Smoking rate for U.S. adults drops to record low...

"Smoking rate for U.S. adults drops to record low..."

Good! More ciggies for me !! Just had a thorough testing for any cancers top to bottom... None...nada ...

Yet. You are rolling the dice. I hope you stay luck. I wish you would quit for you and your loved ones' sake.
There's nothing superior about delivering nicotine. It's an addiction and shouldn't be glamorized nor should children be made to think it's better than smoking. The only thing better is not indulging at all. Vaping should face all the same restrictions as smoking.
It doesn't Impact others in any remote way similar to combustive smoking. Typical progressive, banning something because YOU don't like it, and thus the rest of us should not be able to use it.
I used to think that way until I realized nicotine was being exhaled. People feel they can do it anywhere without ill effects, unlike smoking, leading to a greater likelihood of children thinking it's cool or worse, getting hooked on second-hand nicotine.

At what concentration? Are you really proposing that someone can get a second hand buzz from vapor exhaling?

As for the kids thing, "think of the children" is no reason to ban something for adults.

Happened to me with pot. Installing an engine in my truck with a pot smoker, got pretty high.
I think consciousness has been raised to the point where people are no longer smoking in the car with children, with the windows up. In California, you can't smoke in a restaurant or public building. Some bars still get away with it. A month ago I was watching the World Series at a bar with ashtrays and cigs for sale by the register. People came in and exclaimed, "Wow, I can actually smoke in here". Totally illegal, of course, and I'm sure many of you progressives would have gone to the city council to whine about it.

A progressive is a Prohibitionist. A liberal, in the classical sense, lives and lets live.

Agree with Paint my House; if you die young at 64, you never even collect SS and Medicare. Much cheaper for the rest of us.

Now, if we could get people to responsibly dispose of the butts, that would be ideal.

At a party or a bar, I'll offer a dollar for a cig. I don't buy whole packs, unless I'm camping or hiking for multiple days. I buy a couple cans of Copenhagen per year for specific events or gatherings of friends, like our annual fantasy football draft.

Some people enjoy tobacco. Longevity is not the highest ideal for some people. Enjoying life while it lasts is more important to some.
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Marty, please, pay attention. We are talking about second hand smoke.

Iceweasel, yes, the fatties are a real health problem, and there should be outrage.
My Papa smoked, cigarettes, cigars, chewed tobacco and dipped snuff...He died at the young age of 94....

How was his quality of life?

Both of my grandfathers died from smoking. One had lung cancer, the other had emphysema. They were both 77, but had been ill for 20 years.

Back when I was smoking, I'd end up with a bad case of bronchitis at least once a year. It simply would not go away without strong antibiotics. I haven't had a case of bronchitis in the last 2-3 years.
Show us all contradictory studies since then. Cherry picking lacks academic integrity.

Fuck you fakey how about you provide a study done with the same scientific integrity that refutes it. No hurry I'll wait.

Typical far right boob remark by you. One, your long outdated report is of no worth. Two, we know the recent studies contract your silly point. Third, no one cares about silly libertarian principles. Health of all outweigh property rights of those who live in communal property.

Try reading this one fakey, I'm sure it won't change a damned thing, but it will prove that you prefer to ignore the facts and hold to your propagandist views.

The Second-Hand Smoke Charade Cato Institute
Smoking rate for U.S. adults drops to record low...

Cigarette smoking among U.S. adults last year touched its lowest on record, a drop spurred by higher prices, smoke-free policies and anti-smoking campaigns, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Wednesday.

About 17.8 percent of American adults smoked cigarettes in 2013, down from 20.9 percent in 2005 and 42.4 percent in 1965, when the U.S. government began keeping records on smoking, the federal health agency said.


The U.S. Midwest has the highest adult cigarette smoking rate, and the West has the lowest, according to the study.

Lesbians, gays and bisexual adults smoke about 50 percent more cigarettes than heterosexual people, the CDC said.


