Snake-Eyes: A Terrorism Tricycle


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Sep 22, 2013
After 9/11, it seems the world has reoriented its thinking regarding the pro-populism 'folk storytelling' about governance creativity, terrorism angst, and democracy biases, which perhaps reveals the shelf-life value of terrorism-paranoia American TV programs such as G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (Hasbro), which ironically became popular in the 1980s (when consumerism/capitalism was really exploding and the global free market was starting to emerge during the dawn of the fall of the Soviet Union).

So here's a short-story I cooked up (below) about an effective G.I. Joe 'assassin' named Snake-Eyes whose special mission illuminates some ethics-stances about those engaged with 'terrorism evolution.'

This is the sort of "people's religion" I think President Donald Trump surprisingly was born to embrace, a fact which will separate him from Louis XVI-type 'populace-disattachment' criticisms: "Let them eat their cake!" Trump was, after all, the owner of Trump Taj Mahal.

Anyways, I can't wait for a pro-Trump politics-themed video game...


They called Snake-Eyes (the combat-skilled masked assassin of the patriotic American paramilitary crusaders known as 'G.I. Joes') "L'Homme Diablo" (as in, 'Man of the Devil'), since he was given pure assignments to infiltrate and kill. Snake-Eyes' biggest challenge was to infiltrate the fortress of the terrible super-terrorist organization Cobra and assassinate its relentless wily leader Cobra Commander (a masked killer himself). Snake-Eyes and his half-brother 'Storm Shadow' (an evil ninja-assassin working for Cobra now) trained together as youngsters under the same ninja-guru but parted ways when one (Storm Shadow) turned to the ways of terrorism and untempered violence. Storm and Shadow and Cobra Commander intended to release under-water nuclear torpedoes from their fortress to destabilize the coastlines of various free-market contracted nations (e.g., Japan).

Snake-Eyes had a girlfriend in college, Scarlett, but they broke up when Scarlett met and later married Duke. Duke, the official captain/leader of the G.I. Joes made Scarlett his first advisor (for her shrewdness regarding democracy). Snake-Eyes was now alone and had to travel to Fiji to find the Cobra fortress which was located under-water. In Fiji, Snake-Eyes was distracted by a beautiful woman named Yana who turned out to be an under-water humanoid shape-shifting mermaid who tried to find help when her 'people' discovered the location of the Cobra fortress. Snake-Eyes assured Yana he would do what he could and made her promise him that she would wait for him so they could marry (and she agreed).

From Fiji, Snake-Eyes radioed his commander Duke with the information regarding the location of the Cobra fortress. He made Duke promise him that if anything happened to him, the G.I. Joes would take care of Yana and her under-water mermaid people, and Duke promised him. Duke ordered Snake-Eyes to dive under-water and find a way to enter the fortress and slip into Cobra Commander's den and assassinate him. Snake-Eyes accepted the order and proceeded to the coast of Fiji (near the Cobra fortress). As Snake-Eyes dove under-water, he saw many interesting sea-creatures in the beautiful aquatic environment. He thought about Yana and daydreamed about the day they would marry and resolved not to let Cobra ghouls kill him and rob him of his wishful vision of a future of love and peace.

The Cobra fortress came into view. It was a large dark-blue metal cylinder-shaped protrusion coming out of one of the banks near a small cliff on the ocean-floor. There were some strange purple lights (meant to provide lines of vision for Cobra under-sea vessels and submarines. Snake-Eyes did not see any vessels circling around, so he proceeded right towards one of the windows of the fortress. Through the window, Snake-Eyes spotted the lever that would open one of the main entrance-doors to the fortress. The door lifted straight up into a chamber and then closed in front of another door which opened after all the water drained. Snake-Eyes deduced that both doors were alarm-equipped and therefore required fingerprint identification or an authorization code to open.

Snake-Eyes decided to wait for a vessel to come out of the under-water Cobra fortress so he could hijack it and use it to obtain the authorization necessary to have the entrance-door opened. When such a vessel came out of the fortress, Snake-Eyes jumped onto it and pried open the lid-hatch to enter, shoot its guardsmen, and hold its driver hostage; he then forced the driver to help him enter the Cobra fortress with the authorization code. Once inside, Snake-Eyes slithered his way to Cobra Commander's den, only to find that the evil mastermind was in deep-sleep. Snake-Eyes decided to take him as prisoner back to G.I. Joe headquarters instead of killing him. When Cobra Commander was brought before Duke, the evil terrorist mastermind told the Joe leader, "You needed Snake-Eyes to grab me (a clear case of kidnapping), so don't interrogate me about terrorism! I wish to be remembered as a political martyr." Snake-Eyes married Yana, and the G.I. Joes honored him with a tricycle gift for his new daughter (Diana).



Charlie Chaplin


Snake-Eyes travelled to a movie studio to meet the silent film star Charlie Chaplin. He was to interview Chaplin regarding film-makers' attitudes towards patriotism themes. Chaplin told Snake-Eyes that his upcoming Nazi-spoof film The Great Dictator was a critique on fascism-oriented pro-nationalism social sentiments in 'developed civilizations.' Snake-Eyes explained to Chaplin that his team of covert pro-democracy crusaders known as 'G.I. Joes' were interested in providing him film storyline/character ideas, but when Chaplin asked if he was being cajoled/compelled to present pro-patriotism themes, Snake-Eyes assured him he wouldn't have to do anything he wasn't interested in personally/artistically!

Chaplin ended up making 11 films in a row about pro-patriotism values, such as Uncle Sam, The Electoral Trumpet, RFK, and Atlantic City. The G.I. Joes were thrilled, and Snake-Eyes was recognized for his shrewd recruitment of Chaplin. The Joes told Snake-Eyes to become Chaplin's personal cultural advisor, and Snake-Eyes did so. The Chaplin Bond, as it came to be known and popular in America, England, and Denmark, was the first true non-propaganda oriented politics-marketing campaign. However, an emerging super-terrorist organization called Cobra Crimson was planning a bombing of movie studios (to defy cinema's control over the minds of the masses).

Cobra Crimson was intent on using underground tunnels to access entrance inside movie studios to plant the bombs; their back-up plan was to drop bombs from above flying in a small plane. Cobra Crimson members included Clark Gable, Shirley Temple, Joe Louis, and a dozen ex-US government officers. Cobra Crimson wanted to create enough social panic to destabilize Americans' faith in the guardianship of the G.I. Joes. The campaign was sure to succeed, but Crimson was foiled when the valiant Snake-Eyes discovered their plane flying by with bombs attached and shot it down. Duke then gave a humbling public address to the public regarding the failure of the 'Crimson Plane' plan: "A plane fell down as did the evil in it!"



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