So Can We "Hack" The Russian Election On Sunday?

Wouldn't it be a BLAST if we could mess with Vlad's reelection like he messed with ours? Uh, he didn't mess with ours, so no. Breaking into voter rolls is no different than hacking anything can look at the information, maybe copy it, but then what? To mess with a US voting machine, you need physical access to it like the democrats surely did in the Pittsburgh area last night. Putin has Sunday, the 4th anniversary of the Crimea invasion, in the bag. He got his main rival Alexei Navalny kicked off the ballot on a phony corruption charge. Strawberry farmer Pavel Grudinin and TV star Ksenia Sobcha are no he gets another 6 years, who cares? Below is a Russian ballot...notice it's a paper ballot like we are quickly returning to. We're going retro as fast as possible which our own communists hate....they'll have to rely on their standard registering illegals, cartoon characters, dead people and house pets to steal elections.

You actually expect Trump to do something to hurt Putin? I see you haven’t been paying attention how trump is Putin’s bitch and would do nothing to upset him.
You actually expect Trump to do something to hurt Putin? I see you haven’t been paying attention how trump is Putin’s bitch and would do nothing to upset him.

Putin can be a useful tool dealing with China and N.Korea, Africa....the only thing the Russians have going for them is they are mostly caucasian west of the Urals....WW3 will be a race point in the Ivans and us being on opposite sides of that now is there?
You actually expect Trump to do something to hurt Putin? I see you haven’t been paying attention how trump is Putin’s bitch and would do nothing to upset him.

Putin can be a useful tool dealing with China and N.Korea, Africa....the only thing the Russians have going for them is they are mostly caucasian west of the Urals....WW3 will be a race point in the Ivans and us being on opposite sides of that now is there?

They're mostly all White East of the Urals, also.

Those folks though just look like Eskimos

Hey listen, I don't give a shit what you belive, enjoy your stay in one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

I left that shithole for good 20 years ago and it's the best move I've ever made - it's NEVER going to get better because it's inhabited by dupes like you that are oblivious to all-permiating curruption right before your nose.

If Putin was not corrupt he and his oligarchs would not be exporting Russian wealth all over the world, while almost everything outside of their hometown Moscow looks like third world country.

If Putin was not corrupt he would allow and protect real media independence, even when it was against his political interest.

If Putin was not corrupt he would allow and cultivate a real political opposition and consequential elections.

If Putin was not corrupt he would institute limits on presidential terms and leave the office at once.
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Hey listen, I don't give a shit what you belive

Sorry, but for now, it's you who demonstrate unconfirmed faith. And I, just, the person not believing. I accept only evidence by facts.

Unlike you, I grew up in the USSR and I know perfectly well how authorities manipulate public consciousness. And today, the media in the West have reached such a level of arrogance and deception that even the USSR did not dream of.

Here, please, answer, when Trump accuses the American media of lying - who is lying. American media or Trump?
Hey listen, I don't give a shit what you belive

Sorry, but for now, it's you who demonstrate unconfirmed faith. And I, just, the person not believing. I accept only evidence by facts.

Unlike you, I grew up in the USSR and I know perfectly well how authorities manipulate public consciousness. And today, the media in the West have reached such a level of arrogance and deception that even the USSR did not dream of.

Here, please, answer, when Trump accuses the American media of lying - who is lying. American media or Trump?

I grew in the USSR and unlike you I actually live in the west.

Russia is the kind of place you would send someone to get a perspective of what REAL corruption looks like and how it is metastasized and gets normalized among otherwise not-stupid people.
Russia is the kind of place you would send someone to get a perspective of what REAL corruption looks like and how it metastasized and gets normalized.

In which year did you last stay in Russia for the longest time? :)
2008, but I still have relatives there.

Not as bad as I thought, but still 10 years have passed. For modern Russia this is a long time. I was an active oppositionist somewhere until 2010 :) And the peak of the opposition activity in the country was by 2012, after which it very sharply went almost to zero. This, I believe, should say a lot to those who know how to think :)

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