So, "abuse of power" is no longer an impeachable offense???

Most of us have heard Whitaker openly state that Trump's "abuse of power" is now an acceptable condition and we also heard from one of Trump's attorneys telling a judge that even if Trump shot someone, he could not be charged for the crime because he is a sitting "president"....

Have republicans completely gone insane?....Has the cult mentality usurped any logical reasoning?
Are republicans so damn scared of this orange clown's tweets that their spines have melted?

We are facing a situation where 1/3 of the voters are STILL openly stating that a sitting president IS above the law and therefore such a wanna-be despot IS allowed to abuse the powers given to the executive branch.

What would any poster on here still backing Trump be today stating had an Obama lawyer admitted that Obama can abuse all the powers he wants?...............Bear in mind that there will soon be many democrat presidents and this current scenario has set a CLEAR PRECEDENT......

Funny how all of your "proof" that Trump abused his power comes from anonymous and second hand sources, Nat? Why is that do you think?
correct there is good reason anomynios witnesses and here say arent allowed in courts of law
but what the hell does liberals know about due process they believe it only applies to them
Due process protects regular people from an overbearing, arbitrary hand of government that attempts to deprive individuals of “life, liberty, or property” without notice and an opportunity to be heard first. The Fifth Amendments’s Due Process Clause (the one that binds the federal government) is not intended to protect officeholders. The constitution does not define the impeachment process. In regard to impeachment, rights, obligations, and procedures are determined by rules of each House of Congress. Thus the majority party in each house, has near complete control of the impeachment process as ordained by the constitution.
If you truly believed in the principals of due process you would apply its principles to every one to every process which some one is being investigated and judged
In an impeachment, the House is analogous to a criminal grand jury, the body that investigates and returns charges in the form of an indictment. The Senate proceeding is analogous to the public criminal trial that results from an indictment.

In the federal criminal system, grand jury proceedings are secret, closed not only to the public but also to those under investigation. Prosecutors question witnesses before the grand jury but defense counsel are not allowed to be in the room, much less to participate and cross-examine witnesses. With Republican committee members present and able to ask questions at the closed House hearings, the president already has far more representation at the investigative stage than a target of a grand jury. Trump claims of violation of rights are compete nonsense.
dishonesty, negligence, perjury, violation of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of public funds or assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, unbecoming conduct, refusal to obey a court order, chronic intoxication, tax evasions. All of these acts are from previous articles of impeachment.
Are you serious?....Dishonesty?....first of me one president that was honest all the time and Trump is not negligent he has not committed perjury and hasn't disobeyed a court order or bribed anyone...he doesn't drink and he receives no salary so he can't evade taxes...but you made up this shit didn't you?...strange though how you nailed Clinton's conduct in office to a tee....good job dummy....
Nixon's Articles of Impeachment were Obstruction of Justice, Abuse of Power, and Defiance of Subpoenas. There were no specific statues mentioned.
Clinton's Bill of Impeachment contained no reference to any federal statue but rather a number general statement of misconduct, some covered by federal statue and some not.

Some Other Officials and Judges Impeached:
John Pickering Drunkenness and unlawful rulings
Samuel Chase Abuse of Power and arbitrary rulings
James S Peck Abuse of Power
James Buchanan Corruption
Mark Delahay Drunkenness
A total 19 people have faced impeachment. Looking at most of the Articles of Impeachment there were very few charges of violation of federal statues. As I said, Impeachment is political process, not a legal process.

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia
Landmark Supreme Court Cases | Articles of Impeachment against President Clinton, 1998
Nixon impeachment articles
And what has Trump done that even comes close to Nixon?...nothing...comparing Watergate with using quid pro quo as a means of foreign relations is absurd at best....quid pro quo is why even bring up an inquiry?...other than to try and bring his poll numbers down...but like I said...its not working on anyone but tards like you and Romney....
Nixon lied to congress, perjury. Trump using a foreign power in an attempt to bring down a candidate is a violation of federal election laws.

Nixon was accused of abuse of power and violation of his oath of office. These will likely be articles in the Trump impeachment Both of these two charges are common and are ground for impeachment.
Most of us have heard Whitaker openly state that Trump's "abuse of power" is now an acceptable condition and we also heard from one of Trump's attorneys telling a judge that even if Trump shot someone, he could not be charged for the crime because he is a sitting "president"....

Have republicans completely gone insane?....Has the cult mentality usurped any logical reasoning?
Are republicans so damn scared of this orange clown's tweets that their spines have melted?

We are facing a situation where 1/3 of the voters are STILL openly stating that a sitting president IS above the law and therefore such a wanna-be despot IS allowed to abuse the powers given to the executive branch.

What would any poster on here still backing Trump be today stating had an Obama lawyer admitted that Obama can abuse all the powers he wants?...............Bear in mind that there will soon be many democrat presidents and this current scenario has set a CLEAR PRECEDENT......

