So Biden never mentioned Covid or the Olympics in his talk with China?

Again, this is not about Trump, this is about you
No, it actually isn't about me. It's about the president cowering in front of China on issues he eagerly condemns Americans for.
You can try to make it about me all you want but that off topic childishness only shows your inability to address the topic at hand.
Um no. Does not matter if a president sees a reason to boycott the Olympics a month before they start or twenty years. It can be any reason. Chinas latest threats about Taiwan to it’s newest aircraft carrier to it’s human rights violations and numerous other problems, any or all could be a reason. To try and defend that it has to be done because of X happening and has to be done years in advance is wrong. I am not defending anything Trump did or did not do. Nor am I condemning or condoning any thing our current vegetable in the White House is doing. I am simply pointing out the truth. A boycott can and has been done shortly before the Olympics. IT DOES NOT have to be done years in advance.

I am and always have been against Olympic boycotts, all they do is punish the athletes that worked so hard to make it to the Olympics. As you are not defending Trump, I am not criticizing him, I am merely pointing out the rank hypocrisy of the OP.
No, it actually isn't about me. It's about the president cowering in front of China on issues he eagerly condemns Americans for.
You can try to make it about me all you want but that off topic childishness only shows your inability to address the topic at hand.

Yes, all of my post are about you and your rank hypocrisy. Your silence the previous 4 years make you whining now meaningless.
I am and always have been against Olympic boycotts, all they do is punish the athletes that worked so hard to make it to the Olympics. As you are not defending Trump, I am not criticizing him, I am merely pointing out the rank hypocrisy of the OP.
You were, shall we say, bending the truth to fit your narrative. You claimed that we had to do a boycott years in advance. Which is not true. I have been stating that the fact is there is no law, either international or U.S. that states it has to be done in a certain time period. While each president can decide what they want to do along those lines. For you to claim that it has to be done in any time period is untrue.
As to whether it is right or wrong is your opinion and others may have another. Whether Trump should have done it was his decision. Whether Joey should do it is his or his handlers and the OP is entitled to his opinion. But to stretch the truth to fit a narrative is wrong. Full stop.
You were, shall we say, bending the truth to fit your narrative. You claimed that we had to do a boycott years in advance.

I do not think I said it "had" to be done years in advanced, just that it was the best time to do it when the reason for doing it still exist. Perhaps had it happened 5 years ago China would have made some changes to keep the boycott from happening

My whole point is that it is hypocritical to whine about Biden not doing something that Trump did not do and there was no whining about Trump not doing it
I am and always have been against Olympic boycotts, all they do is punish the athletes that worked so hard to make it to the Olympics. As you are not defending Trump, I am not criticizing him, I am merely pointing out the rank hypocrisy of the OP.
The Olympics are not what they were anyway. Expensive beyond belief with massive TV contracts and endless commercials and they got woke also. Perhaps braking it down into smaller parts using facilities in different locations would help.
which is the time to do it before all the preparation and money and planning has taken place. The OP talks about getting the rest of the world to boycott with us...the time to do that is not 2 months before the start.

You are wrong. The US boycotted the 1980 Olympic games in Russia just months (not years) before the beginning of the games.

You are wrong. The US boycotted the 1980 Olympic games in Russia just months (not years) before the beginning of the games.


because the situation changed at that time. Nothing in China has changed. It is not a new problem like the Russian invasion was.
because the situation changed at that time. Nothing in China has changed. It is not a new problem like the Russian invasion was.

A million incarcerated Chinese whose only crime is what they believe. Forced sterilization, rape and torture of the prisoners.

Militarizing international waters in the China sea.

Bullying neighboring countries rather than seeking mutual agreement.

All are on-going problems not "old" problems.

Russia was given a deadline to "fix" the problem and the same should be done with China. Until changes are made we should refuse to participate in the games.

A million incarcerated Chinese whose only crime is what they believe. Forced sterilization, rape and torture of the prisoners.

Militarizing international waters in the China sea.

Bullying neighboring countries rather than seeking mutual agreement.

All are on-going problems not "old" problems.

Russia was given a deadline to "fix" the problem and the same should be done with China. Until changes are made we should refuse to participate in the games.


Too bad for you that no president agrees with you.

Personally I am against punishing athletes for things they did not do. When we did it before not a damn thing changed except people got fucked out of a lifetime of training.
This is making it's rounds on the news and I'm curious, how do you have a meeting with China, the source of covid, and never mention it? How do you claim to be for human rights or equity and never mention the possibility of skipping the Olympics over their slave labor and concentration camps? The entire free world should be banning their athletes from participating. Send a unified message instead of more orders for more garbage iPhones.

China sees dollar signs with the 1.2 trillion bill that just passed. They're eager to sell us the green technology technology they stole from us to fulfill the orders Bidens union thugs will need.

China owns us from the inside out. They hold the best cards. While the USA is too good to work and the red tape has almost fully saturated businesses short of Amazon types, and the govt. is twice as fucked as once before to the point they're almost completely dysfunctional. Meanwhile China can build bridges in a flash.

Xiden has been in the mix with Xi for over a decade. Don't expect any position short of China's benefit. In the meantime we can keep believing selling what others make purchased through monopolies makes for a prosperous economy & standard of living.
Too bad for you that no president agrees with you.

Personally I am against punishing athletes for things they did not do. When we did it before not a damn thing changed except people got fucked out of a lifetime of training.
Glad to know that your entertainment and a lousy medal is more important than human suffering and growing aggression.

An athlete's ability is often measured in time, distance, accuracy, points scored and weight, something that athletes can demonstrate in any venue, not just the Olympics. More subjective sports that rely on judging tend to be increasingly subject to outside influences:

China shouldn't be showcased in a positive way until they've shown a willingness to act in a more civilized manner.

And sadly there is one president who would agree with me, president Carter, a decent man but a lousy president.

Xi told poopy-pants that Chiba will invade Taiwan at the same time Putin takes Ukraine...
And he expects Bidento go to and stay at Camp David until it is all over....

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