Sneaky Late on Friday: House Passes "Assault Weapons" Ban

The Democrats do not want this enacted into law.
They know it will be challenged before Biden's signature is dry, and they know it will be struck.
In striking a federal ban on 'assault weapons' and 'high capacity magazines', the court will also strike state bans on same.
Democrats do not want that.
That's the problem with unregulated gun laws, the likes of Bootney Lee Farnsworth, 2aguy, and M14 Shooter wouldn't be allowed a gun in a regulated gun country because of their extreme views, yet they feel they're the good guys.
"I wouldn't be allowed a gun… because of their extreme views…"

Exhibit A.

The defense rests…

This is a capital offense. I want every person who vote for this executed by firing squad.
Same ol', same ol' situation. House passes, Senate shoots down. This one has a constitutional safety valve, as Biden already stated that if it landed on his desk, that he would veto it. Weird huh?
Serious question,.. how many shootings are actually performed by these so called assault riffles versus how many are committed by handguns?
"I wouldn't be allowed a gun… because of their extreme views…"

Exhibit A.

The defense rests…
You advocating the deaths of those voting on a semi-automatic ban is a cause for concern. That's a full blown mental illness, you shouldn't be allowed a gun. Yet you feel you're the norm in America, hence America's gun problem.
That's the problem with unregulated gun laws, the likes of Bootney Lee Farnsworth, 2aguy, and M14 Shooter wouldn't be allowed a gun in a regulated gun country because of their extreme views, yet they feel they're the good guys.
What the hell is an "unregulated gun law"?
You advocating the deaths of those voting on a semi-automatic ban is a cause for concern
Advocating for justice for those who commit treason is just cause for concern? mmmmkay

This is why we have a first amendment and your UK peasant ass does not. That's because we are better than you.

That's a full blown mental illness, you shouldn't be allowed a gun.
Good thing I have a right to a gun and you can't say otherwise.

Oh yeah, you're a cock sucking Brit. Don't understand the concept of rights. Now go bow to your queen.

Yet you feel you're the norm in America, hence America's gun problem.
Well, am I the norm in America or not? I guess you don't see the contradiction in your statement.

But you can take your Brit ass the fuck out of here because we're talking about right you don't have and it's none of your goddamn limey business.
Advocating for justice for those who commit treason is just cause for concern? mmmmkay

This is why we have a first amendment and your UK peasant ass does not. That's because we are better than you.

Good thing I have a right to a gun and you can't say otherwise.

Oh yeah, you're a cock sucking Brit. Don't understand the concept of rights. Now go bow to your queen.

Well, am I the norm in America or not? I guess you don't see the contradiction in your statement.

But you can take your Brit ass the fuck out of here because we're talking about right you don't have and it's none of your goddamn limey business.
Triggered, like a Democrat.

And as usual, your post was just full of retarded comments to match your brain cell count of two.

The way America is going, the 2nd will get scrapped in the future. I hope gun nuts like you are still around to cry and scream at the sky. The real gun problem in America are nut jobs like you having a gun but you're not mentally stable to be deemed suitable. There lies America's problem
The way America is going, the 2nd will get scrapped in the future.
Wish in one hand and shit in the other. See which one fills up first.

I hope gun nuts like you are still around to cry and scream at the sky.
Will not happen without a full-blown shooting war. Sorry to disappoint. The globalists will not disarm Americans (the only thing keeping you in check).
The real gun problem in America are nut jobs like you having a gun but you're not mentally stable to be deemed suitable.
Thank you, Sigmund Fraud. Good thing you don't get to decide....ANYTHING.
There lies America's problem
Yet, for all our problems, we're still better than your bitch ass.
Wish in one hand and shit in the other. See which one fills up first.

Will not happen without a full-blown shooting war. Sorry to disappoint. The globalists will not disarm Americans (the only thing keeping you in check).

Thank you, Sigmund Fraud. Good thing you don't get to decide....ANYTHING.

Yet, for all our problems, we're still better than your bitch ass.
Guys like you make guns unhealthy.
I make inanimate objects unhealthy?

You've been watching too much Harry Potter.
Never watched Harry Potter, it's crap. Your state of mind is unhealthy with guns which poses a danger to the public. Your orientation towards guns with your fellow gun nuts creates the broken gun problem in the US, hence why America is so violent and high on the gun stats.

You obviously can't see it because you feel your the good guy. If you lived in a gun safe culture, then you would understand. The 2nd also gives the unsuitable the right to bear arms. That's the group you and your ilk are in.
Your state of mind is unhealthy with guns which poses a danger to the public.
Cool. Your lay opinion is worth less than a pile of shit.
Your orientation towards guns with your fellow gun nuts creates the broken gun problem in the US, hence why America is so violent and high on the gun stats.
I have a different opinion on the cause, but that is decidedly none of your fucking limey business, don't you agree? I am not telling you brits how to live your peasant lives. Mind you own business.
You obviously can't see it because you feel your the good guy
Well, I have never committed a violent crime. Never been arrested. A speeding ticket is the worst I have ever had. So, yeah. Fuck off. I am a good guy.
If you lived in a gun safe culture, then you would understand. The 2nd also gives the unsuitable the right to bear arms. That's the group you and your ilk are in.
And it is an American thing. None of your damn business. You can remain a peasant in your helpless state of limey existence. Don't come here and fuck up our independent lifestyle, peasant.

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