SNL: A Message from Donald and Melania Trump

not familiar with the wife but that was a GREAT imitation of the donald...
You need to get out more.. try some reality on for a change. What is it with you left-wingers? You're all immersed in fantasy worlds.
You need to get out more.. try some reality on for a change. What is it with you left-wingers? You're all immersed in fantasy worlds.

Is that what you call watching TV? You're overthinking it bro

I rarely watch TV save movies off Netflix and some DVR'd stuff like old Twilight Zone episodes... it's one long parade of utter stupidity.

So you're a left winger too? :beer:

Hardly... just another reasonably intelligent person who at the mere sight of the Kardashians starts to drool... and not in a good way.


I think someone needs some ice...for that BUUUURN!!

Think one of the bigger obstacles to Trump becomming President is gonna be his wife. Not exactly First Lady material.

Your man Bill was a wife cheater, admitted liar, boffed his own interns in the White House soiling their dresses and you people are concerned with Trump's wife? When will you liberals stop with the epic hypocrisy?

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