Funny how all of your "proof" that Trump abused his power comes from anonymous and second hand sources, Nat? Why is that do you think?
correct there is good reason anomynios witnesses and here say arent allowed in courts of law
but what the hell does liberals know about due process they believe it only applies to them
Due process protects regular people from an overbearing, arbitrary hand of government that attempts to deprive individuals of “life, liberty, or property” without notice and an opportunity to be heard first. The Fifth Amendments’s Due Process Clause (the one that binds the federal government) is not intended to protect officeholders. The constitution does not define the impeachment process. In regard to impeachment, rights, obligations, and procedures are determined by rules of each House of Congress. Thus the majority party in each house, has near complete control of the impeachment process as ordained by the constitution.
If you truly believed in the principals of due process you would apply its principles to every one to every process which some one is being investigated and judged
In an impeachment, the House is analogous to a criminal grand jury, the body that investigates and returns charges in the form of an indictment. The Senate proceeding is analogous to the public criminal trial that results from an indictment.

In the federal criminal system, grand jury proceedings are secret, closed not only to the public but also to those under investigation. Prosecutors question witnesses before the grand jury but defense counsel are not allowed to be in the room, much less to participate and cross-examine witnesses. With Republican committee members present and able to ask questions at the closed House hearings, the president already has far more representation at the investigative stage than a target of a grand jury. Trump claims of violation of rights are compete nonsense.
yet the grand jury isnt biased or partisan no one on the grand jury has shown any animosity against who they are ruling on other wise they wouldnt be on that jury
so you comparison is laughable at best
the better comparison whats going on now with the congressional kangaroo court is a grand jury full of KKK members making rulings on a black defendant or one full of Nazis making rulings on a Jewish defendant
yet the grand jury isnt biased or partisan no one on the grand jury has shown any animosity against who they are ruling on other wise they wouldnt be on that jury
so you comparison is laughable at best

In other words, for morons like you who STILL kiss Trump's ass, we should RE-WRITE the Constitution to protect your cult leader........Are you sure that we should alter the Constitution????.........What would then happen to your precious 2nd Amendment?
High crimes and misdemeanors...even if everything Schiff has accused Trump of doing is true I see no high crime nor anything resembling a misdemeanor...not even close...and if abuse of power were impeachable we would never have a president of the United States serve their full term....

Well, shit.

That only speaks to your own incompetence, dope.

Your admitted lack of understanding certainly is not a standard by which reality is to be judged.

Most of us have heard Whitaker openly state that Trump's "abuse of power" is now an acceptable condition and we also heard from one of Trump's attorneys telling a judge that even if Trump shot someone, he could not be charged for the crime because he is a sitting "president"....

Have republicans completely gone insane?....Has the cult mentality usurped any logical reasoning?
Are republicans so damn scared of this orange clown's tweets that their spines have melted?

We are facing a situation where 1/3 of the voters are STILL openly stating that a sitting president IS above the law and therefore such a wanna-be despot IS allowed to abuse the powers given to the executive branch.

What would any poster on here still backing Trump be today stating had an Obama lawyer admitted that Obama can abuse all the powers he wants?...............Bear in mind that there will soon be many democrat presidents and this current scenario has set a CLEAR PRECEDENT......

Hello. Please educate me. Why is it unlawful for our Nation's Executive Branch to request aid of a foreign .gov or entity when investigating suspected unlawful or criminal activity by American politicians, their family members or friends?

Joe Hunter Biden Drain The Swamp.jpg

Most of us have heard Whitaker openly state that Trump's "abuse of power" is now an acceptable condition and we also heard from one of Trump's attorneys telling a judge that even if Trump shot someone, he could not be charged for the crime because he is a sitting "president"....

Have republicans completely gone insane?....Has the cult mentality usurped any logical reasoning?
Are republicans so damn scared of this orange clown's tweets that their spines have melted?

We are facing a situation where 1/3 of the voters are STILL openly stating that a sitting president IS above the law and therefore such a wanna-be despot IS allowed to abuse the powers given to the executive branch.

What would any poster on here still backing Trump be today stating had an Obama lawyer admitted that Obama can abuse all the powers he wants?...............Bear in mind that there will soon be many democrat presidents and this current scenario has set a CLEAR PRECEDENT......

A good question. Ask Biden.
Most of us have heard Whitaker openly state that Trump's "abuse of power" is now an acceptable condition and we also heard from one of Trump's attorneys telling a judge that even if Trump shot someone, he could not be charged for the crime because he is a sitting "president"....

Have republicans completely gone insane?....Has the cult mentality usurped any logical reasoning?
Are republicans so damn scared of this orange clown's tweets that their spines have melted?

