So, anti gunners who say no one wants to take our guns...what about the 4th circuit gun ban?

You have guns.

You don't have a constitutional right to weapons of war.
Only individuals with a "Federal Firearms License" can actually own "military" weapons of war and the last I checked, our average American citizens don't possess such a license, what they do possess are weapons that have the "physical appearance" of military style weapons but lack the fully automatic capabilities. There's also the fact that there are 300 million firearms in the hands of approximately 80 million "legal and law abiding" owners who are no threat to the gun-grabbing far-left (proto-communist) liberals. However, should the gun-grabbing idiots get back into control of the federal government and make a serious attempt to confiscate our weapons, then you will see a civil war. If even 10% of that 80 million fight for the right to maintain their weapons rights, that is 8 million fighters determined to take back their civil right to bear arms and the last I checked, all military personnel are sworn to uphold the Constitution and elements of the military would break off and side with those fighting to retain their weapons rights. The US has been bogged down fighting illiterate elderly and young fighters armed only with AK-47's, RPG's and Improvised Explosive devices for 15 years and are no closer to winning than when they began and if you think thousands of illiterate elderly and young fighters are stubborn and deadly, think 8,000,000+ educated and stubborn fighters.

What a damn fantasy. Yep, eight million gun-owning rednecks are going to "save" the Republic. Of course, the first thing you need to happen is for part of the military to break off and join the cause. Hopefully it will be the Air Force, right? I mean come on, a bunch of numbnuts toting AR-15's chambered in the .223? Hell even twelve year olds with AK-47's would be more destructive, and probably more disciplined too.
Yeah...and the ever so-great US military has been so VERY successful in Afghanistan against "farmers."
(1) No one is coming to take away your weapons.
(2) No one in the future is going to take your weapons.
(3) Citizens have no constitutional right to "weapons of war," a finding which Roberts' court will uphold particularly with Gorsuch coming on board.
What a damn fantasy. Yep, eight million gun-owning rednecks are going to "save" the Republic. Of course, the first thing you need to happen is for part of the military to break off and join the cause. Hopefully it will be the Air Force, right? I mean come on, a bunch of numbnuts toting AR-15's chambered in the .223? Hell even twelve year olds with AK-47's would be more destructive, and probably more disciplined too.
Lol, 60k Taliban have been giving the US military a good run for the money and you dont think 8 million Americans, most with military training, are capable of doing better?

If so, then you are mind bogglingly more stupid than I thought, and I didnt imagine that was possible.

BTW, far more than 8 million Americans own guns, too, dumbass.

