Snow on the bush...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
It's no secret that the Sierra Nevada Mountains, which includes RENO, where I live, got the most snow it's seen this year for over one hundred years. When the first wave hit us, as I watched in awe that so much snow could keep falling, and keep falling, and keep falling... well, you get the idea, as I was turning in for the night, I decided to take one last look outside from my bedroom window. This is what I saw. It baffles me. Those are tiny little bare branches, but yet the snow on them. LOTS of snow on them. I hope it lends an idea to as just how much snow fell here in Reno this year. LOTS... LOTS... and LOTS MORE!!!

The yard light on my building is a High Pressure Sodium, that's why the yellow glow...

Snow is so beautiful! When you are inside looking out!
Sir Evil said:
Amazing actually how much snow is being held up by those tiny branches.
Oh and snow sucks, I hate the north! :D

That's the thing Evil!!! Snow has to fall for a LOOOOOONG TIME before that much can acumulate on a tiny little twig.

FUCK SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's still pretty. It sucks to drive in or have to remove!

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