Snowden has the personal files on ALL officials and threatens to release the files.

Why make empty threats...Why not just release the files? He's not in the United States anymore. He would never be welcomed with open arms if he were to return. So instead of "threatening" to release the files, just do it.

Just calling his bluff.
Again...I know our government is far from what the founding fathers had in mind and we need to fix what is wrong. WE need to fix what is wrong.
Snowden is a coward and a traitor. Period. Just my opinion.
Why make empty threats...Why not just release the files? He's not in the United States anymore. He would never be welcomed with open arms if he were to return. So instead of "threatening" to release the files, just do it.

Just calling his bluff.

it is not empty. it's a warning. and his security
I'd like to see him release every bit of personal information he has...

On every fucker that has called for his head on a platter.
Ooooh... Personal information on officials. What will they tell us that we don't already know? The King is a fink?
Ooooh... Personal information on officials. What will they tell us that we don't already know? The King is a fink?

I was pondering what you, and SuMar, had said. The list of all government employees does not seem like a great government secret. Sounds more like the list for where to send Christmas cards. Sounds like something that would be kept on a secure server but not necessarily a classified server. Did he, while gathering massive amounts of highly classified intelligence, also decided to grab the government's Christmas card list? I would venture to guess someone else hacked into a government server, grabbed this information, and then passed it to Snowden, their Hero. If this is what he's got than he has already dumped everything he had on the NSA. From the list of reasons he would dump the list he is also getting just a bit paranoid about now. He is probably curled up in the corner of his closet in Russia waiting for the black helicopters to come and put a bullet right through his forehead and out the other side. Or while he is about to enjoy that Big Mac from the country he betrayed for his own self-satisfaction he tastes bitter almonds and realizes he is not going to be having fries with that.

There is a certain irony that the information he is using as leverage now is the collection of every single government official's name, address, and other personal information. Maybe now Snowden realizes this is a world filled with irony.
I think you can insult Russia all you wish as that is a thug in power there as well. However, this is not about Russia, it is about US and our freedoms which the thugs in power here have grasped and are brainwashing the people that is for our own good.

It's our government which is the traitor, not Snowden.

Yes, it would be expected for Russia to do what our government did.
Why make empty threats...Why not just release the files? He's not in the United States anymore. He would never be welcomed with open arms if he were to return. So instead of "threatening" to release the files, just do it.

Just calling his bluff.

What could be in them? I mean, if he has them on every government employee he has mine as well.

When the Wikileaks thing happened we were told not to go to the site even from home. We kind of wondered at the time who was going to check. Other than personnel files, what could they have on nurses, doctors, clerks, etc.?

Should we be looking out for the drones or something?
Does he have Obama's college records?

I don't know if those would be kept on a government server. But perhaps W's National Guard records and Romney's tax return are. :tomato:

There are servers on which the hire goes in and lists all their information, previous jobs, colleges attended, degrees, etc. HR has your transcripts, but when you leave, I don't think those things are retained. The first time I left, my boss just handed all that stuff back to me because they were going to toss it. They keep grade, step, salary information, etc. at central offices and if you want to return to government service you write the one where yours is stored and request your SF50. While you are employed, you can get all that online. But not after you leave.
Fine, I agree to those terms. Now hang him for treason.

If we had to choose who was more treasonous, wouldn't we weigh the damage to the country at its heart?

Who is more of a traitor, Snowden or the men who want to collapse the US economy?

Who is more of a traitor, Snowden or the men who want to cancel elections in the US?

Who is more of a traitor, Snowden or the men manipulating US currency?

Who is more of a traitor, Snowden or the men spying on your every move?

I guess who is more of a traitor all depends on how you see and define the US for yourself. I see the US as a place of freedom and strength where everyone gets a fair shot at the brass ring. The people Snowden is mad at see the US as a place of stupid slaves whose necks they step on to climb atop their personal little mountain of gold.

I think Snowden is mad at malignant capitalism because he sees it as a traitorous activity that is gutting the glory of the US.

So, who is the traitor? Who are the traitors? Do we trust Big Brother telling us that Snowden is a traitor, or does Snowden know more about Big Brother than any of us have the constitution to be able to handle the truth about?....
Does he have Obama's college records?

I don't know if those would be kept on a government server. But perhaps W's National Guard records and Romney's tax return are. :tomato:

There are servers on which the hire goes in and lists all their information, previous jobs, colleges attended, degrees, etc. HR has your transcripts, but when you leave, I don't think those things are retained. The first time I left, my boss just handed all that stuff back to me because they were going to toss it. They keep grade, step, salary information, etc. at central offices and if you want to return to government service you write the one where yours is stored and request your SF50. While you are employed, you can get all that online. But not after you leave.

Would that be a server that an NSA analyst would have access to? My understanding is that he got into information above his pay grade, so to speak, but he did not actually crack into anything.

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