Here is a list.
State ..........#Gun Owners......... state pop... percent that own guns
Texas ........"9,623,634.01" "26,956,958" 35.7
California .. "7,799,302.50" "38,802,500" 20.1
Florida ...... "6,465,321.53" "19,893,297" 32.5
Penns....... "3,465,333.64" "12,787,209" 27.1
Illinois ....... "3,374,711.96" "12,880,580" 26.2
Georgia .... "3,190,760.39" "10,097,343" 31.6
Michigan ... "2,854,044.58" "9,909,877" 28.8
N Carolina "2,853,917.67" "9,943,964" 28.7
Tennessee "2,580,444.69" "6,549,352" 39.4
Virginia ..... "2,439,602.68" "8,326,289" 29.3
Alabama ... "2,371,345.35" "4,849,377" 48.9
Ohio ........."2,272,455.95" "11,594,163" 19.6
Indiana ..... "2,229,736.99" "6,596,855" 33.8
Arizona .... "2,174,269.33" "6,731,484" 32.3
S Carolina "2,145,622.01" "4,832,482" 44.4
Louisiana "2,069,105.82" "4,649,676" 44.5
New York "2,033,861.38" "19,746,227" 10.3
Minnesota "2,002,782.49" "5,457,173" 36.7
Wisconsin "1,997,874.71" "5,757,564" 34.7
Wash(st) "1,956,043.81" "7,061,530" 27.7
Kentucky "1,871,305.77" "4,413,457" 42.4
Colorado "1,837,062.04" "5,355,866" 34.3
Arkansas "1,717,527.65" "2,966,369" 57.9
Missouri "1,643,232.62" "6,063,589" 27.1
Mass..... "1,524,462.21" "6,745,408" 22.6
Miss........ "1,281,465.81" "2,994,079" 42.8
Maryland "1,237,116.25" "5,976,407" 20.7
Oklaho.... "1,209,951.91" "3,878,051" 31.2
Nevada ..."1,064,661.75" "2,839,098" 37.5
Oregon ..."1,056,083.57" "3,970,239" 26.6
Iowa ........"1,050,208.59" "3,107,126" 33.8
N Mexico "1,040,700.43" "2,085,572" 49.9
N Jersey "1,010,013.78" "8,938,175" 11.3
W Virginia "1,002,876.69" "1,850,326" 54.2
Utah ........ "938,785.74" "2,942,902" 31.9
Kansas .... "935,094.76" "2,904,021" 32.2
Idaho ......."930,010.02" "1,634,464" 56.9
Hawaii ..... "640,222.01" "1,419,561" 45.1
Connecticut . "597,048.38" "3,596,677" 16.6
Montana ...... "535,331.82" "1,023,579" 52.3
Alaska ..... "454,563.64" "736,732" 61.7
Nebraska .... "372,537.59" "1,881,503" 19.8
N Dakota .... "354,211.88" "739,482" 47.9
Wyoming ..... "314,274.31" "584,153" 53.8
Maine ...... "300,600.11" "1,330,089" 22.6
S Dakota ..... "298,611.25" "853,175" 35
N Hampshire "191,061.07" "1,326,813" 14.4
Vermont ......"180,449.86" "626,562" 28.8
Dist Col....... "170,653.29" "658,893" 25.9
Rhode Isl....... "61,200.03" "1,055,173" 5.8
Delaware ....... "48,651.93" "935,614" 5.2
Total number of armed American civilians "91,770,148.23"
What a damn fantasy. Yep, eight million gun-owning rednecks are going to "save" the Republic. Of course, the first thing you need to happen is for part of the military to break off and join the cause. Hopefully it will be the Air Force, right? I mean come on, a bunch of numbnuts toting AR-15's chambered in the .223? Hell even twelve year olds with AK-47's would be more destructive, and probably more disciplined too.
Lol, 60k Taliban have been giving the US military a good run for the money and you dont think 8 million Americans, most with military training, are capable of doing better?

If so, then you are mind bogglingly more stupid than I thought, and I didnt imagine that was possible.

BTW, far more than 8 million Americans own guns, too, dumbass.

