So, "abuse of power" is no longer an impeachable offense???

Most of us have heard Whitaker openly state that Trump's "abuse of power" is now an acceptable condition and we also heard from one of Trump's attorneys telling a judge that even if Trump shot someone, he could not be charged for the crime because he is a sitting "president"....

Were the president to shoot (murder) someone, the process of justice would be as follows:

1. Impeached by the house.
2. Removed from office by a 2/3 super majority vote of the senate.
3. Tried as any other citizen in our criminal justice system.

The president is not above the law.
They just love to show their ignorance of how this country works.
The only thing clear, are the democrats abusing their power... Now that is where impeachments need to happen..

So, BB when democrats in the HOUSE are strictly following what the Constitution CLEARLY spells morons accuse the dems of "abuse of power".....and

When the orange turd holds back funds......funds allocated by Congress to a needy ally.......unless that country interferes in our elections.....THAT to morons not "abuse of power"

Again, the CULT mentality trumps (pardon the expression) fucking reality and reason.
For the good of America, our beloved and divine President Donald Trump, the greatest President in American history, must be permitted to abuse his powers when his inner wisdom and the lord tell him abuse of power is needed.
Hello. Please educate me. Why is it unlawful for our Nation's Executive Branch to request aid of a foreign .gov or entity when investigating suspected unlawful or criminal activity by American politicians, their family members or friends?

Since you obviously DO need education, let me simply say this because this forum is NOT the place to educate someone from 3rd grade upward.

Ask yourself this simple question.....If Trump wanted to become the "corruption Don Quixote".....why the hell did he not do that in Ukraine in 2017.....or 2018.....or even a good part of 2019......and Trump ONLY became the anti-corruption knight AFTER Biden began beating the crap of Trump in the polls???

Just that simple question and answers should "educate" you.

Hi, Nat. After Joe Biden proudly revealed he strong armed the Ukrainian .gov to fire the Ukraine prosecutor investigating allegations of corruption into a Ukraine energy company that paid Hunter Biden millions of dollars as a consultant, I'm sure many citizens wanted Biden's foreign dealings scrutinized.

Frankly, if it's not unlawful for Pres. Trump to ask foreign govs for aid in rooting out corruption, I don't see a problem.

_mechee x, vickie dillard, PRO BLACK Impeach Trump.png

so you dont have proof he wasnt trying to investigate in past yrs,,,

Don't be one of those eternal idiots on this forum.

If someone smarter within the Trump cult had ANY proof that the orange turd had pursued Ukraine's corruption PRIOR to Biden beating him in polls...........such proof would have been readily shown.

Don't EVER play chess.

how do you know???
we arent told everything he does,,,

we also have to consider they just elected a new president that seemed to be against corruption and more likely to work to expose it than their last preisident

flagging it as funny only means you dont know shit,,,

No. It means your intellectual shortcomings are funny AF.

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