokers is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which entails the narrowing of airways in the lung, largely in the form of chronic bronchitis or emphysema. Bronchitis is a result of smoking-induced inflammation; emphysema stems from cigarette smoking hardening the alveoli, the little sacks in the lungs where oxygen meets blood.

If painful death as a middle-age adult doesn't move you, consider life-quality issues. Smokers get sick more often because smoke paralyzes tiny hair-like structures in the lungs called cilia, which otherwise sweep dirt and bacteria out of your lungs. Smokers have less endurance, particularly sexual endurance, because carbon monoxide replaces oxygen in the blood.

Yet the core argument of ardent smokers remains firm: Smoking doesn't kill everyone. About 50 percent of smokers do reach old age, albeit with diminished taste buds, diminished endurance, diminished eyesight, yellow teeth and bad breath.

As with Obamacare, rightwing/Republicans will say passing regulations/laws that "force" people to live longer, healthier, more productive lives is... is a bad thing? And-----and they'll say they should have the right to become a burden on society, their families, loved oines and-----and to commit suicide by cigarette.
Health care for smokers is higher than for those who don't smoke. Especially when people get older. So, all that smoking in the South and the Bible Belt (conservative regions of the country) will cost the rest of us a great deal in taxes and insurance rates to make up the difference.

Healthcare for those HIV positive is higher.

Are you still paying US income or SSI taxes? Is your healthcare from America?
I'm an American citizen and I have a right to comment on anything and everything to do with American life.

Never said you didn't, did I? Are you paying taxes or is your healthcare from America?

What business is that of yours?
It's all about the VAPIN' today.

A vastly superior Nicotine delivery system.

Yes .... only I don't use nicotine, just the juice without the nicotine ...... no nicotine just the flavor!

I have to admit I adore or adored cigarettes and have been smoking since I was 12 or 13 :biggrin: me and my friends ...but finally it was the high price of cigarettes that made me stop and switched to vaping.

I never ....never thought I was going to break the habit

but I did.

sometimes I still long for them ..... but that is all over now, for better or worse....guess for better....time will tell.
Fast food probably kills more Americans than smoking now. Fat people drive up health care costs enormously. Where's the outrage?
1 Mississippi
2 Alabama
3 West Virginia
4 Tennessee
5 Louisiana
6 Kentucky
7 Oklahoma
8 South Carolina
9 Arkansas
10 Michigan
11 Missouri
12 Texas
13 Ohio
14 North Carolina
15 Indiana

I'm just pointing out how those red welfare states are bleeding us dry. They're fat smokers who drive up the healthcare costs.
Smoking rate for U.S. adults drops to record low...

Cigarette smoking among U.S. adults last year touched its lowest on record, a drop spurred by higher prices, smoke-free policies and anti-smoking campaigns, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Wednesday.

About 17.8 percent of American adults smoked cigarettes in 2013, down from 20.9 percent in 2005 and 42.4 percent in 1965, when the U.S. government began keeping records on smoking, the federal health agency said.


The U.S. Midwest has the highest adult cigarette smoking rate, and the West has the lowest, according to the study.

Lesbians, gays and bisexual adults smoke about 50 percent more cigarettes than heterosexual people, the CDC said.


States With Smoking Bans Tend to Have Lower Smoking Rates



The life expectancy for a smoker in the United States is about 64, which is 14 years shorter than the national average (which includes smokers), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Going by these numbers it becomes clear that few pastimes, habits or addictions are deadlier than smoking. Only Russian roulette and scorpion juggling come to mind.

Much more than cancer

Part of the problem of the misconception of real risks is the emphasis on smoking and lung cancer. The greater danger is from vascular diseases leading to heart attacks and stroke, which kill more smokers than all cancers combined. Toxins in the tobacco smoke cause inflammation and hardening in the arteries.
Nearly as common as lung cancer among smokers is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which entails the narrowing of airways in the lung, largely in the form of chronic bronchitis or emphysema. Bronchitis is a result of smoking-induced inflammation; emphysema stems from cigarette smoking hardening the alveoli, the little sacks in the lungs where oxygen meets blood.

If painful death as a middle-age adult doesn't move you, consider life-quality issues. Smokers get sick more often because smoke paralyzes tiny hair-like structures in the lungs called cilia, which otherwise sweep dirt and bacteria out of your lungs. Smokers have less endurance, particularly sexual endurance, because carbon monoxide replaces oxygen in the blood.