Here is a list.
State ..........#Gun Owners......... state pop... percent that own guns
Texas ........"9,623,634.01" "26,956,958" 35.7
California .. "7,799,302.50" "38,802,500" 20.1
Florida ...... "6,465,321.53" "19,893,297" 32.5
Penns....... "3,465,333.64" "12,787,209" 27.1
Illinois ....... "3,374,711.96" "12,880,580" 26.2
Georgia .... "3,190,760.39" "10,097,343" 31.6
Michigan ... "2,854,044.58" "9,909,877" 28.8
N Carolina "2,853,917.67" "9,943,964" 28.7
Tennessee "2,580,444.69" "6,549,352" 39.4
Virginia ..... "2,439,602.68" "8,326,289" 29.3
Alabama ... "2,371,345.35" "4,849,377" 48.9
Ohio ........."2,272,455.95" "11,594,163" 19.6
Indiana ..... "2,229,736.99" "6,596,855" 33.8
Arizona .... "2,174,269.33" "6,731,484" 32.3
S Carolina "2,145,622.01" "4,832,482" 44.4
Louisiana "2,069,105.82" "4,649,676" 44.5
New York "2,033,861.38" "19,746,227" 10.3
Minnesota "2,002,782.49" "5,457,173" 36.7
Wisconsin "1,997,874.71" "5,757,564" 34.7
Wash(st) "1,956,043.81" "7,061,530" 27.7
Kentucky "1,871,305.77" "4,413,457" 42.4
Colorado "1,837,062.04" "5,355,866" 34.3
Arkansas "1,717,527.65" "2,966,369" 57.9
Missouri "1,643,232.62" "6,063,589" 27.1
Mass..... "1,524,462.21" "6,745,408" 22.6
Miss........ "1,281,465.81" "2,994,079" 42.8
Maryland "1,237,116.25" "5,976,407" 20.7
Oklaho.... "1,209,951.91" "3,878,051" 31.2
Nevada ..."1,064,661.75" "2,839,098" 37.5
Oregon ..."1,056,083.57" "3,970,239" 26.6
Iowa ........"1,050,208.59" "3,107,126" 33.8
N Mexico "1,040,700.43" "2,085,572" 49.9
N Jersey "1,010,013.78" "8,938,175" 11.3
W Virginia "1,002,876.69" "1,850,326" 54.2
Utah ........ "938,785.74" "2,942,902" 31.9
Kansas .... "935,094.76" "2,904,021" 32.2
Idaho ......."930,010.02" "1,634,464" 56.9
Hawaii ..... "640,222.01" "1,419,561" 45.1
Connecticut . "597,048.38" "3,596,677" 16.6
Montana ...... "535,331.82" "1,023,579" 52.3
Alaska ..... "454,563.64" "736,732" 61.7
Nebraska .... "372,537.59" "1,881,503" 19.8
N Dakota .... "354,211.88" "739,482" 47.9
Wyoming ..... "314,274.31" "584,153" 53.8
Maine ...... "300,600.11" "1,330,089" 22.6
S Dakota ..... "298,611.25" "853,175" 35
N Hampshire "191,061.07" "1,326,813" 14.4
Vermont ......"180,449.86" "626,562" 28.8
Dist Col....... "170,653.29" "658,893" 25.9
Rhode Isl....... "61,200.03" "1,055,173" 5.8
Delaware ....... "48,651.93" "935,614" 5.2
Total number of armed American civilians "91,770,148.23"

No, I don't think they have a snowball's chance in hell against a modern army. Sure, a few yahoos might be able to hide up in the mountains and make out for a little bit.
What on Earth are you talking about? I never made the claim that an AR15 was essential for self defense, or even the preferred self defense weapon. I made zero comments about that.

Literally the only thing I said is that an AR15 is not an ideal military weapon.

Then what is your argument? Why do you believe the right to own an AR-15 is constitutionally protected? I am talking about the standard. I am talking about the Appeals court ruling. I am telling you WHY the AR-15 is not constitutionally protected. It is not ESSENTIAL for self-defense and therefore IS NOT protected by the second amendment.

how about you average everyday .223 semiautomatic ranch rifle?
and where does it mention on the second that only arms essential for defense are protected?

It does not say it within the second amendment. But it IS the standard under the Heller decision. Rather or not a particular firearm is protected by the second amendment, which is now an individual right based in self-defense, is rather or not the inability of having access to that particular firearm significantly hampers one's ability to defend themselves. Rather or not that review is done under "strict scrutiny", or "intermediate scrutiny" was the question before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Fourth Circuit ruled that it should be done under intermediate scrutiny, and upheld the ban on the AR-15 and other assault rifles. That ruling was not the first, it was the THIRD ruling confirming the intermediate scrutiny test by a Federal Appeals Court. One, out of the three, out of the Second Court of Appeals, was CONFIRMED by the SCOTUS. This is old news.
doesn't make it any less stupid

and civilians cannot buy "assault" rifles. Civilians able to buy semiautomatic riflles which btw have been around since the 1860's
it seems like most of the problem is die to the ignorance of judges and most of the population when it comes to guns

I agree when it comes to ignorance. Not really sure we agree on which side. Like in this case. It is not about semi-automatic. And yes, you are right, they have been around awhile. It is about high capacity detachable magazines, flash suppressors, folding-stocks. Things that make the weapon inherently OFFENSIVE. Remember, the second amendment is about self DEFENSE.

