SNOWFLAKE JUSTICE: Florida man who spat on 'MAGA' hat-wearing bar patron sentenced to jail

In what lame ass town does Walmart employ most of the people in the town? That's horse shit. Walmart wouldn't be able to survive in a town where it employed most of the townfolk. Who would be shopping there? They don't produce exports, they're a retailer. Lol, what a dumb example
Why? They have all left for these great factory jobs.
and others back filled their homes.

Where they would have to work at Wal Mart and apply for subsidies.
why? Wal Mart has full time employment. I sent you their career opportunities.

Even if so that is roughly $22,800. Poverty level for a family of four is $25,750.
not true, post your link.

Federal Poverty Level (FPL) - Glossary
and others back filled their homes.

Where they would have to work at Wal Mart and apply for subsidies.
why? Wal Mart has full time employment. I sent you their career opportunities.

Even if so that is roughly $22,800. Poverty level for a family of four is $25,750.
not true, post your link.

Federal Poverty Level (FPL) - Glossary
nothing about walmart salaries in there.
Where they would have to work at Wal Mart and apply for subsidies.
why? Wal Mart has full time employment. I sent you their career opportunities.

Even if so that is roughly $22,800. Poverty level for a family of four is $25,750.
not true, post your link.

Federal Poverty Level (FPL) - Glossary
nothing about walmart salaries in there.

Average Wal Mart cashier salary.

$10.66 an hour.

How much does Walmart pay? |
why? Wal Mart has full time employment. I sent you their career opportunities.

Even if so that is roughly $22,800. Poverty level for a family of four is $25,750.
not true, post your link.

Federal Poverty Level (FPL) - Glossary
nothing about walmart salaries in there.

Average Wal Mart cashier salary.

How much does Walmart pay? |
$10.66 an hour.
but can make up to $18.05.


1,177 salaries reported
$10.66 per hour

No different than any other business. Guess what salary depends on? Experience, training, education. ooops.
Even if so that is roughly $22,800. Poverty level for a family of four is $25,750.
not true, post your link.

Federal Poverty Level (FPL) - Glossary
nothing about walmart salaries in there.

Average Wal Mart cashier salary.

How much does Walmart pay? |
$10.66 an hour.
but can make up to $18.05.


1,177 salaries reported
$10.66 per hour

No different than any other business. Guess what salary depends on? Experience, training, education. ooops.

Regardless, what I said was correct. A person can work full time and still fall well within poverty guidelines for a family of 4 which means they would still qualify for subsidies.
$10.66 an hour.
but can make up to $18.05.


1,177 salaries reported
$10.66 per hour

No different than any other business. Guess what salary depends on? Experience, training, education. ooops.

Regardless, what I said was correct. A person can work full time and still fall well within poverty guidelines for a family of 4 which means they would still qualify for subsidies.

A person who's only talent is a cashier should never have had children in which to support.
$10.66 an hour.
but can make up to $18.05.


1,177 salaries reported
$10.66 per hour

No different than any other business. Guess what salary depends on? Experience, training, education. ooops.

Regardless, what I said was correct. A person can work full time and still fall well within poverty guidelines for a family of 4 which means they would still qualify for subsidies.
no, you're factually wrong. full time employment at Walmart is the higher earners. So factually you're incorrect.
$10.66 an hour.
but can make up to $18.05.


1,177 salaries reported
$10.66 per hour

No different than any other business. Guess what salary depends on? Experience, training, education. ooops.

Regardless, what I said was correct. A person can work full time and still fall well within poverty guidelines for a family of 4 which means they would still qualify for subsidies.

A person who's only talent is a cashier should never have had children in which to support.
I wouldn't say that. that's actually mean. Someone can be a cashier fulltime and make close to 18 dollars an hour. That's good pay. It doesn't matter if someone has two or four kids. What's sad is where the fathers are at. Where are they? My wife works along with me to cover our bills and children. Someone on the left fed these women a bill of goods, saying men are not important. come to find out they can help bigly. financially as well as benefit wise. Shit, even tax purposes. The left are lost in their bowels.
$10.66 an hour.
but can make up to $18.05.


1,177 salaries reported
$10.66 per hour

No different than any other business. Guess what salary depends on? Experience, training, education. ooops.

Regardless, what I said was correct. A person can work full time and still fall well within poverty guidelines for a family of 4 which means they would still qualify for subsidies.

A person who's only talent is a cashier should never have had children in which to support.

An economy that has Wal Mart as it's largest employer is what has failed.
nothing about walmart salaries in there.

Average Wal Mart cashier salary.

How much does Walmart pay? |
$10.66 an hour.
but can make up to $18.05.


1,177 salaries reported
$10.66 per hour

No different than any other business. Guess what salary depends on? Experience, training, education. ooops.

