So, "abuse of power" is no longer an impeachable offense???

Nope, if "abuse of power" were an impeachable offense, every president since WWII would have had to be impeached.

So screw the Constitution because you don't like Democrats?


Using the power of the Presidency to help your election possibility by strong arming a foreign government is absolutely an Abuse of Power and it is Constitutional grounds for Impeachment
It's funny how you're putting words in my mouth.

I don't like Republicans either. I've made that deftly clear on this board numerous times.

However, this "impeachment inquiry" is being run contrary to constitutional norms. They are denying the President and his counsel their constitutional rights to cross examine witnesses, holding closed door hearings, scurrying about like cockroaches when the light is turned on when the other side deigns to demand some transparency in the process.They won't hold a vote because it gives Republicans the power to cross examine and subpoena witnesses. Screw due process, am I right? It's Donald effing Trump. He doesn't deserve it because of who he is, according to you lot.

Spare me your false zeal. You don't give half a damn about the constitution either. The law only seems to apply to people you oppose politically as opposed to those you vote for.
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However, this "impeachment inquiry" is being run contrary to constitutional norms. They are denying the President and his counsel their constitutional rights to cross examine witnesses, holding closed door hearings, scurrying about like cockroaches when the light is turned on when the other side deigns to demand some transparency in the process.They won't hold a vote because it gives Republicans the power to cross examine and subpoena witnesses. Screw due process, am I right? It's Donald effing Trump. He doesn't deserve it because of who he is, according to you lot.

Spare me your false zeal. You don't give half a damn about the constitution either. The law only seems to apply to people you oppose politically as opposed to those you vote for.

Here's a chance for you to learn something beside what FOX tells you to parrot.....

NOTHING in the Constitution prohibits the House to initiate an "impeachment inquiry"....NOTHING.....

Second, virtually ALL Benghazi hearings were behind "closed doors"

Third, the orange clown....(TOUR orange clown) will have PLENTY of opportunity to defend himself (through counsels) during the TRIAL held in the Senate.......Trump has no representation during the impeachment inquiry EXCEPT through the republican clowns in the House who raided the room to eat their fucking pizzas

I hope you finally LEARNED something.....but I doubt it..
had an Obama lawyer admitted that Obama can abuse all the powers he wants?.

The former Cocksucker in Chief did abuse all the powers he wanted to, but none of his attorneys have a single molecule of honesty, integrity, or patriotism to America.... and that's the real truth...
However, this "impeachment inquiry" is being run contrary to constitutional norms. They are denying the President and his counsel their constitutional rights to cross examine witnesses, holding closed door hearings, scurrying about like cockroaches when the light is turned on when the other side deigns to demand some transparency in the process.They won't hold a vote because it gives Republicans the power to cross examine and subpoena witnesses. Screw due process, am I right? It's Donald effing Trump. He doesn't deserve it because of who he is, according to you lot.

Spare me your false zeal. You don't give half a damn about the constitution either. The law only seems to apply to people you oppose politically as opposed to those you vote for.

Here's a chance for you to learn something beside what FOX tells you to parrot.....

NOTHING in the Constitution prohibits the House to initiate an "impeachment inquiry"....NOTHING.....

Second, virtually ALL Benghazi hearings were behind "closed doors"

Third, the orange clown....(TOUR orange clown) will have PLENTY of opportunity to defend himself (through counsels) during the TRIAL held in the Senate.......Trump has no representation during the impeachment inquiry EXCEPT through the republican clowns in the House who raided the room to eat their fucking pizzas

I hope you finally LEARNED something.....but I doubt it..
You are correct which means the house democrats can impeach Trump for eating two scoops of ice creme if they so desire. Eating two scoops was "Abuse of Power" because everyone else was allowed only one scoop.
If "abuse of power" was enforced Slick Willy, John Kerry, Barack Obama and Crooked Hillary would all be serving time in a max security Federal Prison.
Here's a chance for you to learn something beside what FOX tells you to parrot.....

NOTHING in the Constitution prohibits the House to initiate an "impeachment inquiry"....NOTHING.....

I never said anything about the Constitution prohibiting the house from conducting this inquiry you dimwit.

I'm saying the law requires them to vote on it to be an official inquiry. Is this inquiry official? Or is just a political stunt? You tell me.
Most of us have heard Whitaker openly state that Trump's "abuse of power" is now an acceptable condition and we also heard from one of Trump's attorneys telling a judge that even if Trump shot someone, he could not be charged for the crime because he is a sitting "president"....

Have republicans completely gone insane?....Has the cult mentality usurped any logical reasoning?
Are republicans so damn scared of this orange clown's tweets that their spines have melted?

We are facing a situation where 1/3 of the voters are STILL openly stating that a sitting president IS above the law and therefore such a wanna-be despot IS allowed to abuse the powers given to the executive branch.

What would any poster on here still backing Trump be today stating had an Obama lawyer admitted that Obama can abuse all the powers he wants?...............Bear in mind that there will soon be many democrat presidents and this current scenario has set a CLEAR PRECEDENT......