States With Smoking Bans Tend to Have Lower Smoking Rates



The life expectancy for a smoker in the United States is about 64, which is 14 years shorter than the national average (which includes smokers), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Going by these numbers it becomes clear that few pastimes, habits or addictions are deadlier than smoking. Only Russian roulette and scorpion juggling come to mind.

Much more than cancer

Part of the problem of the misconception of real risks is the emphasis on smoking and lung cancer. The greater danger is from vascular diseases leading to heart attacks and stroke, which kill more smokers than all cancers combined. Toxins in the tobacco smoke cause inflammation and hardening in the arteries.
Nearly as common as lung cancer among smokers is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which entails the narrowing of airways in the lung, largely in the form of chronic bronchitis or emphysema. Bronchitis is a result of smoking-induced inflammation; emphysema stems from cigarette smoking hardening the alveoli, the little sacks in the lungs where oxygen meets blood.

If painful death as a middle-age adult doesn't move you, consider life-quality issues. Smokers get sick more often because smoke paralyzes tiny hair-like structures in the lungs called cilia, which otherwise sweep dirt and bacteria out of your lungs. Smokers have less endurance, particularly sexual endurance, because carbon monoxide replaces oxygen in the blood.

Yet the core argument of ardent smokers remains firm: Smoking doesn't kill everyone. About 50 percent of smokers do reach old age, albeit with diminished taste buds, diminished endurance, diminished eyesight, yellow teeth and bad breath.

As with Obamacare, rightwing/Republicans will say passing regulations/laws that "force" people to live longer, healthier, more productive lives is... is a bad thing? And-----and they'll say they should have the right to become a burden on society, their families, loved oines and-----and to commit suicide by cigarette.
Health care for smokers is higher than for those who don't smoke. Especially when people get older. So, all that smoking in the South and the Bible Belt (conservative regions of the country) will cost the rest of us a great deal in taxes and insurance rates to make up the difference.

Healthcare for those HIV positive is higher.

Are you still paying US income or SSI taxes? Is your healthcare from America?
I'm throwing this out there because I have no answer, just going by what I have learned.

You cannot fail a drug test breathing in second hand marijuana smoke.

Knowing this, I question second hand cigarette smoke.

I have never smoked either and have stayed away from those that do either, so I am not real sure what the difference would be.
Fast food probably kills more Americans than smoking now. Fat people drive up health care costs enormously. Where's the outrage?
I'm outraged that you have the nerve to bring it up. Whenever Michelle Obama brings it up, it's the right that becomes outraged that she did. I'm afraid you're talking out of both sides of your mouth.
Show us all contradictory studies since then. Cherry picking lacks academic integrity.

Fuck you fakey how about you provide a study done with the same scientific integrity that refutes it. No hurry I'll wait.

Typical far right boob remark by you. One, your long outdated report is of no worth. Two, we know the recent studies contract your silly point. Third, no one cares about silly libertarian principles. Health of all outweigh property rights of those who live in communal property.

Try reading this one fakey, I'm sure it won't change a damned thing, but it will prove that you prefer to ignore the facts and hold to your propagandist views.

The Second-Hand Smoke Charade Cato Institute

I prefer science, you prefer hokum. We all get that.
Fast food probably kills more Americans than smoking now. Fat people drive up health care costs enormously. Where's the outrage?
I'm outraged that you have the nerve to bring it up. Whenever Michelle Obama brings it up, it's the right that becomes outraged that she did. I'm afraid you're talking out of both sides of your mouth.
I don't care what Michelle says or does, if she wants to be fat and disparage those that are fat, keep on, keeping on. She has the same rights I do.
A person can get a false positive for second hand marijuana smoke. I learned that as a member of a court-martial board.
Fast food probably kills more Americans than smoking now. Fat people drive up health care costs enormously. Where's the outrage?

And it's worse in the red states. I tell you those red states are worthless. :D
That's why the whole country would be better off if it just split. End the hate just get an amicable divorce. Liberals can have all the rioters.

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