Look, this is really pretty simple. Thing of a AR-15 in a .223. Sure it is great fun at the range. But self-defense, not so good. And with a high capacity magazine, why about the only thing it is really good at is bouncing bullets off walls and inside of first graders or theater goers. So, we ban them. And like I said, it is simple. That banishment does not make anyone less safer in the area of self-defense. Shit, someone replaces their glorified bb gun AR-15 with a real gun, like a semi-automatic shotgun, they have probably improved their self defense. But it does protect us from rampaging idiots letting loose on unarmed children and innocent civilians.
the second amendment does not mention defense

and a folding stock does not make a gun more offensive and so what if a law abiding person has a large capacity magazine?

I don't agree with telling law abiding people they can't own a weapon because someday, maybe, some criminal somewhere might kill someone with the same type of weapon

If I can pass a check, and I can and have, I should be able to buy any rifle I want and any size magazine I want
Then what is your argument? Why do you believe the right to own an AR-15 is constitutionally protected? I am talking about the standard. I am talking about the Appeals court ruling. I am telling you WHY the AR-15 is not constitutionally protected. It is not ESSENTIAL for self-defense and therefore IS NOT protected by the second amendment.

how about you average everyday .223 semiautomatic ranch rifle?
and where does it mention on the second that only arms essential for defense are protected?

It does not say it within the second amendment. But it IS the standard under the Heller decision. Rather or not a particular firearm is protected by the second amendment, which is now an individual right based in self-defense, is rather or not the inability of having access to that particular firearm significantly hampers one's ability to defend themselves. Rather or not that review is done under "strict scrutiny", or "intermediate scrutiny" was the question before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Fourth Circuit ruled that it should be done under intermediate scrutiny, and upheld the ban on the AR-15 and other assault rifles. That ruling was not the first, it was the THIRD ruling confirming the intermediate scrutiny test by a Federal Appeals Court. One, out of the three, out of the Second Court of Appeals, was CONFIRMED by the SCOTUS. This is old news.
doesn't make it any less stupid

and civilians cannot buy "assault" rifles. Civilians able to buy semiautomatic riflles which btw have been around since the 1860's
it seems like most of the problem is die to the ignorance of judges and most of the population when it comes to guns

I agree when it comes to ignorance. Not really sure we agree on which side. Like in this case. It is not about semi-automatic. And yes, you are right, they have been around awhile. It is about high capacity detachable magazines, flash suppressors, folding-stocks. Things that make the weapon inherently OFFENSIVE. Remember, the second amendment is about self DEFENSE.

Look, this is really pretty simple. Thing of a AR-15 in a .223. Sure it is great fun at the range. But self-defense, not so good. And with a high capacity magazine, why about the only thing it is really good at is bouncing bullets off walls and inside of first graders or theater goers. So, we ban them. And like I said, it is simple. That banishment does not make anyone less safer in the area of self-defense. Shit, someone replaces their glorified bb gun AR-15 with a real gun, like a semi-automatic shotgun, they have probably improved their self defense. But it does protect us from rampaging idiots letting loose on unarmed children and innocent civilians.
the second amendment does not mention defense

and a folding stock does not make a gun more offensive and so what if a law abiding person has a large capacity magazine?

I don't agree with telling law abiding people they can't own a weapon because someday, maybe, some criminal somewhere might kill someone with the same type of weapon

If I can pass a check, and I can and have, I should be able to buy any rifle I want and any size magazine I want

Yeah, I don't know what that whole "security of a free state" is all about.

But it does not matter what you agree with. There is no constitutional protection to owning an AR-15. It has been adjudicated to the Federal Appeals level, not once, not twice, but three times. It has been confirmed by the SCOTUS.

And the government has been placing limits on weapons for quite some time, even magazine capacity. We were placing plugs in semi-auto shotguns almost fifty years ago, had a capacity limit when we were hunting.
how about you average everyday .223 semiautomatic ranch rifle?
and where does it mention on the second that only arms essential for defense are protected?

