
We get that around all of the military posts, too. It never stopped to amaze me how many vehicles I'd see on the road after first snow at Ft. Riley, and most of them were vehicles from states not experienced with snow and ice.

I've never been to DC. If I do go, I hope it will be to be sworn in... rather than at. If I go that road.

Yes... be afraid those who know me and are not to thrilled with the concept... muhuahhahahaaaaa!

But I know what happens when the media sees snow in their back yard. It's the end of the world! 4 inches in NYC OMG!!! freakoutchinesefiredrilltime! DC gets it and they start talking about the return of jebus or whatever they worship this week.

You know where most of the army tank drivers come from? The Upper Midwest. They're used to scraping a #10 envelope sized gap in the frost and driving like madmen. Not to mention, it used to be where people knew how to drive in all sorts of disastrous weather.

I learned to drive in Colorado. One of our neighbors was a retired full disability vet and defensive driving instructor for the state police. We attended the same school in 1974 through 76 and I would drive him to school. He taught me how to drive like a "madman" on snow and ice, in a two wheel drive Ford truck none the less. :lol:
The biggest challenge with NYC and the Washington DC area is the number of international transients, many of which have never even seen snow and ice but still try to drive in it.
yes, those high mountain state drivers are even madder than the Upper Midwesterners in snow. I do agree. I tell you this much, I prefer to drive my 39' long yellow box o school aged doom in the snow than my own car. Nothing like 13000lbs of downward pressure to keep the tires firmly on the road. We just don't stop quick.
I contemplated being a school bus driver, since I had the right license to do so, but I decided not to do so for that very reason. I didn't like the idea of being responsible for all those little lives in the bad ice and snow we get in Missouri.

boss i won't be in today
That reminds me of a street back home, where I used to live. If it was wet, let alone if there was snow on the road, you did NOT go down that street. It wouldn't matter how good of a car you had, you would be crashing into something at the foot of the hill. I learned to just back up and go the other way instead of starting down that hill.
I learned to drive in Colorado. One of our neighbors was a retired full disability vet and defensive driving instructor for the state police. We attended the same school in 1974 through 76 and I would drive him to school. He taught me how to drive like a "madman" on snow and ice, in a two wheel drive Ford truck none the less. :lol:
The biggest challenge with NYC and the Washington DC area is the number of international transients, many of which have never even seen snow and ice but still try to drive in it.
yes, those high mountain state drivers are even madder than the Upper Midwesterners in snow. I do agree. I tell you this much, I prefer to drive my 39' long yellow box o school aged doom in the snow than my own car. Nothing like 13000lbs of downward pressure to keep the tires firmly on the road. We just don't stop quick.
I contemplated being a school bus driver, since I had the right license to do so, but I decided not to do so for that very reason. I didn't like the idea of being responsible for all those little lives in the bad ice and snow we get in Missouri.
Well, I'll take that any day over facing down a wedding party that showed up early demands their rooms when you're short staffed in housekeeping and sold out the night before and they're PISSED already for some other reason, and you're the only one working the desk.

Yeah... NOT so much. Gimme 60 screaming kids (as long as they stay seated) in rush hour traffic in down town Minneapolis in a heavy snow ANY time over that.

boss i won't be in today

people on the westside of washington really don't know how to drive in the snow. I bet you they locked up their brakes every time. YOu never slam on the brakes.

boss i won't be in today
That reminds me of a street back home, where I used to live. If it was wet, let alone if there was snow on the road, you did NOT go down that street. It wouldn't matter how good of a car you had, you would be crashing into something at the foot of the hill. I learned to just back up and go the other way instead of starting down that hill.
That first dumbass was hitting the gas.
We got more than an inch overnight, predictions for next two days looking positive for snow day! :eusa_whistle:
It's just cold.

'Course when they said the "S" word, these idiots around here hit the grocery stores and cleaned them out. They'll buy enough for 3 weeks; you see 'em coming out with 2 and 3 cart loads full of stuff. Even with our worst blizzards, no one has been blocked in for more than a few days.


boss i won't be in today
That reminds me of a street back home, where I used to live. If it was wet, let alone if there was snow on the road, you did NOT go down that street. It wouldn't matter how good of a car you had, you would be crashing into something at the foot of the hill. I learned to just back up and go the other way instead of starting down that hill.
That first dumbass was hitting the gas.