Regardless, what I said was correct. A person can work full time and still fall well within poverty guidelines for a family of 4 which means they would still qualify for subsidies.

A person who's only talent is a cashier should never have had children in which to support.
I wouldn't say that. that's actually mean. Someone can be a cashier fulltime and make close to 18 dollars an hour. That's good pay. It doesn't matter if someone has two or four kids. What's sad is where the fathers are at. Where are they? My wife works along with me to cover our bills and children. Someone on the left fed these women a bill of goods, saying men are not important. come to find out they can help bigly. financially as well as benefit wise. Shit, even tax purposes. The left are lost in their bowels.

There are very few women working at Walmart who have a bunch of kids. People who work at Walmart are generally kids in school or stay at home moms working part time while the kids are in school.

A guy who used to work at shipping and receiving for one of our customers worked part-time at Walmart for extra money. He worked his way up all the way to assistant manager. Then Walmart offered him a full-time job as manager. He told me it was a tough call, because Walmart had better medical benefits than his job as an S and R guy. I went there a few weeks later, and he was gone.

The left love to show us the shelf stockers and floor sweepers at Walmart. But Walmart also offers the best chance at advancement than most lower paying jobs. Walmart pays their managers pretty well, they pay their office staff pretty well, so goes their warehouse people. Cashier jobs are not the only thing available at Walmart.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000
$10.66 an hour.
but can make up to $18.05.


1,177 salaries reported
$10.66 per hour

No different than any other business. Guess what salary depends on? Experience, training, education. ooops.

Regardless, what I said was correct. A person can work full time and still fall well within poverty guidelines for a family of 4 which means they would still qualify for subsidies.
no, you're factually wrong. full time employment at Walmart is the higher earners. So factually you're incorrect.

They could make $13 and not hit poverty level.
$10.66 an hour.
but can make up to $18.05.


1,177 salaries reported
$10.66 per hour

No different than any other business. Guess what salary depends on? Experience, training, education. ooops.

Regardless, what I said was correct. A person can work full time and still fall well within poverty guidelines for a family of 4 which means they would still qualify for subsidies.

A person who's only talent is a cashier should never have had children in which to support.
I wouldn't say that. that's actually mean. Someone can be a cashier fulltime and make close to 18 dollars an hour. That's good pay. It doesn't matter if someone has two or four kids. What's sad is where the fathers are at. Where are they? My wife works along with me to cover our bills and children. Someone on the left fed these women a bill of goods, saying men are not important. come to find out they can help bigly. financially as well as benefit wise. Shit, even tax purposes. The left are lost in their bowels.

There are very few women working at Walmart who have a bunch of kids. People who work at Walmart are generally kids in school or stay at home moms working part time while the kids are in school.

A guy who used to work at shipping and receiving for one of our customers worked part-time at Walmart for extra money. He worked his way up all the way to assistant manager. Then Walmart offered him a full-time job as manager. He told me it was a tough call, because Walmart had better medical benefits than his job as an S and R guy. I went there a few weeks later, and he was gone.

The left love to show us the shelf stockers and floor sweepers at Walmart. But Walmart also offers the best chance at advancement than most lower paying jobs. Walmart pays their managers pretty well, they pay their office staff pretty well, so goes their warehouse people. Cashier jobs are not the only thing available at Walmart.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000
I know, the less educated among us don't know that. They are the ones making the lower salary number, those with experience make the higher wages. but trying to teach a chicken human behavior is impossible.
nothing about walmart salaries in there.

Average Wal Mart cashier salary.

How much does Walmart pay? |
$10.66 an hour.
but can make up to $18.05.


1,177 salaries reported
$10.66 per hour

No different than any other business. Guess what salary depends on? Experience, training, education. ooops.

Regardless, what I said was correct. A person can work full time and still fall well within poverty guidelines for a family of 4 which means they would still qualify for subsidies.
no, you're factually wrong. full time employment at Walmart is the higher earners. So factually you're incorrect.

They could make $13 and not hit poverty level.
didn't say they couldn't, but the ones making the higher salaries are the educated ones, with experience. again, you miss the objective and points for everyone.
$10.66 an hour.
but can make up to $18.05.


1,177 salaries reported
$10.66 per hour

No different than any other business. Guess what salary depends on? Experience, training, education. ooops.

Regardless, what I said was correct. A person can work full time and still fall well within poverty guidelines for a family of 4 which means they would still qualify for subsidies.
no, you're factually wrong. full time employment at Walmart is the higher earners. So factually you're incorrect.

They could make $13 and not hit poverty level.
didn't say they couldn't, but the ones making the higher salaries are the educated ones, with experience. again, you miss the objective and points for everyone.