It does not say it within the second amendment. But it IS the standard under the Heller decision. Rather or not a particular firearm is protected by the second amendment, which is now an individual right based in self-defense, is rather or not the inability of having access to that particular firearm significantly hampers one's ability to defend themselves. Rather or not that review is done under "strict scrutiny", or "intermediate scrutiny" was the question before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Fourth Circuit ruled that it should be done under intermediate scrutiny, and upheld the ban on the AR-15 and other assault rifles. That ruling was not the first, it was the THIRD ruling confirming the intermediate scrutiny test by a Federal Appeals Court. One, out of the three, out of the Second Court of Appeals, was CONFIRMED by the SCOTUS. This is old news.
doesn't make it any less stupid

and civilians cannot buy "assault" rifles. Civilians able to buy semiautomatic riflles which btw have been around since the 1860's
it seems like most of the problem is die to the ignorance of judges and most of the population when it comes to guns

I agree when it comes to ignorance. Not really sure we agree on which side. Like in this case. It is not about semi-automatic. And yes, you are right, they have been around awhile. It is about high capacity detachable magazines, flash suppressors, folding-stocks. Things that make the weapon inherently OFFENSIVE. Remember, the second amendment is about self DEFENSE.

Look, this is really pretty simple. Thing of a AR-15 in a .223. Sure it is great fun at the range. But self-defense, not so good. And with a high capacity magazine, why about the only thing it is really good at is bouncing bullets off walls and inside of first graders or theater goers. So, we ban them. And like I said, it is simple. That banishment does not make anyone less safer in the area of self-defense. Shit, someone replaces their glorified bb gun AR-15 with a real gun, like a semi-automatic shotgun, they have probably improved their self defense. But it does protect us from rampaging idiots letting loose on unarmed children and innocent civilians.
the second amendment does not mention defense

and a folding stock does not make a gun more offensive and so what if a law abiding person has a large capacity magazine?

I don't agree with telling law abiding people they can't own a weapon because someday, maybe, some criminal somewhere might kill someone with the same type of weapon

If I can pass a check, and I can and have, I should be able to buy any rifle I want and any size magazine I want

Yeah, I don't know what that whole "security of a free state" is all about.

But it does not matter what you agree with. There is no constitutional protection to owning an AR-15. It has been adjudicated to the Federal Appeals level, not once, not twice, but three times. It has been confirmed by the SCOTUS.

And the government has been placing limits on weapons for quite some time, even magazine capacity. We were placing plugs in semi-auto shotguns almost fifty years ago, had a capacity limit when we were hunting.

and again to illustrate how stupid those laws are

I can own a Mini 14 which is exactly the same functionally as an AR 15 but because it doesn't have cosmetic doodads it's somehow not as dangerous

the sheer idiocy of it all makes me wonder how anyone with a scintilla of intelligence can so blindly agree with these decisions of the government
It does not say it within the second amendment. But it IS the standard under the Heller decision. Rather or not a particular firearm is protected by the second amendment, which is now an individual right based in self-defense, is rather or not the inability of having access to that particular firearm significantly hampers one's ability to defend themselves. Rather or not that review is done under "strict scrutiny", or "intermediate scrutiny" was the question before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Fourth Circuit ruled that it should be done under intermediate scrutiny, and upheld the ban on the AR-15 and other assault rifles. That ruling was not the first, it was the THIRD ruling confirming the intermediate scrutiny test by a Federal Appeals Court. One, out of the three, out of the Second Court of Appeals, was CONFIRMED by the SCOTUS. This is old news.
doesn't make it any less stupid

and civilians cannot buy "assault" rifles. Civilians able to buy semiautomatic riflles which btw have been around since the 1860's
it seems like most of the problem is die to the ignorance of judges and most of the population when it comes to guns

I agree when it comes to ignorance. Not really sure we agree on which side. Like in this case. It is not about semi-automatic. And yes, you are right, they have been around awhile. It is about high capacity detachable magazines, flash suppressors, folding-stocks. Things that make the weapon inherently OFFENSIVE. Remember, the second amendment is about self DEFENSE.