I dunno.....have you asked Hillary Clinton? :D
I'm saying the law requires them to vote on it to be an official inquiry.

Cite the fucking law or Constitution Article that explicitly states that the House needs "to vote" to make ANY official inquiry.

Go on.......ask a grown up for help.......LOL

(BTW, the House WILL soon vote on Articles of Impeachment.....and then you'll find something else to b otch about....WHY??? Simple, Trump cult members will be bitching for the next 12 months.)
Who gets to define "abuse of power". FDR suspended the right of due process and incarcerated American citizens. JFK used the CIA to raise, train and equip an illegal invasian army. Hillary's husband used NATO to bomb Europe when he was caught with his pants down. Trump allegedly made a phone call.
I'm saying the law requires them to vote on it to be an official inquiry.

Cite the fucking law or Constitution Article that explicitly states that the House needs "to vote" to make ANY official inquiry.

Go on.......ask a grown up for help.......LOL

(BTW, the House WILL soon vote on Articles of Impeachment.....and then you'll find something else to b otch about....WHY??? Simple, Trump cult members will be bitching for the next 12 months.)

Someone as uncultured as you wouldn't understand the procedure involved.

"Under House rules and long-standing practice, the House lays out the grounds for impeachment, then holds a simple majority vote. If the articles of impeachment are approved, they’re then presented to the Senate for further action."

The Impeachment Process Explained: What Happens to Trump Now?

There also must be a rule in the house where they are required to vote to officially authorize the inquiry. Ergo, this article.

Pelosi holds off on vote to authorize Trump impeachment inquiry
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Most of us have heard Whitaker openly state that Trump's "abuse of power" is now an acceptable condition and we also heard from one of Trump's attorneys telling a judge that even if Trump shot someone, he could not be charged for the crime because he is a sitting "president"....

Have republicans completely gone insane?....Has the cult mentality usurped any logical reasoning?
Are republicans so damn scared of this orange clown's tweets that their spines have melted?

We are facing a situation where 1/3 of the voters are STILL openly stating that a sitting president IS above the law and therefore such a wanna-be despot IS allowed to abuse the powers given to the executive branch.

What would any poster on here still backing Trump be today stating had an Obama lawyer admitted that Obama can abuse all the powers he wants?...............Bear in mind that there will soon be many democrat presidents and this current scenario has set a CLEAR PRECEDENT......
Trump didn't abuse power.

Your temper tantrum changes nothing.
High crimes and misdemeanors...even if everything Schiff has accused Trump of doing is true I see no high crime nor anything resembling a misdemeanor...not even close...and if abuse of power were impeachable we would never have a president of the United States serve their full term....
The charge of high crimes and misdemeanors covers allegations of misconduct by officials, such as dishonesty, negligence, perjury, violation of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of public funds or assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, unbecoming conduct, refusal to obey a court order, chronic intoxication, tax evasions. All of these acts are from previous articles of impeachment.

Impeachment is a political process not a legal one. That means that there is no requirement that articles of impeachment cite violations of statues although where a article is covered by a statue, it's usually cited. There is no judicial review which means the decision of the Senate is final. There is also no punish if found guilty other than removal from office.

The founding fathers use the term "high crimes and misdemeanors" because they did not want to limit congress's ability to remove a government officials to be limited to violations of the law; that is, they wanted impeachment to be political process.
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dishonesty, negligence, perjury, violation of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of public funds or assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, unbecoming conduct, refusal to obey a court order, chronic intoxication, tax evasions. All of these acts are from previous articles of impeachment.
Are you serious?....Dishonesty?....first of me one president that was honest all the time and Trump is not negligent he has not committed perjury and hasn't disobeyed a court order or bribed anyone...he doesn't drink and he receives no salary so he can't evade taxes...but you made up this shit didn't you?...strange though how you nailed Clinton's conduct in office to a tee....good job dummy....
Most of us have heard Whitaker openly state that Trump's "abuse of power" is now an acceptable condition and we also heard from one of Trump's attorneys telling a judge that even if Trump shot someone, he could not be charged for the crime because he is a sitting "president"....

Have republicans completely gone insane?....Has the cult mentality usurped any logical reasoning?
Are republicans so damn scared of this orange clown's tweets that their spines have melted?

We are facing a situation where 1/3 of the voters are STILL openly stating that a sitting president IS above the law and therefore such a wanna-be despot IS allowed to abuse the powers given to the executive branch.

What would any poster on here still backing Trump be today stating had an Obama lawyer admitted that Obama can abuse all the powers he wants?...............Bear in mind that there will soon be many democrat presidents and this current scenario has set a CLEAR PRECEDENT......