Yet the core argument of ardent smokers remains firm: Smoking doesn't kill everyone. About 50 percent of smokers do reach old age, albeit with diminished taste buds, diminished endurance, diminished eyesight, yellow teeth and bad breath.

As with Obamacare, rightwing/Republicans will say passing regulations/laws that "force" people to live longer, healthier, more productive lives is... is a bad thing? And-----and they'll say they should have the right to become a burden on society, their families, loved oines and-----and to commit suicide by cigarette.
Health care for smokers is higher than for those who don't smoke. Especially when people get older. So, all that smoking in the South and the Bible Belt (conservative regions of the country) will cost the rest of us a great deal in taxes and insurance rates to make up the difference.

Healthcare for those HIV positive is higher.

Are you still paying US income or SSI taxes? Is your healthcare from America?
I'm an American citizen and I have a right to comment on anything and everything to do with American life.

Never said you didn't, did I? Are you paying taxes or is your healthcare from America?
I'm an American citizen and I have a right to comment on anything and everything to do with American life. There are literally millions of Americans living and working outside the States; in no way does that mean they cannot comment on and have opinions on, and vote on anything and everything having to do with America.

I was born, raised, lived in and worked in the US for over 50 years. How long have you lived there? You have no business and no right to question anyone's American citizenship and rights or to pry into their personal business.

Again, I never said that you didn't have a right to comment, I never questioned you or anyone else's citizenship, you are setting up a smokescreen and a poor one at that.

If you have any evidence that I called out your right to an opinion or citizenship post it or I caught you in a lie.

I never questioned you citizenship, did I?, I know why you won't answer my question and pretending to be all hurt over it and lashing out emotionally at me, you don't pay taxes or healthcare here and even though you have an entitled opinion, the fact that you tried to include yourself as those paying for the smokers in the Southeast is a lie.

My son lives in Europe and works all over the world. Even if you don't have citizenship or live here, you are free to comment and I have no issue. I will continue to call you out on bullshit and lies. Which I caught twice in this thread.
Smoking rate for U.S. adults drops to record low...

Cigarette smoking among U.S. adults last year touched its lowest on record, a drop spurred by higher prices, smoke-free policies and anti-smoking campaigns, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Wednesday.

About 17.8 percent of American adults smoked cigarettes in 2013, down from 20.9 percent in 2005 and 42.4 percent in 1965, when the U.S. government began keeping records on smoking, the federal health agency said.


The U.S. Midwest has the highest adult cigarette smoking rate, and the West has the lowest, according to the study.

Lesbians, gays and bisexual adults smoke about 50 percent more cigarettes than heterosexual people, the CDC said.


States With Smoking Bans Tend to Have Lower Smoking Rates



The life expectancy for a smoker in the United States is about 64, which is 14 years shorter than the national average (which includes smokers), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Going by these numbers it becomes clear that few pastimes, habits or addictions are deadlier than smoking. Only Russian roulette and scorpion juggling come to mind.

Much more than cancer

Part of the problem of the misconception of real risks is the emphasis on smoking and lung cancer. The greater danger is from vascular diseases leading to heart attacks and stroke, which kill more smokers than all cancers combined. Toxins in the tobacco smoke cause inflammation and hardening in the arteries.
Nearly as common as lung cancer among smokers is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which entails the narrowing of airways in the lung, largely in the form of chronic bronchitis or emphysema. Bronchitis is a result of smoking-induced inflammation; emphysema stems from cigarette smoking hardening the alveoli, the little sacks in the lungs where oxygen meets blood.

If painful death as a middle-age adult doesn't move you, consider life-quality issues. Smokers get sick more often because smoke paralyzes tiny hair-like structures in the lungs called cilia, which otherwise sweep dirt and bacteria out of your lungs. Smokers have less endurance, particularly sexual endurance, because carbon monoxide replaces oxygen in the blood.

Yet the core argument of ardent smokers remains firm: Smoking doesn't kill everyone. About 50 percent of smokers do reach old age, albeit with diminished taste buds, diminished endurance, diminished eyesight, yellow teeth and bad breath.

As with Obamacare, rightwing/Republicans will say passing regulations/laws that "force" people to live longer, healthier, more productive lives is... is a bad thing? And-----and they'll say they should have the right to become a burden on society, their families, loved oines and-----and to commit suicide by cigarette.
Health care for smokers is higher than for those who don't smoke. Especially when people get older. So, all that smoking in the South and the Bible Belt (conservative regions of the country) will cost the rest of us a great deal in taxes and insurance rates to make up the difference.