Look, this is really pretty simple. Thing of a AR-15 in a .223. Sure it is great fun at the range. But self-defense, not so good. And with a high capacity magazine, why about the only thing it is really good at is bouncing bullets off walls and inside of first graders or theater goers. So, we ban them. And like I said, it is simple. That banishment does not make anyone less safer in the area of self-defense. Shit, someone replaces their glorified bb gun AR-15 with a real gun, like a semi-automatic shotgun, they have probably improved their self defense. But it does protect us from rampaging idiots letting loose on unarmed children and innocent civilians.
the second amendment does not mention defense

and a folding stock does not make a gun more offensive and so what if a law abiding person has a large capacity magazine?

I don't agree with telling law abiding people they can't own a weapon because someday, maybe, some criminal somewhere might kill someone with the same type of weapon

If I can pass a check, and I can and have, I should be able to buy any rifle I want and any size magazine I want

Yeah, I don't know what that whole "security of a free state" is all about.

But it does not matter what you agree with. There is no constitutional protection to owning an AR-15. It has been adjudicated to the Federal Appeals level, not once, not twice, but three times. It has been confirmed by the SCOTUS.

And the government has been placing limits on weapons for quite some time, even magazine capacity. We were placing plugs in semi-auto shotguns almost fifty years ago, had a capacity limit when we were hunting.

and again to illustrate how stupid those laws are

I can own a Mini 14 which is exactly the same functionally as an AR 15 but because it doesn't have cosmetic doodads it's somehow not as dangerous

the sheer idiocy of it all makes me wonder how anyone with a scintilla of intelligence can so blindly agree with these decisions of the government

Outstanding. Then go buy a Mini 14. Obviously, since the Mini 14 is damn near the same as an AR-15, banning the AR 15 presents absolutely no burden on the second amendment and the ability to defend one's self.
doesn't make it any less stupid

and civilians cannot buy "assault" rifles. Civilians able to buy semiautomatic riflles which btw have been around since the 1860's
it seems like most of the problem is die to the ignorance of judges and most of the population when it comes to guns

I agree when it comes to ignorance. Not really sure we agree on which side. Like in this case. It is not about semi-automatic. And yes, you are right, they have been around awhile. It is about high capacity detachable magazines, flash suppressors, folding-stocks. Things that make the weapon inherently OFFENSIVE. Remember, the second amendment is about self DEFENSE.

Look, this is really pretty simple. Thing of a AR-15 in a .223. Sure it is great fun at the range. But self-defense, not so good. And with a high capacity magazine, why about the only thing it is really good at is bouncing bullets off walls and inside of first graders or theater goers. So, we ban them. And like I said, it is simple. That banishment does not make anyone less safer in the area of self-defense. Shit, someone replaces their glorified bb gun AR-15 with a real gun, like a semi-automatic shotgun, they have probably improved their self defense. But it does protect us from rampaging idiots letting loose on unarmed children and innocent civilians.
the second amendment does not mention defense

and a folding stock does not make a gun more offensive and so what if a law abiding person has a large capacity magazine?

I don't agree with telling law abiding people they can't own a weapon because someday, maybe, some criminal somewhere might kill someone with the same type of weapon

If I can pass a check, and I can and have, I should be able to buy any rifle I want and any size magazine I want

Yeah, I don't know what that whole "security of a free state" is all about.

But it does not matter what you agree with. There is no constitutional protection to owning an AR-15. It has been adjudicated to the Federal Appeals level, not once, not twice, but three times. It has been confirmed by the SCOTUS.

And the government has been placing limits on weapons for quite some time, even magazine capacity. We were placing plugs in semi-auto shotguns almost fifty years ago, had a capacity limit when we were hunting.

and again to illustrate how stupid those laws are

I can own a Mini 14 which is exactly the same functionally as an AR 15 but because it doesn't have cosmetic doodads it's somehow not as dangerous

the sheer idiocy of it all makes me wonder how anyone with a scintilla of intelligence can so blindly agree with these decisions of the government

Outstanding. Then go buy a Mini 14. Obviously, since the Mini 14 is damn near the same as an AR-15, banning the AR 15 presents absolutely no burden on the second amendment and the ability to defend one's self.

