Snowden nominated for E.U. human rights prize

As soon as Snowden steps on American soil Obama has promised to charge him with 3 felonies, mainly pertaining to the Espionage Act of 1919. Obama says if Snowden thinks what he done was just then he should be man enough to defend it in a court of law. However, the law is arranged so that he necessarily looses and Obama would make a spectacle of Snowden's life imprisonment. There is no defending his actions under current statues. But if we listen to his side and not just the media we learn the problem is our current statues do not reflect the needs or service the public good in accordance with basic rights.

I don't give a happy shit what a treasonous President has to say about the law, which is what we have had for the past... 14 years now(?)... I think.
I hardly think Snowden would be so foolish as to return to The US so long as it's in subjugation to the current regime. After all, he cost them a lot of their cover.

Good that Putin is as powerful as he is else the drones swarming Russia in search of Snowden would be thicker'n thieves in da district.

Good thing it's Obama and not Putin looking for him. Or else there'd have been some polonium in his borscht long ago :cool:
If Snowden wants to impress me he can come back to the states and defend his actions in a court of law until then he can freeze his ass off in Russia.
Oh yeah! Blackie done gone and reawakened the question as to why, with all we know today, it's still called The "Justice" Department -
Henry, I often find us in disagreement but that's perhaps on issues of climate I suppose. Here I am with ya on him being smart enough to stay clear of US till diplomatically welcomed, which is likely never. He did a service to the world and those who call it treason are also right--it was technically treason. But for god sakes the laws under which he is accused are flippin' misapplied and frankly not germane. Put differently, they are mal-adatped statues for our new information age.
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Don't shoot yourself! Giver yourself some time to form an opinion! You'll be much less sensational and a lot more rational once you go through puberty :cool:

There is a wonderful thing called sarcasm, ever heard of it? And I have six years forming this opinion. Well, not this specific one, but my general attitude. Among the many advantages of youth over age is flexibility. Youth have the ability to change and adapt based on the situation but old people have the deficiency of refusing to see change. Washington is full of old voices who refuse to bow out and let the future of America take a hand at steering the metaphorical ship.

actually it is to the contrary.

youth is maximalistic.

when youth stops it's maximalism and begins to change and adapt - that's a sign that the youth is gone :D

I must have lost my youth very early then. Does the loss of youth come with self-awareness usually?
Don't shoot yourself! Giver yourself some time to form an opinion! You'll be much less sensational and a lot more rational once you go through puberty :cool:

There is a wonderful thing called sarcasm, ever heard of it? And I have six years forming this opinion. Well, not this specific one, but my general attitude. Among the many advantages of youth over age is flexibility. Youth have the ability to change and adapt based on the situation but old people have the deficiency of refusing to see change. Washington is full of old voices who refuse to bow out and let the future of America take a hand at steering the metaphorical ship.

I'd be willing to bet any amount of money that I'm younger than you you dumb fuck.

6 whole years? Well at least that's more time than Snowden spent working on his plan to get famous. I hope they're giving him a bunch of leggy Russian blondes to pass the rest of his life as a traitorous exile

You will bet any amount of money you have that you are younger than me? I sure hope you have a lot of money, because then I'd be rich! And I'm twenty, so 6 years is actually quite a bit of time in my life.

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