So...anti gunners, the convention is now over...where were all the gun owners shooting people?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
We have Dallas, and you were wrong.

We had Tuscon, and you were wrong.

Now we have the Republican National Convention...that allowed American citizens to exercise their right to keep and bear arms......

And what did the morons of the anti gun movement say......that normal gun owners, law abiding gun owners...would shoot each other and other people...simply because they had guns......

What exactly happened........

Nothing. The convention is now over.....and nothing happened.

You anti gunners were wrong...again..

Nothing you say about guns, or gun owners in this country has any basis in reality....not one have to make up fantasies in your head, because reality shows you are wrong.......
Another failed narrative from the left. They were certainly hoping for some gun violence.
It's too bad Gov Ron Reagan did not share your view when he outlawed open carry in California.
It's too bad Gov Ron Reagan did not share your view when he outlawed open carry in California.

And had he been around today he would have seen the error in his support for gun control that did not do anything the anti gunners said it would....he was smart enough to change when he learned the truth....
No one said that there would be any violence. I distinctly remember saying how pointless it is, since no republican gun owner even has the courage to pull the trigger in any sort of threat, because they are such pussies, so it wasn't anything to even fuss about. OP is a fag.
No one said that there would be any violence. I distinctly remember saying how pointless it is, since no republican gun owner even has the courage to pull the trigger in any sort of threat, because they are such pussies, so it wasn't anything to even fuss about. OP is a fag.

Wrong on both points...........
It's too bad Gov Ron Reagan did not share your view when he outlawed open carry in California.

And had he been around today he would have seen the error in his support for gun control that did not do anything the anti gunners said it would....he was smart enough to change when he learned the truth....
Too late now though.

That's what happens when you are a figurehead with no brains of your own.
No one said that there would be any violence. I distinctly remember saying how pointless it is, since no republican gun owner even has the courage to pull the trigger in any sort of threat, because they are such pussies, so it wasn't anything to even fuss about. OP is a fag.

You make no sense.

You are just running your head.

You are the fag.

Gay avatar btw.
And here we have pre-convention, anti gun hysterics from the left......and nothing they say happened.....

Open And Concealed Carry Firearm Laws Increase Gun Violence

If you are planning to attend this week’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland, please be sure to leave your tennis balls at home (1).

That’s right, tennis balls are deemed too dangerous to be allowed into the 1.7-mile event space surrounding the RNC. Not only that, but you have to leave your air rifles, water guns, umbrella, shovels, glass bottles, light bulbs and hammers at home. But if you want to bring your fully loaded AR-15 assault rifle, please, feel free.

Welcome to Ohio, where like in the majority of states, it is legal for an individual to openly carry a loaded firearm in a public place without a permit (2). Welcome to Cleveland, home of the RNC, where the head the city’s largest police union is concerned to a point where he asked Ohio Governor John Kasich to temporarily tighten the state’s gun laws via executive action. Kasich claimed that he did not have the power to “arbitrarily suspend state or federal constitutional rights or state laws” (3).

Hard to believe that a Governor can’t temporarily issue an order to protect the public, especially when it would prohibit military-style weapons being carried into large public events attended by Presidential candidates. But that is not the primary problem. The issue is that no prohibition exists in the first place. The issue is that a state refuses to act and prevent open carry making it difficult for law enforcement officers, whose job it is to protect their community. It undermines the ability for an officer to do their job, because how are they supposed to determine who is a “good person with a gun,” and who is a criminal or terrorist with a gun? And as we know all too well, fear drives impulse decisions, and more guns result in more fear and more gun violence.

They were wrong........and hysterical.....

Yeah....there apparently is a shooting at a Mall in you remember when the lefties said that normal, gun owning Americans would shoot each other, the police and the police would shoot the armed citizens at the Republican convention.......

How many were shot at the convention again?

I am sure someone has a link to the carnage...right?

But of course there can't be a shooting in Europe...they have gun control over there.....right?
We have Dallas, and you were wrong.

We had Tuscon, and you were wrong.

Now we have the Republican National Convention...that allowed American citizens to exercise their right to keep and bear arms......

And what did the morons of the anti gun movement say......that normal gun owners, law abiding gun owners...would shoot each other and other people...simply because they had guns......

What exactly happened........

Nothing. The convention is now over.....and nothing happened.

You anti gunners were wrong...again..

Nothing you say about guns, or gun owners in this country has any basis in reality....not one have to make up fantasies in your head, because reality shows you are wrong.......
But this latest dose of reality won't change their narrative one iota.
No one said that there would be any violence. I distinctly remember saying how pointless it is, since no republican gun owner even has the courage to pull the trigger in any sort of threat, because they are such pussies, so it wasn't anything to even fuss about. OP is a fag.
Why did you call him a cigarette? That's kind of dumb.
We have Dallas, and you were wrong.

We had Tuscon, and you were wrong.

Now we have the Republican National Convention...that allowed American citizens to exercise their right to keep and bear arms......

And what did the morons of the anti gun movement say......that normal gun owners, law abiding gun owners...would shoot each other and other people...simply because they had guns......

What exactly happened........

Nothing. The convention is now over.....and nothing happened.

You anti gunners were wrong...again..

Nothing you say about guns, or gun owners in this country has any basis in reality....not one have to make up fantasies in your head, because reality shows you are wrong.......
LOL Get em! I always ask liberoidals if guns kill people, how come no one at a Gun Show which takes place every single weekend never gets shot? I've never had an answer.
Ruh-roh. Looks like the righties are heartbroken over the lack of the race riots they all swore were inevitable. They didn't get to use their guns.

What's your next failed narrative, Trump losers? I suggest you check with your masters to find out. Such good sheep, you are.
Ruh-roh. Looks like the righties are heartbroken over the lack of the race riots they all swore were inevitable. They didn't get to use their guns.

What's your next failed narrative, Trump losers? I suggest you check with your masters to find out. Such good sheep, you are. wasted life typing that know you never get those seconds back..right?

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