Snowden given Temp Asylum in Russia

Wonderful news. But expected by those who pay attention. I'm sure that Edward Snowden will have a successful career in the Russian tech industry.
I hope he does...better be careful though..its gonna suck looking over his shoulder rest of his life.
Good news for the lowlife. Hope he stays there and does the same thing to them. They won't piss around. The KGB will just fry his ass.
True...but still the US can drone him anywhere or just poison him...or maybe he will go missing and end up being tortured in some prison by the CIA or some shit.
Russia takes their air space very seriously. It's not open desert like Afghanistan. There are no American drones in Russian airspace. That would be an invasion and an act of war. That's why Snowden went to Russia. They have the ability to protect him.
Russia checks Obama.

Inside the Ring: Russia boosts Cuba ties - Washington Times

The Russian military recently dispatched a guided-missile warship to Cuba as part of what U.S. officials say are growing military, intelligence and economic ties between Moscow and Havana.

The missile cruiser is the Moskva, the flagship of the Russian Black Sea fleet, according to state-run Russian news reports.

“The cruiser Moskva and the large seagoing tanker Ivan Bubnov set off for Havana on the fourth week of their long-distance deployment,” a fleet spokesman told Interfax-AVN on Friday. On the way, the ship conducted a test launch of a cruise missile, he said.

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