Snakes and bees 'flush out' Boko Haram fighters


Diamond Member
May 15, 2014
The frozen Northeast
The Nigerian Army is struggling to flush Boko Haram Islamist fighters out of their forest fastness, but it seems snakes may be doing the job for them.

Two suspected Boko Haram gunmen captured by local volunteers in Maiduguri, northeastern Nigeria, said they had fled the Sambisa Forest because of "incessant snake bites", the Vanguard newspaper reports.

One of the suspects, Kolo Mustapha, said bees have also been known to join in the attacks, often leaving their victims fatally injured. Some of his fellow-fighters think there is a supernatural aspect to the attacks, fearing that Boko Haram's victims are wreaking vengeance on their killers. Mustapha said he was caught because, like many others, he was trying to sneak back into town "as we have nowhere else to go". "Our leaders have fled to Cameroon," he added, saying they had forced local youths to join the group.

The other captive, Umar Abor, said "almost all our comrades are leaving the Sambisa because of constant attacks by snakes and bees". Many accuse Boko Haram leaders of having brought the plague upon themselves by kidnapping and killing civilians. The Civilian JTF volunteers agree that fighters have been fleeing the forest in growing numbers over the past two weeks, and were helping the security forces find weapons caches.

BBC News - Snakes and bees 'flush out' Boko Haram fighters
One hopes this spells the end for this daft group of silly bastards.
I pray so.
Killer bees in Calif....

Researchers confirm presence of killer bees in Bay Area
Sept. 30, 2015 - Killer bees -- whether pure or hybrids -- are distinguished by their aggressive tendencies.
Researchers at the University of California, San Diego, have for the first time confirmed the presence of killer bees in the Bay Area. The bees were found and collected in Reliez Valley, a suburb of Lafayette, California. Previously, Africanized bees had only been found as far north as the Central Valley's Mariposa County. Scientists say the discovery isn't reason to panic. "They should be no more concerned than they are for rattlesnakes or mountain lions or things that can harm you if they attack but rarely do," Joshua Kohn, a biology professor at UC San Diego, told the San Jose Mercury News.


Africanized bees, or killer bees, have been found in the Bay Area

The bees' presence this far north is a sign of a changing climate, researchers say. Drier, hotter weather has allowed the bees' range to expand. Africanized bees, or killer bees, were first introduced to Brazil from southern Africa in 1956. In the decades since they've slowly made their way north -- to Mexico in the mid 1980s and Texas in the early 1990s. They were first found in Southern California in 1994.

Most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a European bumble bee and an Africanized bee, and even scientists have to use to DNA analysis to confirm their presence. Most bee colonies are a mix of different wild bee species. Killer bees -- whether pure or hybrids -- are distinguished by their aggressive tendencies and more persistent pursuit of an agitator. Earlier this year, a farmer in Texas was killed after being stung more than 3,000 times.

Researchers confirm presence of killer bees in Bay Area
Boko Haram Fighters Laying Down Arms...

Dozens of Boko Haram Fighters Surrender in Southern Niger
Thursday 29th December, 2016 - Dozens of Boko Haram fighters have given themselves up to authorities in southern Niger, the interior minister said, days after the Islamist group suffered key losses over the border in Nigeria.
'Thirty-one young people from Diffa, who were enrolled a few years ago in Boko Haram, decided to surrender,' minister Mohamed Bazoum wrote on Twitter on Tuesday, above pictures of him touring the area near Nigeria's northeast border.

The fighters arrived in the remote desert town of Diffa in groups and were being held by local authorities. 'I learned that the first who surrendered were not arrested, and I surrendered,' a former Boko Haram combatant told national television. 'We expect a pardon from the government so that we can participate in the development of the country and help us get rid of the trauma. In June, tens of thousands of people fled Diffa as Boko Haram swept the region. Five Niger soldiers were killed by the militants near Diffa in September.


Granny says dat must be the devil inna blue dress.​

It was not clear what will become of the ex-Boko Haram fighters, but authorities said there was the possibility of reintegrating them back into society. A security source said a meeting was planned for Wednesday in Diffa to discuss 'the conditions of surrender', without providing further details. Boko Haram has killed 15,000 people and displaced more than 2 million during a seven-year insurgency aimed at creating an Islamic state in Nigeria. In recent years its attacks have spilled into neighboring Niger, Cameroon and Chad.

Hundreds of Boko Haram fighters surrendered in Chad in October and November as the group ceded territory. The group controlled an area about the size of Belgium in early 2015 but has since been pushed back by international forces including troops from Niger. Nigeria's army captured its last enclave in the vast Sambisa forest on Friday, President Muhammadu Buhari said on Saturday.

Dozens of Boko Haram Fighters Surrender in Southern Niger
Boko Haram Fighters Laying Down Arms...

Dozens of Boko Haram Fighters Surrender in Southern Niger
Thursday 29th December, 2016 - Dozens of Boko Haram fighters have given themselves up to authorities in southern Niger, the interior minister said, days after the Islamist group suffered key losses over the border in Nigeria.
'Thirty-one young people from Diffa, who were enrolled a few years ago in Boko Haram, decided to surrender,' minister Mohamed Bazoum wrote on Twitter on Tuesday, above pictures of him touring the area near Nigeria's northeast border.

The fighters arrived in the remote desert town of Diffa in groups and were being held by local authorities. 'I learned that the first who surrendered were not arrested, and I surrendered,' a former Boko Haram combatant told national television. 'We expect a pardon from the government so that we can participate in the development of the country and help us get rid of the trauma. In June, tens of thousands of people fled Diffa as Boko Haram swept the region. Five Niger soldiers were killed by the militants near Diffa in September.


Granny says dat must be the devil inna blue dress.​

It was not clear what will become of the ex-Boko Haram fighters, but authorities said there was the possibility of reintegrating them back into society. A security source said a meeting was planned for Wednesday in Diffa to discuss 'the conditions of surrender', without providing further details. Boko Haram has killed 15,000 people and displaced more than 2 million during a seven-year insurgency aimed at creating an Islamic state in Nigeria. In recent years its attacks have spilled into neighboring Niger, Cameroon and Chad.

Hundreds of Boko Haram fighters surrendered in Chad in October and November as the group ceded territory. The group controlled an area about the size of Belgium in early 2015 but has since been pushed back by international forces including troops from Niger. Nigeria's army captured its last enclave in the vast Sambisa forest on Friday, President Muhammadu Buhari said on Saturday.

Dozens of Boko Haram Fighters Surrender in Southern Niger
They should tell the public that they are integrating them back into society, but secretly execute everyone that surrenders. They are beyond redemption.
They deserve nothing less than extermination. These animals have no place on a civilized planet.
So, they would still have a place on the uncivilized planet where summary execution were condoned.

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