Funny how all of your "proof" that Trump abused his power comes from anonymous and second hand sources, Nat? Why is that do you think?
correct there is good reason anomynios witnesses and here say arent allowed in courts of law
but what the hell does liberals know about due process they believe it only applies to them
Due process protects regular people from an overbearing, arbitrary hand of government that attempts to deprive individuals of “life, liberty, or property” without notice and an opportunity to be heard first. The Fifth Amendments’s Due Process Clause (the one that binds the federal government) is not intended to protect officeholders. The constitution does not define the impeachment process. In regard to impeachment, rights, obligations, and procedures are determined by rules of each House of Congress. Thus the majority party in each house, has near complete control of the impeachment process as ordained by the constitution.
dishonesty, negligence, perjury, violation of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of public funds or assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, unbecoming conduct, refusal to obey a court order, chronic intoxication, tax evasions. All of these acts are from previous articles of impeachment.
Are you serious?....Dishonesty?....first of me one president that was honest all the time and Trump is not negligent he has not committed perjury and hasn't disobeyed a court order or bribed anyone...he doesn't drink and he receives no salary so he can't evade taxes...but you made up this shit didn't you?...strange though how you nailed Clinton's conduct in office to a tee....good job dummy....
Nixon's Articles of Impeachment were Obstruction of Justice, Abuse of Power, and Defiance of Subpoenas. There were no specific statues mentioned.
Clinton's Bill of Impeachment contained no reference to any federal statue but rather a number general statement of misconduct, some covered by federal statue and some not.

Some Other Officials and Judges Impeached:
John Pickering Drunkenness and unlawful rulings
Samuel Chase Abuse of Power and arbitrary rulings
James S Peck Abuse of Power
James Buchanan Corruption
Mark Delahay Drunkenness
A total 19 people have faced impeachment. Looking at most of the Articles of Impeachment there were very few charges of violation of federal statues. As I said, Impeachment is political process, not a legal process.

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia
Landmark Supreme Court Cases | Articles of Impeachment against President Clinton, 1998
Nixon impeachment articles
Most of us have heard Whitaker openly state that Trump's "abuse of power" is now an acceptable condition and we also heard from one of Trump's attorneys telling a judge that even if Trump shot someone, he could not be charged for the crime because he is a sitting "president"....

Have republicans completely gone insane?....Has the cult mentality usurped any logical reasoning?
Are republicans so damn scared of this orange clown's tweets that their spines have melted?

We are facing a situation where 1/3 of the voters are STILL openly stating that a sitting president IS above the law and therefore such a wanna-be despot IS allowed to abuse the powers given to the executive branch.

What would any poster on here still backing Trump be today stating had an Obama lawyer admitted that Obama can abuse all the powers he wants?...............Bear in mind that there will soon be many democrat presidents and this current scenario has set a CLEAR PRECEDENT......

Funny how all of your "proof" that Trump abused his power comes from anonymous and second hand sources, Nat? Why is that do you think?
correct there is good reason anomynios witnesses and here say arent allowed in courts of law
but what the hell does liberals know about due process they believe it only applies to them
Due process protects regular people from an overbearing, arbitrary hand of government that attempts to deprive individuals of “life, liberty, or property” without notice and an opportunity to be heard first. The Fifth Amendments’s Due Process Clause (the one that binds the federal government) is not intended to protect officeholders. The constitution does not define the impeachment process. In regard to impeachment, rights, obligations, and procedures are determined by rules of each House of Congress. Thus the majority party in each house, has near complete control of the impeachment process as ordained by the constitution.
If you truly believed in the principals of due process you would apply its principles to every one to every process which some one is being investigated and judged
dishonesty, negligence, perjury, violation of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of public funds or assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, unbecoming conduct, refusal to obey a court order, chronic intoxication, tax evasions. All of these acts are from previous articles of impeachment.
Are you serious?....Dishonesty?....first of me one president that was honest all the time and Trump is not negligent he has not committed perjury and hasn't disobeyed a court order or bribed anyone...he doesn't drink and he receives no salary so he can't evade taxes...but you made up this shit didn't you?...strange though how you nailed Clinton's conduct in office to a tee....good job dummy....
Nixon's Articles of Impeachment were Obstruction of Justice, Abuse of Power, and Defiance of Subpoenas. There were no specific statues mentioned.
Clinton's Bill of Impeachment contained no reference to any federal statue but rather a number general statement of misconduct, some covered by federal statue and some not.

Some Other Officials and Judges Impeached:
John Pickering Drunkenness and unlawful rulings
Samuel Chase Abuse of Power and arbitrary rulings
James S Peck Abuse of Power
James Buchanan Corruption
Mark Delahay Drunkenness
A total 19 people have faced impeachment. Looking at most of the Articles of Impeachment there were very few charges of violation of federal statues. As I said, Impeachment is political process, not a legal process.

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia
Landmark Supreme Court Cases | Articles of Impeachment against President Clinton, 1998
Nixon impeachment articles
And what has Trump done that even comes close to Nixon?...nothing...comparing Watergate with using quid pro quo as a means of foreign relations is absurd at best....quid pro quo is why even bring up an inquiry?...other than to try and bring his poll numbers down...but like I said...its not working on anyone but tards like you and Romney....

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