They seemed to be desperately trying to get the hell out of there but those people crossing the street really concerned me. I would be standing way back.
It's just cold.

'Course when they said the "S" word, these idiots around here hit the grocery stores and cleaned them out. They'll buy enough for 3 weeks; you see 'em coming out with 2 and 3 cart loads full of stuff. Even with our worst blizzards, no one has been blocked in for more than a few days.


Amen------the people are worse than the cold and snow however-----


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It's just cold.

'Course when they said the "S" word, these idiots around here hit the grocery stores and cleaned them out. They'll buy enough for 3 weeks; you see 'em coming out with 2 and 3 cart loads full of stuff. Even with our worst blizzards, no one has been blocked in for more than a few days.


:lol: We're getting a couple of inches but I'll bet people are already at the grocery store stocking up around here. I went Saturday as usual, thank goodness.
It's just cold.

'Course when they said the "S" word, these idiots around here hit the grocery stores and cleaned them out. They'll buy enough for 3 weeks; you see 'em coming out with 2 and 3 cart loads full of stuff. Even with our worst blizzards, no one has been blocked in for more than a few days.


:lol: We're getting a couple of inches but I'll bet people are already at the grocery store stocking up around here. I went Saturday as usual, thank goodness.

I didn't even know there was snow in the forecast. I don't pay much attention to that. My daughter went to the store (5 minutes away) Thursday evening for 3 items and was gone forever. That's how we found out about the snow for Saturday...
That reminds me of a street back home, where I used to live. If it was wet, let alone if there was snow on the road, you did NOT go down that street. It wouldn't matter how good of a car you had, you would be crashing into something at the foot of the hill. I learned to just back up and go the other way instead of starting down that hill.
That first dumbass was hitting the gas.

They seemed to be desperately trying to get the hell out of there but those people crossing the street really concerned me. I would be standing way back.
Yeah, I noticed those two just stood there as that first car came barreling backward at them.
It's just cold.

'Course when they said the "S" word, these idiots around here hit the grocery stores and cleaned them out. They'll buy enough for 3 weeks; you see 'em coming out with 2 and 3 cart loads full of stuff. Even with our worst blizzards, no one has been blocked in for more than a few days.


:lol: We're getting a couple of inches but I'll bet people are already at the grocery store stocking up around here. I went Saturday as usual, thank goodness.

I didn't even know there was snow in the forecast. I don't pay much attention to that. My daughter went to the store (5 minutes away) Thursday evening for 3 items and was gone forever. That's how we found out about the snow for Saturday...

Yeah, if you really need to you can walk down there. I've done that in blizzard conditions.
That reminds me of a street back home, where I used to live. If it was wet, let alone if there was snow on the road, you did NOT go down that street. It wouldn't matter how good of a car you had, you would be crashing into something at the foot of the hill. I learned to just back up and go the other way instead of starting down that hill.
That first dumbass was hitting the gas.

They seemed to be desperately trying to get the hell out of there but those people crossing the street really concerned me. I would be standing way back.

Check out this one... and the driver jumping out of the car at :25 :eek:

That first dumbass was hitting the gas.

They seemed to be desperately trying to get the hell out of there but those people crossing the street really concerned me. I would be standing way back.

Check out this one... and the driver jumping out of the car at :25 :eek:


Oh good grief. That kid jumped out too, I think he was trying to slow the car down.
Snow in the Sacramento area and also OMG in Stockton, Modesto, the whole delta area... that is crazy, but makes it great for the ski season up in the Sierras, The mountains mayand also all the snow we get means that if there is a big snow pack it will raise the level of the reservoirs in spring, which means the farmers won't lose crops, which means food nex harvest season will cost a little less with abundance!

The cold, well, sweaters, socks, mittens and gloves, and this is the time to remember programs for the homeless, as there are people out in it! Get those space blanket things from the surplus stores and donate... I think the EMTs call them "shock blankets." Best Deal here, in bulk... and

Emergency Survival Blanket

Emergency Survival Blanket

And if there is a shortage of shelter space, APART FROM BEING JUDGEMENTAL, REMEMBER, there may be kids sleeping in those cars! It can sometimes take days or weeks to get in a shelter!
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Donate? 50% of us donate every time we pay Federal Income Tax. Tell the other 50% to buy the blankets.

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