Snowden vs. Manning.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
Both betrayed the trust of the government while working in some very sensitive areas. Both put on display how really seriously the government has hid information about what they are up.

One, conservatives wanted to see put to death.
One, conservatives hail as a hero.

One, stayed in their country to face the music.
One, fled.
NSA whistleblower supported Ron Paul?s presidential run ? RT USA

As news continues to surface about classified NSA documents leaked last week, the man who blew the whistle on the secret spy program is quickly becoming the center of attention.

Follow RT's LIVE UPDATES on NSA leak fallout

With all eyes turned to 29-year-old Edward Snowden, the former CIA analyst who leaked documents about the National Security Agency’s domestic spying is already on his way to becoming the most discussed man in America. Less than 24 hours after the Guardian went public with Snowden’s identity on Sunday, the leaker’s personal life and politics have already taken center stage.

Now at the center of some discussions is Snowden’s endorsement of Ron Paul during last year’s presidential race, a revelation that is providing a rare glimpse into the ideologies of a man who will likely face decades in prison for going public.

According to donation info published by the Center for Responsive Politics’ website, Snowden made two contributions totaling $500 to the presidential campaign of then-Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) during the last calendar year. Snowden made a $250 contribution to Rep. Paul on March 18, 2012, and another $250 donation on May 6.
Both betrayed the trust of the government while working in some very sensitive areas. Both put on display how really seriously the government has hid information about what they are up.

One, conservatives wanted to see put to death.
One, conservatives hail as a hero.

One, stayed in their country to face the music.
One, fled.

Typically, those who support the democrats are against wars overseas but those who support republicans don't mind so much, in fact, they kind of like it.

Typically, those who support Republicans are against a government that extends its power over US citizens, but those who support democrats don't mind so much, in fact, they kind of like it.

In reality, both republicans and democrats in office support doing both no matter their demagoguery to the contrary.

In reality, you can't have a massive meddling all powerful entity like the US government and only have them dabble in foreign or domestic affairs. They will be in both because that is the nature of the beast.
Both betrayed the trust of the government while working in some very sensitive areas. Both put on display how really seriously the government has hid information about what they are up.

One, conservatives wanted to see put to death.
One, conservatives hail as a hero.

One, stayed in their country to face the music.
One, fled.

Conservatives hail Manning as a hero?

Wait, the real problem here is that you are a wackadoodle.
NSA whistleblower supported Ron Paul?s presidential run ? RT USA

As news continues to surface about classified NSA documents leaked last week, the man who blew the whistle on the secret spy program is quickly becoming the center of attention.

Follow RT's LIVE UPDATES on NSA leak fallout

With all eyes turned to 29-year-old Edward Snowden, the former CIA analyst who leaked documents about the National Security Agency’s domestic spying is already on his way to becoming the most discussed man in America. Less than 24 hours after the Guardian went public with Snowden’s identity on Sunday, the leaker’s personal life and politics have already taken center stage.

Now at the center of some discussions is Snowden’s endorsement of Ron Paul during last year’s presidential race, a revelation that is providing a rare glimpse into the ideologies of a man who will likely face decades in prison for going public.

According to donation info published by the Center for Responsive Politics’ website, Snowden made two contributions totaling $500 to the presidential campaign of then-Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) during the last calendar year. Snowden made a $250 contribution to Rep. Paul on March 18, 2012, and another $250 donation on May 6.

The NSA can do better than that. I'm sure they can tell us what type of internet porn he prefers and give details as to his love affairs that ended badly over the phone that was his fault etc. In fact, every bad word or lie he uttered must be in one of those data bases somewhere. If we are going to assassinate his character I say do it right.

Really this is not about Snowden, it's about the right to privacy. Do you think that the US government has the right to the privacy of the average innocent US citizen?

Yes or no?
Both betrayed the trust of the government while working in some very sensitive areas. Both put on display how really seriously the government has hid information about what they are up.

One, conservatives wanted to see put to death.
One, conservatives hail as a hero.

One, stayed in their country to face the music.
One, fled.

Conservatives hail Manning as a hero?

Wait, the real problem here is that you are a wackadoodle.

Both Manning and Snowden are heroes.

Both prove the strength of spirit that made America first among the great nations is not dead, contrary to what people of normal intelligence and emotional development have been thinking about US government since the late 1960s.
I consider neither Snowden or Manning to be a hero.

I don't either...we don't know much about Snowden other than his own side of the story.

He has done a service, however, by confirming the government abuse of our privacy.
Manning revealed military secrets. Snowden revealed that the government considers the american public as a hostile force.
Big differences between the I stipulated in the other thread.

I also think this is different than the Manning case.

1) Snowden carefully ONLY released information on programs, tactics and techniques...Manning gave away everything including the kitchen sink without regard for the lives and safety of men and women involved in ongoing overseas operations.

2) Snowden goal was informing U.S. citizens of the government that is elected to represent them.

3) Snowden didn't try to hide his identity...he came right out and said "here's what I did and this is why I did it.". Manning, did not.

4) From what I've seen and read, I believe Snowden's intentions were pure and his motivations honorable. Manning's...not so much.

As [MENTION=23873]B. Kidd[/MENTION] correctly pointed out...Manning simply data dumped 250,000 pages of classified data...with zero regard for the consequences in terms of lives placed in danger by his actions.
Both betrayed the trust of the government while working in some very sensitive areas. Both put on display how really seriously the government has hid information about what they are up.

One, conservatives wanted to see put to death.
One, conservatives hail as a hero.

One, stayed in their country to face the music.
One, fled.

Conservatives hail Manning as a hero?

Wait, the real problem here is that you are a wackadoodle.


Both betrayed the trust of the government while working in some very sensitive areas. Both put on display how really seriously the government has hid information about what they are up.

One, conservatives wanted to see put to death.
One, conservatives hail as a hero.

One, stayed in their country to face the music.
One, fled.

I knew you were going to post this.... still to early to tell what his motives were manning was a punk kid who did it for glory....this kid just might be different only time will tell. Did he do it for glory or just had enough? I have been in those situtations at work....I keep telling them some one is going to die. and no one to warn or listen.....this guy was my friend....and it is so relevant to this topic what are you supposed to do? and he died because I couldnt whistle blow enough.....

Wade Scharff, 54, of Spartanburg, S.C., died before an emergency squad arrived at the plant, according to Sabrina Gast, interim York County coroner. The worker was repairing a 350-ton molding machine when a large metal disk fell, crushing him, she said in a telephone interview.

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Both betrayed the trust of the government while working in some very sensitive areas.

Betraying a government which is in violation of The Constitution is a service to The People.
Both betrayed the trust of the government while working in some very sensitive areas. Both put on display how really seriously the government has hid information about what they are up.

One, conservatives wanted to see put to death.
One, conservatives hail as a hero.

One, stayed in their country to face the music.
One, fled.

whatever. so is obama a hypocrite sallow?

and here-, food for thought, don't hurt yourself.
If Snowden divulged secret information he deserves to go to jail

How about applying that same concern to IRS employees who divulged confidential tax records and the person in the Obama Administration (Panetta) who leaked the Seal Team Six details?
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