So Biden never mentioned Covid or the Olympics in his talk with China?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
This is making it's rounds on the news and I'm curious, how do you have a meeting with China, the source of covid, and never mention it? How do you claim to be for human rights or equity and never mention the possibility of skipping the Olympics over their slave labor and concentration camps? The entire free world should be banning their athletes from participating. Send a unified message instead of more orders for more garbage iPhones.

China sees dollar signs with the 1.2 trillion bill that just passed. They're eager to sell us the green technology technology they stole from us to fulfill the orders Bidens union thugs will need.
I did a quick search of your posting history and never found a single post whining about Trump not talking about pulling our athletes out of the Olympics even though they had been planned there his entire presidency. Why is it now a problem?

Could you be any more of a transparent partisan whore?
This is making it's rounds on the news and I'm curious, how do you have a meeting with China, the source of covid, and never mention it? How do you claim to be for human rights or equity and never mention the possibility of skipping the Olympics over their slave labor and concentration camps? The entire free world should be banning their athletes from participating. Send a unified message instead of more orders for more garbage iPhones.

China sees dollar signs with the 1.2 trillion bill that just passed. They're eager to sell us the green technology technology they stole from us to fulfill the orders Bidens union thugs will need.

Maybe Slow Joe just didn't want to piss off his Chinese masters. They might ask for their money back.
Maybe Slow Joe just didn't want to piss off his Chinese masters. They might ask for their money back.

The exact same reason the former guy never brought it up once in 4 years
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I did a quick search of your posting history and never found a single post whining about Trump not talking about pulling our athletes out of the Olympics even though they had been planned there his entire presidency. Why is it now a problem?

Could you be any more of a transparent partisan whore?
Trump was president during the Olympics in JAPAN. Decisions for 2022 obviously are up to whomever is in office when that time comes.
Your digging through old posts doesn't prove anything but your troll status.

But I digress, I get it....


Fucking retard
This POSPOTUS you speak of, along with the Arab son fronting as a black, funded Duke-NUS Singapore. At the time they did that, the gang, including Fau Chi, knew there were vaccines on the horizon. For the Arrogants to get clued up, we recommend Edward Hooper’s Origins page which mentions the Wuhan Military Games, Oct 2019. Technology at Duke NUS Singapore went on to vaccinate the Russian military.
Trump was president during the Olympics in JAPAN. Decisions for 2022 obviously are up to whomever is in office when that time comes.

You cannot be this stupid. The time to try and change the venue for the Olympics is not 2 months prior to them starting, it is the years and years between when they are awarded and when they start.


My post had nothing to do with Trump, it was about you being a transparent partisan whore. When what you care about is based soley on who is sitting in the White House you are a fucking transparent partisan whore
You cannot be this stupid. The time to try and change the venue for the Olympics is not 2 months prior to them starting, it is the years and years between when they are awarded and when they start.

My post had nothing to do with Trump, it was about you being a transparent partisan whore. When what you care about is based soley on who is sitting in the White House you are a fucking transparent partisan whore
I am guessing you do not know that there is an international committee that chooses where the games are held.
The only thing that a sitting president can do is suggest that all U.S. athletes do not attend the games as happened with Russia.
So yes Trump could very well have done that with China. But that was a few years away at that time.
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You cannot be this stupid. The time to try and change the venue for the Olympics is not 2 months prior to them starting, it is the years and years between when they are awarded and when they start.

My post had nothing to do with Trump, it was about you being a transparent partisan whore. When what you care about is based soley on who is sitting in the White House you are a fucking transparent partisan whore
I never mentions changing venues. I mentioned boycotting them. That sends a bigger message than arguing fruitlessly over the location that WE HAVE NO CONTROL OVER. We do control where our athletes are allowed to go.
And at the end of the day Biden didn't even MENTION ANYTHING about human rights.
He can focus on American parents being racists but is incapable of mentioning child and adult SLAVES in China.

The partisanship here is crystal clear and it isn't mine
So yes Trump could very well have done that with China. But that was a few years away at that time.

which is the time to do it before all the preparation and money and planning has taken place. The OP talks about getting the rest of the world to boycott with us...the time to do that is not 2 months before the start.
which is the time to do it before all the preparation and money and planning has taken place. The OP talks about getting the rest of the world to boycott with us...the time to do that is not 2 months before the start.
The time to boycott is absolutely now and the gop have been calling for it FOR MONTHS.

Even better is the fact that THIS MEETING was Bidens chance to address the issue directly with China and he cowered out.
which is the time to do it before all the preparation and money and planning has taken place. The OP talks about getting the rest of the world to boycott with us...the time to do that is not 2 months before the start.
Were you around when the U.S. boycotted the Olympic Games? That was not years that boycott was announced shortly before the games took place. So there is precedence for doing so. It does not have to happen years in advance
Were you around when the U.S. boycotted the Olympic Games? That was not years that boycott was announced shortly before the games took place. So there is precedence for doing so. It does not have to happen years in advance

I was around, and I disagreed with it. It was not years in advanced because the reason given only happened the year before the Olympics. There is nothing new going on in China that was not going on since they were awarded the site back in 2015, two very different circumstances.
This is making it's rounds on the news and I'm curious, how do you have a meeting with China, the source of covid, and never mention it? How do you claim to be for human rights or equity and never mention the possibility of skipping the Olympics over their slave labor and concentration camps? The entire free world should be banning their athletes from participating. Send a unified message instead of more orders for more garbage iPhones.

China sees dollar signs with the 1.2 trillion bill that just passed. They're eager to sell us the green technology technology they stole from us to fulfill the orders Bidens union thugs will need.
The time to boycott is absolutely now and the gop have been calling for it FOR MONTHS.

Why did they not call for it for years vice months? The entire world has known it was going to be there since 2015. Why whine about it now?

Even better is the fact that THIS MEETING was Bidens chance to address the issue directly with China and he cowered out.

Again, cannot find any post from you whining about Trump not talking about human rights while having dinner with Xi at the Forbidden City. It is your selective outrage that makes you a transparent partisan whore
Why did they not call for it for years vice months? The entire world has known it was going to be there since 2015. Why whine about it now?

Again, cannot find any post from you whining about Trump not talking about human rights while having dinner with Xi at the Forbidden City. It is your selective outrage that makes you a transparent partisan whore
I don't care what you can or cannot find with your troll shovel.
The fact that you can't face current events without invoking Trump speaks to you not me.
I have PLENTY of posts bitching about Trumps policy decisions. Not quite as many as you have verbal vomiting your TDS all over the forum.
I don't care what you can or cannot find with your troll shovel.
The fact that you can't face current events without invoking Trump speaks to you not me.
I have PLENTY of posts bitching about Trumps policy decisions. Not quite as man as you have verbal vomiting your TDS all over the forum.

Again, this is not about Trump, this is about you being a transparent partisan whore. You whine about Biden not doing things that Trump did not do but you did not whine about those.
I was around, and I disagreed with it. It was not years in advanced because the reason given only happened the year before the Olympics. There is nothing new going on in China that was not going on since they were awarded the site back in 2015, two very different circumstances.
Um no. Does not matter if a president sees a reason to boycott the Olympics a month before they start or twenty years. It can be any reason. Chinas latest threats about Taiwan to it’s newest aircraft carrier to it’s human rights violations and numerous other problems, any or all could be a reason. To try and defend that it has to be done because of X happening and has to be done years in advance is wrong. I am not defending anything Trump did or did not do. Nor am I condemning or condoning any thing our current vegetable in the White House is doing. I am simply pointing out the truth. A boycott can and has been done shortly before the Olympics. IT DOES NOT have to be done years in advance.

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