Sure, I get it. Everyone needs to start off with experience to make enough to live on.
$10.66 an hour.
but can make up to $18.05.


1,177 salaries reported
$10.66 per hour

No different than any other business. Guess what salary depends on? Experience, training, education. ooops.

Regardless, what I said was correct. A person can work full time and still fall well within poverty guidelines for a family of 4 which means they would still qualify for subsidies.
no, you're factually wrong. full time employment at Walmart is the higher earners. So factually you're incorrect.

They could make $13 and not hit poverty level.
didn't say they couldn't, but the ones making the higher salaries are the educated ones, with experience. again, you miss the objective and points for everyone.

Sure, I get it. Everyone needs to start off with experience to make enough to live on.
it's been that way since......... forever?
$10.66 an hour.
but can make up to $18.05.


1,177 salaries reported
$10.66 per hour

No different than any other business. Guess what salary depends on? Experience, training, education. ooops.

Regardless, what I said was correct. A person can work full time and still fall well within poverty guidelines for a family of 4 which means they would still qualify for subsidies.
no, you're factually wrong. full time employment at Walmart is the higher earners. So factually you're incorrect.

They could make $13 and not hit poverty level.
didn't say they couldn't, but the ones making the higher salaries are the educated ones, with experience. again, you miss the objective and points for everyone.

Sure, I get it. Everyone needs to start off with experience to make enough to live on.

I think most of us can say we made minimum wage at one time. I had several jobs where I earned that. But as I went on, I got better paying jobs with good references which I gained through those low paying jobs. I got my first apartment at the age of 20. My wage was about double of minimum. Even at that, I didn't have a lot of extra money to spend, and I put in about 10 hours a week of OT.

So this scenario of yours about a person raising a family of four is nothing new. It didn't just start happening a year or so ago. It's always been like that. If OT was not available, I had two jobs; at one point, three jobs in my life. Many times I worked six or seven days a week. For some reason, that's not heard of today. If people can't make it on what a job pays, blame industry, cry to government, use social programs, but don't do anything about your own plight.
Regardless, what I said was correct. A person can work full time and still fall well within poverty guidelines for a family of 4 which means they would still qualify for subsidies.
no, you're factually wrong. full time employment at Walmart is the higher earners. So factually you're incorrect.

They could make $13 and not hit poverty level.
didn't say they couldn't, but the ones making the higher salaries are the educated ones, with experience. again, you miss the objective and points for everyone.

Sure, I get it. Everyone needs to start off with experience to make enough to live on.
it's been that way since......... forever?

It used to be that decent factory jobs that paid well while training you for the job were common.
no, you're factually wrong. full time employment at Walmart is the higher earners. So factually you're incorrect.

They could make $13 and not hit poverty level.
didn't say they couldn't, but the ones making the higher salaries are the educated ones, with experience. again, you miss the objective and points for everyone.

Sure, I get it. Everyone needs to start off with experience to make enough to live on.
it's been that way since......... forever?

It used to be that decent factory jobs that paid well while training you for the job were common.
still that way today. in fact the jobs that are open today have that same opportunity.

We have millions of open jobs, so where are the people to fill them?

The United States is currently experiencing a skills gap. Right now, there are 6 million job openings and 7 million unemployed workers. Today’s unemployed workers are simply not equipped with the skills to successfully match with unfilled jobs. Effective worker training has the potential to close this gap. It can also help to fill the shortage of U.S. workers in computer science and other science, technology, engineering and math fields, and help workers who have been displaced by international competition to secure new employment.
Regardless, what I said was correct. A person can work full time and still fall well within poverty guidelines for a family of 4 which means they would still qualify for subsidies.
no, you're factually wrong. full time employment at Walmart is the higher earners. So factually you're incorrect.

They could make $13 and not hit poverty level.
didn't say they couldn't, but the ones making the higher salaries are the educated ones, with experience. again, you miss the objective and points for everyone.

Sure, I get it. Everyone needs to start off with experience to make enough to live on.

I think most of us can say we made minimum wage at one time. I had several jobs where I earned that. But as I went on, I got better paying jobs with good references which I gained through those low paying jobs. I got my first apartment at the age of 20. My wage was about double of minimum. Even at that, I didn't have a lot of extra money to spend, and I put in about 10 hours a week of OT.

So this scenario of yours about a person raising a family of four is nothing new. It didn't just start happening a year or so ago. It's always been like that. If OT was not available, I had two jobs; at one point, three jobs in my life. Many times I worked six or seven days a week. For some reason, that's not heard of today. If people can't make it on what a job pays, blame industry, cry to government, use social programs, but don't do anything about your own plight.

You probably knew Sheriff Taylor and Aunt Bee also.

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