Healthcare for those HIV positive is higher.

Are you still paying US income or SSI taxes? Is your healthcare from America?
I'm an American citizen and I have a right to comment on anything and everything to do with American life.

Never said you didn't, did I? Are you paying taxes or is your healthcare from America?

What business is that of yours?
She claims she is paying for the healthcare, if she lives overseas, I doubt seriously if she is paying any of the healthcare costs in America.

And for the record, she can voice her opinion on anything she wants and I can call her out on her bullshit, isn't that fair?
Health care for smokers is higher than for those who don't smoke. Especially when people get older. So, all that smoking in the South and the Bible Belt (conservative regions of the country) will cost the rest of us a great deal in taxes and insurance rates to make up the difference.

Healthcare for those HIV positive is higher.

Are you still paying US income or SSI taxes? Is your healthcare from America?
I'm an American citizen and I have a right to comment on anything and everything to do with American life.

Never said you didn't, did I? Are you paying taxes or is your healthcare from America?
I'm an American citizen and I have a right to comment on anything and everything to do with American life. There are literally millions of Americans living and working outside the States; in no way does that mean they cannot comment on and have opinions on, and vote on anything and everything having to do with America.

I was born, raised, lived in and worked in the US for over 50 years. How long have you lived there? You have no business and no right to question anyone's American citizenship and rights or to pry into their personal business.

Again, I never said that you didn't have a right to comment, I never questioned you or anyone else's citizenship, you are setting up a smokescreen and a poor one at that.

If you have any evidence that I called out your right to an opinion or citizenship post it or I caught you in a lie.

I never questioned you citizenship, did I?, I know why you won't answer my question and pretending to be all hurt over it and lashing out emotionally at me, you don't pay taxes or healthcare here and even though you have an entitled opinion, the fact that you tried to include yourself as those paying for the smokers in the Southeast is a lie.

My son lives in Europe and works all over the world. Even if you don't have citizenship or live here, you are free to comment and I have no issue. I will continue to call you out on bullshit and lies. Which I caught twice in this thread.
I am not bsing about anything. And you have no right whatsoever to question someone on their personal business or status, or to make assumptions thereof. You've no idea what my personal situation is, and you are making assumptions about it. Shame on you. And you are a sexist. I didn't get emotional, but it's the kind of accusation sexist men level at women to try to win an argument. Basically, you seem to be not much more than a worthless asshole.
Healthcare for those HIV positive is higher.

Are you still paying US income or SSI taxes? Is your healthcare from America?
I'm an American citizen and I have a right to comment on anything and everything to do with American life.

Never said you didn't, did I? Are you paying taxes or is your healthcare from America?
I'm an American citizen and I have a right to comment on anything and everything to do with American life. There are literally millions of Americans living and working outside the States; in no way does that mean they cannot comment on and have opinions on, and vote on anything and everything having to do with America.

I was born, raised, lived in and worked in the US for over 50 years. How long have you lived there? You have no business and no right to question anyone's American citizenship and rights or to pry into their personal business.

Again, I never said that you didn't have a right to comment, I never questioned you or anyone else's citizenship, you are setting up a smokescreen and a poor one at that.

If you have any evidence that I called out your right to an opinion or citizenship post it or I caught you in a lie.

I never questioned you citizenship, did I?, I know why you won't answer my question and pretending to be all hurt over it and lashing out emotionally at me, you don't pay taxes or healthcare here and even though you have an entitled opinion, the fact that you tried to include yourself as those paying for the smokers in the Southeast is a lie.

My son lives in Europe and works all over the world. Even if you don't have citizenship or live here, you are free to comment and I have no issue. I will continue to call you out on bullshit and lies. Which I caught twice in this thread.
I am not bsing about anything. And you have no right whatsoever to question someone on their personal business or status, or to make assumptions thereof. You've no idea what my personal situation is, and you are making assumptions about it. Shame on you. And you are a sexist. I didn't get emotional, but it's the kind of accusation sexist men level at women to try to win an argument. Basically, you seem to be not much more than a worthless asshole.

I have every right to question, just as you have a right to question the personal business of someone who smokes.

I don't care what your situation is, you lied, you are not paying any smokers healthcare in the southeast. Sexist why? I go after anyone man or women who get butt hurt after they have been caught lying. Besides, I have no clue as to your sex, nor do I care what sex you are, I only know that I caught you lying.

And there you go making assumptions that I'm an asshole when you have no idea what my personal situation . Shame on you!

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