Like I said no one with a scintilla of intelligence would think the AR 15 ban is a cogent piece of legislation
It does not say it within the second amendment. But it IS the standard under the Heller decision. Rather or not a particular firearm is protected by the second amendment, which is now an individual right based in self-defense, is rather or not the inability of having access to that particular firearm significantly hampers one's ability to defend themselves. Rather or not that review is done under "strict scrutiny", or "intermediate scrutiny" was the question before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Fourth Circuit ruled that it should be done under intermediate scrutiny, and upheld the ban on the AR-15 and other assault rifles. That ruling was not the first, it was the THIRD ruling confirming the intermediate scrutiny test by a Federal Appeals Court. One, out of the three, out of the Second Court of Appeals, was CONFIRMED by the SCOTUS. This is old news.
doesn't make it any less stupid

and civilians cannot buy "assault" rifles. Civilians able to buy semiautomatic riflles which btw have been around since the 1860's
it seems like most of the problem is die to the ignorance of judges and most of the population when it comes to guns

I agree when it comes to ignorance. Not really sure we agree on which side. Like in this case. It is not about semi-automatic. And yes, you are right, they have been around awhile. It is about high capacity detachable magazines, flash suppressors, folding-stocks. Things that make the weapon inherently OFFENSIVE. Remember, the second amendment is about self DEFENSE.

Look, this is really pretty simple. Thing of a AR-15 in a .223. Sure it is great fun at the range. But self-defense, not so good. And with a high capacity magazine, why about the only thing it is really good at is bouncing bullets off walls and inside of first graders or theater goers. So, we ban them. And like I said, it is simple. That banishment does not make anyone less safer in the area of self-defense. Shit, someone replaces their glorified bb gun AR-15 with a real gun, like a semi-automatic shotgun, they have probably improved their self defense. But it does protect us from rampaging idiots letting loose on unarmed children and innocent civilians.
the second amendment does not mention defense

and a folding stock does not make a gun more offensive and so what if a law abiding person has a large capacity magazine?

I don't agree with telling law abiding people they can't own a weapon because someday, maybe, some criminal somewhere might kill someone with the same type of weapon

If I can pass a check, and I can and have, I should be able to buy any rifle I want and any size magazine I want

Yeah, I don't know what that whole "security of a free state" is all about.

But it does not matter what you agree with. There is no constitutional protection to owning an AR-15. It has been adjudicated to the Federal Appeals level, not once, not twice, but three times. It has been confirmed by the SCOTUS.

And the government has been placing limits on weapons for quite some time, even magazine capacity. We were placing plugs in semi-auto shotguns almost fifty years ago, had a capacity limit when we were hunting.

and again to illustrate how stupid those laws are

I can own a Mini 14 which is exactly the same functionally as an AR 15 but because it doesn't have cosmetic doodads it's somehow not as dangerous

the sheer idiocy of it all makes me wonder how anyone with a scintilla of intelligence can so blindly agree with these decisions of the government
It is case law, on a case by case basis.
doesn't make it any less stupid

and civilians cannot buy "assault" rifles. Civilians able to buy semiautomatic riflles which btw have been around since the 1860's
it seems like most of the problem is die to the ignorance of judges and most of the population when it comes to guns

I agree when it comes to ignorance. Not really sure we agree on which side. Like in this case. It is not about semi-automatic. And yes, you are right, they have been around awhile. It is about high capacity detachable magazines, flash suppressors, folding-stocks. Things that make the weapon inherently OFFENSIVE. Remember, the second amendment is about self DEFENSE.

Look, this is really pretty simple. Thing of a AR-15 in a .223. Sure it is great fun at the range. But self-defense, not so good. And with a high capacity magazine, why about the only thing it is really good at is bouncing bullets off walls and inside of first graders or theater goers. So, we ban them. And like I said, it is simple. That banishment does not make anyone less safer in the area of self-defense. Shit, someone replaces their glorified bb gun AR-15 with a real gun, like a semi-automatic shotgun, they have probably improved their self defense. But it does protect us from rampaging idiots letting loose on unarmed children and innocent civilians.
the second amendment does not mention defense

and a folding stock does not make a gun more offensive and so what if a law abiding person has a large capacity magazine?

