Snowflakes Condemning Trump For Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack Should Answer These Questions:

Why didn't Russia remove all the chemical weapons from Syria - as per the agreement?
We asked virtually the same questions in 2003 vis-a-vis Iraq.

We were told that either you're with us or against us.
Who signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs?

Go ahead you fucking loser. Answer it.

Do you know wmds were found in Iraq as reported by your beloved NY Times?

You are a fucking loser.
Are you sure about that?
Sure about what dick?

The Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs signed by democrats?

Am I sure they were found in Iraq as reported by the NY Times?

Actually I am you piece of ignorant shit.

U.S. Intelligence Documents on Chemical Weapons Found in Iraq
American troops secretly reported finding more than 4,990 chemical munitions, according to interviews with dozens of participants, Iraqi and American officials and to heavily redacted intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. OCT. 14, 2014RELATED ARTICLEFULL COVERAGE


I know none of these efforts by me will have any effect on you, you pathetic blob. You are a fucking loser. You are a fucking liar. You are not worth one ounce of my time. Yet I gave it to you anyway.
Are you sure that calling folks names and casting obscene aspersions on their character is the best way to make your feeble point? Where's the nobility in behaving so crassly?

Yeah, I knew I was right about you. Go home. You lost again. Take your fucking ball too dick. I win.

Feeble point eh?

Go fuck yourself. On ignore loser. You are not worth a pouch of warm piss, let alone my time. Have fun knowing you were wrong about everything this entire time.

Giggle away and pretend you are not bothered you pathetic fat blob.

Bye bye loser.
The nobility of the inarticulate Conservative. No manners, poor comportment adds up to a poor argument. What a pity so many of your ilk reflect such a poor upbringing.
Actually, before Obama dragged the United States in his Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized War, perhaps HE should have answered these questions...right before going to Congress to ask for permission to take the country to war:

1) What national security interest, rather than pure humanitarian interest, is served by the use of American military power to depose Assad’s regime?

2) How will deposing Assad make America safer?

3) What does final political victory in Syria look like (be specific), and how long will it take for that political victory to be achieved?

4) What military resources (e.g., ground troops), diplomatic resources, and financial resources will be required to achieve this political victory?

5) How long will it take to achieve political victory?

6) What costs, in terms of lives (both military and civilian), dollars, and forgone options elsewhere as a result of resource deployment in Syria, will be required to achieve political victory?

7) What other countries will join the United States in deposing Assad, in terms of military, monetary, or diplomatic resources?

8) Should explicit congressional authorization for the use of military force in Syria be required, or should the president take action without congressional approval?

9) What is the risk of wider conflict with Russia, given that nation’s presence and stake in Syria, if the United States chooses to invade and depose Assad, a key Russian ally in the Middle East?

10) If U.S. intervention in Syria does spark a larger war with Russia, what does political victory in that scenario look like, and what costs will it entail?

11) Given that Assad has already demonstrated a willingness to use chemical weapons, how should the United States respond if the Assad regime deploys chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons against the United States?

12) Assuming the Assad regime is successfully removed from power, what type of government structure will be used to replace Assad, who will select that government, and how will that government establish and maintain stability going forward?

13) Given that a change in political power in the United States radically altered the American position in Iraq in 2009, how will you mitigate or address the risk of a similar political dynamic upending your preferred strategy in Syria, either in 2018, 2020, or beyond?

14) What lessons did you learn from America’s failure to achieve and maintain political victory following the removal of governments in Iraq and Libya, and how will you apply those lessons to a potential war in Syria?

Answer These 14 Questions Before You Push For U.S. War In Syria

Obama never answered these questions before dragging the US into a war in Syria on his own. He sure as hell never answered any of them before he dragged the US into a war in Libya on his own to help Al Qaeda take over, either.

Now that we are still stuck with the mess Obama left, here are a few questions that should be answered now:

1) What national security interest, rather than pure humanitarian interest, is NOW served by the continued use of American military power to depose Assad’s regime?

2) How will deposing Assad make America safer?

3) What does final political victory in Syria look like NOW (be specific), and how long will it take for that political victory to be achieved?

4) What military resources (e.g., ground troops), diplomatic resources, and financial resources will still be required to achieve this political victory?

5) How long will it take to achieve political victory NOW?

6) What costs, in terms of lives (both military and civilian), dollars, and forgone options elsewhere as a result of resource deployment in Syria, will be required to achieve political victory? How much MORE?

FROM NOW ON, unless a President can come before the American people and answer these questions and unless a President can stand before Congress and answer these questions and make a legitimate case for the US to go to war again, the united States should NOT do so....IMHO.
You obviously are ignorant of Congress's role in the Constitutional declaration of war AND it's circumvention by passage of the War Powers Act back in the 1970's. Further, you are definitely ignorant of Obama's request of Congress for an AUMF in Aug 2013 after the first gas attack. It was obstructed by the GOP'ers in Congress and that AUMF was not granted, even based on the assessment from the spooks, which you can read at the link below. Now quit fucking lying you jackass!
~~ Government Assessment of the Syrian Government’s Use of Chemical Weapons on August 21, 2013 ~~

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