We are facing a situation where 1/3 of the voters are STILL openly stating that a sitting president IS above the law and therefore such a wanna-be despot IS allowed to abuse the powers given to the executive branch.

What would any poster on here still backing Trump be today stating had an Obama lawyer admitted that Obama can abuse all the powers he wants?...............Bear in mind that there will soon be many democrat presidents and this current scenario has set a CLEAR PRECEDENT......

A good question. Ask Biden.
Ask Biden if republicans completely gone insane?
Biden would probably say yes.
Most of us have heard Whitaker openly state that Trump's "abuse of power" is now an acceptable condition and we also heard from one of Trump's attorneys telling a judge that even if Trump shot someone, he could not be charged for the crime because he is a sitting "president"....

Have republicans completely gone insane?....Has the cult mentality usurped any logical reasoning?
Are republicans so damn scared of this orange clown's tweets that their spines have melted?

We are facing a situation where 1/3 of the voters are STILL openly stating that a sitting president IS above the law and therefore such a wanna-be despot IS allowed to abuse the powers given to the executive branch.

What would any poster on here still backing Trump be today stating had an Obama lawyer admitted that Obama can abuse all the powers he wants?...............Bear in mind that there will soon be many democrat presidents and this current scenario has set a CLEAR PRECEDENT......

A good question. Ask Biden.
Ask Biden if republicans completely gone insane?
Biden would probably say yes.

Nah. Ask him why he outed himself on National television. Of course he's as insane as the rest of you lefty loons.
High crimes and misdemeanors...even if everything Schiff has accused Trump of doing is true I see no high crime nor anything resembling a misdemeanor...not even close...and if abuse of power were impeachable we would never have a president of the United States serve their full term....

Well, shit.

That only speaks to your own incompetence, dope.

Your admitted lack of understanding certainly is not a standard by which reality is to be judged.

That's okay jackass...keep watching as this latest attempt to get rid of Trump fails like all the others...
dishonesty, negligence, perjury, violation of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of public funds or assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, unbecoming conduct, refusal to obey a court order, chronic intoxication, tax evasions. All of these acts are from previous articles of impeachment.
Are you serious?....Dishonesty?....first of me one president that was honest all the time and Trump is not negligent he has not committed perjury and hasn't disobeyed a court order or bribed anyone...he doesn't drink and he receives no salary so he can't evade taxes...but you made up this shit didn't you?...strange though how you nailed Clinton's conduct in office to a tee....good job dummy....
Nixon's Articles of Impeachment were Obstruction of Justice, Abuse of Power, and Defiance of Subpoenas. There were no specific statues mentioned.
Clinton's Bill of Impeachment contained no reference to any federal statue but rather a number general statement of misconduct, some covered by federal statue and some not.

Some Other Officials and Judges Impeached:
John Pickering Drunkenness and unlawful rulings
Samuel Chase Abuse of Power and arbitrary rulings
James S Peck Abuse of Power
James Buchanan Corruption
Mark Delahay Drunkenness
A total 19 people have faced impeachment. Looking at most of the Articles of Impeachment there were very few charges of violation of federal statues. As I said, Impeachment is political process, not a legal process.

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia
Landmark Supreme Court Cases | Articles of Impeachment against President Clinton, 1998
Nixon impeachment articles
And what has Trump done that even comes close to Nixon?...nothing...comparing Watergate with using quid pro quo as a means of foreign relations is absurd at best....quid pro quo is why even bring up an inquiry?...other than to try and bring his poll numbers down...but like I said...its not working on anyone but tards like you and Romney....
Nixon lied to congress, perjury. Trump using a foreign power in an attempt to bring down a candidate is a violation of federal election laws.

Nixon was accused of abuse of power and violation of his oath of office. These will likely be articles in the Trump impeachment Both of these two charges are common and are ground for impeachment.
Wrong dummy...Nixon was never proven to of lied under do some homework...and Trump never used a foreign power to bring down anyone...he was seeking information on corruption in a nation he was about to send billions of our tax dollars to...and since some of it is my hard earned money I'm happy he you were incredibly wrong twice in one paragraph....
Hello. Please educate me. Why is it unlawful for our Nation's Executive Branch to request aid of a foreign .gov or entity when investigating suspected unlawful or criminal activity by American politicians, their family members or friends?

Since you obviously DO need education, let me simply say this because this forum is NOT the place to educate someone from 3rd grade upward.

Ask yourself this simple question.....If Trump wanted to become the "corruption Don Quixote".....why the hell did he not do that in Ukraine in 2017.....or 2018.....or even a good part of 2019......and Trump ONLY became the anti-corruption knight AFTER Biden began beating the crap of Trump in the polls???