I don't agree with telling law abiding people they can't own a weapon because someday, maybe, some criminal somewhere might kill someone with the same type of weapon

If I can pass a check, and I can and have, I should be able to buy any rifle I want and any size magazine I want

Yeah, I don't know what that whole "security of a free state" is all about.

But it does not matter what you agree with. There is no constitutional protection to owning an AR-15. It has been adjudicated to the Federal Appeals level, not once, not twice, but three times. It has been confirmed by the SCOTUS.

And the government has been placing limits on weapons for quite some time, even magazine capacity. We were placing plugs in semi-auto shotguns almost fifty years ago, had a capacity limit when we were hunting.

and again to illustrate how stupid those laws are

I can own a Mini 14 which is exactly the same functionally as an AR 15 but because it doesn't have cosmetic doodads it's somehow not as dangerous

the sheer idiocy of it all makes me wonder how anyone with a scintilla of intelligence can so blindly agree with these decisions of the government
It is case law, on a case by case basis.
a ban on a gun is not a case by case basis you idiot
(1) No one is coming to take away your weapons.
(2) No one in the future is going to take your weapons.
(3) Citizens have no constitutional right to "weapons of war," a finding which Roberts' court will uphold particularly with Gorsuch coming on board.
Not until a widely acceptable agreement is reached on just what the term, "weapons of war," actually refers to -- starting with the atomic bomb and considering that the very ordinary pump action 12 gauge shotgun was effectively (and preferably) used in the jungles of Vietnam.
I agree when it comes to ignorance. Not really sure we agree on which side. Like in this case. It is not about semi-automatic. And yes, you are right, they have been around awhile. It is about high capacity detachable magazines, flash suppressors, folding-stocks. Things that make the weapon inherently OFFENSIVE. Remember, the second amendment is about self DEFENSE.

Look, this is really pretty simple. Thing of a AR-15 in a .223. Sure it is great fun at the range. But self-defense, not so good. And with a high capacity magazine, why about the only thing it is really good at is bouncing bullets off walls and inside of first graders or theater goers. So, we ban them. And like I said, it is simple. That banishment does not make anyone less safer in the area of self-defense. Shit, someone replaces their glorified bb gun AR-15 with a real gun, like a semi-automatic shotgun, they have probably improved their self defense. But it does protect us from rampaging idiots letting loose on unarmed children and innocent civilians.
the second amendment does not mention defense

and a folding stock does not make a gun more offensive and so what if a law abiding person has a large capacity magazine?

I don't agree with telling law abiding people they can't own a weapon because someday, maybe, some criminal somewhere might kill someone with the same type of weapon

If I can pass a check, and I can and have, I should be able to buy any rifle I want and any size magazine I want

Yeah, I don't know what that whole "security of a free state" is all about.

But it does not matter what you agree with. There is no constitutional protection to owning an AR-15. It has been adjudicated to the Federal Appeals level, not once, not twice, but three times. It has been confirmed by the SCOTUS.

And the government has been placing limits on weapons for quite some time, even magazine capacity. We were placing plugs in semi-auto shotguns almost fifty years ago, had a capacity limit when we were hunting.

and again to illustrate how stupid those laws are

I can own a Mini 14 which is exactly the same functionally as an AR 15 but because it doesn't have cosmetic doodads it's somehow not as dangerous

the sheer idiocy of it all makes me wonder how anyone with a scintilla of intelligence can so blindly agree with these decisions of the government
It is case law, on a case by case basis.
a ban on a gun is not a case by case basis you idiot
yes, it is, if it happens by case law and not code law.
You have guns.

You don't have a constitutional right to weapons of war.
Do we have a right to guns? you don't mention that, just that we have them.
Sure. But the courts are going to finally opine across the board, I believe, that we don't have a right to weapons of war. The argument will be in the fine print. You don't need a TOW or a LAW or a frigate for your bathtub.

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