snakes crawl at night

Talk about snakes


No bigger snake than Roy Cohn
What makes this Political?

Looks like it all happened long before Trump was nominated, much less elected.
The awesome Pres. Trump is exactly the man we need to be our ruler at this point in history. ... :thup:

A consummate businessman, he is a master negotiator, and makes the best deals for our country.

How can anyone find fault with him?? .... :dunno:
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What makes this Political?

Looks like it all happened long before Trump was nominated, much less elected.
the president who was afraid to show his taxes and we find out why is NOT political Will ?What is it? Comedy?

take a look

it's General Discussion

NOT Political
I strongly disagree The only president not to show his taxes and now we find out why is not political ? People in the next election won't care?? OK you win and I lose but still think I'm right

Yes breeze It sure is funny when you find out that not only is your president a pervert but a tax cheat too as well as bullshiting about where his wealth came from

but a tax cheat too

The IRS had these returns for decades.
They didn't see any cheating, but a couple of whiney twats from the New York Times
used their tax expertise to figure it out?

That's funny!
Will NOW NYState is investigating trump for tax fraud I can't see how any allegations against trump can't be considered political That's my story and I'm sticking by it
Will NOW NYState is investigating trump for tax fraud I can't see how any allegations against trump can't be considered political That's my story and I'm sticking by it

Criminal, yes


Will NOW NYState is investigating trump for tax fraud I can't see how any allegations against trump can't be considered political That's my story and I'm sticking by it
ok you win tax fraud allegations against a sitting president isn't political and either is half the crap posted here bashing obama and hillary
Will NOW NYState is investigating trump for tax fraud I can't see how any allegations against trump can't be considered political That's my story and I'm sticking by it
winger I know of will for 15 16 years and we've never agreed on anything ,, and now this

Yes breeze It sure is funny when you find out that not only is your president a pervert but a tax cheat too as well as bullshiting about where his wealth came from
Hey, dipshit, where in your many linked articles does it say Trump is a tax cheat? Using the tax laws as written for returns eventually accepted by the IRS isn’t cheating except among low information idiots like you and others in here.

Yes breeze It sure is funny when you find out that not only is your president a pervert but a tax cheat too as well as bullshiting about where his wealth came from
Hey, dipshit, where in your many linked articles does it say Trump is a tax cheat? Using the tax laws as written for returns eventually accepted by the IRS isn’t cheating except among low information idiots like you and others in here.
Creating a sham corporation in order to bypass taxes is not acceptable just because the IRS was not aware of the deception

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