Just that simple question and answers should "educate" you.
Hello. Please educate me. Why is it unlawful for our Nation's Executive Branch to request aid of a foreign .gov or entity when investigating suspected unlawful or criminal activity by American politicians, their family members or friends?

Since you obviously DO need education, let me simply say this because this forum is NOT the place to educate someone from 3rd grade upward.

Ask yourself this simple question.....If Trump wanted to become the "corruption Don Quixote".....why the hell did he not do that in Ukraine in 2017.....or 2018.....or even a good part of 2019......and Trump ONLY became the anti-corruption knight AFTER Biden began beating the crap of Trump in the polls???

Just that simple question and answers should "educate" you.

how do you know he wasnt trying to do something in 18 or 19???
Hello. Please educate me. Why is it unlawful for our Nation's Executive Branch to request aid of a foreign .gov or entity when investigating suspected unlawful or criminal activity by American politicians, their family members or friends?

Since you obviously DO need education, let me simply say this because this forum is NOT the place to educate someone from 3rd grade upward.

Ask yourself this simple question.....If Trump wanted to become the "corruption Don Quixote".....why the hell did he not do that in Ukraine in 2017.....or 2018.....or even a good part of 2019......and Trump ONLY became the anti-corruption knight AFTER Biden began beating the crap of Trump in the polls???

Just that simple question and answers should "educate" you.
so you dont have proof he wasnt trying to investigate in past yrs,,,
Hello. Please educate me. Why is it unlawful for our Nation's Executive Branch to request aid of a foreign .gov or entity when investigating suspected unlawful or criminal activity by American politicians, their family members or friends?

Since you obviously DO need education, let me simply say this because this forum is NOT the place to educate someone from 3rd grade upward.

Ask yourself this simple question.....If Trump wanted to become the "corruption Don Quixote".....why the hell did he not do that in Ukraine in 2017.....or 2018.....or even a good part of 2019......and Trump ONLY became the anti-corruption knight AFTER Biden began beating the crap of Trump in the polls???

Just that simple question and answers should "educate" you.

how do you know he wasnt trying to do something in 18 or 19???
There would be some record of it. There isn't
Hello. Please educate me. Why is it unlawful for our Nation's Executive Branch to request aid of a foreign .gov or entity when investigating suspected unlawful or criminal activity by American politicians, their family members or friends?

Since you obviously DO need education, let me simply say this because this forum is NOT the place to educate someone from 3rd grade upward.

Ask yourself this simple question.....If Trump wanted to become the "corruption Don Quixote".....why the hell did he not do that in Ukraine in 2017.....or 2018.....or even a good part of 2019......and Trump ONLY became the anti-corruption knight AFTER Biden began beating the crap of Trump in the polls???

Just that simple question and answers should "educate" you.
so you dont have proof he wasnt trying to investigate in past yrs,,,
I don't have proof he's not a martian either.

Does that mean he is?
so you dont have proof he wasnt trying to investigate in past yrs,,,

Don't be one of those eternal idiots on this forum.

If someone smarter within the Trump cult had ANY proof that the orange turd had pursued Ukraine's corruption PRIOR to Biden beating him in polls...........such proof would have been readily shown.

Don't EVER play chess.
Hello. Please educate me. Why is it unlawful for our Nation's Executive Branch to request aid of a foreign .gov or entity when investigating suspected unlawful or criminal activity by American politicians, their family members or friends?

Since you obviously DO need education, let me simply say this because this forum is NOT the place to educate someone from 3rd grade upward.

Ask yourself this simple question.....If Trump wanted to become the "corruption Don Quixote".....why the hell did he not do that in Ukraine in 2017.....or 2018.....or even a good part of 2019......and Trump ONLY became the anti-corruption knight AFTER Biden began beating the crap of Trump in the polls???

Just that simple question and answers should "educate" you.

how do you know he wasnt trying to do something in 18 or 19???
There would be some record of it. There isn't

how do you know??
so you dont have proof he wasnt trying to investigate in past yrs,,,

Don't be one of those eternal idiots on this forum.

If someone smarter within the Trump cult had ANY proof that the orange turd had pursued Ukraine's corruption PRIOR to Biden beating him in polls...........such proof would have been readily shown.

Don't EVER play chess.

how do you know???
we arent told everything he does,,,

we also have to consider they just elected a new president that seemed to be against corruption and more likely to work to expose it than their last preisident
so you dont have proof he wasnt trying to investigate in past yrs,,,

Don't be one of those eternal idiots on this forum.

If someone smarter within the Trump cult had ANY proof that the orange turd had pursued Ukraine's corruption PRIOR to Biden beating him in polls...........such proof would have been readily shown.

Don't EVER play chess.

how do you know???
we arent told everything he does,,,

we also have to consider they just elected a new president that seemed to be against corruption and more likely to work to expose it than their last preisident

flagging it as funny only means you dont know shit,,,

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